Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3)

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Seduction of My Rake (Linked Across Time Book 3) Page 9

by Dawn Brower

  Bradford scrunched his eyebrows together and stared at him. He didn’t think he was that obvious with how he felt about Regina. He prided himself on his poker face, and here his step-brother read him like an open book. “I don’t know why you’re saying this.”

  “Of course you do.” Trenton crossed over to him and placed his hand on Bradford’s shoulder. “You don’t need my permission, or approval, but it’s yours. Don’t hold back. I wouldn’t in your place. When I find Genevieve, she won’t doubt for a minute I love her.”

  Bradford was living in some other dimension. It was the only conclusion he could arrive at listening to Trenton speak. “Right. I’m leaving.”

  “Don’t wait too long to make your claim.” Trenton laughed. “Or she will make it for you.”

  He shook his head as he exited. Trenton was right. He had to do something or Regina would. She’d had an evil glint in her eye earlier, and no doubt had a plan designed to terrify him, as well as put him in his place.

  It showed how insane he’d become that he looked forward to whatever she’d concocted.


  Regina slowly opened the door and crept inside. Moonlight glowed through the window and fell across the burgundy bedspread, and she smiled. It couldn’t be more perfect if she’d planned it. The headboard had wide posts with an array of smaller ones carved inside the middle. It would be easy to slide a rope through to secure someone’s—the dastardly duke’s to be precise—hands.

  She slid the silk rope through her fingers and studied his sleeping form. He hadn’t moved since she sneaked inside his chambers. It had been too easy to avoid him the rest of the day as she planned her revenge, but it was time to begin enacting her plan. As quietly as she could manage, she prepared the ropes into loops on each side of the bed. Bradford stretched his arm up to one side, causing alarm to shoot through her. Don’t wake up. She sighed when he didn’t open his eyes and slid the rope around his wrist and secured it. One down, one to go, and then the fun will begin. She tiptoed across to the other side and quickly slid his wrist inside the ties. As she was about to fasten the knot his eyes fluttered open.


  She swiftly pulled the cord and smiled down at him. “Are you nice and comfy?”

  He yanked on the ties, but they didn’t budge. “What the hell is going on?” His voice was still hoarse and groggy from sleep.

  Regina rolled her tongue over her teeth and stared at her handiwork. So far so good, and she was pleased to find he slept nude. That made things much easier.

  “You look a little warm. Why don’t I remove this pesky quilt?” She yanked it off him, and then reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. “Oh yeah, that’s much better.”

  He glared at her. His blue eyes rivaled ice; they were that cold. “Untie me, now.”

  “I can’t do that.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “I feel like I’m forgetting something.”


  “I know what I didn’t do.” She strolled over to the other side of the bed and grabbed the blindfold she’d set down on the pillow. With careful precision she slid it over his eyes. “There. We can’t forget that important detail.”

  “Untie me, now,” he exclaimed, yanking hard on the ropes. “This isn’t funny.”

  She held her hands over her stomach and suppressed laughter from bubbling out. He couldn’t know how much his predicament amused her. “If you’re not quiet, I’ll be forced to gag you. That would be a tragedy. I have a lot of things planned for that mouth of yours.” See how he liked being told he could do a lot with his mouth that didn’t involve words. “Talking is not allowed.”

  “I promise you,” he said with steel in his tone, “if you don’t stop this game you’re playing now I’ll make sure you regret it.”

  That was a chance she was willing to take. He had to understand she was tired of his attitude and derogatory implications. She would not be a play thing for him to toss aside and forget. This farce was about to end. She wasn’t just done—she was fucking angry. No one messed with her the way Bradford had over the past several days. Regrets? She had many, but tonight wouldn’t be among them.

  “You stay comfy there. I have to get a few things for our festivities.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Miss me while I’m gone.”

  “Regina,” he bellowed. “Get your pretty ass back here and I’ll be lenient in your punishment.”

  She grinned down at him. He was adorable in his frustration. “Right, I’ll bring the ball gag back with me. These demands won’t be tolerated.”

  Several curses flew from his mouth. Damn, he could be so inventive with swear words. It was fascinating to listen to them all, and she took note of them all for future use. Then she slid out of the room to gather a few things. The ball gag had been a joke, mostly. As much as she’d like to use the device, she’d not had time to acquire one earlier. She could make do with something else, but it wouldn’t be as fun. Maybe she could find a few things in the kitchen to use. It would be even more fun to keep him stewing for a while. He’d be steaming mad by the time she returned.

  Regina skipped down the stairs, joy filling her with each step. She made her way to the kitchen, stopping short when she found Trenton staring into the refrigerator. “Find anything interesting in there?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I’m looking more out of boredom than anything.”

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a gander inside.” She looked over his arm and peered at the contents. Oh, there were several things she could use. She grabbed the whip cream and then debated on the chocolate syrup. No, that might prove to be too sticky.

  “Midnight snack?” Trenton raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  “Something like that.” Regina was suddenly uncomfortable discussing her current relationship with her ex-husband. It was rather—weird.

  “What is Bradford up to?”

  She shrugged and looked into his eyes. With a straight face she said, “I don’t have the foggiest idea. Whatever it is, I’m sure it has him all tied up.” Literally, she wanted to laugh at her little joke, but it would bring even more questions.

  “I need some ice.” An idea forming in her head, she grabbed a glass and filled it to the top with the frozen cubes. She grabbed all her items and started to leave the room.

  “Don’t you want something to drink to go with your ice?” Trenton asked.

  “Nah, I like to suck on the ice. It’s more effective.”

  Trenton wasn’t an idiot. He had to know she was gathering these items for a very naughty reason. Her desire for ice had nothing to do with thirst and everything to do with pleasure so torturous it was amazing. She’d never got in touch with her freaky side with Trenton. He didn’t have a clue she had these crazy ideas. Bradford was about to get a front row seat to it all. Either it would scare him away for good, or rope him in nice and tight. She was betting it would be the latter.

  “Before you go, I want to say something to you.”

  Damn it. She’d almost made a clean getaway. The last thing she wanted was a little heart-to-heart with Trenton. They’d made their peace with each other. It was enough for her, and it should be for him too.


  “I know there is something going on between you and my step-brother.”

  “So?” She scrunched her mouth to her side in displeasure. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” Regina mentally cringed at how waspish she sounded. Trenton meant well... But their marriage was over. She’d wished him happiness in his search for Genevieve. The way she saw it, she deserved to find something for herself.

  “I want you both to be happy.” He sighed. “Be careful with him. He might seem like he’s cold and hard inside, but deep down he’s a marshmallow. It’s because he cares so deeply that he has trouble showing his emotions.”

  Why did he have to be so—nice? He wasn’t a bad guy. Regina deflated a little bit at his statement. He did want her to f
ind someone to love. Wherever Genevieve was, she was an idiot. Why had she left a man so obviously crazy over her?

  “I know that.” She did. But that didn’t mean he could stomp all over her and get away with it. He would know that before the night was over. “But if it’s all the same to you, I’m going to tread my own path. If, and I’m not saying there is, anything going on between me and Bradford, that is our business. We will work through it in our own way.”

  He held up his hands and shook his head. “I’m not going to stand in your way. Like I said, I want you both to be happy.”

  Regina nodded and left the room. She was done with that impromptu discussion, and she’d left Bradford alone longer than she’d planned. She entered the room to find him thrashing on the bed attempting to get loose. “Now what did I tell you before I left?”

  Bradford stilled at her words and turned his head toward the sound of her voice. “To miss you while you were gone?” He licked his lips. “I promise I missed you so much I had to try to get free so I could go find you.’

  “Tsk tsk,” She waved her finger at him. If he could see her, he’d be glaring at her with evil intent. “I actually said I’d bring back a ball gag.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he warned.

  She laughed, unable to hold it in any longer. “Oh, don’t you know there’s not much I’d not dare to do?”

  If he doubted her, he wouldn’t when she was done. Whatever was between them was worth fighting for. He’d not push her away ever again. She wanted someone she could depend on, and who would do everything in his power to be with her. She would matter above anything else. The man she allowed into her life would cherish her and know how lucky he was to have her by his side. Regina wanted that man to be Bradford. She believed he could be her one and only, and all she had to do was convince him of the error of his ways.

  “Darling, trust me, I know exactly what you’re capable of.” He yanked on the bindings to prove his point. “Untie me now so we can have an enjoyable night together.”

  “Who said it wasn’t pleasant?” she asked. “This is the most entertaining evening I’ve had in a very long time.”

  Sadly, it honestly was. Seeing him trussed up in all his naked glory was pleasure at its finest. He was magnificent, and she couldn’t wait to run her hands all over his glorious physique. She strolled over to the bed and set down her items on the bedside table. Regina hopped onto the bed and licked her lips. No time like the present to begin her exploration. She lifted her hand and danced her fingers lightly across his chest and stopped at his lower stomach.

  He hissed out a breath. “Touch me now, damn it.”

  “Do I need to retrieve the gag?”

  “No,” he ground out. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “Honey, that’s the whole point of this exercise.” She leaned over and picked up an ice cube and sucked it into her mouth. The coolness melted inside her hot mouth. She pulled it out and trailed it down his chest.

  “Fuck me,” he swore.

  “Not tonight, but maybe soon.”

  He thrashed underneath her ministrations. His cock hardened with each touch. It was pointing up in all its glory, begging her to wrap her lips around it. Regina wanted to taste him again, and didn’t see any reason to deny herself. She wrapped her fingers around the base and leaned down to slide her tongue down the side.

  “Yes,” he said. “Take me inside your mouth.”

  He liked that too much, and she wasn’t about to let him enjoy his confinement yet. At the end, when he realized he’d been wrong to treat her like a tart, she would take pity on him, but not a moment before. “I don’t think so.”

  He strung together an even more inventive list of curse words. This was truly educational.

  “Do you know why I’m doing this?”

  He shook his head. “No, please stop.”

  Was he really that dense? She hadn’t thought so, but she’d been wrong before. “Do you know how frustrated I was last night? Lying in my bed, anxiously waiting for you—how disappointed I was when you failed to show up?”

  “I wanted to. I needed to.”

  “Then why didn’t you?” This was all so baffling to her. “What was preventing you from being with me?”

  He remained silent for a few moments before responding, “I was a damned fool. I’ve never wanted anyone more.”

  Regina had a hard time believing him. He didn’t act like someone who had trouble resisting her charms. He’d left her hot and bothered, with no way to ease her ache. “Do you want me? Do you need me beyond all reason?”


  “Then prove it.”

  He was quiet for several moments. She didn’t know what he was thinking, and was almost afraid to find out. “Untie me and I’ll show you.”

  “No.” She had something else entirely in mind.

  “Please untie me,” he said softly. “I want to hold you.”

  Regina sighed. He sounded so earnest, but she had to be strong. “You’re not holding me tonight, or for several more to come. I had to show you, make you understand what you’re doing to me.”

  “I promise I do. What do I have to do to prove it to you?”

  “Let’s start with no sex.” She lifted the blindfold off his eyes and stared into them. “We’ve done a lot of damage to each other. It’s time to undo it and move on.”

  He studied her. His blue eyes were filled with an emotion Regina couldn’t identify. Whatever it was, it undid her. She wanted to believe she’d finally reached him, and things would be different between them. There was so much between them and most of it was riddled with uncertainty.

  “I’m not sure I know how to do that,” he finally said.

  “We need ground rules.” Lots of them or why bother? Although, if she knew Bradford, and she believed she did, he’d try to break every one of them. He liked rules, but he hated when others imposed theirs on him.

  “But...” He started to protest, but she held up her hand to stop him.

  “You’re going to court me. No touching, kissing, or crudeness. Pretend I’m a lady you respect above all others.” She was pushing him too far, but what fun would it be to give in to easily. He had to work for her or he’d never appreciate her properly.

  “I don’t have to pretend. You are the only woman I’ve ever wanted to be better for.” His voice was full of conviction as he spoke.

  He sounded almost—sincere. Should she believe him? Warmth had spread through her at his words. This was the side of Bradford she’d started to fall in love with. He was so good at saying the right things when he wanted to. She believed he meant them too, but he was up to something. She wasn’t so foolish as to believe otherwise. She’d tied him up, of course he wouldn’t let that go. He had to insinuate his dominance on her.

  A thrill of anticipation flooded her senses. Damn if she couldn’t wait for him to show her what he had in mind. In truth, it had been her ultimate goal. “Good. We begin again tomorrow. I’m going to untie you now, but I want your assurances you’ll keep your hands to yourself.” What she really wanted to say was, “If you don’t touch me, I’ll gut you.”

  He nodded. “You have them.”

  Yeah, she had no doubts now. Bradford was going to do his best to show her who he believed was boss. He didn’t realize he was going to do exactly what she planned for. Regina wanted him, all he had to offer, no holds barred. In order to get that, she had to stir the beast inside. She smiled and undid the knots. After the last one was loosened he reached up and wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped her over

  “Darling, I told you I’d make you regret tying me up.” He pinned her to the mattress with one hand leaving the other free to undress her. Bradford grinned down at her wickedly. “I made you some promises, and I do intend to keep them.” His gaze roamed over her. She’d made sure to put on a sexy piece of lingerie comprised of little more than a slip of black satin trimmed effectively with lace. His eyes darkened with desire as he slipped a strap down her
shoulder. “Just not tonight.”

  She should be scared, but instead she was excited as hell. “Bring it.” The night was young, after all. Who knew what they might discover about each other before morning?

  “Oh, I plan to,” he said as he started to undress her. “When I’m done with you there will be no question where you belong.”

  The last thought she had was...damn, he’s good with words—his tongue—and hands, hell he’s simply freaking talented.


  Bradford sat in his study staring at contracts he was supposed to sign. They were a blur of nothingness in front of him. He couldn’t make out what any of them meant, why he should approve them, or why they were even important. All he could think about was the glorious night he’d had the night before. He’d finally had Regina in every way possible and it had been as glorious as he’d imagined it. No, it had been a million times better. She’d surprised him in a way no one had ever been able to. At first, when he’d woken up tied to his bed he’d been blazing mad. After she left him to his own thoughts he decided to take advantage of the situation. She’d thought she had the upper hand, and it was up to him to show her otherwise. She wanted to be cherished? He planned on doing so for the rest of his days, but he wouldn’t be a weak-kneed fool in the process.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace,” his butler said. “But there is a gentleman here to see you. He says it’s most urgent.”

  Who the hell could it be? “Send him in.” Might as well get it over with. He had plans with Regina later and he didn’t want to be disturbed.

  His butler led a man into the room he’d not seen before. He had sandy blond hair and light brown eyes obscured by wire rimmed glasses. His suit was dark and professional in appearance, and he carried a brown leather satchel in his hand.

  “My firm owes you an apology, Your Grace.”


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