Judgement (The Twelve)

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Judgement (The Twelve) Page 17

by Jeff Ashcroft

  Jennings rose from behind his large walnut desk that was bare except for a laptop and telephone.

  “Mister Smith, very nice to see you again.”

  ‘Mister Smith, oh come on now!’ Chris thought

  Anvil shook his hand and introduced Chris as Mister Jones. Chris gave him a quick unbelievable sideways glance.

  If Jennings felt the same he didn’t show it on his poker faced expression. Chris noticed his smile didn’t reach those steel grey eyes. This guy looked every inch one hell of a tough nut. Jennings offered them a chair each and ordered tea for himself, coffee for Anvil and as per Chris’s request, a glass of coke.

  “It’s always a pleasure to see you Mister Smith.” He left the question unfinished. ‘What are you doing here?’

  Anvil smiled and crossed his legs, “How’s business?”

  “Doing very well actually, we have retained the twelve Government contracts you set up for the business. As well as the Twenty eight VIP body protection squads. We have thirty other assorted international contracts on the go with another four in the pipeline. I’ve just sealed a deal to protect one of the Libyan oil refineries. Do you want to see the company books?”

  Anvil smiled again, “No not interested, I trust you to make a profit and not rip me off. Otherwise you’d not be sitting in that chair. I hope you’ve given yourself a pay rise?”

  It was Jennings turn to smile, “Three actually.”

  Again Anvil smiled and outlined what he wanted him to do. Jennings listened carefully before excusing himself as he typed up a few short notes on his laptop.

  “Top expenditure figures?”

  Anvil shrugged, “Nothing un-reasonable. Enough to replace all missing stock plus say a fifteen percent add on.”

  He whispered to Chris, “Not bad for a Bronze Age blacksmith eh?”

  “Anything else I can do for you sir?” Jennings asked.

  “Actually can you ask your field agents to keep an eye out for any un-usual amount of missing persons again?”

  Jennings was one step ahead of him, “Actually I kept that request permanently running in the background since you formed this company. We have noted that over thirty percent of homeless people have vanished from Embankment near Waterloo Bridge. It’s strange but none have ever turned up.”

  Anvil nodded, “Thank you Mister Jennings, efficient as ever.”

  Jennings smiled, “I have to be with the money you’re paying me.”

  He typed in a command on his laptop, “Since we started looking four years ago. We’ve noticed four hot spots for missing people, London, Moscow, Brazil and Washington DC of all places. A staggering figure of One thousand six hundred and forty three people went missing and just vanished off the face of the earth. Washington DC has the highest percentage of forty nine point six. Out of them all only forty two ever turned up alive. The last one was from Washington again, a female Arabic translator. She was found badly mauled, as if a big cat had attacked her. The last I heard, she’s still in a coma. Is there something I should know about? Are you hunting serial killers for Interpol?”

  Anvil touched the side of his nose, “Need to know Mr Jennings.”

  For a second Chris thought Jennings was going to challenge Anvil, then thought better for it and nodded just the once. Anvil stood up which was the sign to Chris that they where leaving. Something in what Jennings had said seemed to set off an alarm bell in his head but it eluded him for the time being. Judgement wanted to ask a question.

  ‘Oh no keep quiet!’ Chris ordered.

  “Have there been any sighting of anything else out of the ordinary?” Judgements voice asked in that deep rich commanding voice.

  For once Jennings poker face flickered in surprise. Chris fought to take control and coughed, “Sorry the Coke went down the wrong way!”

  Jennings looked first to Anvil then back to Chris,” Actually there was one report but I dismissed it as rubbish.”

  Anvil sat back down and asked for a full report. Jennings told them both that one of his agents had spotted in the early hours, what appeared to be the outline of a female near a flight of concrete steps leading down to one of the locked entrances to the walkway that runs along under the road inside the bridge next to Embankment.

  “Naturally he thought this was strange and tried to investigate. The tide was out but the street lighting was very poor down there. When he managed to get himself in a position to see what she was up to. He thought he saw this woman turn into a cloud of black oily smoke which then disappeared through a small iron grill set in the support wall. Of course he’s one of my men, ex regiment, so naturally he dismissed this as a trick of the light. However upon closer inspection he found the entrance door still locked and bolted from the outside. The window grill had broken glass on the inside but thick rusty iron bars on the exterior. He reported it none the less.”

  Chris forced Judgement to remain quiet, “This man of yours is he still working?”

  Jennings raised an eyebrow ever so slightly, “Actually, Jackson that’s his name, is off sick, first time ever. I was going to visit him today. He sounds really ill accordingly to his doctor.”

  Chris leaned forward, “This sighting he made when was it?”

  “Two days ago and he went sick yesterday. Are you saying this is related in any way?”

  Anvil asked, “Any missing person reports in that area?”

  Jennings looked up from his laptop report,” One actually, not enough to trigger alarm bells but that was the reason Jackson was in the area.”

  Chris glanced towards his father, Anvil asked for the employees address. Jennings paused for a moment before giving it.

  Then asked, “You didn’t answer my question?” his voice suddenly hard.

  Anvil and Chris both stood, Anvil side tracked the question, “Oh there’s a police Sergeant stationed at the Park by Battersea. Name of Farthing, Peter Farthing, he’s due for retirement and I’d be obliged if you’d check him out and offer him employment if he passed all the checks. Seems a good dependable sort of chap, physically fit, says he was Irish Guards as an NCO before joining the police. Not as one of your front line jobs of course but say an equipment officer post with a good salary.”

  Jennings typed another few lines on his laptop before closing the lid and standing. “Are you planning on visiting Jackson right now?”

  Anvil paused at the door and looked at Chris who nodded,” Yes it appears we are.”

  Jennings walked round his desk, “I’ll drive you over there myself.”

  Anvil tried to stop him but Jennings wouldn’t hear of it.

  “Sorry Mr Smith, but you may be my boss and pay my salary, but this is one of my men and we go way back. If there’s something going on that requires you visiting him right away. I’m coming.”

  Anvil could see there was no way out of the situation and allowed Jennings to open the office door. Jennings led them down to the buildings underground car park and approached a black Range Rover.

  Anvil ran a hand over the body work,” Armoured?”

  Jennings was impressed, “yes it is. Normally people don’t notice that.”

  Anvil smiled, “I used to work with metal.”

  The drive took twenty five minutes as Jennings drove out of the city to a small quiet exclusive suburban area. The man called Jackson lived in a first floor two bedroom luxury apartment in a block of four. Jennings tried the intercom but got no reply.

  It was at that moment that Judgement kicked in full force, “Shades and one of The Dark!” he bellowed.

  Raising a hand he sent a blast of light that shattered the door lock and ran inside with Anvil close on his heals. Jennings was left struck dumb with shock, not sure what he’s just seen. Then the professional solder took over and he charged in after them, drawing a Glock model 21 pistol from a concealed shoulder holster.

  Judgement had already reached Jackson’s door. There was no need to force the lock, the door stood wide open. In he charged, down the short hallway and
into the first room on the right. It was the main bedroom and Jenkins was lying across the top of his double bed. A Shade stood off to the right but Judgements attention was fixed on the Dark known as Shadow. The semi transparent figure was leaning over the bed, one hand submerged in Jenkins skull. Chris noticed that Shadows mouth and fangs were now healed. The man was writhing in agony. Shadow’s head snapped round as Judgement entered. With a blubbering hiss, the Shade launched itself at Judgement, who sent it flying with a single thought. The Shade hit the wall and collapsed.

  “Leave him be!” Judgement ordered.

  Shadow glanced down at the writhing man and with a quick twist of his hand exploded the top half of Jackson’s skull.

  “He has told me all I need to know.” The creature whispered.

  Anvil was blocking the doorway. Shadow saw the only other means of exit and ran for the bedroom window.

  Jennings was there a moment later, gun out and pointing, ‘But pointing at what!’

  Judgement advanced a step, “You cannot be allowed to leave.” Strangely his voice was filled with sorrow.

  Shadow backed up a step, his figure becoming even more transparent, “I go where I please boy!”

  Suddenly Shadow sprang towards Anvil, running straight through the bed!

  Jennings fired without thinking. Three bullet holes appearing in the wall behind the creature, none had the slightest effect on it. Then he saw the Shade climbing to its feet over in the far right corner of the room. This thing looked more solid. He sent a double tap to its chest and a further shot to its forehead. The creature reeled back under the impact but the bullets didn’t contain holy water. The Shade wailed as it tried to charge past Judgement in order to get at and eat this human being. It made a mistake, the biggest mistake of its un-life. It forgot about Judgement and who he was.

  Judgement reached out with his right hand as it tried to pass him, his fist closing around its slimy neck.

  “Be Judged!”

  The thing tried to pull free but in the next instant exploded in an expanding cloud of hot fiery ash.

  By now Shadow had reached Anvil, intent on simply passing straight through him. Anvil reached for his hammer before suddenly realising he was in civilian clothes and weapon less. Well almost weapon less. Chris hadn’t noticed but Anvil was wearing several large steel rings on the fingers of both hands. He had forged these from the same metal that he had made his hammer from. He only wore these when forced to travel without his main weapon.

  Anvil shot out a straight handed left punch, followed with a right hook. Both blows landed! Shadow doubled over then flew back to land half across the bed, his body now more solid looking. Anvil rushed him but Shadow recovered and thrust out with both feet. Anvil was struck in the chest and not only flew backwards but crashed out through the glass window!

  Shadow struggled to his feet, with one side of his face obscenely crushed. Ignoring Judgement he tried again to make his escape. But two words stopped him in his tracks.

  “Be Judged!” Judgements voice boomed.

  “You cannot do this it is forbidden!” Shadow wailed.

  “The rules have changed. What must come to pass shall come to pass”

  Shadow tried to back out through the rear wall, forcing itself to become ghost like in shape but it found it could no longer control its appearance. In fact it was becoming more solid for the first time in his re-birth.

  “You cannot do this!”

  Judgement ignored him taking yet another step into the room, glancing towards the smashed window. Shadow took advantage of this and rushed the doorway at an unbelievable speed but Judgement was ready. With a blast of light he sent Shadow tumbling across the room. He rose and with his Will o the wisp flame, sent a ball of fire back in retalitation.

  The quilt on the end of the bed and the sideboard behind Chris burst into flames. Chris removed his hat and with one quick wave of freezing cold air, extinguished the flames. Shadows fire had not touched Chris at all.

  “Be Judged?” This time it was a question.

  “NO!” Shadow roared.

  The creature closed his eyes and commanded those that did his bidding. The dead body of Jackson jerked and started to rise up, “Attack!” Shadow commanded.

  Jennings who was in the doorway couldn’t believe his eyes as Jackson rushed round the bed towards the kid, “Shit what the fucks going on!”

  Judgement took his eyes off Shadow and reached out to Jennings and his gun. Laying his hand over the barrel, he whispered the word, “Blessed.”

  “Now use that gun on the dead.” He ordered.

  Jennings didn’t ask what was happening or what was going on. He just did what came naturally and opened fire with the Glock 21. The weapon wasn’t called ‘The big bore’ for nothing. It held thirteen big .45 rounds of ammo. The now ‘blessed’ weapon blasted into the ghoul that had been Jackson, cutting it in two.

  Shadow smiled and Chris knew why, he sensed more Shades arriving at the flats.

  “Jennings behind you” Chris warned him as best as possible but he couldn’t afford to ignore Shadow.

  Several more Shades appeared in the doorway, jamming themselves together as they tried to enter. Jennings brought up his weapon and fired. The first two rounds blew the head off the first Shade, its body disintegrating in hot ash right before his eyes. Two more rounds followed, blowing away the second and third Shades, which also exploded in ref hot ash. Jennings fired like his life was on the line which it was. The doorway was full of gun smoke, roaring discharges and exploding Shades.

  Chris couldn’t help but risk a glance towards Jennings. Shadow took advantage of the distraction and charged Judgement. Hooked claws raked across Judgements cheek before he sank massive fangs into Judgments left shoulder. Chris yelled as the pain from both wounds impacted upon him. Lashing out with his mind, Chris sent a wave of pure energy to heal his shoulder. Shadow still had his fangs clamped onto Chris and was blasted away blood coloured smoke pouring from a gaping mangled mouth.

  At the same moment, Anvil came bursting in through the flat door again. Jennings was in the act of reloading and the last three Shades were upon him. Anvil roaring an ancient battle cry gripped the nearest Shade by the neck. Anvil drew back his hand and punched the one he was trying to strangle twice in the face. With the impact of the second blow, the Shades head exploded. Anvil let go of the body as it started to turn to ash. Slammed another to the ground and brought his booted foot down on its chest, his foot crunched deep into the Shades chest cavity. With a single wail it joined the ever increasing cloud of ash. Jennings finished off the last Shade with three quick shots. Both Jennings and Anvil turned at the same time to see what was happening between Chris and Shadow.

  Chris was down on his knees, holding onto the end of the bed, blood pouring from a vicious wound to his neck and shoulder. Shadow was reeling back and forth clutching his ruined mouth.

  Chris had an image then as Shadows bite lifted the veil on memories that were not his. He saw himself as a Nubian mercenary. His heart filled with hatred, hatred, because the Egyptian army had butchered his Nubian family along with thousands of others. He saw the bodies of his wife, son and two daughters lying in pools of there own blood. They had caused no harm or evil to anyone, yet they had been butchered. He saw himself joining the mercenary ranks, learning the trade of killing, finding that he was a natural.

  He saw Anvil kneeling over a dying solders body on a battlefield, mistaking Anvil for one of his sworn enemies, the Egyptians. Back turned and defenceless, he stabbing Anvil but was amazed when the man ignored an otherwise mortal blow, turned on his knee and thrust a short sword deep into his guts. He bit Anvil like a mad dog before collapsing in shock. He lay on the brick of death and watched this warrior bring the dying solder back to life. His last thought was that this was a miracle then with the taste of Anvils blood on his lips, he died. Only to be re-born! Confused he fought clear of the battlefield. Leaving the war behind, he staggered off into the desert. That ni
ght a stranger found him huddled upon the cold sand. The man had strange short pointed ears, stood well over six foot tall and moved like a cat. He said his people were called the Ellish and lived by way of magic. His people knew them as Genies. The Ellish explained that he had been re-born with his enemy’s blood in his mouth so that he would know him again in the future. His new life was to serve a dark master. From that moment on his soul belonged to the Devil. Strangely, images of his family filled Chris’s mind.

  Chris struggled upright as Anvil moved past him towards Shadow, “No leave him be.”

  Anvil hesitated but obeyed. Chris clutched his wound as he staggered around the bed to stand just in front of Shadow. A weak pulsating flame burned in the centre of his chest. Chris reached out and before Anvil could stop him, touched the flame.


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