What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3

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What James Did: The Accidental Time Travellers-Book 3 Page 13

by Marc James

  “What the hell is going on?” Clint asked.

  “Where is everyone?” Scarlett asked.

  Jane looked at Faraday in the hope that he might be able to explain things.

  “Look at the statue.”

  Jane and Scarlett both let out gasps of horror as they saw that the Monument had been replaced by the statue of Hitler. “It must have been because they tried to save Bobby.” Jane reasoned.

  “How could that change who won the war?” Scarlett asked.

  “They must have gotten hold of the generator, maybe Hitler did what Abaddon did.” Faraday reasoned.

  “So what do we do?” Scarlett asked.

  “I think we need to go to the condo in Dallas.” Faraday advised glancing towards Jane.

  Jane frowned. “How would that help?”

  “That’s where they would have gone if they made it out.” Faraday answered, removing the generator from his pocket.

  “No! We are not doing this again!” Jane snapped.

  “Mum if the Nazis won the war then we will probably be killed if we stay!” Scarlett protested.

  “I agree.” Faraday announced.

  “Jane, I don’t think we have a choice.” Clint interjected.

  Jane gave Faraday the dirtiest look he had ever seen. He ignored it and entered 0:00, 22nd November, 1963.

  “There must be another way.” Jane spoke hopefully.

  “Jane we both know that there’s not.” Faraday replied.

  After a few minutes, the light appeared.

  “Clint you go first.” Faraday instructed. Clint did as he was told and stepped into the light. Jane stepped through it next without even glancing at Faraday. Scarlett followed suit and Faraday went through last.

  When they appeared in the condo, it had changed beyond all recognition. The windows were covered with Nazi flags. A portrait of Hitler hung above the TV. The couches were covered in Swastikas, and the carpet was bright red.

  “This can’t be Bobby’s.” Faraday announced.

  Nobody replied, they could hear voices in the hallway.

  “Isn’t that...” Faraday began.

  “Kennedy.” Jane interrupted.

  As the living room door opened, both Jack and Bobby Kennedy entered the room.

  Chapter 38

  As Chase left and headed back through the forest, Bonnie, Sarah and Will, were sat almost in complete silence. The only sounds that could be heard were the sound of each of them crying, and the sound of Nazi gunfire that seemed to be getting closer with each passing moment.

  Sarah rose to her feet and didn’t know who she should tend to. She had been lucky and the only wounds she had were minor cuts and scrapes from crashing the car. She gazed over at Bonnie and saw how desperately upset she was. Her hand was grasping a cigarette and shaking violently.

  She instead chose to go to Will first. As she approached him the sound of his groaning seemed to be getting louder. She crouched over him, he had his eyes scrunched shut.

  “How are you feeling?” Sarah asked, feeling ridiculous for asking such a stupid question.

  Will opened his eyes slowly, he looked as though he was in incredible pain. “I don’t think I’m going to make it.” He mumbled.

  “Hang in there, when Chase gets back with the others we can get you straight to the hospital.”

  “There’s no use, I’m done for.”

  “Don’t say that, you can’t give up hope now.”

  Will groaned. “I gave up hope a long time ago.”

  Sarah watched as he closed his eyes again, and she walked over to Bonnie. Bonnie was caked in blood and she sounded as though she was struggling to breathe due to how much she had been crying. Sarah sat down on the log beside her, unsure as to what she should say.

  “You threw him from the car.” Bonnie said.

  “I had to Bonnie, we all would have died if I hadn’t.”

  “You killed him and threw him from the car. We were trying to help you.” Bonnie’s voice was not one of anger, but one of great sadness and overwhelming dread.

  “I’m so sorry Bonnie.”

  Bonnie did not reply, she took a pull on her cigarette and just stared at the grass.

  Chapter 39

  Jacob opened his eyes and stared up at the dark sky above the trees, the sound of thunder filled the air and the smell of death was inescapable. He put his hand to his forehead and looked at it, it was covered in blood. His whole body ached and he was soaking wet. He managed to sit up, feeling slightly dizzy as he did so. To his right a little further into the forest he saw Bobby.

  He struggled up to his feet, swaying slightly, and moved in Bobby’s direction. He knelt over Bobby, he was not bleeding but he was unconscious. Jacob slapped Bobby in the face and chuckled, he did it a couple more times before Bobby began to stir. When he did open his eyes, he looked very confused.

  “Good morning.” Jacob smirked.

  Bobby put his hand around Jacob’s neck and tried to strangle him, Jacob quickly punched him in the stomach. “I just saved your life!” Jacob snapped.

  Bobby could hardly breathe after the punch to his stomach, but it dawned on him that Jacob was telling the truth. “Why did you come here?” Bobby managed.

  “Revenge.” Jacob said coldly.

  “You could have left me to die, wouldn’t that have been revenge enough?”

  Jacob chuckled. “I do not seek revenge against you Bobby.”

  He stood up straight and helped Bobby up to his feet.

  “Do you know where my cane is?”

  “No.” Jacob replied. Bobby put his arm around Jacob’s shoulder and limped alongside him.

  “I never thought you would be the one to save me.”

  “You and me both.” Jacob replied.

  “So who are you trying to anger?”

  “Abaddon. He sold me out.”

  “Well, you had that coming.”

  Jacob threw Bobby to the ground. “Do you want to die?” He spoke coldly.

  Bobby looked up at Jacob, those dead eyes were boring into him. “No.” Bobby replied softly.

  “Well watch your mouth! I can leave you here.”

  “I’m sorry, I need your help.” Bobby replied begrudgingly.

  Jacob chuckled. “Would you help me?”

  Bobby stared back at him blankly, he knew if the roles were reversed then he would leave Jacob to die.

  “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Jacob smirked and helped Bobby up to his feet, they continued through the forest and Bobby saw the golden eagle. “That’s my cane.” He said pointing towards it. Jacob made his way towards it, before tossing it in Bobby’s direction.

  They continued a little further and heard a gunshot, followed by a man shouting something in German.

  Jacob ran ahead into the forest, Bobby tried to pick up his pace, but his hip was still extremely painful, another shot was fired and it was close this time. Bobby was sure he had felt it fly past him. He tried to run, but his hip gave out and he fell to the ground. He attempted to get back up, but the wet mud caused him to slip, stopping him in his tracks.

  He could hear footsteps coming towards him, he turned onto his back and saw the Nazi pointing the gun at him. As soon as Bobby had seen him, the man was shot in the chest twice.

  “Bobby!” Chase almost shouted in surprise.

  “Thank God.” Bobby replied.

  Chase helped him up to his feet. “Are you okay?”

  “Well, I’m alive.” They both headed back in the direction that Chase had come from. “Are the others okay?” Bobby asked.

  “No, Edward was shot, Clyde was shot, they are both dead as far as I can tell. Will was shot and he doesn’t look good, I don’t know where Jacob is. Bonnie can’t walk, but Sarah seems okay.”

  “Jacob is fine, he ran when the Nazi appeared.”

  “Coward.” Chase snapped.

  “He saved me, I wouldn’t have helped him.” Bobby replied in Jacob’s defence.

  “He’s only doin
g it to spite Abaddon.”

  “He told me.” Bobby acknowledged. “What happened to David and Faraday?”

  “David is dead, Faraday saved me and Sarah, and then he was going to save you. But Jacob showed up and told him he had to kill Abaddon.”

  “Pair of scumbags.” Bobby spat.

  “Faraday didn’t know what Abaddon was going to do.”

  “I’m sure he had a fair idea. He was working with Jacob when you went to Cuba. He doesn’t care about us.”

  They both stopped in their tracks as they heard someone walking towards them. Jacob appeared from behind a tree.

  He laughed as he saw Bobby and Chase together. “You’re still alive.”

  “Chase came back for me.” Bobby replied.

  “Chase what have I told you? If you looked out for yourself, you might have a chance with her.” Jacob laughed again.

  “What is he talking about?”

  Chase raised the gun towards Jacob.

  “I could kill you right now Jacob, no one even knows you are alive.” He snapped.

  “But you won’t.” Jacob chuckled.

  They heard more gunshots nearby. “We had better move.” Bobby advised.

  “The others are just behind those trees, there’s a clearing up ahead.”

  The three of them moved quickly, Bobby’s hip was burning with every step he took. The atmosphere between Chase and Jacob was tense. Another shot was fired, it hit a tree just ahead of them.

  “Jacob, go and tell Bonnie to get the wormhole generator ready.” Chase instructed.

  “Okay boss.” Jacob sprinted ahead whilst Chase walked at Bobby’s pace. They could hear dogs barking and shouting coming from the direction of the oncoming troops.

  When they reached the others, Sarah ran towards Bobby and gave him a hug.

  “Thanks for coming to get me.” Bobby managed.

  She went to walk away, but Bobby grabbed her arm and kissed her, when she returned it he could not believe it was happening. After so many years, he had finally found someone who liked him and was not a member of his family.

  Chase blushed as he saw them kissing, he stormed over to Bonnie, and Jacob who was smirking.

  “Fuck you!” He snapped at Jacob.

  “I did tell you.” Jacob chuckled.

  Chase ignored the taunts and focussed on Bonnie.

  “Is it ready?”

  “Almost, Jacob said to go to November 22nd, 1963, 1505 Elm Street.” Bonnie replied, wincing in pain as she spoke.

  “Great. Let’s do it.”

  Chase turned and saw that Bobby and Sarah were walking hand in hand towards them. He took the opportunity to go and check on Will who was still lying on the grass.

  As Chase approached him, he could hardly believe how ill he looked, there was no colour in his face and blood was still oozing from his shoulder, the fabric Chase had tied over the wound had done nothing to stop the bleeding.

  “Will, how are you feeling?” Chase felt ridiculous for even asking the question.

  Will looked up at Chase, he didn’t seem to recognise him. “I feel cold.” He whispered.

  “Can you stand?” Chase asked.

  Will shook his head. “No, I’m dying.” Will replied. “Did Bobby make it?”

  Chase looked back, and again saw the two of them holding hands. “He made it.” Chase confirmed.

  “Good.” Will murmured, his eyes glazed over and his heart stopped.

  Chase stared at Will, he felt for a pulse but he was gone. Chase closed Will’s eyes and stared at him for a moment. He had never considered Will a friend, but having come so far in an attempted escape from Auschwitz he couldn’t help but feel proud of the man. His first field mission had been with Will, and Will had been through a hell of a lot in his life. “Rest in peace Will.” Chase spoke sadly.

  He stood up straight and went back to the others.

  “He’s dead.” Chase announced.

  Bonnie just stared at the ground, she looked broken.

  “Son of a bitch.” Bobby snapped.

  Sarah said nothing, and Jacob didn’t even acknowledge the news.

  “Is it ready?” Chase asked Bonnie.

  Before she could reply the sound of gunfire drew nearer. The light appeared in front of them.

  Sarah nudged Bobby into the light and followed him.

  Jacob smiled at Chase, but before either of them could go through, Bonnie spoke.

  “Please kill me.”

  “You’ll be okay.” Chase reassured her. The barking of the dogs was drawing ever closer.

  “I can’t walk and I have no one left. Kill me.”

  “No.” Chase replied. “You’ll be fine.”

  “Just do it.” Jacob instructed.

  Chase looked at Jacob in astonishment. “You have no morals do you?”

  “It’s what she wants, look at her for Christ’s sake!”

  The sound of gunfire was very close now. Jacob grabbed the gun from Chase and pushed him into the light. He pointed the gun at Bonnie’s head.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you Bonnie.”

  She said nothing, she just stared at the ground.

  He pulled the trigger and went towards the light. As the machine guns fired all around him, he saw a shot hit the wormhole generator and the light started to flicker. He ran into it and arrived at the condo.

  Chapter 40

  “Are you here to kill us?” Jack Kennedy asked.

  Faraday was confused. “This is my friend’s home. His name is Bobby Stinson.”

  “Never heard of him, what’s that accent?” Jack replied.


  “Why are you in my apartment?”

  “Your apartment?” Jane asked.

  “Yes, my apartment.”

  “We are from the future, my mother and father were good friends of yours. Something happened that seems to have created some parallel world where the Nazis won the war.” Scarlett spoke quickly.

  Neither of the brothers looked at all surprised. “So you are the idiots that did this?” Bobby Kennedy spoke angrily.

  “What?” Jane asked.

  “Is that it? Is that the device?” He asked aggressively.

  Faraday handed the generator to him. Bobby dropped it to the ground and stamped on it repeatedly until it was unrecognisable.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Faraday yelled.

  “What you should have done!” Bobby snapped.

  “So we are stuck here.” Jane said, unable to hide the emotion in her voice.

  “Take a seat, we need to talk.” Jack demanded.

  Clint, Scarlett, Jane and Faraday squeezed onto one couch while both Kennedy brothers sat on the other.

  “We were warned that this might happen.” Jack began. “We have a close friend who has managed to infiltrate the Nazi Party, he met a man named Edward Teller.”

  “So he’s alive?” Faraday interrupted.

  Jack shook his head. “Not anymore, no. He was kidnapped when you and your friends broke into Auschwitz and he was forced to build them one of those devices. At that time the technology didn’t exist to create a portable one, it was a much larger machine.

  He told our contact that a group of you came back to this year and tried to stop someone killing me, he said that I was President of the United States. Is that true?”

  “Yes, that was me, my husband James Faraday, and two other men who are not with us.” Jane answered.

  Both of the Kennedy’s looked amazed at the confirmation of this. “He told our contact that you failed, but that you successfully managed to expose my killers, and then as a result of that my brother Bobby here, became President.”

  “That’s right, we were actually quite close with you.” Faraday said looking towards Bobby as if that would suddenly jog his memory.

  “He told us that you betrayed my brother, and that our contact, a man named Abaddon Wolf, became President. He used the device to bring back weapons from the future and blow half the wor
ld to hell!”

  “Your contact is Abaddon Wolf?” Jane asked in amazement.

  “That’s right. He also sent a friend of yours to Auschwitz, you then tried to save him and allowed the scientist to develop the hydrogen bomb and a time machine for the Nazis, winning them the war.”

  “Well, that actually wasn’t us, we were in the future. We lived in Scotland and suddenly everything changed. The Wallace Monument had become a statue of Adolf Hitler.” Jane replied.

  “He told us where we should buy this apartment to build for the revolution and that one day you would all show up.” Bobby stated.

  “He told you to buy this place?” Scarlett asked.

  “Yes.” Jack replied.

  “Sorry, you said a revolution?” Faraday asked.

  “Yes, groups are forming all over the world. We need to cut off the head, and the beast will be overwhelmed by the uprising.” Jack stated.

  “You mean Hitler?” Faraday asked.

  “Precisely.” Jack continued.

  “So how are you going to do it?”

  “Well, you happen to have arrived on the very day that the assassination is to take place. He will be visiting Dallas today. When his Mercedes Benz drives through Hitler Plaza, we will kill him.” Jack declared. “We will then set up a new government and around the world other countries will do the same. We will destroy that device and this will all be over.”

  Jane looked at Faraday, he could do nothing but look back in amazement. “Where is Hitler Plaza?” She eventually asked.

  “It is just up the street.” Bobby answered.

  Again Faraday and Jane could do nothing but stare at one another.

  “Who is killing him?” Clint interjected.

  “A young man whom I believe you also know, Lee Harvey Oswald.” Jack replied.

  “This is insane.” Jane muttered.

  “Where is he shooting from?” Faraday asked.

  “The Hitler Youth Book Depository.” Bobby advised. “He got a job there recently as a clerk.”

  “Unbelievable.” Faraday muttered.

  The room was silent until the front door of the condo was thrown open and Abaddon Wolf entered the living room.


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