The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 12

by Rebecca Joyce

  His hand gripped her thigh and gave it a squeeze. Digging his fingers into her skin, a spark of pain shot down Cami’s leg, and she instantly let go and relaxed, letting him take what he needed. She had read that some dominants liked to inflict some form of pain, which gave them control when their mind was in chaos. She always thought women who let men do that didn’t really know the meaning of pain, yet, as she was sprawled out beneath him, her heart went out to him. He was trouble. He needed her, and for the first time, she understood all those women. They didn’t do it because they liked pain. They did it because they loved their dominant and wanted to make them happy, to help them in any way they could.

  A chuckle escaped his lips as he kissed her down the back of her neck. The feel of his lips across her skin had her shivering under his hold, and she let out another moan.

  As his lips caressed the skin of her neck, his fingers delved deeper between her legs, slowly but surely heading for her moist core. The tips of his fingers stroked the flesh of her lips as she panted, becoming more aroused by the second.

  Cami didn’t know what was happening, or why he was torturing her, and she didn’t care either. All she wanted now was for Jake to thrust his cock into her aching pussy and fuck her like there was no tomorrow. She could imagine it in her mind now, his body covering hers with his weight as he ravaged her, him taking her body to the edge right before he would impale himself into her. She groaned aloud thinking about it, and this only spurred him on.

  His fingers stroked up and down her now-dripping cunt. She heard him gasp at her eagerness, and opened her mouth into an O shape as his middle finger pressed onto her clit. He stroked it up and down, from tip to base, but not on the very center. His finger strayed along the sides of her clit and massaged the outer folds as her pleasure began to reach its peak.

  Her legs began to shake, and she could feel the drips of sweat trickle down her legs and arms. Her heart rate increased and the more Jake stroked, the more her pleasure heightened. If it was her doing this, she would have slowed down at this point, unable to carry on, and moved to a less sensitive area, but Jake didn’t stop. He kept his finger where it was. Noticing her reaction, he pushed harder and stroked faster. He pressed his body down, pushing his arousal into her thigh. Although his cock was trapped under the tough material of his denim jeans, Cami could feel its already impressive size.

  Without warning, Jake moved his other hand up her thigh and thrust two fingers into her pussy. With a gasp, Cami moaned aloud and cried out as her orgasm ripped through her. Her entire body stiffened as wave after wave of pleasure threatened to rip through her. He carried on his relentless stroking as her climax proceeded to pulse through her body. She was soaking wet now and whimpering even louder as his fingers stroked the entire area of her womanhood.

  * * * *

  Undoing the button of his pants, Jake tugged down his zip and pulled himself out of the tight material. He couldn’t wait another minute. He quickly released her legs’ straps and pushed her into a kneeling position as he thrust hard and fast into her.

  “Oh fuck, baby, you feel so good,” he cried out in ecstasy.

  Cami panted as he slowly pulled out. With the tip just resting at the opening, he waited a second before slamming back in, and stayed still. He wanted to feel himself lodged inside her. He had dreamt of this moment for so long, he wanted to savor it, have it forever seared into his mind. She was so tight as his cock surged with pleasure, and he imagined just how much tighter she’d become when her contractions from her next orgasm began.

  Starting to move, he began to thrust slowly in and out of her, pushing as far as he could and then pulling out just to the opening. His cock was getting harder inside of her, and he could feel his own climax coming. She was everything he hoped for and more, and he prayed he had the strength to continue as her pussy gripped him tighter.

  Cami could hear herself groan with every thrust. She had no control over her body. It was as if she was floating up ahead and watching as her body rocked back and forth to every thrust. Her lips parted, and her eyes closed tightly shut as images danced in her head. She couldn’t bear to open them, afraid of breaking the erotic feel of him as he took what he needed from her. She wanted to revel in the feeling of being fucked furiously, unable to move, entrusting her body to one man, a man she loved and knew would never hurt her.

  She’d never forget this day.

  His ramped-up thrusts continued, and Cami could hear Jake reach his peak. His breathing shortened as his cock pumped at a frantic pace. He grabbed her hips and pulled her violently back. Slamming into his thighs, her still-raw cheeks pressed against his skin as he plummeted back and forth into her. His fingers dug painfully into her skin as a sudden pain surged to her clit. Turning to pleasure, a second orgasm began to build. Her legs violently shook as ripple after ripple of pleasure washed through her body. She screamed out as another orgasm exploded. It was so intense she clawed at the bindings holding her hostage.

  Noticing this, Jake’s hands swooped to cover hers as he entwined his fingers through hers. Connected together not only by their sex, but their hands as well, Jake climaxed, brutally pumping her womb full of his seed, right before he collapsed onto her back. Panting violently into her ear, he pressed his face into her hair and breathed in deeply. He was exhausted and sated from their pleasurable ordeal, and she lay still under him as he waited for the waves of pleasure to cease.

  After a couple of minutes, Jake lifted his heavy, muscled weight off her weak frame. Untying her binds, he pulled her up against his body, wrapping his arms around her. Her small frame was so tiny she fit perfectly against him. Content to lay there, with her in his arms, he smiled, knowing his life was forever changed. There would be no other woman for him, only her.

  “I love you, Cami.” He whispered the words he had never uttered to another living soul. It was true, he had loved her for as long as he could remember, but having her sated, with his seed filling her womb, just made the feeling all the more real.

  “I love you, too, Jake,” she replied, sleepily.



  “What was Ethan like as a baby?”

  Opening her eyes, she looked up at his face and smiled. “Well…”

  * * * *

  Later that same day…Manhattan, New York

  The cab dropped Richard off at the curb. He hated New York. It wasn’t the city or the people. It was the hustle and bustle of everything. Everything was a rush, when all he wanted to do was to take it slow. Looking at his watch, he figured if he could get the information he needed from his dad within the next two hours, he could hop the next flight and be back home before dollface went to bed. God, he prayed his assumptions weren’t correct, but his gut knew the difference. He had learned a lot about his father on the flight from Atlantic City to Manhattan, and what he learned churned his stomach. He just needed to hear it from the man himself before he did what finally needed to be done.

  Grabbing his backpack, he stood before the tall building, shaking his head. He still had a hard time believing his father lived in this place. Once a quiet family man, his father was now a political figure with a chipper, big-boobed, bleach-blonde hussy for a wife. Oh, Tillie was pretty and all, but Richard couldn’t get past the age difference. That and she was a gold-digging whore and if she thought for one second he was going to call her Momma, that crazy nut-job had another thing coming. Grumbling, he headed for the front doors, only to be stopped by some large, bulky man in a monkey suit.

  “Excuse me, sir. May I ask who you are here to see?” the man asked all hoity-toity like.

  “My dad,” Richard replied.

  “And just who is that?”

  “The asshole married to the tramp in the penthouse.”

  The man blanched, then nodded. “Go right in, Mr. Masterson.”

  “Thanks.” Richard grinned. “Looks like I’m not the only one who knows a tramp when they see one.”

  Walking into the
lobby, Richard headed straight for the elevator. Once inside, he hit the penthouse button and watched the doors close. Taking the few seconds to compose himself, he prayed the tramp wasn’t home. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with her. The woman had the hands of an octopus, that and nothing was off-limits for her. She touched what she wanted, when she wanted. The ding let him know that his peace and quiet was up, and when the doors slid open, he grimaced. He knew he wasn’t that lucky.

  “Well howdy, stranger! Come on over here and give Momma a big kiss,” the ear-rattling shrill said as his whole body convulsed.

  “Hi, Titty.” Richard smiled brightly, figuring if he couldn’t have any peace, and then neither could she.

  “The name’s Tillie!” she shouted, stomping her foot. “Tillie, Tillie, Tillie!”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, seen one titty, you’ve seen them all. So where’s Asshole?”

  “He’s not here. He went to the office.”

  “Cool, see ya in hell, Titty!” Richard grinned, doing an about-face just as the penthouse doors opened up, and there he stood, six foot seven and two hundred and forty pounds of pure asshole.

  “Richard, you didn’t tell me you were coming. Did the other boys come, too?”

  “Nope, just me,” he replied, shaking his father’s hand. “I need to talk to you.”

  There was no need for beating around the bush. His father could do that later when he left. Right now, he wanted answers and to get the hell out of dodge. Not waiting for his dad to follow, Richard ushered him toward his office, ignoring the huff from Tillie. She was an annoying piece of work. Why his dad ever married her, he would never know. But then again, her plastic double D-cups and mouse-sized brain might have something to do with it.

  Closing the door on her as she approached felt a little good, and when she started banging on the door, well, Richard felt downright giddy.

  “Why must you aggravate your mother?” his dad said, sighing as he sat behind his desk.

  “First off, asshole, that thing out there is not my mother.” Richard stated firmly, placing his hands on his dad’s desk. “Second, I am older than her by four fucking years, you sick bastard, and thirdly, what the fuck were you thinking taking campaign contributions from a known criminal by the name of Jacques Boudreaux?”

  His father eyes widened and then instantly hardened.

  “That’s right, you crooked piece of shit. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? It’s amazing what a person can find on the fucking Internet thirty thousand feet in the air. So tell me, Dad, how long have you know this asshole?”

  Leaning back, his father rested his hands on the armrest of his chair. “I have no idea whom you are referring to, Richard.”

  “Whom I am referring to?” Richard questioned incredulously. “Who the fuck talks like that? Sure as hell not you! You were born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana, just like me and the rest of us rednecks, except for that tramp out there, who is from North Dakota, and you know damn well who I’m talkin’ about.”

  “I can’t stop someone from contributing to my political future, Richard. It’s unheard of, and frankly it’s just downright rude.”

  “Rude is farting at the dinner table on Thanksgiving. You are a conniving piece of donkey shit. You let a known arms dealer make a sizable contribution to your election campaign, and then you proceeded to use said funds to win the election. I am not positively sure, but I think that’s frowned upon, and possibly on the illegal side, you fucking future felon. So, what’s this bastard have on you?”

  And just like that, he and his father fell into the same old conversation where Richard pushed and prodded, while his father complained and gave excuses. Richard could remember many conversations where he and his dad would go at it for hours, belittling each other, all for the sake of winning an argument. Only this time, Richard wasn’t going to lie down. He needed that information, and if he had to hit well below the belt, he would do it.

  “You are going to have to talk to my campaign manager about all that. I just showed up and looked at the cameras.”

  “Spoken like a true politician, you sleazeball, all show and no substance. I wonder which will go first, your honor or integrity.”

  “You’re extremely agitated today, Richard. Did someone run over your favorite pet?”

  “You would know, you animal killer. I should let P.E.T.A. know how you killed Baxter.”

  “He was fifteen years old and dying anyway.”

  “That didn’t give you carte blanche to run him over in the family station wagon!”

  “Well, it was a means to an end.”

  “How do you know Jacques Boudreaux, Dad?” Richard asked, redirecting the conversation. As much as he would love to sit and spar with his father, he needed to get the information and get back home.

  “We’ve known each other since college and fell out of touch, until we met up at a fundraiser a while back. He heard that I was running for a senate seat, and apparently, he liked what I planned to do, so he donated to the campaign fund. That’s it. I haven’t heard from or seen him since. Why?” his father said, looking at his hands.

  He was lying, and Richard knew it. “So this man is from the old neighborhood?”


  “Does the name Mr. Linkman ring any bells?”


  “Dad, we can either have a civil conversation and get to the facts quickly, or I can make a fucking phone call right now to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The choice is yours. Either you know Mr. Linkman or you don’t, which is it?” Richard threatened.

  “I know him.”

  “Dad, I really need to know everything you know about this guy. It’s pretty serious.”

  “Fine,” his father sighed, all cutting around aside. “Who else is involved?”

  “Cami,” Richard admitted, watching his father’s reaction. Fear permeated the room instantly as Richard watched his father’s brow start to sweat.


  “You’re talking about the little girl that lived across the street from us, that Cami?”

  “Yeah, she showed up the other day. Apparently, she’s in trouble with this Mr. Linkman fella. He hired me to find her. Why?”

  “I remember her family. Nice folks, then one night, they disappeared. Your mother was upset because they never wrote. She missed them.”

  “Yeah, I remember all too well, asshole. What about this guy?” Richard said, gritting his teeth. He didn’t want to think about that night. That night, his family life was forever changed.

  “I’m sorry, son. That’s all I really know. I wish I could be of more help, and thank you for letting me know about Boudreaux’s past. I will notify my campaign manager right away. Something like this won’t bode well for me if the newspapers get a hold of it.”


  “So how is Cami and her son?” his father asked, and that was exactly when Richard turned his complete attention toward his father, knowing damn well the son of a bitch knew more than he was letting on.

  “I never said she had a son.”

  “But you said…” his father backpedaled.

  Richard had met some sadistic assholes in his life, but right now, his father took the cake. Whatever the old man was into, his reaction to being caught in a lie was bad. Richard didn’t know if he could save him from prison time, but he damn sure knew the old man could help him find this Boudreaux person.

  “I didn’t say shit,” Richard said, his voice low and menacing. Rounding the desk, he grabbed his father by his coat lapels and dragged him from the chair. Shaking him, he firmly asked, “What the fuck did you do? You will tell me everything, and you will tell me now, or I will throw your worthless ass out this fucking window.”

  “I’m sorry!” his father fumbled and shouted, as he franticly tried to dislodge Richard’s grip. “I never meant to hurt her. I love her!”

  Chapter Ten

  Duke watched in amazement as Cami took over the running of the household. I
n her element, she whipped the Masterson house into shape. He and his brothers weren’t messy per se, but after Cami was done with the place, it looked a hell of a lot better than it ever did. Everything she did made things better. His clothes smelled better, his food tasted better, and his life was better for her being in it. Dollface had turned into an amazing woman and mother.

  Content sitting back and watching his three younger brothers monopolize her time, he was just elated that after all this time, and she was with them. He had to chuckle, thinking about all those man-hours he put in looking for her, and she had found them. None of his brothers had asked her any more questions, figuring she had been through enough already. He just wanted her happy, and if taking care of all of them did that, then he was happy, too. However, what started to worry him was that she stopped mentioning or asking about Richard, and his brother hadn’t called.

  He knew his brother was working hard on their first major case, and part of him felt bad for leaving him in the lurch the way he did. Richard typically kept in touch when he was away from home, but since he left the other night, Duke hadn’t heard anything from him. Duke tried calling to check in, but Richard’s phone went straight to voice mail. Duke wanted to do the right thing by his brother and the business they all started, but the need to be with Cami overpowered the thought of doing what was right. A passing glance in the night wasn’t going to cut it. He needed to touch her, feel her heat, and see her smile.

  The noise of the office door opening caused him to jump. He looked up quizzically to see her strolling in, a wicked grin growing on her face as she caught his eyes.

  Just like that, she appeared and nothing else mattered but her.

  “Hey you,” she said simply, stepping further into the office and shutting the door behind her.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Duke replied. He stood, surreptitiously sliding shut the desk drawer as he did so and moving toward her. Duke’s cock stirred in his pants at the salacious glint he recognized in her eyes as she stepped moved to him.


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