Joyce, Rebecca - The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Joyce, Rebecca - The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Rebecca Joyce

  * * * *

  A couple of hours later, Henry was heading back with Kenny when he stopped and watched Rachael running Mystic. With her hand raised and a lasso in her hand, she threw the rope around a young calf’s neck. She quickly tied the end of the rope around her saddle hook and pulled back on the reins. She jumped down, and before his eyes, she managed to rope the calf’s legs. Stepping back, a man handed her a long branding iron. She took the iron, and with one boot on the calf’s rear, she stamped the hot iron into the calf’s hind end. When she was done, she untied the calf. It got up and ran back to the herd, looking for its mother.

  “Holy crap,” Henry exclaimed.

  “The boss lady is something else, isn’t she?” Kenny said, watching the scene.

  “She does that to all of the animals?”

  “Only the ones she is keeping for breeding. The ones that go to market get their ears pierced with a tag. Come on. It’s getting late, and Daisy is tired,” Kenny said, heading back to the ranch house with Henry slowly following.

  He was putting Daisy back in her stall when Rachael came riding up. She quickly dismounted and handed the reins to Kenny.

  “Henry, follow me,” she said before she turned, walking toward the house. Henry closed the stall door and ran to catch up with her. As she opened the door for him, they entered her kitchen. She walked over and sat at the table.

  “You can sit, Henry,” she said, taking off her boots. “So, how did you like riding Daisy?”

  “My butt hurts in places that I thought would never hurt,” Henry said, slowly lowering himself into the chair.

  Rachael laughed. “Yeah, that can happen for first-time riders. But I asked you in here ’cause I have something to talk to you about.”


  “I talked with your dad yesterday. He isn’t happy with the idea of you working for me this summer. So unless you can get your dad’s permission, I won’t be able to hire you for the drive this fall. Now, you are more than welcome to come over anytime and ride, but as for helping out and learning the ranch, I can’t go against your father’s wishes,” she said, looking the boy in the eye.

  “But I’m almost eighteen. I can do the job. I know I can. I just need to learn,” he begged.

  “I’m not doubting that, Henry, but until your father says yes, my answer is no,” she said, getting up from the table. Henry just sat there, wondering why his dad would say no. “You will have your yes tomorrow, Rachael. I give you my word,” Henry said, getting up from the table and heading for the door.

  “Henry?” Rachael called to him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, turning to look at her.

  “Just be firm and honest with him. Look him in the eye and show him that you are determined, and if all else fails, give him something sweet to eat,” she said, handing him the double chocolate cake she had made the previous night.

  With the cake in hand, Henry left and headed home.

  * * * *

  “So how’s the planning going for the festival?” Michael asked Chris.

  “Good. All the ladies have everything under control. You know the ladies. If there is a party to throw, it’s best for us menfolk to get the hell out of dodge until they’re ready for us,” Chris said, laughing. Michael smiled, knowing how true that statement was.

  “So word around town is that you were some big-shot engineer for Boeing. What made you decide to give it all up and move out here?” Chris asked as Michael handed him a beer.

  “Henry and I needed a change. I grew up on a cattle ranch, Crossfire Ranch in Montana, so I thought since I grew up on a ranch, it wouldn’t be that difficult to farm the land instead of running cattle. Besides, running a cattle ranch is extremely hard work, and I wanted to give Henry the experience of country living without all the demands of running a ranch,” he lied.

  “So you picked organic farming instead?” Chris laughed.

  “I know, I really didn’t think it through, but we are here now, and I am determined to get the farm up and running,” Michael said, smiling at his guest.

  “Well, Mike, I tip my hat to you. Not everyone can just pick up and start over fresh.”

  “So tell me something, Chris. What is the story with Rachael? She’s a handful.”

  “You’re telling me. That girl has been trouble since the day she was born.”

  “So you know her well?” Michael asked, looking for more information.

  “You can say that. Rachael grew up in Cedar Creek, and when she was eighteen, she married my brother, Robert. Together they started the ranch from nothing, and after ten years and three kids later, the ranch became a success,” Chris explained.

  “After Robert and the kids were killed two years ago last winter, when a semi jackknifed on an interstate in Montana, as you already know, their car exploded. She stayed in intensive care for months. She had to have three surgeries to repair the damage to her,” Chris explained, looking at his beer in his hand.

  “I am sorry, Chris,” Michael said, taking a seat across from Chris.

  “Since the accident, she works that ranch as if her life depends on it. She doesn’t drive anymore. That’s why she rides. After the accident, she did get into a car, but she tried to kill herself. So her father, who just happens to be the judge of this little podunk town, took her license away, thinking it would help.”

  “Did it?” Michael asked.

  “Nope, it only made things worse. Sometimes she would get these flashes of the accident. She would get into one of her damned cars and go for a joy ride. You don’t want to know how many times I have had the pleasure of chasing her down. Eventually, she refused to have her license reinstated, but last month, the judge and I got together realizing that we were just enabling her, and concocted a plan. Regardless of how many times she got into one of her cars, I refused to file the statement, so when she had her last court date, her father reinstated her license. Since then, she has refused to get into any of her cars,” Chris said.

  “She drove yesterday,” Michael informed him.

  Chris looked up at him in shock. “What do you mean? She was driving yesterday?”

  “She came after me when I headed toward the quarry, not realizing that the road ended. She flew past me and stopped me before I ended up as hamburger meat,” Michael explained.

  “Well I’ll be dammed. She drove. She actually drove.”

  “Yep, and let me tell you, if that woman ever decides to try out for NASCAR, I would bet on her for every race,” Michael said, taking a drink of his beer.

  Just then, Henry walked in carrying a chocolate cake and placed it on the table.

  “Where in the hell did you get that, son?” Michael asked with a chuckle.

  “Rachael baked you a cake,” he replied, as Chris spit out his beer across the table.

  * * * *

  The ranch was busier than ever, and with summer vacation only four weeks away, Rachael had her hands full, sorting out the cattle from those going on the drive and those she was keeping for breeding. There were miles and miles of fences that needed repairing and new ranch hands that needed training. One thing for sure was that she still needed more guys for the drive.

  Thinking of what she could do to get more men, her thoughts turned to Michael, that soft, sweet kiss and that orgasmic day in the sun. She could still feel the warmth of his lips on hers. She softly sighed at the thought. His warm hands wrapped around her, gently but firm. Remembering the smell of him sent her head swimming into the stratosphere, making her dizzy. But it was the whole climatic experience of the fierceness of the act, the raw, unadulterated no-holds-barred sex, that sent her pussy pulsating and her heart racing as an orgasm erupted within her.

  Breathing heavily, she tried to gain control of her senses. Shaking the thoughts from her, she looked over at the two ranch hands who were bitching like two old ladies.

  “What are you two fighting about now?” she asked, frustrated.

  “Nothing, boss lady,” Justin quickly said.

  “Kenny!” she yelled, looking for an explanation.

  “Someone took the herding cattle over to Megan’s stream last night.”


  “Don’t know, boss lady. Justin and the boys bedded them down last night at Fuller’s Bend, but when we woke up they were at the stream.” Kenny sighed, taking his hat off.

  Rachael looked from man to man, and when she focused on Kenny once more, she sighed. “Something on your mind, Kenny?”

  “Well, boss lady, Justin and I were talking with some of the boys, and something fishy is goin’ on around here. First it was the corral being left open, and then some boys discovered the southeast fence had been torn down. Last week we had the small fire out near the pole barn, and now this. Something ain’t right, Rachael,” Kenny explained.

  “What are you saying?”

  “We don’t rightly know. But somethin’ in my gut is telling me somethin’ just ain’t right,” Justin responded.

  “Well, for right now, all those things can be explained. Just keep an eye on the ranch, and let me know if anything else goes wrong,” Rachael said, about to blow her top. She had enough on her plate without someone not doing their job correctly, and since Henry was unable to sway his father, that still left Rachael a man short. Needing another hand, Rachael decided she was just going to have to confront Michael. “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

  “What was that, boss lady?” Kenny asked, sitting next to her.

  “Stop calling me that!” she yelled as she rode off on Mystic toward the house.

  “Damn, Kenny, please stop calling her that. She’s gettin’ madder than a bull on clippin’ day,” Justin said to the ranch foreman.

  “She’s just mad ’cause she’s gonna have to do what she doesn’t want to do. She will get over it...I hope.” Kenny smiled. “Okay, boys, let’s get the herd back over to the Bend. They’re gettin’ hungry,” he yelled, as the riders quickly started whistling.

  * * * *

  Riding back toward the house, Rachael saw Henry riding Daisy. She was amazed at how fast he took to this life, and he was now riding the young filly like he was born to ride. He looked so comfortable upon the horse, like the filly belonged to him and him only. She slowed Mystic and watched him. She smiled and quickly kicked Mystic into a fast run.

  Henry saw Rachael coming. He waved and rode out to meet her.

  “Afternoon, Rachael.”

  “Henry. How’s Daisy doing?”

  “She’s good. I think she likes it better out of her stall. She gets excited when she sees me,” Henry replied.

  “You’re right. She knows when it’s time for you to show up. Henry, I need your help with something. Feel like going for a ride with me?” she asked.

  “Sure. Daisy is ready for a run,” Henry said excitedly.

  “Let’s go then,” she said, kicking Mystic into a run with Henry right on her heels.

  * * * *

  The sun had not yet come up when Rachael left her house. She breathed in the smell of the cool clean morning as she made her way to the barn. Once saddled, she jumped on Mystic and headed off. With her mind set, she knew this had to work. She thought of everything from reasoning to blackmail, but after what happened the other day, she figured her options were going to be limited as she got closer to her destination.

  Tying the reins to the front porch rail, she reached in her pocket and took out the little silver key that Henry had given her yesterday and quietly entered the house.

  Michael was sleeping peacefully when a warm, soft arm wrapped itself around him. Dreaming, he unconsciously rolled over, pulling the soft body closer to him. Smelling the morning air all around him, he felt a soft brush against his lips. He moaned as the touch sent his pulse racing.

  Oh, he loved these dreams, the tenderness and the excitement of the unknown. He felt his way around the illusion in his mind. The warmth of her was intoxicating. Finding her lips, he devoured her. His body responded immediately. Full arousal and rock hard, his throbbing cock wanted release. He felt her hands move down his back, cupping his warm ass. Michael longed for her next move as he explored her delicious mouth. He reached out to touch her chest but realized she was clothed.

  He grumbled.

  Damn it, what kind of dream is this? She should be naked. Oh well, I can fix that. He slowly began to unbutton her blouse. He wanted her. He wanted her now!

  She chuckled. “Michael.”

  The sound was familiar, but he tried to ignore it. He continued to unbutton her shirt. By god, this was his dream, and what he said goes, and boy was this was a damn good dream!

  “Michael,” she whispered again.

  He grumbled. He didn’t want to talk. He wanted sex. He wanted to once again sink into her hot little pussy and devour her. He could already smell her sex, and by god, he wanted sex.

  “Michael,” she said a little louder.

  Damn it! No talking...crap! Why do they feel the need to talk when action speaks louder than words? What kind of perverse dream was this? Whatever happened to the good old let’s get down and dirty dreams? Oh no! You have to dream about a woman who would rather talk. Shaking off the request of his love interest at the moment, he proceeded to take her mouth, effectively shutting up this obsessive taking machine. She could talk all she wanted…later. Her mouth was warm and willing. She tasted like heaven. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He had to know what she looked like. He slowly opened his eyes and saw her. She looked so familiar, but he couldn’t place her. Oh well. Closing his eyes once again, he continued on, trying to devour her.

  “Michael, wake up,” she murmured.

  “Later,” he responded.

  “Now!” she said a little louder. Something in her tone made him freeze. He knew that voice.

  It couldn’t be. Opening one eye, he saw her. Shocked, he quickly sat up in bed.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Rachael said, lying on the pillow next to him.

  “What the hell?” Michael said, staring at her.

  “Having a nice dream, were you?” She smiled.

  “What the hell are you doing in my bed?”

  “Time to get your ass up. The day is a-wasting,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “Rachael what in the hell are you doing here?” Michael said quickly, looking over at his alarm clock and realizing it was four in the morning.

  “The cattle need their exercise, and they need to be fed,” she replied.

  “How did you get in here?” Michael said, climbing out of bed and walking over to the chair in the corner to grab his robe to cover his naked body.

  Rachael smiled when she saw him. The sight of his firm, lean body sent her blood boiling. She immediately thought of some of the things she would like to do to that body, and she was really impressed that he did not shy away from modesty. As Michael turned to face her, he saw that she slowly licked her lips.

  “Well are you going to answer me, or are you just going to lay there drooling?” he asked coolly.

  “Take that robe off and let me drool a little longer, would ya?” she said, leaning up on her elbows, teasing him.

  “Rachael, how did you get in my house?” Michael asked once again, but this time his tone was less abusive. He tried to ignore the way she was lying out across his bed, and desperately tried to forget how good she felt in his arms. But when she smiled at him, his resolve fell, and he smiled.

  “There ya go, sunshine. I knew you couldn’t be angry with a pretty gal climbing in the bed next to ya. So why don’t you get that fine ass of yours dressed, and let’s get to work, ’cause you cost me a ranch hand, and you said you would replace him,” she said, sitting back on the pillow, stretching out and keeping her eyes on him.

  “I never said that.” He smiled.

  “Sure you did.”

  “I thought you fired me.”

  “I just rehired you.”

  Michael just stood there dumbfounded. He tried to explain to himself that she was not trying to entice him, tha
t she was only here for a ranch hand, and he had to protect her, but when she sighed and smiled at him, his reason for being here was quickly fading.

  All his defenses failed him. There lying before him was this infuriating woman who, when she smiled, made him feel invigorated. He relished the thought of taking her, holding her, and loving her. How could a woman he barely knew draw him into her, wanting and needing her like a tall cool glass of cool water, but as he watched her, all he could think of was undressing her and taking her into his arms and fucking her…and damn, she smelled good!

  Rachael knew she had him.

  She watched him try to think his way out of this, but all he could do was stare at her with hungry eyes. She thought about putting the poor guy out of his misery, but she was having a little too much fun. Fun that she hadn’t had since Robert was alive. She loved the feeling it was giving her and decided maybe just a little more… “So,” she drawled, laying her head back on his pillows, extending her arms above her head. “Are you just going to stand there looking at me?”

  Oh damn, she’s good! Michael thought to himself. Taking in the whole situation, Michael came to two logical explanations. One, she was only here for a ranch hand and nothing else, or two, she wanted to play, seeing how far she could push him. Looking at her teasing him sprawled out on his bed, he quickly decided on the second.

  Michael, taking a step forward to test his theory, softly said, “What do you have in mind?”

  Rachael’s heart began to beat wildly as he walked closer to her. She could feel the blood running fast as the heat began to engulf her. Damn, he likes to play, she said to herself. Well, let’s just see how playful he really is.

  With a devilish grin, she sighed, rolling over to her side and moving her leg up so he could fully see her backside.

  “Oh, I can think of one thing in particular.” She smiled as she patted the bed.

  That did it.

  Michael threw off his robe and was on the bed holding her in his arms before she could even voice a complaint. As his mouth took hers, she giggled as she wrapped her arms around him and met his kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth with a fiery fury of a caged animal, lusting for her.


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