Hot Boss: An Office Romance

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Hot Boss: An Office Romance Page 4

by Charlize Starr

  It had been an eventful day, and I left work with mixed feelings. I didn’t know what I felt about him anymore. The only thing I did know was I was dead exhausted!

  Chapter 7 - Michael

  Meg had the worst timing. I’d spent the day trying to keep my distance from Aria, to resist her and not think about sleeping with her, and now Meg had walked into my office, shoving our relationship in Aria’s face. Not that it was much of a relationship.

  Meg and I had known each other for a few years. That is to say, she was my ‘fuck-buddy,’ for lack of a better term. Our relationship worked. I spent the night with her when I had nobody else to spend it with, and she didn’t care if I didn’t call her back. However, lately, it seemed like she was developing new ideas. She’d been dropping into my office more often than before.

  That night, when Aria kicked me out of her apartment, I’d gone to Meg.

  “Your new secretary thinks she’s running the place,” Meg commented after Aria left the room. I looked up at her and breathed in sharply.

  “She’s doing a good job,” I said, and Meg rolled her eyes.

  “She’s been here a day. Give her a few weeks and she’ll be full of complaints just like the others. Trust me. I know, Michael . . . You are not the easiest person to please,” Meg leaned over my desk, making sure I could see the deep cleavage revealed by her sexy dress.

  It was true. Meg was sexy. I had no feelings for her, though. I didn’t know what feelings were. I’d never felt a connection with any woman I slept with.

  Aria, on the other hand, made me anxious. I decided it was because we hadn’t had sex. Because I was so close to having her and she’d yanked herself away from me. I was sure that if we slept together, I would feel the same towards her that I did towards the others.

  “What do you want, Meg?” I asked, leaning back in my chair. I had had a busy day. I was exhausted. I wanted to go back to my penthouse and think about what I was going to do with Aria. I wasn’t in the mood for Meg.

  “I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop by. Why should I always have to want something? Unless you have something in mind. We’ve never done it in your office before.” Meg’s voice sizzled as she looked at me, biting her plump lower lip.

  I clenched my jaws and stood up. “I’m busy. You should have called me first,” I snapped, but my bad mood didn’t seem to faze Meg. She just followed me with her eyes as I walked away from the desk.

  “Well, I’m here now, and there’s only one way you can get rid of me,” Meg said, and when I turned to look at her, she was sliding the straps of her dress down her arms.

  I sighed. “I don’t have time for this. I have drinks with clients at seven,” I said, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my pants.

  “It won’t take time,” Meg urged me and slid her dress lower down. She wasn’t wearing a bra. I could feel a movement in my pants.

  “Mr. Sole, you have a delivery . . . ” It was Aria’s voice behind me. She’d opened the door and stopped mid-sentence.

  Meg was standing next to my desk with her dress halfway down her body. She shrieked.

  When I looked at Aria, I saw that her face had gone white.

  “Leave. Now!” I growled at her, and she shut the door. I could hear her hurried footsteps rushing away.

  Meg was pulling her dress back up again. “See what I mean? She doesn’t even fucking knock before coming into your office!” Meg was furious and embarrassed. Her cheeks were red, and I couldn’t help but smile. It was hilarious to me that I’d managed to embarrass two women at once without actually doing anything.

  “Come on . . . Meg!” I was laughing as she ran a hand through her hair.

  “Whatever, Michael. You just don’t see it, do you? She did it on purpose! She hated me from the moment she set eyes on me!” Meg screeched and I shook my head.

  “You are overreacting.” I tried to reason with her, but I still couldn’t stop smiling. Meg was already at the door.

  “Your secretary just saw me naked and you don’t even bat an eyelid! Fuck you, Michael Sole! I shouldn’t have come here!”

  Meg was gone within moments, and I stood in my office shaking my head. Yes, she shouldn’t have come. Maybe this would teach her a lesson and she might just leave me alone while I was working.

  I sat down at my desk again, thinking about Aria. Was Meg right? Had Aria walked into my office on purpose? Was she suspicious of my relationship with Meg? Why would she be? Was she jealous?

  I was grinning as I thought of her. Of the possibility that Aria might be battling her desire for me. I wondered if she regretted not sleeping with me when she had the chance to.

  I closed my eyes and imagined her naked body again. How warm she was pressed up against me, her sweet small mouth and the way she trembled when my fingers traveled down her belly to her pussy. She was gorgeous and self-conscious. The perfect combination to make me want her more. I couldn’t wait to see her again the next morning. To see the way she avoided my eyes. I enjoyed how nervous I made her, how eager she was to please me and do a good job.

  Whoever had hired her as my secretary—probably Mrs. Rafferty, I thought – deserved a fucking raise.

  Chapter 8 - Aria

  I was on my way to work the next day when Clara called me.

  “How was your first day?” she asked, and the image of Meg in Michael’s office with her dress down popped up in my head.

  “Clara, I have something to tell you. You won’t believe it, but it’s true,” I replied. She could hear the nervousness in my voice.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay for now. Remember that guy from Friday night? The one you said I don’t have to worry about since I won’t see him again? That was Michael Sole. My boss,” I replied, waiting for the screeching sound of surprise I knew Clara was going to make.

  “Oh, my God!” she screeched, just as predicted.

  “Yeah, I don’t know what to do,” I said, rushing to make it to the office before Michael got there.

  “What can you do? Has he like . . . acknowledged what happened?”

  “Yes, extremely openly. It’s all a big joke to him. I think he thinks, now that I work for him, we can pick up where we left off,” I told her. The office building was in sight now, and I didn’t have much time to talk to her.

  “What has he done?”

  “I don’t know . . . nothing in particular. Just the way he looks at me, the way he talks to me. He’s so hot and cold. One minute he’s flirting, and the next minute he’s snapping at me and making me feel incompetent,” I complained.

  Clara clucked her tongue. “I’m sorry, honey. I wish you’d called me last night so we could talk about it. Are you going to stay on? Do you think you should quit?” she asked.

  “No way!” I’d replied too quickly.

  “Why not? How are you going to get any work done with that history hanging over both your heads?” she asked. “I mean, you said he’s seen you naked,” she added in a conspiratorial whisper.

  I gulped. He had seen me naked. He’d seen me at my most vulnerable.

  “I can’t give up. This is the best job I’ve ever had. Maybe, in time, he’ll forget,” I tried, but Clara seemed unconvinced.

  “Men like him don’t just forget”

  I sighed. I knew she was right. “The word in the office is that he’s a well-known womanizer. I saw a woman – this girl, last night – she walked into his office, and I knew what they were going to do.” I couldn’t get the words out. I couldn’t tell Clara what I saw. I felt the need to defend Michael for some reason.

  Clara breathed deeply. “Aria, you should reconsider this job. Staying there is going to mess with your head. Unless . . . you want something with him. Do you?”

  “No!” I snapped. “That is out of the question. He’s an arrogant womanizing workaholic. It would never work. Besides, all he wants from me is sex. Another conquest. I don’t want to be one of those women to him,” I added.

  I was at the door of the building now.

  “Exactly, which is why . . . ” Clara was saying something, but I cut her off.

  “I have to go now, honey. I’ll talk to you after work,” I said and ended the call.

  I hurried into the building. I was one of the first people to arrive. Even Rebecca wasn’t at her desk yet.

  I prepared Michael’s coffee just the way he liked it, and when I took it to his office, I saw he hadn’t arrived yet. I touched his chair, breathed in the lingering scent of his cologne. I couldn’t help imagining Meg in that room with him. What were they up to? Did he go through with it? Did he sleep with her? I knew it was wrong of me to barge into his office without knocking. I didn’t know what I was thinking. It seemed like I’d lost my mind there for a minute. I was driven by curiosity to know what he and Meg were doing.

  I stepped away from his chair. This was highly inappropriate. To be in his office alone, to look at and touch his things.

  The door opened and Michael stepped in. There was a look of surprise in his eyes, and I felt too tongue-tied to speak.

  “I . . . I was just bringing in your coffee, Mr. Sole,” I said quickly as he shut the door gently behind him.

  He said nothing, but his eyes roamed all over me. I moved away from his desk as he walked towards it. I was nervous.

  “What would you like for your breakfast?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

  He sat down at his desk, switched on his computer, and finally looked up at me. “Aria, let me make one thing very clear to you,” he began in a firm, commanding voice. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my belly. There was a darkened expression on his face. I could see that he was about to say something that would shame me.

  “You are my secretary. Regardless of whatever happened between us or whatever might happen in the future, your position in this company will not change,” he continued. The back of my neck was burning up. I dropped my gaze to my feet and nodded. “So, the next time you have something to tell me, knock before you enter my office. Do you understand?” I heard his deep growling voice. I looked up to meet his eyes and nodded.

  “I’ve eaten at home. I won’t be needing breakfast. Clear out my inbox for now,” he commanded and looked away from me.

  “Yes, Mr. Sole,” I said meekly and left his office.

  I rushed to my desk and sat down. He’d put me in my place. He made it very clear to me that I was nothing more than an employee to him.

  What did he mean by what might happen in the future? What plans did he have for me? Did he really think we were going to sleep together despite the way he was behaving with me?

  My hands shook as I turned on my computer and accessed his emails.


  My task was to clear out all the ‘read’ and unimportant emails from Michael’s inbox and send official responses to those that didn’t need his input. It should have been an easy enough task, except that I found a bunch of older emails that I couldn’t resist opening. It was against protocol. They were in his personal folder. I should have stuck to the official ones, but I couldn’t help myself. I was snooping.

  Dear Mike,

  When will you visit us again? Spring Green is lovely now that the weather has cleared up. Your dad has planted new flowers in the garden and I’ve been tending to the tomatoes in the greenhouse.

  Your sister, Amy, is doing well after the baby, and she’s been asking for you. Jordan should see his dear uncle more often.

  Your dad read your name in the papers recently. Something about a charitable donation you made to a cancer fund. We want you to know, Mike, that we are all very proud of you and we cannot wait to see you soon.

  With love,


  I’d heard of Spring Green. It was a small town in the mid-West, not too far from Chicago. Was that where Michael had grown up? From the sound of that email, it seemed like he was close to his family. I hadn’t pictured him as a family man – someone who was close to his parents. I scrolled down to read his reply.

  Dear Mom,

  I see Amy’s shown you how to use email. It’s great that you can write to me now! I’m sorry I haven’t been able to call as often this year. I’ve been swamped with work.

  I can’t wait to see dad’s flowers and sample some of your beautiful tomatoes. You are right. Jordan should grow up knowing his uncle. I promise I will visit Spring Green soon, and I will see him and shower him with the gifts and love he deserves.

  I cannot give you a date for my visit yet, but it will be soon. Give my love to Dad and Amy.

  Keep some love for yourself,

  Your son, Mike

  I tried to read that email in his voice, but I just couldn’t imagine it. I couldn’t fathom that it was the same man who’d written this email — the one who had been in my apartment, seducing me. The one who had just snapped at me and reminded me of my menial place in his company.

  There was another more recent email that I clicked open. This one was from his sister, who I now knew was called Amy.

  The email had an attachment of her son Jordan’s photograph.

  Hi Mike,

  Here is a picture of Jordan, just like you asked. Don’t you think he has your eyes? I see some of the dad in him, too. Boyd is so hilariously upset that our son looks nothing like his side of the family.

  He’s learning to crawl, Mike. Our little boy is growing up. Can you imagine? I’m a mom now. You’re an uncle. How much has changed since those days you chased me around the house after I destroyed your Lego buildings.

  You are up in Chicago now, in a fancy office. You seem to be conquering the world! And I’m here, looking after a little human and hoping that he grows up to become even half the man his uncle is.

  You make us all very proud, Mike. But we miss you.

  With love,


  My breath was caught in my throat as I read that email and read it again. Was she talking about the same man I knew? The cold-hearted, shrewd, sex-driven man sitting there in his office a few feet away from me? What was I missing?

  Michael had replied to the email within the hour of receiving it.

  Hi Amy,

  Isn’t he just a handsome little fellow! Yes, he looks just like me. Thankfully, nothing like Boyd.

  I only kid. You know I like him. You couldn’t have married a better man.

  Yes, so much has changed for us. I know you guys are proud of me, but I also know you think I work too hard. I want you to know that you all mean the world to me, and even if I don’t see you often, you are always in my thoughts.

  Amy, please promise me that if you or Jordan ever need anything, you won’t hesitate to ask me. All of this wealth and success that I’ve amassed will be for nothing if I can’t help the family.

  Look after Mom and Dad. I know I don’t.

  See you soon,


  I was breathing hard. None of this made any sense to me. It seemed like they were two different people. The man I knew as Michael Sol, and the man who was writing these emails. So, there was an actual human soul underneath that suit after all!

  I felt flushed and breathless after reading those emails. I was seeing a different side to him, which he purposely kept hidden from people in Chicago. Why? Was he concerned about his image? Did he think it would make him seem less of a man if he showed a softer side to the world?

  I wasn’t sure of what to think. How to feel about him. He frightened me, he shamed me, and at the same time, I knew I was attracted to him. I wanted him. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Every waking moment since I first met him was filled with thoughts of him.

  The intercom buzzed and I answered. My voice was shaky.

  “Aria, please come into my office.” His firm, deep voice snapped me back to reality.

  “Yes, Mr. Sole,” I stammered, stopping myself in time from using his first name.


  Michael was standing at his desk when I entered, on another call. This time, I’d made s
ure to knock before I stepped in. I stood close to the door, my hands clasped tightly together, trying not to look at him.

  Was I seeing him in a different light today? Did his features really look softer? He was in a smart navy suit with a red tie. His dark hair was brushed back as always, cleanly shaven against his sparkling, deathly green eyes. He put down the phone and looked at me. There was a smile spreading on his handsome face, overpowering me. I tried not to fall under his spell again. I tried to remember how rude he’d been to me less than an hour ago.

  “I was on the phone with Liam Bloom,” he said. I knew the name because I’d arranged for a meeting for the two of them the previous afternoon.

  “Oh,” I said meekly, not sure why he was telling me that.

  “You’ve picked a good spot for us to meet. So, well done,” Michael continued, walking slowly around his desk. I’d done some research and found the fanciest cocktail bar in town and reserved a table for them. I tried not to blush as he walked towards me.

  “I hope you have a successful meeting this evening, Mr. Sole,” I dared to say as he stopped in front of me.

  “You can look at me while we speak, Aria. I’m not going to burn you. At least I hope not,” he remarked with a grin on his face. I had to force myself to meet his eyes. It was a difficult thing for me to do because his sister and mother’s words kept whirling around in my head. They were proud of him. He was a good son and a good brother.

  “That’s more like it,” he said when our eyes met. “You should call that bar and make sure the table is for three people, not two,” he added.

  “Of course, Mr. Sole. Will someone else be joining you?” I asked out of turn. I didn’t need to know who would be attending the meeting. My job was only to set it up and facilitate it.

  “Yes. You,” he replied, and the smile didn’t leave his face.

  “Me?” I couldn’t hide the surprise from my voice.

  “Yes, you, Aria. Mr. Bloom is an important potential client, and I hope to make a good impression on him. I’m also aware of his taste for pretty women, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to put in an effort to bag him,” Michael explained.


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