Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2 Page 9

by K. D. Friedrich

  "This isn't a boat. It's a damn toy." Winter frowned. The vessel couldn't have been more than twenty-five feet long and fitted with a small outboard motor. It did have a cuddy cabin, at least.

  "Change." Tristan ordered Jax.

  Jax shifted in an instant. "Shit, it's gonna be tighter than I thought."

  "Yeah, especially if you stay as a big-ass lion." Tristan shook his head.

  Jax growled. "I'm freezing my balls off. Magic me some clothes? Or you'll be cuddling up to my lion for the ride home." Jax shivered as a harsh blast of ice and snow whisked past them.

  Winter smiled and with a simple wave, a jacket and thick pants appeared on his body.

  He looked at the leather jacket. "Nice." He beamed. "Where do you guys get these things? Is this designer?"

  "It's really easy magic. I—"

  Tristan groaned. "Can you finish your lesson later? Before I get shot."

  Tristan held out his hand and helped Cassie and the child on board. Winter hopped on next and then Jax.

  With them all on the boat, Tristan pressed his palm to the console, closed his eyes, and the engine roared to life.

  "You witches are some lucky bastards. I should mate one of you. I'd never have car trouble again. Know any single ladies of the witch persuasion?" Jax waggled his brows.

  A deep growl tore through the night. "Unhook the tie," Tristan ordered. "Make yourself useful, instead, of flirting with my mate." He pushed past Jax, positioning himself by the controls. Winter rolled her eyes.

  "I'm not your mate." The second the last word left her mouth a series of bullets whizzed past them.

  "Shit," Jax shouted. The cat hurried to remove the rope tying the boat to the dock.

  The rough bay rocked the boat back and forth. Water sloshed up on one side and then the other. The vessel bounced as they slammed through the choppy water.

  Water sprayed up from every direction, wetting her hair and face. She turned to find the shore no longer in sight. Blackness swallowed them. The only light glowed from a distant fire still burning from the place that held them prisoner.

  Winter breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "I don't think they’re following us."

  No sooner than the words left her mouth, another boat shot out of the darkness right at them. Gunfire erupted. Slightly bigger, the craft came up next to them, fast.

  Tristan jerked back. "Fuck," he shouted. "Winter, get them in the cuddy cabin now." She didn't argue and ushered Cassie and Olivia in the lower section, but returned the moment they were safely below.

  "What the fuck are you doing out here? Go down with the others before you get yourself killed."

  She shook her head. "I'm staying."

  His muscles tensed at her defiance. She sensed his undeniable need to keep her safe. Being an alpha made him far more protective than the average shifter, she understood this.

  He couldn't simply turn those instincts off because she said so, but he also needed to understand that she, too, had an alpha's heart, and her need to defend those she cared for was fierce. He'd learn soon enough that his domineering attitude needed to stop. She'd been taking care of herself without him for ten years now, damn it. She didn't need his help. She needed his respect and she'd get it one way or another.

  He growled and spun away from her. The wolf wasn't a fool. He knew he wasn't going to win this battle of wills right now. Besides, there were far more important issues that needed attention, like getting their asses the hell out of there.

  "Shit, Tristan, you're bleeding like a sieve," Jax shouted. The words snapped her out of her deep thoughts. "Slow down a little. I'm going to take care of these fuckers."

  Winter rocked violently to one side as the boat made a sharp turn. She clung to a nearby seat to avoid being tossed into the bay.

  Tristan eased off the throttle. When they were in close enough, Jax leaped off the bow, shifting into his lion in midair, his clothes ripped off him in an explosion of material. His enormous paws landed on the other boat with a loud thud. In seconds, he took out the man driving the boat.

  Then spun and sliced his claws through the man with the gun. He tossed them from the boat, one by one, with his large powerful jaws. The bodies hit the choppy water hard, disappearing into the blackness. The third man jumped from the shadows with a gun. Jax was on him in an instant. They struggled, but Jax's strength overpowered the human. Soon, he, too, ended up in the icy bay.

  "Shit, we got incoming," Jax shouted from across the water.

  A second enemy boat whizzed past them, took a sharp turn, and blocked their path. Tristan veered out of the way, nearly hitting the vessel's side.

  Back in human form, Jax came out of nowhere, maneuvering the ship he'd commandeered straight for the enemy boat. Seconds before impact, Jax shifted into his cat and leaped into the water. The crash echoed across the dark night. Both twisted boats sank into the dark depths.

  Tristan spun back, searching for Jax in the water. Harsh waves and pelting sleet made visibility difficult. Tristan slowed down. Winter scanned the water. She sensed Jax's fear and determination. Suddenly, a lion's head popped up from the water. His eyes glowed in the darkness. Jax fought against the current.

  "Over there!" Winter pointed to the left. Tristan edged toward Jax. Winter leaned over the side. "Shift back. Take my hand."

  Jax shifted to his human form. He reached for her, caught her forearm, and let her help him get on board.

  Breathless and shivering, Jax fell back onto the seat.

  "You're going to freeze to death." With a wave of Tristan's hand, pants and a shirt appeared in a flash, covering Jax's body. "Go below," he ordered.

  Jax didn't argue. He lumbered into the cabin below.

  Winter zeroed in on Tristan's wound. He didn't bother hiding his pain from her. She'd feel it anyway through her gift. She plopped down in the seat beside him and reached for the blood-soaked sleeve.

  He growled, yanked his arm back, and focused on the water ahead. "Go in the cabin before you get hypothermia," Tristan grumbled.

  "Again, with the orders." She rolled her eyes. "Stop being an infant and let me see the damage." She reached for him and again he wrenched his arm out of her grip. He winced assuring her the slight action hurt.

  "I've had worse. You should go in the cabin."

  She shook her head. "You're bleeding like crazy. At this rate, you'll bleed out before we reach shore."

  He shrugged. "It's nothing a Band-Aid won't cure. They just clipped me."

  A Band-Aid. Seriously?

  "Jax," Winter shouted.

  Jax popped his head out of the cabin. "What's up, sweetheart?"

  Tristan glared at the cat's endearment.

  "Did you know he was bleeding this much?"

  "If I say yes, will you hurt me?"

  She scowled. "Get your ass out here and steer the boat. I need to take care of him before he passes out."

  "But it's freezing out there." Jax pouted.

  Wind whipped around her damp hair. A shiver threatened to roll up her body. She didn't blame the cat's reluctance. Shifters might run around with a warmer body temperature, but no supernatural was immune to freezing icy temperatures and blizzard-like conditions. She snapped her fingers, and in a flash, a heavy down full-length coat appeared on Jax's large frame. The slight use of power weakened her, but she ignored the weariness. "Get out here now, you big baby."

  "You're a woman to mate." Jax gave her a bow.

  She smiled. "You're welcome."

  Wrapped in his new coat, Jax strutted out onto the deck wearing a huge grin. Winter held back a chuckle at his smug expression. Tristan didn't smile. In fact, if looks could kill, Jax would already be buried.

  "Please get up. I better do as she says. I don't want her to put a whammy on me."

  "I'm a witch, too, remember," Tristan countered.

  "Something tells me her punishment would be worse than yours. She scares me."

  Jax plopped in the captain's seat the second Tristan got up.
  "Coward." Tristan growled.

  "Tristan MacGlenn, get your ass in that cabin now." Goddess help me, they were like a bunch of toddlers.

  Without warning, Tristan flashed her one of his sexiest grins. The kind of grin that made her toes curl and her girl parts weep. "If you insist," he drawled.

  With her hands clutched at her sides, Winter took a deep breath. Resisting his charm was going to be tough, but she had years of training and determination on her side.

  She followed behind Tristan after he brushed past her, trying to ignore the way his perfect ass moved with each calculated step. The man had one fine derriere. She wasn't usually an ass admirer, but when confronted with such perfection, what's a girl to do? It drew the eye, damn it. She couldn't look away.

  Determined to shake off the lust rattling her, she tore her eyes from his rear only to be confronted with the rest of him. Goddess, she was in so much trouble.

  Energy continued to radiate off him in sexy waves. His power crashed over her with the same turbulent energy of the storm raging outside. How his magic remained strong, after all they've been through, was a true testament to the degree of strength the man possessed and if that fact didn't make her girl parts all tingly.

  Chapter 11

  With his large body tucked into the tiny space, there wasn't much room to move about without brushing past Winter. Not that Tristan minded. He would suffer through a lot more for the chance to touch her. After a decade without his mate, he was thrilled just to have her close.

  Even though the bitter cold penetrated the vessel's exterior, the walls kept away the wind and sleet, making the small cabin a far better alternative than being outside. He glanced at the woman and child now in his care.

  They sat huddled on the back edge of the cabin mattress, shaking with fear. The human stared at him with wide frightened eyes. Even though he had helped them escape, she didn't yet trust him. He didn't blame her, she had been through hell. He sensed the pup’s mistrust as well. Young, yet, predatory eyes watched his every move.

  He hated to see a woman and pup afraid, especially of him. All alphas were ingrained to protect, wolves even more so. They were natural pack animals, created to defend those weaker than them. His instincts demanded he calm them. At the moment, they were his pack and he always took care of his own.

  "Are you well?" he asked the human female.

  "Yes, thanks to you and your friends."

  He inclined his head accepting her gratitude.

  "When we get back to the vampire lord's estate, we'll help find you and the child a place to stay and notify any family that—"

  "No family. I'm…we're all we have."

  He reached over slowly and cupped her hand that held the blanket tight. "On my honor, you and the young will be protected."

  She gripped his hand before letting it go. "Thank you."

  Cassie hugged Olivia tighter. She may not be her biological mother, but she was the only mother the cub knew.

  Tristan rested his palm on the pup's little head. She flinched and growled, but quickly settled. The child's eyes slid shut as he let his strength flow into her. Olivia whined and then rubbed his hand with her forehead. Her ringlets covered most of her face, although he noticed her contented smile peek through the strands.

  Tristan grinned. Cute pup. He dropped his hand away and turned to Winter.

  "Take off this shirt," Winter ordered.

  Her demand made his cock swell. Tristan was never turned on by bossy women, but he couldn't deny Winter's command made him horny as hell.

  He lifted a brow before he leaned in close and whispered in Winter's ear, "You've been dying to say that to me, haven't you?"

  Cassie chuckled. Olivia covered her head with the blanket as if anticipating punishment.

  Winter tried to hide her reaction. Yet, his shifter senses smelled her arousal, the scent so fucking sweet.

  "Stifle yourself and let me see that wound. Once a horndog, always a horndog," she mumbled.

  With a laugh, he shrugged out of his jacket. "Were did you learn all these colorful words? You were never so creative before." He tried to hide his agony the movement caused him. Her frown assured him that she saw right through his attempt.

  "Years of being the only woman in a room full of men will enhance any woman's language."

  A deep growl filled the cabin. What the hell does she mean being in a room full of men? Furious at her admission, he began to tug the shirt up over his head. Not caring of the pain each move caused him.

  "What are you doing? Stop that. You'll just aggravate the wound." Winter grabbed the shirt and ripped the blood-drenched material down the middle like a pro.

  "You've done this before?" He eyed her with suspicion. Winter ignored his question.

  "Why didn't you use magic to get rid of your jacket? Why suffer pulling it over the wound?"

  "Too much power. Not enough…strength." Their gazes locked.

  Jesus, he hated to admit how weak he felt. With his adrenaline settling, the loss of blood, and the fatigue of the last few days, all he wanted to do was pull Winter into the curve of his body and sleep.

  She tsked. "I could have used a spell to—"

  Lifting his hand, he cupped her cheek. God how he missed the softness of her skin. His thumb brushed the edge of her full lip. "I sense your weariness, Win. I can suffer a slight sting."

  She shied away from his touch and focused on her task. The burn of her withdrawal stung way more than the bullet lodged in his biceps.

  She bit her lip as she inspected the bloody area, concentration narrowed her brow. Her examination remained gentle, yet thorough. If he didn't know better, he'd say she eyed his wound like a seasoned medic.

  She shook her head. "Damn it. The bullet is still in there. It has to come out." Most women would have cringed at the idea of prying a bullet from a man's arm. Not Winter, the confidence in her gaze impressed him.

  He groaned. "I was afraid of that."

  Werewolves healed much faster than humans. The bleeding had already slowed down. By daybreak, the wound would have closed over, locking the bullet inside him.

  "We need to do it now. The wound is already healing."

  Not wanting to have to get the thing surgically removed later, he nodded, giving her the okay.

  His gaze followed her petite, curvy frame as she fumbled around the small cabin. She hadn't grown much taller since he last saw her. Her childlike stature remained just as he remembered.

  However small, she was all women. Her hips, ass, and breasts had filled out to feminine perfection. Add on top of that her attitude and power, and no man would ever mistake her for a child.

  "What do we have here?" Hidden under the bench seat's lid, she pulled out a metal toolbox. She opened the top and grinned. "Perfect," she exclaimed holding up a fillet knife. She waved her hand over the blade. The metal glowed for a second, but quickly faded. "One sterilized bullet extractor."

  When he saw her falter, his heart sunk. He stood to help her. She held up her hand and brought him to an immediate halt. "I'll be fine."

  He wasn't the only one exhausted. The magic Winter used to help them escape, and the lifeless place in which they were held, had weakened her too. She needed rest. As her mate, he hated that he couldn't give her what she needed.

  "Winter." He didn't bother to hide the concern in his voice.

  Flashing a faint smile, she said, "Give me a second."

  He sat back down even though every instinct told him to go to her. Something in her eyes assured him, she didn't want to be coddled. His mate had grown strong and independent, and he needed to accept those qualities in her.

  She held onto the wall a moment longer, took a few quick breaths, and once recovered, reached for a box hanging above the doorway. A layer of grime covered the outside of the small case, making Tristan wonder if the contents would cause more harm than good.

  "What the hell is that thing?" he asked.

  "It's a first aid kit."

  "Are you sure?"

  She chuckled. "Never thought I'd see you fear anything."

  "What I fear is getting gangrene and losing my damn arm. I doubt those items are sterile." Shifters rarely got infections, but the aged medical tape and gauze might cause a rare occurrence.

  "Stop being a baby."

  She plopped down on the cushion beside Tristan. After a quick examination of the wound, she tossed a couple of packets of antibiotic ointment that probably expired about twenty years ago next to him.

  "I might be better off leaving the bullet in there. I'm pretty sure the expiration dates on those items are long past due."

  Winter rolled her eyes. "Don't be a baby. Infections are rare…remember. I've never seen a shifter get one."

  "Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it can't happen."

  Winter frowned. He couldn't help but smile at the tinge of annoyance darkening her beautiful eyes.

  She lifted the knife. Shit, it's going to hurt like a bitch.

  Tristan clenched his fists as the blade began to cut into his wound. Winter didn't flinch. She did her task faster than any of the trained guards he had working for his pack, prying the bullet from his shoulder with little fuss. The slug hit the floor with a clink. He didn't cry out, yet the pain radiated throughout his arm. She must have tried to siphon the agony pulsing through him, because out of nowhere, she fell back on the bed. He caught her and growled, furious at his inability to help her.

  He cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. "Let me bear the pain on my own."

  She sighed. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

  "And I don't like causing you to suffer." His thumb wiped away the teardrop rolling down her cheek.

  She closed her eyes. She pressed her cheek into his palm. "Stubborn wolf," she whispered with a faint smile.

  He drew closer. He didn't want even an inch to separate them. "No male worth a damn would allow his woman to take on his pain. You're mine to protect." Leaning forward, he rested his forehead to hers. "Mine," he whispered.

  "I'm not yours." She spoke the words, but they lacked conviction.


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