Coming to Hale

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Coming to Hale Page 7

by Marie James

  We once again have Josie’s attention. “Is he a good kisser?” Josie asks, and I know it’s only so Alexa can take a minute to calm down.

  I look up and can’t hide the grin on my face. “The best.” I tell her. His mouth, in the very limited time it was on mine, provided the best kiss of my life. I know that’s not really saying much. I don’t just go around making out with people so I have limited experience, but he was by far the best and will be next to impossible to fall from the lead for any future men that may come along.

  Alexa has finally taken her seat and she’s just looking at me slowly shaking her head in disbelief.

  “Ian Hale.” She says in almost a whisper. “He didn’t want to meet back up after the speech?”

  “He mentioned that he wanted to continue later, but no way was I going to stick around and risk getting caught getting dirty with Ian Hale!” Alexa gasps.

  “You just walked away! Next time call me and I’ll stand in for you! I’d love to get a taste of that fine specimen of a man!” She flops back and starts fanning herself like she’s been exposed to a sudden flash of heat.

  I giggle at her. Alexa Warner, always one for the dramatics! The thought of her or anyone else, getting a taste of the beautiful Ian Hale besides me, makes my blood run hot and not in a good way.

  “I’ve no intentions of getting caught up in whatever game Ian Hale is trying to get me to play the lead role in. That’s why I’m so out of sorts. He called today and somehow convinced me to go to an art opening with him tomorrow. He’s quite persuasive.” Cue more dramatics from Alexa.

  “He contacted you and asked you out after you deserted him at the gala?” She’s completely stunned. “You really are clueless aren’t you?”

  “Obviously.” I give her a look that tells her to explain.

  “First off I’m sure you can tell that Ian Hale is not the type of man who gets turned down like, EVER. Secondly, the talk about him says he’s a one shot kind of guy. Once he’s rebuffed he moves on. He doesn’t chase women. He has no need for it because the line for admission is so long. He has his pick of the litter so to speak.” Alexa still has a grin on her face because she realizes what she’s just told me is not serving the purpose she intended. “He’s contacted you after you denied him.” She explains.

  “Well if I’m being honest, had he not had to go deliver that speech there would’ve been no denying him. We would’ve banged it out in the bathroom!” Now it’s Josie’s turn to gasp. I know she’s never heard things like that come out of my mouth; Alexa on the other hand is very open about her escapades and says crazy stuff all the time.

  “Wow, Lorali! He seems to have left a mark already!” Josie has given up on the volcano and has slid it to the side, giving her the ability to lean on the table and inch in closer, like she’s afraid she’ll miss a torrid detail.

  “Honestly he’s driving me crazy and going out with him tomorrow will only make it worse. I think I’ll cancel.” The slap of Alexa’s hand on the table top startles me and I jerk my eyes towards her.

  “You will NOT cancel that date Lorali Bennett! No way are you backing out of an evening with the sexiest man in the state of Colorado!” She’s now glaring at me like I drank the last of the wine and forgot to refrigerate another bottle, one of the seven deadly sins according to her.

  “I can’t control myself around him Alexa! By night’s end I’ll probably be sprawled out on the gallery floor!” I shrink back in my seat, annoyed that he has the much control on my actions.

  “Then I say you better bring a blanket because Denver floors tend to stay pretty cold!” Alexa throws right back at me. “Plus I think a man who can have any one he wants has the ability to control himself in public.”

  “You don’t even have a clue what that man will do in public!” Oops. I should quit talking while I’m ahead!

  “Well then, enlighten us.” She orders with a smirk. Nothing gets past her. I didn’t want to go into this part with them, but since I’m relying on them for advice I figure full disclosure is best.

  “He said some of the most inappropriate things to me. He pinned me to the wall and proceeded to kiss me so spectacularly that I thought I was going to collapse. He had no regard for the situation, knowing anyone of the people at that event could’ve rounded the corner to that hallway to use the restroom! Had someone caught us, I could’ve lost my job!” I lean back in my chair completely exasperated.

  “Pinned against the wall huh? I thought you just ‘kissed a bit’” She’s using air quotes and grinning from ear to ear. She’s staring at me like this is some coming of age movie and I just got my period for the first time and have finally been declared a woman.

  I shrug again only this time I’ve no ability to wipe the smile off my face.

  “You say he had no regard for the situation, but how about you? You could’ve easily ended it also.” I know she’s trying to lead me somewhere but I just can’t focus on where. The thought of that kiss sends my mind into a sultry tailspin.

  “Ha! He’s Ian Hale remember? No way could anyone stop mid assault with him.” Josie remains silent but she’s completely wrapped up in this conversation. If she leans any further in she’ll be laying across the table.

  “Then it’s the same for him.” Alexa leans back like she’s just solved the final round of Jeopardy.

  “What’s the same for him?” I ask.

  “He couldn’t control himself either, because I’ve heard women talk about him and he’s not one for public displays of affection. What I hear is that he’s very controlled and private, so he never gets caught with his pants down so to speak.” This is where Alexa was leading me. Trying to convince me that I may have a shot at this man.

  Ha! Yeah right!

  “Seriously?” How did she do that? A simple statement about grapevine rumors and my heart has started to beat faster.

  “Lorali, you’re the one with the investigative reporter degree, what does your research say?” She asks as she pours the very last drop of wine in her glass and sits back in her seat.

  Crap. Research. That would’ve answered a few questions. I’ve done no further research other than the picture hunt before the event on Saturday. “I haven’t had time to conduct any research on him.”

  “Well I’d start there. I bet you won’t find much about women in his life. He’s quite social but you won’t find many repeats in the woman department.” Alexa explains.

  “So I should cancel. I’ve no interest in being another ‘woman’ he might be seen once with.” I can hear her sigh and she shakes her head as if I’m a child, annoyed that she has to explain simple things to me.

  “You’re still not getting it! He sought you out after leaving the gala Saturday, that’s something!” I can tell she’s getting frustrated and wanting no part of the whole ‘I don’t want to be pursued by a sex god’ pity party I’m throwing myself.

  “Well I won’t cancel, but you’re responsible for the ‘one night with a billionaire’ aftermath once he uses me and moves on.” She’s grinning again, ecstatic that I’m not going to cancel on him.

  “I’ll be there. Just don’t sleep with him if you don’t want to be his next victim.” She says like it’s just that simple.

  “He’s Ian Hale remember?” She knows I won’t turn him away and that’s why her smile is about to crack her face.

  “Well you may need to bring a blanket and condoms! I’m sure it’d be nice to get off without the use of B.O.B for once!” She has no idea just how right she is! “Where are you guys going for your date?”

  “Some art show called Orchid by Jody J. I’ve never heard of her, Ian says she’s quite exclusive.” I’m already back in my head allowing our conversation to give Ian’s pursuit some credit. What would I do if this man did want to sleep with me? What would I do if he wanted more than that? How would I survive if he didn’t?

  I vow to myself then and there that I’ll go on the date but will not allow myself to be distracted by his never-ending s
ex appeal and I most definitely will not be sleeping with him!

  “Jody J huh?” Why she’s grinning even bigger than before is beyond me.

  “Yeah, ever heard of her?” I question her, hoping to get more detail than Ian would give me.

  “Nope.” She gets up to put her glass in the dishwasher. I can see in her profile that she’s still smiling and get an uneasy feeling that she knows more than she’s willing to say.

  Chapter 17


  Work has been pretty uneventful. I’m thankful that I have no events tonight or tomorrow night. I get the feeling that after the art show this evening I’m going to need the girl’s night out tomorrow more than I’ve ever needed one before.

  Leaving work at promptly five o’clock, I head home to get ready for my date. I’ve done my best to keep Ian Hale off of my mind, and by my best I mean I told myself to not think about him while I in fact thought about him all day. I’m ridiculously excited and slightly apprehensive about how tonight will go.

  I jump in the shower shortly after getting home. I spent over an hour under the spray, spending way more time in there than I normally do. I spent time shaving and applying lotion, because who am I kidding? I know the chances of what tonight might have in store and I wouldn’t be stuck in an awkward situation trying to explain my, ahem, bush.

  I decided to quick dry my hair and keep it with its natural waviness, hoping it’d provide more protection around me from Ian.

  My dress for the evening was a capped sleeves and form fitting around the waist. The chiffon knee length, coral colored dress was gathered at the waist allowing it to have a romantic flow when I moved. I paired it with nude pumps and kept my makeup modest, contributing to the simple, elegant feel I was going for. In keeping with the simple feel I was going for, my makeup was minimalistic. I’d only applied a light shimmer of eye shadow, mascara, and a pale lip gloss. I forwent the blush because I was sure my cheeks would do that on their own many times tonight. Being around Ian Hale tended to leave me flushed and full of color.

  I loaded my clutch with the essentials, purposefully leaving the condoms behind, hoping it’d help me to deny any sexual advances I’m certain Ian will try to tempt me with. I’ve no idea what I’ll do if he was a boy scout earlier in life and comes prepared himself!

  I step out of my room, loving the swish of the dress around my legs. I feel incredibly sexy and the unbidden thought that I hoped Ian thinks it too makes me smile. Tonight’s going to be a disaster, a hot, steamy, once in a lifetime disaster. One I’m not willing to avoid because not going and the what-if’s would leave my mind in utter chaos.

  “Nice!” I hear Josie say from the living room couch. She has her feet perched on the table in front of her, remote in hand. Her head is turned around and she’s grinning from ear to ear at me.

  “Thanks,” I look down and swipe my hands down my front clearing away invisible wrinkles.

  “You look amazing! Very prim and proper.” Alexa is leaning in the door frame of the coat closet, a mischievous grin on her face. I tilt my head to the side, trying to decipher why she’d have that look on her face. She gives me nothing. “Have a good evening,” she says before turning and heading in to the kitchen.

  I grab my shawl from the coat closet and head out. It’s just before eight o’clock, and I want to catch Ian before he makes it to the door. No way I’m letting these two have a go at him, knowing they’d grill him more than a detainee at Gitmo.

  I make my way out of the apartment complex keeping an eye on my feet to prevent me from stumbling down the stairs. Once I hit the bottom landing, I lift my eyes and stop cold.

  Ian’s at the curb, leaning against a dark town car. His focus completely on me and he looks even more devastating than he did in the hallway, distracted on his phone. I take his smile to mean he likes what he sees. I swear those dimples will be my ruination! If it’s even possible he looks better than the last time I saw him. He’s wearing a perfectly tailored suit jacket and slacks. His stark white shirt is unbuttoned at the top, leaving that gap of throat open for the world to see. Yep, tonight will be a magnificent disaster!

  Closing the distance between us, I maintain eye contact with him. He reaches up with his hands, placing them on my biceps and leans in, brushing his perfect lips across my left cheek. One simple peck on the cheek and my face is aflame. I pray he can’t see the blush on my cheeks in the dark.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispers in my ear before pulling his face from mine. His three simple words enter me and land right in my core. I sway a little, thankful for the grip he still has on my arms. Keeping his hands on me, he takes a small step back and unashamedly rakes his eyes from top to bottom. I think I hear a small grunt from inside of him.

  I grin and turn to get in the car, his left hand falling to press against my lower back; the intimacy of his touch causes cold chills to take over my body. Sliding into the back seat of the car I can see him adjust himself in my periphery with his right hand.

  Oh boy. I seem to be affecting him as well.

  Less than five minutes in and we’re both this affected. This evening has the potential to be the most interesting night of my life!

  Ian slides in next to me and pulls the door closed, right arm resting against it, left arm in his lap. I keep both of my hands clasped in my lap, fingers nervously wringing. I realize right away that I’m completely sexually charged and yet I feel shy and enamored by the enigma that’s Ian Hale.

  I sit in silence, knowing if I speak my voice will waiver. He doesn’t torture me with silence for very long.

  “How was your day, Lorali?” His voice is gentle and soft but he remains stiff against the door, only turning his head for our interaction.

  “Just another day at the office.” Idle chit chat? He doesn’t seem the type for idle chit chat and our last interaction certainly didn’t hint at idle anything where he was concerned.

  “I hope you didn’t have to rearrange much to spend the evening with me.” He keeps his gaze on me.

  “I’ve no work events until Friday and all I have then is a grand opening for a new bingo hall on Main Street.” I respond knowing he could care less about my work schedule.

  “Hmm, nothing to do until Friday? I was sure someone as beautiful as you would have a social calendar that was over-flowing.” He has a slight grin on his face.

  “You know very well I’m not a very social person, or have you forgotten your conversation with Betsy? I know I sure haven’t.” I gaze over at him, his dimples are turned up to one hundred percent. Lord help me. “And I didn’t say I didn’t have anything planned, I just don’t have work assignments until Friday. Tomorrow, as a matter of fact I have a girl’s night planned.” I say with a hint of smugness.

  “A girl’s night huh?” His face now more somber, dimples gone.

  “Yep. Just my sister, my bestie, me, and a ton of free drinks.” I beam back at him realizing how excited I actually am to be going out.

  “Free drinks huh? So you’re trolling for men, to get them to buy you drinks all night? I can see how that won’t be much of a problem for you. What club is it?” His voice has a slight air of chastisement to it.

  “Not exactly. The drinks are free because we’re going to the opening of a new night club my best friend Alexa got VIP invites to. I can’t remember the name something electrical I think.” My explanation seems to calm him a bit, but I’m still puzzled by his reaction.

  I smirk back at him. “Jealous?” The fact that Ian Hale would be jealous of me going to a club and getting men to buy me drinks is laughable. I wait for his rejection.

  “Extremely,” he says finally breaking the distance between us. His body is turned towards mine and he lifts his left hand, running his soft knuckles down my cheek. Having no control over my body in his presence, my face leans into his warm fingers.

  Slowly he leans in and brushes his lips against mine, his breath becoming my breath. My eyes slowly close, my lips waiting for more. Hours
seem to pass with nothing. I open my eyes and meet his. I know they’re pleading with him to continue the kiss.

  “We’re here,” he whispers against my lips. I nod my head only slightly as he pulls away from me. I was so enthralled with him that I hadn’t even felt the car slow down and stop. Nor had I heard the driver exit from the front and come around and open Ian’s door.

  Get it together Lorali!

  Shaking my head to rid my mind of the lust my whole body was hell bent on releasing, I did my best to glide from the car gracefully without falling face first. Ian offers his hand and I take it thankfully, knowing my legs will be wobbly.

  We’re in front of a nondescript building in an industrial part of Denver, a part of town I’d never come to during the day much less at night, but for some reason I feel safe here with Ian and his driver. Stupidly presuming even the hardened criminals who frequent this area would never lay a hand on the magnanimous Ian Hale.

  Two very large men stand sentry on either side of a small door into the building. Both are dressed in all black, their gloved hands clasped in front of them. They don’t acknowledge us as we approach them.

  Ian guides me through the heavy metal door, his warm hand on the small of my back; this light touch doing nothing to abate the growing hunger my body has for him.

  Just through the door is a small waiting area occupied by a petite brunette with a mega-watt smile on her pixie like face.

  “Welcome, Mr. Hale. Lorali,” she says to us once we clear the threshold. “May I take your coats?” She holds her hands out to reach for the items.

  Ian shrugs out of his suit jacket and hands it over to her. The white shirt that remains does nothing to hide the expanse of his shoulders or his tight muscled form. I know I’ve been caught gawking at him, when the pixie clears her throat, bringing me back to the present.

  He grins at me, knowing full well what I was doing. I shrug out of my wrap and hand it over to her, reluctantly, as I’m sure we’ll need it for the floor later. I chuckle at the thought of this regal man getting down to business on the floor of an abandoned building in one of the most dangerous parts of town.


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