Pandora's Box

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Pandora's Box Page 9

by Coffee

  Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

  Samiyah pressed on the horn as she rolled down the window. “Eli!”

  He snapped out of his daze and headed to his vehicle. Once he was in, he stared for a moment before speaking. “What’s up, Yah?”

  “Too much but that’s obvious.” She pulled off, continuing her course down N. Broad St. when she finally noticed, thirty seconds later, he never removed his eyes off of her. “Why are you watching me? Or you mad at me or something?”

  “I don’t know what I am, to be honest. Right now I’m feeling all type of ways. I’m shocked, stunned, in disbelief and most definitely I’m throwed the fuck off, but I don’t think I’m mad you.”

  “I understand. Well, we have a lot to talk about, so where am I going? Your house or mine?”

  “Mine. I’m liable to make you a widow if I see yo ole punk ass husband right nah.” Elias’ jaw twitched.

  “I’m sorry he tripped out on you. He’s just having a really hard time with this.”

  “You don’t say,” Eli said in a no shit Sherlock kind of way.

  Samiyah frowned at his flippant response. “You don’t have to be stank, no.”

  He didn’t reply to her statement but in an aggravated tone, he said, “Make this U-turn and pull up at the store. I need some liquid chill in my system.” Eli pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head slowly.

  Samiyah knew the only time Eli drank Crown was when he was in party mode or brooding and because of what she laid on him, she knew it didn’t call for a Soul Train line. He was contemplating but what exactly, she didn’t know.

  She made the Uwie, then in a probing manner, she questioned. “When you were just her paran, it was cool. But now that you’re her daddy, it’s a problem, huh? Be real.”

  “Don’t go there, Yah. I love Peaches and you know this but you also know I never wanted children of my own. Remember when I told you I never wanted children of my own? So my reaction shouldn’t surprise you. I told you I’m fucked up ‘bout it, ya heard me. This is a lot of shit to take in. And in addition to the you are the pappy bomb you dropped, that ain’t all that’s on my plate. A lot of shit happened this weekend that you don’t know dick about, so quit with the damn paranoia and let me process this shit. Damn!” Eli opened up the door once she parked, closing it behind himself harder than he intended.

  Samiyah smacked her lips while her eyes followed him walking past the truck and into the store.

  Fifteen minutes had passed and he was still inside. The store didn’t appear to be packed and buying a bottle of brown should have only kept him for three minutes, tops. Samiyah was fixing to get out of the truck and see what was taking him so long when she saw the push of the glass door birth Elias.

  Placing the keys back into the ignition, she restarted the engine. The moment he opened the door, she could smell what kept him. The aroma of honey barbeque and sweet and spicy wings filled the air.

  He sat the plastic shopping bag between his legs, pulled out the brown paper bag containing the pint of Crown, twisted the top and took a shot to the head.

  Samiyah placed the truck in reverse to back out of the space.

  “Yah, before you pull off, let me tell ya I’m sorry, ya heard me. I probably should’ve put a little cut on my words. It’s just that pill ain’t only hard to swallow but that bitch stuck in my throat.”

  Samiyah tilted her head as she swam in the vulnerability in his eyes. “I know how the news had me, so I should have known not push you. I’m sorry, too.”

  Elias turned his head to look out of the window and up at the evening sky as he tried to grab ahold of one of the many thoughts that were running a marathon through his mind.

  Samiyah pulled out of the driveway and back into traffic. Glancing over at him, she knew he was having a difficult time dealing and her heart went out to his seconds before her hand covered his. She gave it a small squeeze as if to silently say you’re not alone.

  She went to remove her hand, but he stopped her and held on to it.

  At that point, she knew he needed her in the same way she knew she needed him.


  Blu had called down to Central Lock-Up periodically to see if Eli had been released, so when they informed her that he was no longer in their custody, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

  Slipping her phone into her pocket, she headed into her kitchen and grabbed the plate of shrimp quesadillas Kanari had fixed.

  She walked outside onto her deck to join her. Taking a bite into one of slices, she instantly moaned. “Ummm, girl, this is sooooo damn good. Who taught you how to make these?”

  “Girl, me. I always find myself hooking something up and loving the shit I create. Plus, when you’re a stoner like moi, it will behoove that ass to know how to cook.”

  Blu cracked up with knee slapping laugher. She was sniggering a little too hard if Kanari’s opinion was solicited.

  “Trick, that shit wasn’t that funny. You must have either heard from ya boy or you found out your lil’ jailbird a free man, which one?” Kanari swirled her tongue around her mouth and exhaled her smoke into tiny images.

  Still giggling, she responded. “Ah, yes, it was that funny and yes again because he is out, which means I should be getting a call soon.”

  “Toss me my party hat,” Kanari joked as she whirled her finger in a circle.

  Blu poked out her tongue. “You’re such a turd.”

  Kanari plucked the roach of her blunt into the air and then got up from her seated position. She crept up on Blu and snatched the slice in her hand.

  “Hey! I think I was about to eat that.”

  “Now, I’m a turd who done jacked you up outcho issue. I’m out. Wake me when it’s time to get ready for work.” Kanari threw the deuces over her shoulder and walked inside, smacking on her food.

  She shook her head at her girl but she wasn’t tripping over her greedy self. Blu would give her friend the shirt off of her back but nine out of ten, she’d just be returning the same shirt Kanari would have already given her first.

  Smiling at the thought, Blu looked at the time. It was 7:24 pm. She wasn’t sure when he was released but she anticipated a call no later than 8 o’clock.

  Turning the Pandora on her phone on, she scrolled through her saved stations, stopping at TLC. She bobbed her head to the first song to play as she continued eating the remainder of what her crumb snatching friend didn’t steal.

  Two hours later…

  Blu had fell asleep on her sofa but was startled awake when she heard a knock at her door. Suddenly, a smile creased her lips. My boo.

  She flicked on the light, rushed over to the mirror in her living room and fluffed out her curls that went flat. Wiping the sleep from her eyes and then doing a five second hyper style dance, she calmed down to a cool and opened the door.

  She wore a welcome smile on her face that immediately went south.

  “Good evening. You ordered a large meat lover’s and an eight piece hot wing?” The Pizza Hut delivery guy asked as he pulled the box out of the sleeve.

  Blu was about to tell him he had the wrong house until she heard Kanari walking up on her. “Yesss!”

  Moving to the side, she made way for Kanari to complete the exchange.

  Blu then swiped her phone off of the sofa, pressed the button on the side to light up the screen and saw one missed call, an employee of hers. Really?

  “Y’all have a good night,” he grinned at his hefty tip.

  “Come with me in the kitchen.” Kanari walked off from Blu, holding the boxes. When she didn’t budge, she asked. “Are you coming?”

  “Yea,” Blu sighed as she followed.

  Taking a seat at her kitchen island, Blu cupped her chin into her hands and supported its weight with her elbows planted on the counter top. She watched Kanari grab two plates out of the cabinet.

  Blu shook her head no. “I’m not hungry, sis. I don’t see how you are. Matter of fact, weren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” />
  “If you were in the Puff Puff Olympics, you’d be eating like this too and I took a cat nap. I’m good, though.” She took her first bite into her chicken and her eyes almost rolled to the floor.

  “You alright over there?”

  “Trust, I’m straight. Ha you doin’ over there?”

  “Eli’s home but I ain’t heard from him, yet. And I’m not waiting around while he takes his sweet time to remember he has a girlfriend.”

  “Now you’re talkin’.” Kanari spoke with a full mouth.

  “Do you think you could…”

  “Yep.” Kanari already knew she wanted her to open up the bar, so she could tend to personal business.

  Blu got up from her barstool and walked over to her friend, hugging her around her neck. “Anyone ever told you that you’re…”

  “The motha lovin’ best? Haven’t heard it in two days but you’re welcomed to handle that.”

  Blu playfully muffed her head. “Don’t let it get too big for your shoulders.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  As Blu was walking off, she twirled around. “I’m gonna take a shower and head out. Lock up when you leave.”

  “No, I’ma leave it wide open. Bye, Felicia!” Kanari waved her off.

  As Blu disappeared around the corner and off into her bedroom, she couldn’t help but wonder what was really goin’ on with Eli. Oh, but I’m ‘bout to find out, though.

  Chapter 13

  It was 10:30 when Blu pulled up in front of Eli’s house, but it wasn’t until 11 o’clock when she finally stepped out of her car.

  Seeing his truck parked and his light on entranced her. She was stuck, thinking.

  He’s home, but he didn’t call, he didn’t come by, he did nothing. Why is he avoiding me like I’m some damn bugaboo? What’s going on? And do I really want to know?

  She reached for her handle to get back inside of her vehicle but then the words of her Grandma LuLu echoed in her mind.

  “Chile, jumping to conclusions is the worst exercise of all. Worrying won’t change a damn thing. Always get your answers from the source and not from your imagination.”

  Ding Dong! She was at his door to do just that.

  She stood there feeling low-key stupid for reaching out to him when it should have been the other way around, but she was tired of being in the blind.

  The porch light came alive and seconds later, she could hear the locks coming undone.

  She was starting to feel awkward. Do I hug him and take the polite route since I can attract bees with honey or do I give him the what up nod and wait for him to kiss up since he has some explaining to do?

  But her answer was simple when she saw Samiyah and two half eaten plates of dinner on his coffee table upon him opening his door. Blu then turned around to trot down his steps and dash to her car.

  She had been stressing over his well-being and he was chilling? That was crushing. Blu had to step away or else it would be a scene.

  He followed her and grabbed her wrist, turning her toward him. “Blu, why you leaving?”

  “Why am I leaving? I should’na came in the first place. I should have made work my priority and not you. Finish enjoying your dinner.”

  “Ouch! I earned that but I do need to talk to you, ya heard me. Come inside for a minute.”

  “It took for me to show up for you to realize we needed to talk? I see you’re alive and well. I’m good knowing that much for now. I’m about to go.”

  Blu’s irritation wasn’t going to make what he had to tell her any easier, but he couldn’t let her leave like that.

  “Boo, it’s serious. Let me talk to you.”

  “You sure there’s enough room on your couch for me and her?” She flicked her finger in the direction of his house. Her sarcastic tone was drizzled with petty.

  The situation was already giving him a headache and he hadn’t even opened the lid of Pandora’s Box, yet. He wanted to throw his hands up and say fuck off! It was a lot easier to say than I’m sorry but she deserved to hear it. After all, she wasn’t wrong in any of it.

  “Blu, for starters, I apologize for how I treated you over this weekend. That shit wasn’t intentional, at all. And Samiyah being over at my crib doesn’t make her more important than you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  That’s exactly what I was thinking, Blu thought.

  “Shit involves her, though, and that’s why she’s here. So will you come inside and let me run everything down to you?”

  It didn’t pay off being a hard ass when the truth of the matter was her feelings were soft. She removed her front and shook her head up and down yes.

  Elias then pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her neck as he kissed her. With their lips still touching, he whispered, “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” Her words rang truth. Every day in one form or another, they never skipped a beat.

  For ten months strong, they’d been one at the hip, laughing and learning one another. The last two of those months were spent cultivating a relationship, loving and leaning on the other for support. It was hard to stay mad with a track record like theirs.

  He walked her inside by the hand, closing the door behind them. “Have a seat. Want me to fix you a lil’ something?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” she answered.

  “Well, I’ma fix me one. I’ll be back.” Elias grabbed his empty glass off of the table, gave Samiyah the oh shit look and then headed into the kitchen to refresh his drink.

  “Hey, how are you Blu?” Samiyah greeted her as warmly as she always had.

  That depends on what Eli tells me, she thought. “I’m fine. How’s your baby doing?”

  Samiyah tensed up a little. Blu wondered if she did the wrong thing by asking about her daughter when she saw her mouth freeze in mid answer.

  “She’s still at the hospital but so far so good.”

  “Oh, that’s good to hear. I’m glad she’s getting better.”

  Elias returned and took a seat next to Blu. He and Samiyah had discussed telling her the news together, that way she could hear both sides.

  “About what I wanted to talk to you about,” he opened up dialogue but stopped the moment he heard Samiyah’s phone ringing.

  Out of the frying pan and into the fire, Samiyah thought.

  “I’m listening to you.” Blu tapped his knee to get his attention.

  “Oh, this is Gerran. I’m gonna take this in another room.” She announced as she stood up to step off.

  “Let’s wait for her to come back. I want her to be in on this.” Eli took a swig of his Crown and then slouched into the couch, placing his hand on her thigh.

  Why? You know what? Never mind. I’ve been waiting all this time. “Mmhmm,” Blu nodded.

  In the other room, nervous butterflies fluttered in Samiyah’s belly as the ringing continued.

  Pressing talk on her phone, she answered sweetly. “Hey, baby. It’s about time you called me. How are you doing?”

  He got straight to the point. “Your car is here but you’re not. Where you at?”

  I hate this rock and hard place shit. Closing her eyes, she just said it. “I’m over at Eli’s.”

  “Word? You by your baby daddy, huh?” Gerran spoke sarcastically.

  “It ain’t what you think. And if you let me explain…”

  “You got that right. Ain’t shit what I thought.”

  “Gerran, I’m on my way home right now.”

  “Nah, you already home,” he stated at a regular tone before his voice bombastically elevated, “so stay yo ass over there!”

  “Gerran, don’t do this. Gerran? Gerran?” Shit! She looked at the screen of her phone when he didn’t respond, only to see that it was black. He had already hung up.

  It begins, she threw her head back, exhaustingly. Taking a breath and fanning herself with her hand to cool down, she composed herself enough to step back into the living room.

  She waved her phone in the air. “
Duty calls and I have to get home. I’m gonna need a ride.”

  “Fo’sho.” He addressed Samiyah then turned to his girl. “You coming or you stayin’ here while I drop her off?”

  Blu wanted to pull a page from Kanari’s playbook and go bananas and say: Looka here, thuggah! I ain’t ‘bout to go nowhere and I dare you to dot your ass out that door too. Whatchu gon’ do is tell me what the hell is goin’ on or else my problem is gon’ be everybody’s’ problem.

  Blu had a good mind to do it but her grandma’s voice of reasoning rang in her mind once more. “Praise in public. Punish in private. Don’t you let nobody know your business. Keep that to yourself like you would your dirtiest pair of drawers.”

  Choosing to ride with her more sensible side, she answered. “I’m coming,”

  With that being said, she stood up and headed for the door so they all could leave out.

  Thirty minutes later…

  “Good night, y’all.” Samiyah waved bye as she closed the back door and headed up her driveway.

  Gerran’s car wasn’t there, but that somehow didn’t surprise her.

  Elias rolled down Blu’s window and leaned over the console. “Oh, Yah. Call me tomorrow.”

  She looked over her shoulder. “Alright.”

  Eli and Blu both watched her get inside of her home before he pulled out of the Cul-de-sac she lived on.

  When she stepped inside, it was pitch black. Their two-story, five bedroom house was too big to enter inside with it being completely dark. It always freaked her out and he knew that. But again, she didn’t expect Gerran to give her any courtesy at this point.

  Her hand scaled the wall in search of the light switch. When she found it, she turned on a few more. She pulled out her phone and sat down in the den as she made a call to her husband.

  Answer your phone, she coached into the receiver.

  “What’s up?” He answered dryly.

  What’s up? She shook her head. She didn’t even bother to question his nonchalance. “Gerran, I’m home. Where are you?” He didn’t respond. “Gerran? I’m asking a simple question.”


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