Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3)

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Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3) Page 6

by Dawn Brower

  Zane scrunched up his eyebrows and frowned. “Wouldn’t that information be found at your estate? Mine seems an unlikely place to find it.”

  Bradford laughed. He would have thought the same thing. “It appears that the fifth duke’s sister, our mutual ancestor, absconded with the details. The ledger containing her name is missing and all the clues point them to being brought here.”

  “I’m not sure if they are or not.” He rubbed his chin in concentration. “A lot of the antiques and journals were put in storage years ago. I’ll have to look into it and let you know.”

  “I appreciate it.” Bradford turned his head and searched for Regina. “The sooner I can get answers, the quicker I can deal with Miss Dewitt.”

  Although he might deal with her before he got the information she sought. Regina didn’t know it yet, but she was about to be claimed. He was tired of fighting his desire. It was a craving that was a part of him and burned with every breath he took. Why fight it anymore?

  Where the hell had she disappeared to? He scanned the room again and couldn’t spot her flawless figure anywhere. Damn it. He’d have to go in search for her. He grinned at the idea. Maybe a hunt was exactly what they both needed.

  “I can see you’re looking for her.” Zane interrupted Bradford’s thoughts. “She slipped out several minutes ago.”

  Bradford whipped around to meet his gaze. “Why didn’t you say so sooner?”

  He shrugged. “Didn’t see the point, and we were in the middle of a discussion.”

  Bradford growled in frustration. “You’re being so helpful tonight.” He glared at him. “Next time, maybe try not being a wanker.”

  Zane laughed and clutched his chest. “I never thought I’d see the day. I mean, I suspected, but man, now I know.”

  “Bloody hell,” Bradford snarled. “Keep your damn suppositions to yourself. Better yet, stuff ’em up your arse.”

  Zane laughed even harder at Bradford’s heated response. “Priceless. It’s going to be an entertaining weekend.” He tilted his champagne glass toward him. “I should have paid you for the pleasure of watching you make a fool of yourself. I can’t wait to see what you do next.”

  Bradford swore under his breath and spun on his heels to leave. He was done listening to Zane. Besides, he had to find Regina and figure out what she was still hiding from him.


  Regina strolled through the conservatory trailing her fingers across lush vegetation. She stared up and could see stars twinkling through the domed window. The aroma of the flowers filling the room sent a wave of relaxation deep inside. She took a deep breath and allowed it to settle over her. It was peaceful and inviting after witnessing the mental chest-pounding match between Zane and Bradford. They could keep each other company, as the conservatory’s beauty held more fascination.

  She sighed and leaned down to smell a nearby rose. This was a little slice of heaven. The idea of a conservatory had always appealed to her. So much so she wished to have one of her own. Maybe one day she would, but until that happened she enjoyed the benefits of knowing people who did.

  “Those blooms are almost as beautiful as you are.”

  Regina spun on her heel and turned to stare into the steel gray eyes of Zane Rossington. One of the annoying men she’d been set to escape earlier. Why couldn’t they leave her alone? While she found both attractive, Zane didn’t make her heart go pitter-patter. Bradford was the one her body craved. Unfortunately, the one she wanted wasn’t standing in front of her. No, she couldn’t be that lucky. Zane had to go bug someone else.

  “Does that line actually work?” She raised an eyebrow mockingly.

  His lips twitched with amusement. “I don’t know. You tell me.” He sauntered over to her side.

  “If your gauge is my reaction, I’d say it’s a dud.” She took a step closer to him and raised her hand to trail her fingers down his impressive chest. Regina leaned up her lips brushing against the side of his cheek. His breath hitched as she and whispered. “I hate to tell you this, but you do nothing for me.”

  Regina stepped back to put some distance between them. He stared down at her with a cocky smile. He chuckled lightly. “I definitely see the appeal.”

  “Appeal?” She quirked an eyebrow.

  “You’re an exquisite woman.” He grinned. “You would be interesting to have around.”

  “I’m not here for your entertainment.” She rolled her eyes. “I believe you arranged for fun and games the entire weekend. Find something else to do.”

  “Such as?”

  Good grief, he was an ass. “I really don’t care as long as it’s not me.”

  He laughed. “The things you say. You’re amazing. We could have a lot of fun together. Say the word and I can make it happen.”

  “I’ll pass.” What game was he playing now? How clueless could one man be? Regina was tired of it all. Messing with Zane had been a spot of fun, but now she was tired of it. “As interesting as this little interlude’s been, I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  “Don’t go on my account.” He bowed. “Enjoy the conservatory. I’ll leave you in peace.”

  She frowned. Zane was as mercurial as Bradford. No wonder they butted heads so damn much. He could be as moody as he wanted to be. She didn’t really care. All she wanted to do was have some peace and quiet. She wasn’t going to be a bone they fought over. Although, from her observations, they didn’t seem to need a reason to disagree. It was a part of the dynamic of their relationship. She had no desire to dig deeper into it or help them to come to an understanding. They’d probably not welcome her interference any way.

  All she was certain of was she didn’t give one fig and she’d not add fuel to their already brimming fire. The best way to eradicate her involvement was to remover herself from the situation. At first, it had seemed like a fun idea to pit them against each other. That was her old way of thinking, and she’d thought she’d grown past such theatrics. Some habits die hard and she’d fallen into one of her usual patterns with too much ease. It had sickened her a little to realize how easy it was for her to revert to her old self. Now that she did though she couldn’t let it go. Regina had to let it go and walk away with as much dignity as she could muster.

  “Am I interrupting a tête-à-tête?”

  Regina glanced up and met Bradford’s gaze. Great now they were going to have another pissing match. She wouldn’t be lucky enough to un-entangle herself from this particular melee. She should have left before he strolled in. Then she could’ve avoided this nonsense altogether.

  “Not at all. I was just leaving.” Zane nodded at Regina. “Have a good evening.” He left the room without saying another word.

  “What do you want?” Regina asked belligerently.

  Bradford moved toward her. “I can’t be out for a stroll?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him and frowned. No he couldn’t. Bradford didn’t do anything without a purpose. His blasé attitude didn’t fool her for a moment. He was up to something. She lifted her chin defiantly. “In that case, I’ll leave you to your solitude.” She brushed past him to depart. He snaked out his arm and latched his hand onto her wrist.

  “Don’t leave.”

  Regina yanked her arm back and glared up at him, but couldn’t shake his grip. “Let me go.”

  She gritted her teeth and waited for him to release her. When it wasn’t forthcoming, she realized she would have to make him. Thank you, Alys, for making me take some self-defense classes. Regina leaned into him and then wrapped her leg around the back of his knees and yanked. It worked, but not in the way she’d hoped. He fell backward and took her down with him. Her body was fully sprawled over him, draped in an enticing fashion.

  “If you wanted to have your way with me, all you had to do was ask.”

  Insufferable bastard. It was almost as if he had a line to her pulse and could feel her body’s reaction to his presence. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he affe
cted her. She tilted her head and studied him. On the other hand, she could use it to her advantage. “Asking has never been my strong suit.” She leaned down and pressed her lips to his.

  His reaction was immediate and evident with his hardness brushing across her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and took what she offered. Bradford’s lips rolled over hers smoothly and oh so effectively. Her body sang with tension and need. Regina hadn’t realized how much she craved his touch until she had it. His hand trailed down her ass and rested at the hem of her short black cocktail dress. When she felt his nimble fingers working their way upward once again beneath her dress she deepened the kiss. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair and wound them around his dark strands, holding his head in place.

  Both of his hands were now under her dress, caressing her. He cupped her ass cheeks in the palm of his hands and then twisted her body around so he was on top. Bradford kissed down her throat and licked the top of her breasts. She shivered with a need so strong it overtook her. He’d taken control. What a fool she’d been to think she’d been the one leading him into a seduction. The duke was more skilled than she realized.

  “This isn’t how I wanted to do this,” he said huskily. “I can’t resist you.”

  She was as much a goner as he was. Stopping what was happening between them was futile, and damned if she wanted to anyway. He’d been in her mind and heart for longer than she’d been willing to admit. His presence set her on fire. Bradford did things to her no man ever had. Why had she thought to fight what was between them? She’d been a fool to think she could let it go. Trenton had deserved better, and she never should have married him with her desire for Bradford coursing through her veins.

  “Shut up and kiss me,” Regina demanded.

  “As the lady wishes.”

  He didn’t kiss her the way she thought he would. She expected another scorching mind numbing lip lock. Instead, he pushed up her dress and kissed the inside of her thigh. His lips trailed feather light kisses until he reached her panties. He slid them down with excruciating slowness until Regina squirmed with desire. She was past thinking. All she could see in her haze was him and what he did to her.

  “Bradford,” she moaned his name. “Please.”

  “Patience, sweet.”

  He kissed his way back up her thighs and pressed his lips to her core. She screamed as his tongue swirled around her sensitive nub, and his fingers stroked inside her. Bradford kept licking and sucking as she wiggled under his assault. Regina didn’t know how much more she could take. She was on the brink of an explosion. She’d never experienced anything like his magic tongue.

  “Yes,” she moaned. Regina opened her eyes and gazed up at the stars through the domed ceiling. They exploded before her eyes as she peaked into the best orgasm she’d ever had. She screamed his name as he continued to lick her into more pleasure. Why had she resisted him so long? This was exactly what she wanted. Him. Always. Bradford could give her this, and she intended to do what she could to keep him. “That was amazing.”

  Bradford moved upward, trailing kisses along the way. He kissed each cheek as he reached her face. “Darling.” He sucked her earlobe into his hot mouth. “This is just the beginning.”

  She didn’t know if she could take anymore. He had incredibly nimble fingers and one hell of way with his mouth. Did she really want him to stop now? Hell no. She reached down and cupped his cock in her hands. “What are you waiting for?”

  He hitched a breath and ravaged her mouth with his. Regina kept her hand rested over his erection and caressed it through his pants. Bradford squirmed under her touch. It was his turn to moan in pleasure. She wanted to get her mouth on him and show him no mercy. She lifted both her arms and curved them around his neck. With careful precision she wrapped her legs around his waist and flipped him while he was distracted. She grinned down at his shock.

  “It’s my turn.” Regina scooted down his hard body and unzipped his pants. She freed his hard cock from the constraint caressing it firmly. Bradford sucked in a breath and held it as she stroked him several times. Up. Down. Repeat.

  “Regina,” he begged.

  She had an idea of what he wanted. He didn’t even have to ask. Although she considered making him. This was power, and she enjoyed having him exactly where she wanted him. She leaned down and licked the side. He moaned louder.

  “Inside,” he demanded. “Take me inside.”

  She would. When she was ready. He needed to be tortured more first. She sucked the tip between her lips and rolled her tongue over it. Bradford writhed beneath her ministrations. He mumbled nonsense. She thought she heard a, “Please,” and, “Yes, that’s so good,” but couldn’t be sure. She stopped and glanced up at him.

  “No, keep going.” A muscle in his jaw twitched as he stared at her through a hooded gaze.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think you’re enjoying this.” She suppressed an amused smile. “I don’t want to do something you don’t like.”

  He cursed. Bradford reached for her and clasped his hand around one of her wrists. He tugged at her while his gaze flickered with desire. “I fucking love it. Please.”

  Regina decided to stop messing with him and show him how wicked her mouth was. He’d suffered enough for his earlier cockiness. She took him fully inside her mouth and cupped his balls in her palm. She licked, sucked, and kissed him until he exploded in her mouth. She sat up and stared down at him. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open. “Darling, I think we need to take this upstairs.”

  She grinned. “Afraid we might be caught?”

  “Not at all,” he replied. “I’m afraid we might get interrupted.” His eyelids fluttered open and met her gaze. “I’m tired of fighting this.”

  They were both on the same page. It was about damn time. They’d been dancing around each other too long. There was something here, and Regina wanted to explore it to see where it led them.

  “Who’s fighting?”

  “Not me.” He reached up and cupped her cheek in his hands. “I’m going to explore every inch of you. Be prepared for one hell of a sleepless night.”

  Regina tilted her head and laughed. “Babe, I’m willing to bet you’ll fall before I do.” She didn’t know what would happen after they had each other in every way possible, but she didn’t want to think too hard on it. If things were meant to work between them they would. For now, she intended to enjoy what he had to offer. The rest could wait.

  “That’s a bet I’m willing to take.” He found her lips with his and turned her mind to mush once again. Regina could become addicted to his kisses if she didn’t watch herself.


  Bradford held Regina’s hand in his as they exited the conservatory. He’d truly gone and fallen down the path to hell. What’s more, he didn’t give a damn. This was what he wanted, and he didn’t see any reason not to reach out and take it. He’d been fighting himself too long. Regina was no longer married to his step-brother. There was no real reason not to have her in every way possible. Maybe he should stop and consider what Trenton would think, but at that moment, with her warm in his arms, he couldn’t bring himself to care. Regina had mentioned he’d gone to search for Genevieve. Maybe he’d already forgotten about his failed marriage and his priorities lie elsewhere. Of course, it was a certainty Bradford was making excuses for his own behavior and desires. He’d deal with the consequences—whatever they may be—later.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace,” a servant said, stopping them in the hallway. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but you have a message.”

  He scrunched his eyebrows up and frowned. Who would be trying to contact him? “Thank you,” Bradford said and picked up the note. After he read it he cursed. Trenton had finally contacted him. His step-brother had the worst timing. His libido had been squashed faster than if he’d taken a cold shower. Damn it, Trenton! He’d had plans. Wicked, diabolical and so decadent he’d have been riding a pleasure high for months.

nbsp; “What is it?” Regina curled in closer to him. “You look irritated.”

  “I’m sorry.” She wouldn’t have a clue how much. “Something’s come up that needs my attention.” He kissed her quickly. “Why don’t you go upstairs. I’ll join you when I’m done.”

  He wasn’t going anywhere near her that night. Guilt was an ugly emotion, one Bradford hated experiencing. After he talked to Trenton, he’d confront his feelings for Regina. Until then, he couldn’t continue as if none of it mattered. Unfortunately it all mattered far more than he’d been willing to admit to himself. Trenton was important to him. Regina was fast becoming equally as much. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman. He had to do things right. This was entirely new territory for him. He didn’t—he gulped down a lump in his throat—do relationships. Was that what he wanted with her? These feelings he had rolling through him...he had trouble understanding them. A part of him refused to examine them too closely either.

  “Don’t keep me waiting long.” She lifted her hand and trailed her fingers across his arm. “I’m not a patient woman.”

  Lucky for him, he could be patient enough for the both of them. “Trust me, the wait will be worth it.”

  He had a lot at stake, and he wouldn’t take any of it lightly. When he figured out how to proceed Regina would be the first to know. Until then, he had to take things one step at a time. He’d been under the influence of pleasure when he’d suggested they go upstairs and continue. It’d been a heady experience that drugged him beyond reason.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” She smiled coyly. Regina spun on her heels and headed toward the stairs. She stopped on the third one and turned back to him. “Oh, and if you disappoint me, I promise you will live to regret it.” With a quick wink, pressed her lips to her palm, and blew him a kiss. Then she turned and headed up the stairs.

  No doubt about it, she would give him hell of the worst kind. He’d have to make it up to her, in some way. Bradford suspected he’d need all the assistance he could get. She wouldn’t let him off lightly, but it couldn’t be helped. He stared up the stairs until he could no longer see her. With a sigh, he headed to the study. There shouldn’t be anyone around to disturb him when he made his call.


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