Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3)

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Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3) Page 4

by Dawn Brower

  “I don’t have a clue.” He stood up and paced the room. “Why does this matter anyway?”

  How to answer that? She hadn’t a damned clue. It did matter, and she couldn’t let it go without digging out all the details. “I’m curious and bored. I’ve hit a dead end. Tell me about this ancestor. What was her name? Do you know that much?”

  “She was the fifth Duke’s sister. All I know for certain is that she married the Marquess of Seabrook. That’s where my information ended. I suspect if we want more answers we might have to go to Seabrook and ask if they’ll play nice and share.”

  Regina perked up at his words. “Is that possible?”

  She got up and headed toward him. She placed a hand on his arm. His gaze shot down to her movement. Bradford froze in place and slowly turned to meet her gaze. Heat shot through her in that instant. Deep breath in, exhale slowly. Regina fought for control. When he stared at her like that...

  “Anything is possible if you’re willing to work for it.” He lifted his hand and trailed his fingers across her cheek. She shivered involuntarily. “How bad do you want it.”

  So bad she could almost taste it. Down, Regina. Bradford will chew you up and spit you out. If she fell into his arms, she wanted no regrets. She closed her eyes and held her breath. Her eyelids fluttered open and met his intense gaze. He wanted her too, and had been aware of their mutual attractions since the moment they met. Too bad she went and grew up in the past year and didn’t give into those urges anymore. She wanted love, and at this point there wasn’t a chance in hell Bradford would give it to her.

  “If you’re speaking about visiting Seabrook, then I want to go as soon as possible.” She quirked an eyebrow up and asked, “When can you arrange it?”

  “The good news is they are having a charity ball in a few days and I have tickets for it.” He winked. “You can go as my date.”

  Date? Regina wasn’t sure how she felt about being his date, but shrugged the concerns away. This was important and could lead her to the answers she sought. “Black tie?”

  “Of course.” He replied. “Balls are the best places for dressing...and undressing in dark corners. If you want to have more fun, wear something easily...accessible.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock. Regina blinked and realized they were still standing close together. Distance was needed and fast. His beautiful blue eyes were so mesmerizing. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? He grinned mischievously. Arrogant bastard could tell how much she wanted him. Maybe it was time to play with him a little bit. Regina had an intense urge to wipe that cocky grin off his pretty face.

  She stepped closer so there wasn’t any room separating their bodies. She lifted her hand and skimmed it at the bottom edge of his shirt, snaking it underneath. Her fingers danced across his hot flesh. It was his turn to suck in a breath. Need crashed into her, but she reined it in. This was a game she intended to win. Regina wrapped her arms around his waist, leaving one hand underneath his shirt, scraping her fingernails across the bare flesh of his back.

  “Kitty has her claws out.” He leaned in close. “How wicked.”

  Regina didn’t say a word. She unwound her arms and let her hand trail down to the bulge growing in his pants. She cupped him in the palm of her hand. He hissed a breath. Regina took that moment to lean in and kiss him lightly on the lips and then bit his bottom lip, hard. He swore and took a step back. A small bead of blood formed on his lip.

  “Bloody hell.” He wiped his mouth. “Was that necessary.”

  “More than you know.” Her hands shook so she kept them close to her sides. She didn’t want to show any weakness. “I’m not a plaything. I’m not yours to fuck and leave out like yesterday’s trash. I’ll never be for you.”

  His eyes gleamed dangerously. “Darling, I can assure this isn’t over.”

  “No,” she disagreed. “It’s not even starting. Keep your paws to yourself.” Regina spun on her heels and stormed out of the room before she did something she’d regret. Like strip naked and find out how wicked they could truly be. That would be disastrous. Bradford Kendall was her weakness, and Regina refused to give in to it. No matter how bad she wanted to drown herself in his drug induced kisses.


  Bradford cursed and paced the room. He stopped and stared at the chess game. Images of Regina wouldn’t leave him and it had been hours since she left. It wasn’t a good sign of what was to come that he couldn’t let it go. Her touch still lingered over his skin. The cut on his lip hadn’t bled long, but her bite left a throbbing ache in more than one place. His desire wouldn’t ebb, and he couldn’t think of anything but her. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He shouldn’t have allowed things to go as far as they had. At least she’d held herself in check. If she’d kept going, he’d have had her on the floor of the library. The urge to go after her still flowed through him. Trenton was the sole reason he managed to restrain himself. He had to keep reminding himself why keeping his hands to himself was a good idea. Something or someone should do the same for his brother’s wife. Regina put on a good show, but her desire equaled his in strength. If she continued to stay at Weston Manor in a mere matter of time she’d give in. Pure and simple, she had to leave, and it was up to him to make sure she did. He had one problem—he didn’t want her to go.

  Why did she tease him incessantly? Did Trenton mean so little to her? Bradford scrubbed his hands over his face. The frustration was starting to get to him, and he was beginning to wonder why the hell he fought Regina so damned hard. Why should he when she wasn’t? Playing the better man had never sat well on him. If not for his step-brother he’d have given in without a moment’s thought. “Oh, bugger it,” he shot out. “This isn’t worth overanalyzing.” What he needed was a drink. Maybe if he imbibed enough he could control his raging need and forget what was driving it.

  He cursed again and swiped his hand across a nearby table, knocking almost everything on it to the floor with a loud crash. A piece of porcelain nicked his palm, causing a tiny drop of blood to pool across the cut. Bradford stared at it for a while, struck dumb. This is the exact foolishness he’d been trying to avoid. That woman drove him to distraction and made him do things he’d normally not even consider doing. He fished his mobile phone out of his pocket and dialed the one person who could save him from himself.

  It rang several times with no answer. He swore when voicemail clicked over. Why the hell was Trenton so bloody hard to get a hold of? It had been months since he’d last spoken to his step-brother. “It’s Bradford. Call me as soon as you get this voicemail. Regina is driving me insane. You have to make her leave.”

  He clenched the phone in his palm. Where was Trenton? Something was off. Trenton should have come with her. It had been a year ago when they’d married. Shouldn’t they be celebrating their first anniversary? Trenton wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to visit.

  “You won’t get a hold of him.”

  Bradford spun around and faced Regina. She had a solemn expression over her beautiful face. It was disconcerting. He’d never seen her look so sad before. “You were eavesdropping.”

  “I couldn’t help overhearing.” She shrugged. “It’s not the same thing, but the results are.”

  Why did she have to disturb him? Her presence was what drove him to call Trenton in the first place. She couldn’t leave well enough alone. His desire to pull her into his arms was so strong it was near impossible to fight. He clenched his teeth together and fought it with everything inside of him. Instead of calling her out on her intrusion, he decided it was time to ask her all those infernal questions he’d failed to ask previously. “Why isn’t Trenton with you?”

  She ignored and brushed past him. Regina stopped at the window and gazed out at the cliffs. He’d often done the same. Stood there and stared at their stark beauty. After a few moments, she turned to him and said, “Trenton has more pressing concerns.”

  “More pressing than his wife?” What could be more
important? Bradford was growing concerned. His brother wasn’t usually so inconsiderate. “What am I missing?”

  A small smile filled her face, an attempt to make light of the situation, before it fell into a bland expression. Her eyes were dull, almost glazed over. “Apparently you’re very much in the dark.”

  Oh hell, this couldn’t be good. He shook his head as something seized his heart—fear, worry, he wasn’t sure, but it sank its claws in deep. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”

  She returned to staring out the window. “Do you remember Genevieve?”

  Genevieve was lovely and ethereal. She was everything that Regina wasn’t. Which was why he’d been so surprised when Trenton had introduced Regina as his fiancée. Bradford didn’t think his step-brother would ever get over his former girlfriend. Had Regina come to the same conclusion? Was Trenton’s first love the problem?

  “I remember her quite well. She was a lovely woman.”

  She turned to him and smiled. “Unlike me.”

  He scrunched his eyebrows up and frowned. “I didn’t say that.”

  She shook her head and headed toward the shelf she’d borrowed the Bible from. Regina lifted her hand and skimmed across the spine, and then dropped her hand to her side. Her back remained to him. He couldn’t see her face, and he desperately wanted to.

  “You’re thinking it,” she said softly. “I have an inkling of what you believe me to be.”

  An ache settled deep into his soul. Every breath he took made it burn brighter. Her sadness—he didn’t like it. He only wanted her body. Didn’t he? He shook the doubts away. Of course he did. Her feelings didn’t matter to him.

  “Why should my beliefs have any impact on anything?” He crossed over to her and then lifted his hand to rest on her shoulder. She peeked back at him. A small tear settled in the corner of her eye. The ache inside him intensified, and he was mystified that her agony affected him at all. “What does Genevieve have to do with anything? She’s been gone for some time now.”

  With a wobbly smile she stared up at him. She turned to gaze up at him. The tear had begun to trail down her cheek. He lifted his hand and wiped it away. Bradford couldn’t take it anymore. He had to erase the misery before it engulfed them both. With a need more potent than desire he leaned down and placed his lips to hers. Later, when he was alone, he’d examine his motives. For now, it was enough that he wanted to give her something—anything—to focus on other than whatever made her so disheartened.

  He coaxed her soothingly until she opened up to him. The kiss was soft and sweet. Something Bradford didn’t do as a rule. It led to expectations. It was different with her. It filled him with a warm feeling so good he’d never have enough. Their tongues touched lightly and repeatedly. His hand curled around her waist almost involuntarily as he deepened the kiss. She tasted so good. It was intoxicating, thrilling, and almost like coming home. For the first time he believed he’d found something that was meant for him. Something worth fighting for, if he was willing to reach out and take it.

  A memory floated through his mind. He could hear Alys laughing, no mocking him. Her golden blonde hair had gleamed in the sunlight as she gazed at him with green eyes filled with mischievousness. What had she said?

  “Someday you will meet someone who takes your breath away. Your very existence moot without them by your side—every breath, every heartbeat, will be only for them. If you’re lucky enough, they will feel the same.”

  Bradford took a step back. His hands shook as the realization set in. Had that blasted woman cursed him? What would she think if she knew she made him question everything? No. Regina wasn’t for him—it was a fluke. A mere moment of weakness... He didn’t love her. He’d been right when he told Alys it was lust and nothing more he felt for her sister.

  Regina licked her lips, her gaze never leaving his. He wanted to kiss her again but resisted. He needed some distance to think. This thing between them couldn’t go any further than this room. Even if her marriage was potentially over, he wasn’t ready to face the tumultuous rollercoaster flowing through him.

  “Genevieve is the reason you won’t get a hold of Trenton. She’s his reason for everything, but you already knew that. It’s why you never accepted me, isn’t it?”

  He shook his head. “She has nothing to do with how I feel about you.”

  That was the truth. He liked Genevieve well enough, but he’d never lusted after her. Regina was a different story altogether. It was something he didn’t like very much. He almost hated himself for it.

  “I see.” She turned away from him. “Trenton is trying to figure out what happened to her. He’s holed up who-knows-where in deep research with a professor from Oxford. I haven’t spoken to him in quite a while.”

  That explained a lot. Why he hadn’t been able to reach his step-brother and Regina showing up unannounced. She was lost with nowhere to turn. Maybe she had ulterior motives for coming to Bradford’s estate. He wasn’t yet sure what those reasons were, but he’d uncover every last one of them. Whatever game Regina was playing he intended to come out on top. He didn’t play the fool for anyone, especially a vixen like her.

  Sometimes comfort was needed and anyone would do. Bradford was there and readily available to help with her needs. Bitterness filled him at the idea of being used. No wonder she’d bit him and made him bleed. No one wanted to be tossed aside and considered worthless. The idea of her doing that to him didn’t sit well. He found he did want more from her, and he wasn’t certain he could have it.

  “Why are you really here, Regina?”

  “I told you already. Those reasons are the same as the day I arrived.” She turned back to him. “I’m going to find out what happened to Alys with or without your help.”

  Regina may or may not want to find out what happened to her sister. He had his doubts about the veracity of that claim. If she was so concerned, why hadn’t she started her search sooner? What changed? From his point of view, not a damn thing. She was still as frustrating and equally gut-wrenchingly beautiful as she always had been. Was she any less selfish than a year ago? He mentally shook his head...doubtful. He hadn’t seen any evidence to the contrary. To him, Alys was an excuse to come to his estate and torment him on a daily basis. If Regina found out her sister’s whereabouts in the process she’d see it as a bonus. Maybe it was a bit narcissistic, but he was starting to believe he was the true reason she’d come to England.

  “That may be one reason why you’re here, but it’s not the only one.” His voice had a steely edge. He was steaming with rage. “And I’m not talking about those bloody contracts you gave me to look at. What game are you playing?”

  “No games. I’m not the same person you met over a year ago. I’ve had to grow up and see things for what they are.” She smiled softly. “I don’t expect you to believe me, but it’s the truth.”

  He didn’t believe her, but he wanted to. An idea took root and he found it suited his purposes. A test was in order, and he knew exactly how to go about achieving one. The charity ball at Seabrook was actually a weekend event. Outside of Weston Manor he could see how she interacted with the world. It was time for the blinders to come off.

  “If you say so.” He shrugged. “We leave for Seabrook this evening. Pack for an entire weekend of activities,” he said and walked out of the room. Soon he’d have the answers he needed. Then he’d know how to handle the situation. Until then, he’d not make any decisions.


  Regina stared out the car window. They had been driving for about an hour headed toward Seabrook. She hadn’t thought to ask where the estate was located when Bradford told her about the charity ball. He’d also failed to mention it was a weekend long event set up like house parties in a bygone era. With a modern touch, of course; there was no gas lights, candles, or lack of plumbing to contend with. They were modern creatures, and not too many enjoyed roughing it. However, there was riding, card games, and other such frivolities to enjoy while they spent the
ir time on the estate. She had to admit she rather looked forward to it all. She had a fascination with the Regency and Victorian eras of English history. It was why she’d designed her wedding in a similar style. She was supposed to only get one wedding, right? Why not do it in style? Well, that showed exactly how foolish she was. Her marriage didn’t last and now she had no husband. What she had was his prickly brother who was constantly surprising her.

  “Where is Seabrook again?” Regina felt like a petulant child stuck in a car for hours upon hours. She couldn’t help it. It was suffocating being stuck with him with the strained silence. After that kiss... She didn’t know how to react or if she could trust her own instincts anymore.

  “It’s in Hampshire county, Southhampton to be exact. It’s along the coast, similar to my estate, and a little over a hundred miles separates us. We should be there in less than an hour,” Bradford replied drily. “I’m sure once we get there you will find something to entertain yourself with.”

  Regina didn’t want to find entertainment. The weight on her chest was making it hard for her to breathe. Distance would surely help ease the discomfort. That Bradford was the cause of it didn’t go unnoticed by her. She’d been attracted to him, always had been, but now she was drawn to him for different reasons. He’d been so tender in the library, made her want things she thought she’d never have after Trenton’s abandonment. She didn’t fault her ex-husband for wanting to find Genevieve. She’d come to terms with it all and understood it. “I’m sure I can find something to do,” she muttered under her breath. “So this event... Everyone who attends stays the whole weekend?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “There are not enough rooms to accommodate everyone. A select group of people have the privilege of attending the entire weekend.”


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