by The Hero
The katakana used is 'episode'. It sounds weird, but I can't bring myself to change it.
This is an sfx that expresses the tightening of one's chest.
Karen's exact words are 'かしこまりました。いってらっしゃい。', which I can't find a proper replacement for in English. The former means 'Understood' in a very formal manner, and the latter is a greeting when you are seeing someone off.
This is a really difficult paragraph. Almost all of the phrases she used is pretty much descriptive/definitive of a married couple - the birds flying wing to wing, the entwined branches of the same tree. Oshidori - 鴛鴦 is a mandarin duck, and at the end she used 鴛鴦の契り, which is the oshidori's pledge - which refers to the closeness and good relations between a married couple (or something like that).
These refer to two different beings. The Emperor Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus, and the sun god Heliogabalus, also known as Elagabalus. They have the same name.
A Greek martial art.
Weapons clashing sfx.