The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 17

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Well, folks, we better get going. I will send these samples off first thing in the morning. If you need anything, you know the drill. Don’t call me. Call Brannon or Rafe. On second thought, call Rafe. Poor Brannon has been, well…he’s been kind of tied up.” Braxton grinned.

  “Oh really?” Duke asked curiously.

  “Yeah, let’s just say, I think the Kincaid brothers have finally found the filly they were looking for,” Braxton hinted mysteriously, and the brothers and Landon laughed heartily.

  Smiling, Jake said, “I can’t wait to meet to meet the woman who thinks to corral them.”

  “Oh you have. Think cats,”

  “No way!” Jake exclaimed in shock.

  “Oh yeah, Gabriel is furious, Matthias wants bloodshed, and the Kincaid brothers, well, they are doing what they do best. They are causing chaos. Now Kat is doing what she can to herd them back into the corral, but they are making a break for it. Every time she thinks she has them wrangled, they get loose. To make matters worse, not only do I have to deal with the chaos of those idiots, Charlotte is beginning to freak me out.”

  “How is she adjusting to motherhood?” Nelson chuckled.

  “She’s driving Jordan nuts of course. But she’s taken to watching old fifties shows, like The Donna Reed Show and I love Lucy.” Braxton smiled.

  “And why is she watching those shows?” Levi asked.

  “According to Charlotte, fifties television has the best record of information for raising a child. Hell man, she’s even started wearing dresses. Apparently, she also wants to look the part. Can you imagine my wife, the hell kitten of Treasure Cove, walking around town in a knee-length skirt with a button up shirt, in heels mind you, pushing a stroller, smiling? She is starting to scare the living shit out of everyone!”

  The brothers all laughed. Cami tried to keep up with the conversation, but she didn’t understand a word of it. Leaning into Richard, she just listened as they continued to talk.

  “So, have you guys settled on a name yet? You can’t keep calling the kid Buster,” Richard asked.

  “Yeah, Charlotte finally decided to call him Joshua Owen Connelly.”

  “J. O. C?” Jake laughed. “She is calling him Joc, isn’t she?”

  Grumbling, Braxton muttered, “Yes and I won’t even mention the other names she calls him when he isn’t cooperating. My poor son is going to grow up wondering if ‘crappy pants’ and ‘drool king’ are his middle names.”

  “Well, think of it this way, she could have had a girl,” Landon advised, and Braxton actually cringed. “That was just mean, dude. We better get going. Call if it’s important.”

  Watching as the sheriff and his friend left, Cami didn’t know what to think, let alone who to trust. She wanted to believe that the brothers would do everything in their power to protect her and Ethan, but something was nagging at her. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something felt off. Their father wasn’t the nicest of men when it came to his sons, and from what she could remember of the man, he was a bit of a hard-ass.

  Nevertheless, everything was out in the open now. There was no more hiding, and she prayed that the authorities found her ex-husband soon. She wanted to start living again. The longer he was still out there, the longer she stayed in the shadows. She was ready to feel the sun on her face once again. “Dinner will be ready in about five minutes. Why don’t you boys go get cleaned up?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The days rolled by, and when she looked up at the calendar, she wasn’t surprised to see that three weeks had gone by. Life had carried on at the Masterson house, and though she was never fully alone, she sometimes wished for just a few moments of peace and quiet all to herself. She felt bad for even thinking that, because the brothers had literally put their lives on hold, working around the clock to ensure that she and Ethan stayed safe.

  True to his word, Jake and his brothers surrounded her as she enrolled Ethan in school. It made her nervous at first, but when Braxton showed up with a young deputy named Rafe, they informed her that Ethan would be the safest kid at the school and that nothing would happen to him. Ethan was so happy when the first day of school rolled around after the holiday break, and she was nervous. She almost got sick with worry. To ease some of her tension, Levi offered to stay with Ethan, like a showdown throughout the day. After that, the brothers each took turns going to school with him.

  They never let mentioned or let on that Ethan was their little brother, not wanting to upset his life as it already had been. Cami was thankful for that. She knew eventually, Ethan would need to be told the truth, but until they were safe, she kept it a secret. There hadn’t been any word from the sheriff or the FBI on the whereabouts of Boudreaux or the Mastersons’ father. They all had learned of his disappearance over a week ago when they were watching the nightly news. None of the brothers batted an eyelash. After watching for a few minutes, Nelson turned the television off, and since then, none of them had said another word about their father.

  Life with the brothers felt like old times. They all laughed, played, and fought as if the last ten years never happened. She felt loved, cherished, and safe with them and at night, they showed her what true love and happiness actually felt like. She loved them all so much and wanted to be with them, but she started to worry about what others would think if she stayed here with all five of them. She wanted to talk with them about their situation, but didn’t have the courage to bring it up. Hoping for some time alone with all of them tonight, she knew she was going to have to bring up their living situation.

  Returning her attention back to the task before her, she tried to think about how to start such a conversation without upsetting them.

  * * * *

  Levi sighed, waiting for his computers to finish running their diagnostic and security scans. He hated waiting, and knowing it would possibly take until morning, he decided to help Cami finish with dinner. Besides, she had been through a lot lately, and he was hoping to ease some of her tension tonight in the bedroom.

  It had been a couple of days since he got to spend some alone time with her. Richard, Duke, and Jake had been monopolizing her time, and though he didn’t begrudge his brothers anything, damn it, he wanted her, too.

  He found her in the kitchen bent over the stove. His cock took notice, and being the perfect gentleman it was, it stood up at attention in the presence of a lady, and what a fine lady she was. When he moved behind her, she laughed, “If you make me burn myself, I will be very mad at you, Levi.”

  “How did you know it was me?” he asked, taking a step back, giving her the room she needed to pull the casserole dish from the oven.

  “Because only you have a weird affinity with my ass,” she replied after placing the dish on the stove. Turning to him, she presented him with a beautiful smile. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her into him, rubbing his crotch against her as he nuzzled her hair. “What if I want your delectable pussy instead?”

  God he loved this woman. In all honesty, he would take her any way she would let him, and be a happy man. There were moments he still couldn’t believe she was here with him. At times, he would get up from whatever he was doing, seeking her out, just to make sure he hadn’t dreamed the whole damn thing up. However, every time he would find her and she would smile lovingly at him, and everything would be all right in his world.

  “I’d check to make sure you weren’t running a fever.” She rose up on her tippy-toes and kissed his cheek.

  “Am I that obvious?” he asked, worried that maybe his tastes were too much for her. He knew not every woman liked anal, and he accepted that, but there was just something, kneeling behind her ass as his cock pumped deeply into her, that had his cock weeping for more. His dollface had the sweetest little ass, and when she came, her sphincter muscles gripped his cock in an iron fist.

  “Levi, I love you. I wouldn’t change anything about you. So you like your sex a little on the taboo side. I like to think I can be kinky, too, and as long as yo
u’re gentle and loving with me, as you have been, I have no problems giving into what you desire. It works both ways, Levi. Don’t you think I have desires, too?”

  And just like that, she made his worries go away.

  Tightening his hold on her, he asked, “And what do you desire, dollface?”

  “All of you.” She blushed crimson. “My desire is to be with all of you at once.”

  The Masterson brothers were some virile men, Levi alone could attest to that. Each had their own kink, specialty, desire they enjoyed, but the thought of dollface enduring all of their appetites at once, well, Levi wasn’t so sure she could withstand it, let alone survive the night. It wasn’t that they were rough or brutal, because they weren’t. It was just that they could be a bit much. “Baby, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. We can be…demanding.”

  “If you didn’t want to know, then you shouldn’t have asked,” she replied, the hurt in her voice evident. She pushed away from him, and Levi released his hold on her as she turned back to finishing the meal. He didn’t mean to upset her. He just didn’t think it was a good idea. He could possible see him, Duke, and Nelson catering to her desires, but that was not what she wanted. She desired all of them, and that included Richard and Jake. With their appetites being as ravenous as they were, Levi was almost positive that there was no way in hell Cami would be able to accommodate them all at the same time, that and big brother refused to share.

  Oh, Richard didn’t mind helping Jake out in the playroom every now and then, but generally, when it came to sex itself, Richard leaned toward the greedy side of sex, keeping all the goodies to himself. He had made it perfectly clear on many occasions, and none of the brothers ever tried to sway the overbearing control freak differently.

  “Dollface, you misunderstood me. The boys and I are more than willing to help you achieve your desires, but Richard, well, he thinks differently. He’s what someone would call a singular hands-on kind of guy.”

  “If you’re talking about him being dominant, I know. I’ve known that man since I was a little girl. I know Richard likes things his way, and gets angry when they aren’t. Besides, Jake already told me that the playroom was designed to fit Richard’s tastes. If I can handle Richard in the playroom, I think I can handle all five of you in the bedroom.”

  “You might want to rethink that, love,” Jake said seriously as he walked into the kitchen with Duke and Ethan following. Curbing the conversation for later, Levi helped set the table, and soon they were all eating dinner.

  * * * *

  Cami was exhausted. After cleaning up the kitchen, she made sure Ethan showered, brushed his teeth, and was sound asleep before she headed into the master bedroom. All she wanted to do was soak in a hot bath. She had kept herself busy with the cleaning, and she was thankful for something to occupy her time, but ever since Ethan started school, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She always did this to herself, second-guessing every step she made, and she was tired of it. For once, all she wanted to do was to make a decision and be happy with it and not analyze or worry about it later.

  Of course, she knew that was never going to happen. Even as a little girl, she always second-guessed herself to the point of exhaustion and stomachaches. However, just for tonight, she wanted to forget about everything and just soak. She was too worried about Ethan’s safety, even though the brothers had assured her he was going to be just fine under their watchful eyes. Nevertheless, the mother in her still worried.

  Sighing, she removed her clothes and sat on the edge of the tub, her fingers wading in the hot waters. Steam billowed up around her as she waited patiently for the tub to fill. When the tub was full enough, she turned off the water and sank into it depths. For the time being, she savored the feel of the water as it surrounded her, easing her worries, and before she knew it, her mind drifted.

  She was startled awake when she felt soft hands on her shoulders. Sighing, she closed her eyes, relaxing as the pressure from the fingers massaged the tension out of her body. “Um…that feels good.”

  “You have been doing everything around here lately. You need a break. You take such good care of us, and I thought someone should take care of you,” Richard said as he continued to rub her shoulders down to her arms.

  “I don’t mind taking care of you guys. It gives me something to do instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs.”

  “Well, you need a break,” he replied and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “I was talking with Levi, and he told me what you asked him. I got to thinking, and the boys and I talked. You know, about being with all of us.”

  “Um-hmm…” she sighed, enjoying everything Richard was doing to her.

  “Well, I was thinking that if you really wanted to, we could try it,” he whispered.

  Cami’s eyes flew open. Very slowly, she moved out from under his magical fingers and turned to face him. She needed to make sure she heard him correctly because for a second there, she thought she heard him incorrectly. “Can you repeat that?”

  “I said, we could try.”

  “All of you?” she gasped.

  “Well, there are five of us, and Duke said he’s never done anything like this before, but he said he is willing to try it, if that’s what you want?”

  “All of you? At the same time?” she stammered.

  “Well, Jake and I got to talking, and we thought you might be overwhelmed. He suggested that it just be you, him, Duke, and the twins at first. I would watch you and make sure you were comfortable. And if everything turned out all right, we could try again at a later date, with all five of us.”

  “So, tonight, it would just be me and four of you?”

  Smiling sheepishly, Richard nodded. “If you’re okay with that?”

  Oh momma!

  “I would like that, very much.” She blushed as every worried thought fled her mind, only to be replaced with four of the most handsome men she had ever seen wanting to pleasure her. And tonight, they were going to be all hers.

  “I’ll leave you to your bath.” Richard smiled, kissing the top of her head again before leaving her alone.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome, love. Enjoy your bath.”

  As soon as Richard disappeared, Cami sat stunned in the middle of the tub. Her mind filled instantly with images of hungry, voracious men devouring her body as she writhed helplessly in ecstasy underneath them, between them, and on top of them. Her pussy clenched in anticipation. Oh, tonight was definitely looking up for her. No longer worried about what she was going to do or the repercussions of letting law enforcement into their lives, Cami hurriedly washed herself as she smiled, thinking about tonight’s extracurricular activities.

  Stepping out of the tub, she grabbed one of the large white fluffy towels and wrapped herself in it. After drying off, she brushed her teeth and took a few extra minutes to brush out her hair until it shined. Dabbing on a little of the perfume Duke got her while in town at Treasures-A-Plenty, she stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. She was still pale and a little underweight. However, there was nothing she could do about that now. Her nerves were her biggest problem, and until she got them under control, she wasn’t going to get the pep back in her step. Pinching her cheeks for some color, she took a deep breath and walked into the bedroom. Letting the towel slip from her body, she climbed up into the middle of the bed and waited.

  * * * *

  “Cami?” Levi whispered. When he walked into the room, he found his dollface asleep on top of the covers. Levi grinned as he saw the small puddle of drool pooling underneath her chin. For some reason, her small imperfections always made his heart melt when he saw them. For so long, he missed so much of her life, but now they had the chance to experience all of those simple, day-to-day things that other people took for granted, and Levi couldn’t wait to learn every one of them.

  Levi slid his hand
through Cami’s hair and then tightened his fingers. Just enough pressure to gently wake her up and keep her head still as she did so. “Levi?”

  Slowly opening her eyes, she looked up at him and smiled. “Hi.”

  Levi grinned down at her beautiful face. He still couldn’t believe that she was with him. He wondered if he would ever get over that fact. There was just something intriguing about her that called to him. It was almost as if she knew some deep, seductive secret that eluded him. “Hi yourself.”

  “I must have fallen asleep waiting for you.” She yawned and stretched before him, his cock growing as her pert nipples peaked into hard pebbles. Her arms rose above her head, and her legs lengthened enticingly. She was a goddess, and all he wanted to do was worship her body.

  Cami opened her eyes and took in Levi’s lack of attire, her eyes dilating with desire. Her response to him was a source of delight for Levi. He thought it was adorable how hot just the sight of him made her. Levi heard the small intake of breath that was almost a gasp and watched as she wiped the drool from her chin self-consciously. “Well, that was attractive,” she whispered under her breath as she realized that she couldn’t move her head. Her breath began to sound suspiciously like panting. Her eyes darted to his, and Levi grinned.

  She froze.

  They were there. All of them, all gloriously naked. Duke and Jake sat in the two overstuffed chairs flanking the fireplace as it crackled lightly. Nelson lounged on the end of the bed, while Levi stood by the head of the bed. Her breath caught, and everything fell into place for her. These men loved her. They would always love her. They protected her, cared for her, and allowed her to be what she wanted. They gave her everything, and she loved them all the more for it. She had waited for this moment her whole life, and when Richard walked into the room, her life was complete.

  Levi witnessed the flash of arousal in her eyes. Levi grinned when he spotted it, and he suddenly realized that his little dollface was more than eager to try what she had suggested. If his assumptions were correct, she was craving it, begging him to proceed.


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