Judgement (The Twelve)

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Judgement (The Twelve) Page 15

by Jeff Ashcroft

  The world tilted under Chris’s feet as Coffee wove a strange pattern in the air. Claws never hit the ground, instead suddenly vanished with a loud pop only to re-appear next to Edge who held her upright. The Chosen One reached out and touched Claws neck and with another crack of bones, the injury healed but not without a painful scream coming from Claws mouth.

  Coffee shook with rage not pity, “I can’t afford to loose too many so soon! Edge; take care of her.”

  Chris continued to stride forward, Cougar tried to attack him, but he roared, “No more!” again and by sheer willpower swatted Cougar away like a troublesome fly. He sailed through the air to crash down through the glass roof of the zoo. As fate would have it, he landed in the leopard enclosure next to his injured twin Panther. Chris continued to stride towards Coffee. Sling fired off a steel ball directly at his left eye. Chris snatched his hat from his head and deflected the ball to one side which impacted with a nearby tree.

  “No more!” Chris roared.

  Slash staggered backwards swiping with both hands at something only he could see. Whatever it was had him scared witless. Shouting curses in a foreign tongue, he turned and ran back towards the protection of The Chosen One.

  Retch, having been given time to recover, spewed forth thousands of bugs from his mouth, directing them to devourer Chris who glared down at the advancing tide, and as he strode through them, they withered and died. Retch sent another and another wave of bugs to attack Chris, to stupid to see he was outmatched.

  Chris rubbed both hands together and blew. A flash fire of intense heat cremated the bugs in a second. The wall of super charged heat set Retches clothing on fire. Screaming, he lumbered across to fall face first into the lake.

  Shadow sprang at him, his fanged mouth open and ready to bite into Chris’s neck. Chris waited until he was almost upon him before lashing out with his hat. Instead of passing through Shadow, It struck him with a resounding slap across the face. One of his fangs snapping in two and splitting his lower lip open. Shadow recoiled in surprise and pain, tasting his own blood for the first time, instead of another.

  “I said No more!” Chris roared with fury.

  At last he stood face to face with Coffee, Edge stepped in to defend her, slicing both swords faster than the eye could follow to Chris’s face and body. Chris witnessed the blades descending in slow motion. He swayed first one way then the next, both blows missed by a hair. Chris thrust out his hand to Edge who flinched back as he prepared to take a blow in return. Instead Chris held a worn bracelet in his hand.

  “This belonged to your mother, your father and I want you to have it.” He explained.

  Coffee actually looked worried, as after a moments hesitation, Edge sheathed one sword and took the offered gift, he stepped away from Coffee and Chris as he examined the bracelet.

  Chris however took that moment to point a finger at the knife sticking out of Edges side. The blade pulled free of its own accord, healing instantly. Edge still holding onto the bracelet, stared down at the healed wound, the knife lying on the ground and back to the bracelet before looking back to stare at Chris.

  “Puzzled he asked, “You healed me?”

  Then Edge gently fingered his mother’s worthless but priceless bracelet, “This was my mothers?”

  Chris nodded leaving Edge to his thoughts. That left Coffee. Chris replaced his hat upon his head, squared it off and stared into her eyes.

  “This was a truce and you broke the unspoken bond that must not be broken. For that you will pay the price.”

  Coffee tried to regain her composure, “What price!” She started to raise a hand.

  Chris looked to Edge, “Today I wished to give my brother that which belongs to him. I have achieved that and now you will all leave this place.”

  The Dark, slowly gathered them selves around Coffee, both badly singed, Retch helped Screech across the grassed area to join with the others. She was about to answer when the sky turned dark and a low rumble echoed across the heavens.

  Chris stared at Coffee, “You broke the rules.”

  Coffee hesitated before laughing, “Whose rules yours or your pathetic God?”

  Priest stepped up to stand side by side with Chris, “It takes two to make rules, and I don’t think it’s God making all this noise.”

  Coffee smirked, “My Master doesn’t follow rules!”

  Anvil moved up to stand on the other side next to Chris as thunder blasted across the heavens followed by a flash of lightning. Chris realised it was the wrong way round and judging by the looks coming from the Dark, they realised it also.

  Anvil let his hammer thud down onto the grass, “Your master is the total opposite to ours. It follows everything else he does is the same.”

  Again a peal of thunder, followed by two lightning flashes, the storm was getting nearer.

  Chris looked to Edge, who was still staring at the necklace, “We shall meet again soon I think.”

  Coffee sneered, “We can end this now!”

  Panther and Cougar were the last to join The Dark, limping and dragging them selves over to stand behind Coffee. Priest looked to Retch who was nervously searching the sky, “When one side or the other breaks a rule agreed upon by the Creator and the Destroyer. That side will be punished by there own Master.”

  Retch gripped Coffees arm, “He’s right, we need to go now!”

  Edge seemed to recognise the danger they were in for the first time, “We need to leave!”

  Coffee screeched, “I am in charge here no one can….”

  A massive thunderous boom blasted down from directly above, followed instantly by a black edged bolt of red forked lightning that struck the area where The Dark stood. The blast wave forced those of the Twelve gathered to stagger away, hands protecting ear drums, eyes tightly closed. When they recovered there battered senses, The Dark had gone, leaving behind a massive burnt and blackened circle.

  Speed whistled, “They’ve been fried!”

  Priest shook his head, “No just removed from this location. I suspect they’ve been dumped down rather hard somewhere on the other side of the world.”

  Anvil strode over to glare down at his son, “Okay boy why did you give away that bracelet?”

  Chris offered a crooked smile, “You said it belonged to his mother. I just returned it.”

  Anvils face was turning bright red, he opened his mouth to speak but Chris interrupted him, “Unless you haven’t noticed some of our people are badly hurt.”

  Anvil paused with whatever he was going to say and took stock. First he saw the injured Speed blowing for tugs. He saw Rage standing upright but with a hand pressed to a heavily bleeding chest. He saw Priest rubbing blood from his eyes whilst his ears bleed. He saw Huntress examining her hand which looked badly swollen possibly fractured. Finally he saw Patch sitting on the ground holding her neck which was bleeding profusely.

  Chris also noticed her injury for the first time and was instantly at her side.

  “Here let me.”

  Carefully he removed her hand, replacing it with his own. For a moment nothing happened then there was a faint hiss followed by a puff of white smoke. Patch flinched as Chris gently removed his hand from her neck. He had quantized the wound, leaving an ugly burn which was slowly healing. Gingerly she touched the sealed wound and was surprised to find it did not hurt. Patch stared up Chris with more than affection in her eyes. Chris bent down and kissed the burn. In a few seconds it disappeared completely leaving behind beautiful skin. He kissed her neck again but lingered longer as he nuzzled her neck. Patch tried a grin, failed and instead kissed him on the lips.”I lost a lot of blood, yet I feel fine, more than fine. I feel amazing!”

  Chris nodded, “I gave you some of mine with each kiss.”

  Colour was returning to her face, “Are you the same blood group?”

  Chris smiled, “My blood is….special. You’ll be alright, in fact better than alright.”

  Anvil looked around at the carnage, “You
’re right this wasn’t the time or the place, we’re lucky no one was killed. Best we get back to base.”

  He closed his eyes for an instant, before snapping them open wide in surprise, “We appear to have a problem.”

  “What?” Chris asked looking up from Patches side.

  “That blast has closed the In Between place off from us.”

  Priest spat, “See! That black hearted Devil of there’s has to throw in a twist.”

  Heartless tried and failed, “Well why can’t God undo it then?”

  Priest shook his head, “They don’t attack each other directly. It’s another rule. He’s leaving it to us to fix.”

  At that very moment there came a multitude of raised voices from the childrens zoo area, followed by several uniformed police heading in there direction, “Oy you lot!” One shouted, pointing towards Anvil and the others.

  “Big problem, ” Priest shouted having seen the police. He was still partially deaf from Screech’s blast.

  “Shit!” was all Heartless offered, spitting blood on the ground.

  Speed was all done in and was being carried like a baby in Rages arms, blood was pouring down a wound across his back,” Never felt Panther cut me, the bastard!”

  The police were fast approaching and it didn’t go un-noticed by Chris that all had drawn there telescopic Asps.

  “Best let me do the talking,” he offered.

  “And hide your weapons.” He offered as an after thought.

  Slash retrieved the knife he’s thrown at Edge. He was quietly seething that Chris had healed him, “Speaking of weapons, any one seen Bulls Eye?”

  Chris closed his eyes for a moment, “He’s behind us, hiding in some bushes.”

  The problem was, how do you hide Rage or Anvils hammer, let alone all the knives that Patch and slash carried and how will he explain Heartlesses claws!

  The nearest police officers where ignoring the weapons as they stared in fear at Rage. One whispered to another, “You got the Taser?”

  Chapter Ten

  A sergeant thrust himself to the front. At first he started to shout angry questions that went unanswered. But it was Judgement who took control of the situation, ’with your consent?’

  Chris silently agreed, “What seems to be the problem Sergeant?” His voice had a mellow deep calmness about it.

  The Sergeant scowled at first then his face seemed to relax, “Bit early for Halloween?”

  “Fancy dress party, we’re going as Goth freaks.”

  The Sergeant nodded then stared at Rage, blinked and looked away, “Nice foam rubber suit but he must be boiling hot in it. Those fake arms are very lifelike. So are all those knives and that bloody big hammer. Good job they’re plastic. Couldn’t let you run around with real ones now could I” He laughed at his own joke.

  “Got a pillow up there?” he laughed again pointing to Rages hump.

  Rage started to growl but Speed slapped him on the shoulder.

  Chris was smiling, “You got it in one, nothing gets past you. So what seems to be the trouble officer?”

  The Sergeants face changed to a scowl, “Some bloody swine have slaughtered every single one of the childrens pets and all the other animals in the zoo.”

  Chris tut tutted, “I hope you catch them officer, such an absolutely terrible thing to happen. Don’t you agree father?” He asked in that same deep hypnotic tone.

  Bulls Eye who had approached them from behind, realised Chris was playing tricks with the police officers minds.

  Anvil didn’t reply until Bulls Eye kicked him gently in the shin, “What? Oh yes absolutely terrible.”

  One of the officers was eyeing Bulls Eyes guns, he slowly circling in from the left, “Those guns are they…”

  Chris’s voice again spoke clear and hypnotic, “Tell you what Sergeant. My father and I are very well off financially. We can send someone round tomorrow. If you get who ever is in charge of the zoo to draw up a list. We would gladly pay to re stock it.”

  The policeman who was moving in on Bulls Eye stopped and blinked, “Bloody hell, that’s a lovely gesture. Isn’t it Sergeant?”

  The Sergeant agreed, in fact he seemed un-usually choked up, almost in tears,” Damn good of you Mr…?”

  Chris answered for Anvil, “Can we remain anonymous, my fathers a quiet shy sort of man. The attention would only embarrass him. You know what I mean don’t you?”

  The Sergeant strode up, walking past a bleeding Priest as if he didn’t exist. He held out his hand towards Anvil, who with raised eye brows, took the offered hand and gave it a quick shake.

  “Okay lets let these good folk get off to there party. Bye the way did you see anything strange in the Park?”

  “I’ll bloody well say we did!” Heartless muttered.

  One of the other police officers seemed to notice him for the first time, “What was that?”

  Chris sighed and concentrated harder, “We had a fight with some monsters and they vanished into thin air.”

  The Sergeant stared at him for a second, before laughing. “Very good, thin air, yes very good. Sorry to sound cheeky but what time will your people be round in the morning?”

  Anvil fielded this one, “My representative will be a Mister Jennings of Starlight Security. In fact Mr Jennings is the managing director of the company. He can write a blank cheque for all the animals lost. In fact I was thinking of making a donation to expand and improve the zoo. I will tell Mister Jennings to add a few noughts onto the end of the sum. We must think of the kids.”

  The Sergeant tilted his flat cap back on his head. “That’s bloody good of you I must say, hang on, Starlight security! I’ve heard of them .They deal with most of our government buildings. They handle top security stuff all over the world. You know them how..?”

  Anvil tried a smile, “I own the company.”

  The sergeant pulled himself up straight. “Sorry to have bothered you sir. As a matter of fact, the reason I know so much about them is I’m due for retirement in six months, was thinking of applying. I used to be a Sergeant in the Irish Guards before joining the police. I know I’m nearly fifty but I’m fighting fit. Do you think…?.”

  Anvil smiled again, “I’ll tell Mister Jennings. We can always use a good man such as you. I’m sure our starting salary is will be about double what you currently earn.”

  Anvil thought the man was going to kiss him. Instead he straightened his cap, “Come on boys spread out and get on with searching the park. It’s obvious these good folk have nothing to do with it.” He half saluted Anvil, “Good day sir. Oh by the way the name is Peter Farthing.”

  Anvil found him self starting to return the salute but managed to stop his hand,” Name noted sergeant. “

  Huntress let out a quiet chuckle, then hissed on pain as she gripped her swollen hand tighter.

  Bulls Eye was tapping a hand against the butt of one gun, “Can we get the hell out of here?”

  He was holding what was left of his rifle in the other hand.

  Heartless pointed to the gun, “What..”

  Bulls Eye interrupted, “Bloody bitch broke my best weapon, nearly broke me as well.”

  Priests ears must have started to heal, “Don’t blaspheme. “ He ordered.

  They waited until the police had departed. Heartless spat blood onto the grass, “That damn African hunter! He got me with one of those steel balls, I think I’ve cracked a rib, possibly nicked a lung.” He spat another larger glob of blood onto the grass.

  Anvil looked around the group, “We need to get back to the warehouse and heal but it’ll be dangerous in normal time and space. Can’t anyone open up a way into the In Between?”

  No one could, Chris asked why it was dangerous to travel normally.

  Heartless answered, “The Dark may have been thrown half way across the globe but my guess is they can still use the In Between kid. If they’ve managed to get back from wherever they got blasted to, they can follow us back to the warehouse and we’ll never kn

  Rage who was still holding Speed grunted too, “Can we get a move on. I don’t feel too good. I think there must have been poison in those claws.”

  Huntress looked over to Chris, “Can you get us back into the In Between?”

  Judgement took over and tried with all his might. For a second he thought there was a small crack in the barrier placed before them, but when he tried to widen it, the crack snapped shut.

  “Can’t do it as the moment, I think I may run the risk of destroying the doorway to In Between.”


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