Ruby's Fantasy

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Ruby's Fantasy Page 12

by Cathleen Ross

  ‘Everything okay, Ruby?’ Jake called out.

  Ruby locked the shop door, pulled down the roller shutter and stormed over to the back of the shop. ‘Just what did you do last night?’

  Jake’s eyebrows raised. He’d unbuttoned his shirt showing his washboard stomach, the top button of his jeans was already undone. ‘You don’t recall? Want me to refresh your memory?’

  Ruby resisted the urge to grab him by the hand and pull him upstairs to her bedroom. ‘Jake, I’m serious. That stripper, Nessa, from Abe’s club was just here. She had a message for you.’

  ‘Why didn’t you call me?’

  ‘I wasn’t afraid and I wanted to talk to her. She knows something. I’m confused because she said she was with you last night. I know she’s lying because you were with me.’

  Jake averted his gaze just for an instant.


  ‘I went to Abe’s club to talk to Nessa after you were asleep. Called up Ghost to mind you while I was out.’

  ‘Whoa. Wait a minute. Ghost watched me while I slept? That’s creepy. You’re not still in the army.’ A wave of anger rose up and she gritted her teeth.

  Jake moved towards her, backed her up against the wall, put one arm around her waist and the other above her head. His gaze wore a possessive, predatory look. ‘Let me get one thing straight. No one looks at you while you sleep except me. Ghost, I trust with my life. He stayed downstairs to make sure no one tried to enter the premises while I was gone. I gave you my word. I mind you twenty-four seven until I’ve resolved this situation. If I can’t be there, Ghost replaces me, no one else.’

  Ruby felt a pulse beat in her throat. She took in a long, slow breath. ‘Sorry, this whole situation is getting to me. I don’t do well under tension. I need peace and quiet in my life like I get at home.’

  ‘And you’ll get your life back. I promise, I’ll do anything in my power to make you happy.’ His hand moved from the wall above her head and stroked her cheek. He moved his face forward, closed his eyes and nuzzled her until little shivers rippled down her neck.

  Jake smelled of clean sweat and spice. Just the scent of him eased the tension. She reached up and grabbed his hand from above her head and gave it a squeeze. ‘Nessa had a message for you. She won’t give out information on a man called Peter Smithers.’

  ‘It was enough that she confirmed the name last night. That was all I needed. I emailed his photo through to my copper mate.’ Jake’s eyes glittered.

  ‘You’re on it like you promised.’

  ‘And the nest is getting too hot for the rats. Peter Smithers is a client who pays a fortune for Nessa to lap dance for him.’

  Disgust made her whole body go rigid. ‘Nessa said Emerald had sex with him, but that doesn’t make sense. My twin doesn’t like sleazy men. She’s impulsive but she doesn’t jump into bed with just anyone. Something frightened her and she left.’

  ‘Come upstairs. You’re pale. You need a drink and some food.’ Jake straightened and rolled his shoulders back as if easing tension. He took her by the hand and pulled her towards the stairs.

  Holding on with relief, Ruby did as he asked. ‘I have to find out what’s going on. I can’t stand the not knowing. I think that’s what is getting to me.’ She trudged up the stairs in front of Jake. Despite him organising things before telling her, which irritated her, she was glad of his help. Jake had a way of stirring the pot, unsettling people so they talked. It wasn’t her way, but it worked and for that she was relieved.

  Even though it was her kitchen, Jake pulled out a chair, motioned for her to sit before walking to the refrigerator.

  ‘Wait a minute. I should be looking after you. You must be tired if you went out late last night to talk to Nessa.’ Unable to contain herself, Ruby let out a huge yawn even though she’d slept well, which she covered with her hand.

  ‘I’m trained to withstand long hours without sleep. Believe me, when I know you’re safe, I’ll chill out and take you on a holiday.’

  ‘Do I get a say in where I’m going?’

  ‘No.’ He waggled his eyebrows. ‘It’ll be a naked holiday.’

  ‘Idiot!’ Taking the weight off her feet, she sat feeling the tension ease from her bones. No man had ever looked after her. She’d learnt to have no expectations of men, her last relationship no more than a mutual friendship born out of convenience. Yet Jake was different. Intense. Demanding. Vehement. Always the same, a rocket load of high, octane energy. For the first time, she realised she liked the consistency, the depth and passion of him.

  He cut up some cheese and put it on some biscuits, brought the plate over and put it in front of her. ‘You’re staring. Care to share your thoughts?’

  ‘I wasn’t thinking much.’ She wasn’t ready to share her feelings for him. They were too new, hatching like a newborn chick.

  His gaze swept over her, observing, assessing and his lips softened. He took out a cool bottle of white wine, poured some into two glasses and gave her one before taking a seat. ‘Last night, after you went to sleep I watched the surveillance tapes of Abe’s club. It took some time but I saw Tattoo Face enter with Peter Smithers. I think he works for Smithers as his bodyguard. I mentioned downstairs that I sent both men’s photos to my mate who works for Kings Cross police up the road. My copper mate rang me back when you were in the front of the shop. Smithers wasn’t charged, but a woman was threatened and he was a suspect.’

  ‘What happened?’ Ruby’s hand moved to her throat.

  ‘The police report said a man threatened a young woman but no charges were laid and the girl left town. Last night, John, the bouncer, mentioned something similar happened in Abe’s club to one of the lap dancers some time ago. He saw Tattoo Face talking to her. The girl looked frightened and left her job at the club soon after.’

  ‘So there’s a pattern going on here,’ Ruby said.

  ‘Seems to be.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’ She picked up a cracker and cheese, bit into it.

  ‘Because you had that panic attack last night.’ He topped up her wine. ‘You don’t need the stress.’

  Ruby put her glass down on the kitchen table with a harsh clink. ‘Just wait a moment. Since when don’t I get a say in this? This isn’t even your issue. You don’t even know my sister.’

  Jake reached across the table and patted her on the hand. ‘Your worries are mine because until I get your twin back you’re only half with me. I want all of you.’

  She narrowed her eyes and removed her hand. ‘If that’s what you want then you have to treat me like an equal, not like some precious little thing who needs protecting. When you learn something, when you make a decision, I expect you to tell me before you act.’

  ‘And you have to learn to trust me,’ he countered, ‘because I want your heart.’

  Jake moved too fast, too soon. She was just starting to confide in him. ‘What if I can’t give you that?’ she asked with a tremor in her voice. She’d only known him three days and though his intensity thrilled her, it was unnerving, too.

  ‘I can’t do with anything less. You know that.’

  ‘I told you when Emerald comes back I have to go home. My business is there, my clients, my home.’

  ‘Don’t cling to that as an excuse.’ Jake stood, walked to her side of the table, pulled up a chair and sat. He put his arm around her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. ‘I intend to find a way to make sure that we can be together. It’s a two hour drive to Blackheath, not an impossible distance. It’s not like you’re on the other side of the country.’

  Ruby took a long breath in to steady herself. How could Jake be so certain about everything? She wanted to believe that her life could change, that it could include a relationship which was safe and happy. That it was possible to find a partner who she could trust and rely upon.

  ‘You okay?’ His gaze darted protectively over her, assessing, measuring.

  ‘I don’t believe in the happy-ever-after endi
ng. It’s for other people.’

  ‘Your happy ending is going to be with me.’ He put his hand over her heart and she was sure it was pattering in response.

  Caught by the intensity of his gaze, she felt herself melting. No one had ever tried as hard to do so much for her. She wasn’t used to it. ‘You really care about me?’

  ‘What makes it so difficult for you to believe that you’re worth caring for?’

  Because no one except Emerald ever had. She was about to answer when Jake’s phone buzzed. He picked it up from the table and looked at it. ‘Good news.’

  ‘What?’ she asked.

  ‘The police have picked up Tattoo Face. They need you to come down to the police station and confirm he is the man who smashed in your window.’

  Ruby sucked in a large breath. The image of Tattoo Face standing with a knife flashed before her eyes. Spots appeared around her vision as her heart raced into overtime.

  ‘Ruby, don’t panic,’ Jake ordered her, putting his hands on her shoulders and turning her to face him. ‘Look at me.’

  Her throat seemed to be closing over, like it had last night.

  ‘Take deep breaths, exhale longer breaths,’ he ordered.

  She did as he asked, her chest rising and falling as she tried not to fall into the black hole of panic. She followed his example sucking in another deep breath, and exhaling slowly. Staring up into his face, she saw the depth of his feelings for her and for the first time, she breathed it in letting his essence inside her.

  ‘I need to warn you. It’s not like on those cop shows. There won’t be a screen. You’ll have to walk past men holding a number, but I’ll be with you.’

  ‘So he’ll see me naming him?’ The ground seemed to open up in front of her and she swore she’d fall in.

  ‘I won’t leave your side,’ Jake reassured her. ‘Breathe, sweetheart.’ He took in deep breaths and she copied him.

  ‘What if he seeks retribution?’

  He gave her a grim smile. ‘I won’t let him. My copper mate is interrogating him at the moment. We served in the army together and I saved his life. He owes me big time, so I’ll have access to Tattoo Face if I need it.’

  ‘Is that legal?’

  ‘This is The Cross. The police here have a history of doing things their own way to get results. I promise you on my life, Ruby, that man will not be bothering you anymore.’

  ‘That’s a big promise to make.’

  There was cool steel in his blue eyes, a hardness she’d rarely seen before when he was with her. ‘It’s one I intend to keep.’

  He’d lay his life down for her. Ruby went into his arms and hugged him tight, her head against his chest. Just the smell of him, soap and man, helped calm her nerves. In the short time she’d known him, Jake had followed through on everything he said. In fact, she’d never met anyone who was so precise about detail as him. No wonder the army had suited him. His big hands wrapped around hers in a silent communion of trust and she realised she was breathing normally again despite what was ahead of her. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Pack an overnight bag.’

  ‘What? Why?’ she asked surprised by the jump in direction.

  ‘You need fresh air and I’m going to get you out of the seediness of The Cross once we’ve finished at the station. It’s time you saw just how great Sydney can be, plus I promised you a day on the harbour tomorrow.’

  ‘You trying to entice me to stay?’

  Jake pulled her to her feet. ‘I want you to see where I live. I want you in my world.’

  Whoa. Back up. Ruby pulled away from him. ‘Jake. You have to stop doing this.’

  He clasped her to him and wouldn’t let her back away. ‘Doing what?’

  ‘Making life decisions for me. I have a home. I’ve made that clear. I can’t just pull up roots. It’s not that easy.’

  ‘No, Ruby, you’ve made a retreat for yourself and you wouldn’t have ventured out of the mountains if it weren’t for this trouble with Emerald. I’m going to show you that there’s more to life than hiding away in the mountains.’

  Was that true? She’d never thought about her life in those terms. All she’d thought about was getting away from her dysfunctional home when she was young. If it hadn’t been for a scholarship she’d never have been able to afford university at Bathurst in the country.

  Snatching her hands from his, she walked back and forth trying to cool down. Drat him. She stopped and glared at him. ‘I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I’ve had to work for everything and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. I’m twenty-four, I have a degree, my own business, a share in this one and worked my butt off to buy a small cottage in Blackheath. That wasn’t easy to do by myself, so if you think I’m some type of simpering gold digger who is going to come in and be overwhelmed by your wealth, forget it. I’m not.’

  Jake tried to put his arms around her but Ruby butted her hands up against his chest.

  ‘Listen, Ruby, don’t get mad. You’re wonderful. Sexy, smart, brave, but how do you know there isn’t more unless you experience what else is out there? You’ve been subsisting at survival level your whole life.’

  ‘Subsisting? Damn it, Jake. How dare you? I told you, I’ve done everything myself. I live in my own house. I don’t call that subsisting.’

  ‘It’s time to step out and show you my life. I want you to be part of it. No matter how prickly you get, I’m not backing off.’

  ‘Prickly? I’m not prickly. You can be so arrogant sometimes.’

  Jake raised one eyebrow in an infuriating manner.

  Resisting an urge to stamp her foot, she pinned him with her gaze. ‘Listen here, I don’t want to get used to something I can’t afford and I certainly don’t want to be dependent on a man.’

  ‘So you’re afraid to even go and look?’

  ‘Of course I’m not.’

  ‘Good. Go pack an overnight bag.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘We have to be at the station in five minutes.’

  Turning her back on him, she marched to her bedroom and threw a few things into her bag. From Jake’s multi-millionaire’s perspective, she would look like she was subsisting, but she was proud she’d bought her own place and had an income.

  Jake was way out of her league, a trust fund kid who thought big. She got it. Sure he was generous, protective and sexy as hell. If it hadn’t been for him, the last few days would have been a nightmare, but he needed to learn—she was not going to give up her independence. She’d earned it the hard way. Unlike some other women she knew, she didn’t expect a man to be her meal ticket. After all this time she enjoyed working, interacting with clients and building a business from the ground up. It had been a long hard road, but she was happy with her achievement and she wasn’t giving it up for a man. Jake was not for her, not long term. The trouble was, she had no idea how she was going to give him up, except by going back home.

  Jake waited while Ruby packed. He’d blasted lightning onto dry wood and Ruby had flared, but he needed to prepare her for his lifestyle in the Eastern Suburbs. He wasn’t going to let her pride build a wall between them, but the woman was skittish, determined to fly back to Blackheath before she had a chance to see if she enjoyed other parts of Sydney. Too determined to hang on to her hard-won freedom and had built a shell around herself which made it difficult to explore that they had something together.

  When she came out of her bedroom wearing the skin-tight pants she’d had on the other night and a layered, black top that silhouetted her figure, her gaze held a bruised expression.

  His heart stirred. There was no way he’d give up on her.

  He strode over and took her overnight bag from her and slung it over his shoulder. The black she wore made him suspect she was going for an anonymous look rather than sexy, but with her long blonde hair curling loose over her shoulders and her large sky-blue eyes, she was a man magnet. He wanted to introduce this wonderful, intelligent woman to his friends and have her by his side.

p; He saw that her light pink lipstick was slightly smudged as if she’d put it on in a rush and her face pale from nerves. For a country girl, she’d taken on a lot over the past few days and she needed a break, which was what he intended to give her. Her whole idea of Sydney was The Cross and he wanted to show her the beautiful harbour beaches, take her out to his favourite restaurant on the water at Rose Bay and spoil her. She couldn’t appreciate what she didn’t know. But she would. She’d have to because after Remmy died, he couldn’t bear to lose the best thing that had happened to him since he’d left the army.

  He noticed Ruby hunting in her handbag. ‘I can’t find my phone. I’ve been looking for it all day.’

  ‘You left it at my place last night. It’s on the coffee table. We have to go through my place to get to my car on the way back from the police station, so we’ll pick it up then.’

  ‘How do you remember small things like that?’

  ‘I notice detail. Like you’re worried.’ He put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. Her body felt stiff and unyielding, almost fragile. He couldn’t wait until he got the identification process out of the way. Ruby deserved better than mucking around in the seamy underbelly of The Cross. She had no idea of the spell she’d cast over him.

  ‘How can you tell how I feel?’

  He reached over and touched her left ear. ‘You’ve forgotten to put in your other earring. You don’t normally do that.’

  Touching her ear, her blue eyes widened. ‘So I have. My brain’s so scattered. I can’t think straight.’

  ‘This shouldn’t take us long and then it’s chill out time.’

  She walked back into her bedroom to get the other earring. On returning she asked, ‘Is there anything you don’t observe?’

  He shrugged. ‘I’ve always had that skill. Kept me alive in Afghanistan. Saved the lives of my men, too, which is lucky because I’m about to call in the favour when I talk to my ex army copper mate.’ With his brother in a different battalion he’d hadn’t been able to keep his eye on him all the time.


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