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Swept (Swept Trilogy)

Page 2

by Becca Nyx

  “Are you kidding me? If we say no we’ll have to listen to you whine all year.” Ryan says

  “Yeah, and did you see the men there? Hot!” Kelly adds.

  “So we’re decided then?” I have to know for certain, they could say no and I would do my best to forget Mr. Handsome, although it would be hard, he’s not the kind of guy you just forget.

  “I think we are,” Ryan confirms

  “Thank God,” Kelly says.

  I smile happy that I get to attend the school I want and most of all I’ll be able to see my dark haired hero. I relish the thought and fantasize about him caressing me, holding me, and screwing me like a rabid animal. If only I had gotten his name.

  Chapter Two

  Who’s That Boy?

  Bang, Bang, Bang, I wake up, eyes blurry, and my right hand is numb and there is drool on my chin. Rihanna is singing about diamonds on the radio. The Radio; It’s on. My eyes fly open as I realize my alarm is going off. “Oh My God, I’m late!” I yell out loud. How can I be late? My mind is still fuzzy, then I remember that I was dreaming about Him. His lips were all over my body, tasting and kissing every inch of me, his hands, touched every part of me. His penis was huge and it caused me to come again and again as he slammed his perfectly sculpted body into me over and over.

  “Crystal!” I hear in between bangs as Emily, my roommate knocks on my door. I’m snapped out of my fantasy, it wisps away into tendrils as it’s leaving my mind, but my body can still feel his touch, and I’m still lusting after him; A fact that has caused my panties to feel wet.

  I scramble out of bed. I’m wearing an old t-shirt and underwear. “I’m awake” I say as I open the door.

  Emily stops her arm held up in midair ready to knock again, “It’s about time. Your radio has been on for a while.”

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize, “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  Emily smiles, and walks leisurely back towards her room, “No, I was already up, don’t worry about it.”

  “Thanks,” I exhale, relieved that Emily isn’t upset with me. I’d hate for us to get off on the wrong foot my first day of school. I really want to have a good relationship with her. She’s going to be living with me for the rest of the year, and her support and friendship are important to me.

  I look at the clock; if I hurry I can still make it to my first class. I dig thought the first box of clothes I come to. I was so preoccupied with reading ahead in my books that I forgot to unpack. I find a crumpled green t-shirt, Alan Rickman, as Professor Snape adorns the front of it. At the bottom of the box I find my favorite pair of jeans. Their hems are ripped along with the knees, I’ve had them for years and they show it. I pull them on, then step into a pair of black canvas shoes, grab my bag and head out the door.

  I enter the room for my first class and see Ryan and Kelly sitting near the back with a seat saved for me; I slide into it, “Hi” I whisper.

  “You made it,” Kelly whispers back without glancing towards me.

  “Barely, Emily woke me up.” I’m breathless as I pull out a notebook and pencil.

  Ryan turns to me and whispers in my ear, “Would you like me to call you in the morning, if you don’t answer I can always stop by on my way to class,”

  I shake my head, “Thanks, I’ll be okay.” Ryan turns his attention back to the professor who’s writing on the dry erase board. He drones on as he writes down his expectations for the semester and explains what it will take to pass. I look around the room and see that my fellow classmates have already checked out and are daydreaming about whatever it is they’d rather be doing. I look back at my professor and start scribbling down everything that’s being written on the dry erase board. I resolve to meet every single one of these expectations. If I don’t I’m afraid I will let myself down. I have a goal to make the top grade in the class, it will be challenging, but I’m up for it.

  When class is over there’s a collective sigh of relief throughout the room. I discretely scan the room as I look for Mr. Dark brown hair, green eyes and smoking body. I think I see him and hold up my hand to wave at him, but then I see his face at a better angle, brush my hair behind my ear, and turn my attention to something else hoping he didn’t notice my mistake

  Kelly stands next to me trying to follow my gaze, “Who are you looking for?”

  “Nothing, I say, meeting her eyes.

  Kelly folds her arms, “Sure.”

  Ryan reaches for my bag, that’s sitting on the table; “Can I help you carry your books to the next class?” asking the same question he’s asked me every year since grade school.

  I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, “No, I got it, but thank you for offering” I object, giving him the same answer as I do every year; and heave my bag strap on my shoulder. We smile at each other as if it’s our own private joke.

  Kelly and Ryan walk side by side, and I trial behind them.

  “I can’t believe this class is going to be this hard.” Kelly says flipping her blond hair behind her shoulder.

  “What’s the matter? Don’t think you can charm the professor with your good looks?” Ryan teases.

  “No, I’m sure I could seduce him, but I’m not into wrinkled old men.” Kelly smiles, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “So you’ve at least thought about seducing him.” Ryan points out.

  “Well the thought did cross my mind when I saw the syllabus.” Kelly admits, and then laughs, as Ryan laughs along with her.

  I’m amused by their conversation as they banter back and forth. Kelly is wearing a pink top with a white short sleeved jacket, blue jeans and white flats. She looks so put together, compared to my t-shirt and ripped jeans. I feel envious of her soft complexion. She is truly beautiful. Ryan is tall, with lean long limbs; he’s very muscular from his time spent in the gym. His brown hair is short, but his brown eyes soften his face, making him easy on the eyes. His dark brown shirt hangs from his muscular frame, and is complimented by blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers.

  I smile, pretending to listen as I watch for “Him,” and lament the fact that I didn’t ask him his name. We settle in at our next class, and I search the room looking for anyone with dark brown hair and green eyes.

  Kelly stares at me, “Are you looking for someone?”

  I turn my attention back to my book, trying to play off the fact that she’s right. “No.”

  Kelly frowns, “You seem like you’ve been looking for someone this whole time, who is it?”

  “I’m just looking around, okay?” I snap, and then regret it. I’m being too defensive, I need to calm down.

  Kelly faces the front of the rooms and huffs, “If you don’t want to share who the mystery person is, fine with me.”

  Ryan puts his hand on Kelly’s shoulder, “Maybe Crystal is just trying to familiarize herself with the room and the people she’s taking classes with.”

  I find my excuse in Ryan’s defense and take a deep breath, expelling it slowly, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I got so defensive.”

  Kelly pats my hand, “It’s all right, no harm done.”

  The rest of the day is more of the same. I scan the hallways and the class rooms for my mystery man and don’t see him. Kelly makes no more mention of my distractedness and Ryan doesn’t seem to notice. I worry that green eyes has dropped out of school, after all a lot can happen in just a few short months. I beat myself up for thinking like that. I’ve been fantasizing about him all summer. He said he’d be here in the fall; I just have to stay determined to find him. My resolve strengthens; I will search every building and every room if I have to. I will find my green eyed dream man.

  The last class is over, “What are we doing later?” I ask Ryan and Kelly.

  “I have my first debate meeting, and then the rest of my day is free. Ryan says shoving his books into his bag.

  Kelly has her phone out, “I don’t have anything, but I’d like to go back to my room. I need a good pedicure after seeing all the work we have to d

  “Well do you want to meet up and study after you’ve had your pedi, and Ryan is done with his meeting?” I ask, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

  “Oh wait! Trish just told me about a freshman mixer tonight at the Delta Gamma house.”

  “Kelly,” I groan, “It’s our first week of school, I’m sure there will be plenty of parties to attend later in the year.”

  “Crystal is right,” Ryan chimes in backing me up, “We need to get used to the work load, then we can have fun later.”

  Kelly pouts, “But, we’re supposed to have fun in college.”

  “You want to be able to pass, right?” I ask

  “Well, yeah.” Kelly says, arms folded.

  “Then, let’s make the most of it and study, besides, I’m sure there’s a party every weekend.”

  Kelly sighs, “Okay,” she relents.

  “So, we’ll meet at the campus library at eight?”

  “Sure.” Kelly agrees, tapping her phone.

  “Sounds great.” Ryan replies.

  We go our separate ways; when I get back to my dorm, Emily is stretched out on the couch reading a book, titled “Zombies, They’re Coming For You.” Her jet black hair is pulled up into a pony tail; she glances over the top of her book, “How was your first day?”

  I drop my bag into the chair across from Emily, “It was alright,”

  Emily smiles, laying her book on her chest, “Did you make it to your first class?”

  I plop onto the floor next to the chair and drag my book bag down next to me, “Barely, thank you again for waking me up”

  Emily stretches and stands up, “My boyfriend is stopping by later, I wanted you to know so you aren’t surprised by a stranger in the dorm.”

  I arrange my papers by class so it’s easier to get to them later, “Okay, thank you for telling me,”

  Emily goes into her room and shuts the door, while I put all my organized papers back into my book bag. Entering my room I see the damage that my frantic morning has caused. Clothes are everywhere; how am I supposed to study in this mess? I sigh heavily and begin the task of hanging my clothes in my miniscule closet. The past three months have been chaotic. Between gathering and filling out paperwork, packing, and keeping up with Kelly, I’m amazed that I’ve made it this far. I’m not used to throwing things together last minute like this. I’m usually a careful planner, but ever since I met “Him,” I’ve been unfocused. Even Kelly has begun to notice how distracted I am. I’ve got to pull my act together if I’m going to make it through the year. I’m nearly done organizing my room when I hear a knock at the door.

  “Could you get that, Crystal? I’m not ready yet.” Emily yells at me through the wall.

  “Sure,” I yell as I leave my room. “Hi!” I open the door wide without looking at who is standing in front of me. I turn away and start to walk back towards my room when I hear,

  “So you decided to attend after all.”

  Mouth open I spin around in shock, then swallow. “It’s you!” I exclaim and immediately regret my enthusiasm. “My name is Crystal Hamilton,” I add and hold my hand out for him to shake.

  He smiles and shakes my hand, “Gabriel Knight.” I study him as he shakes my hand. His ears are still gaged and his eyes are still the brilliant green that I remember so clearly. His dark brown hair is a little shorter and his muscles bulge slightly beneath his dark red shirt and faded ripped jeans; simply put, he looks amazing.

  I realize I’m staring and awkward silence fills the room, “Emily will be out soon, she’s getting ready.” I offer, not knowing what else to say.

  Gabriel is staring back at me, his eyes scanning my body, “Who?”

  I feel my face flush as I imagine him undressing me with his eyes, “Emily. Your girlfriend?”

  Gabriel shakes his head, snapping out of whatever he was thinking about, hopefully ravishing my body, “Oh! Right, right. What are your plans for this evening?” He grins dazzling me with his smile. The same smile he had the day we met.

  I return his smile “I’m going out with my two best friends to the campus library to study.” And immediately I feel like I sound like an idiot. Who studies on the first day of school? Try to seem normal, Crystal, I try to calm myself as I turn a deeper shade of red.

  Gabriel tries to hide a chuckle, “Studying? On the first day of school?” he teases.

  “Yeah, that doesn’t seem too weird does it? I want a leg up on my classmates. Can’t study too much, I always say. Knowledge is power. I laugh nervously. I want to die right here and now. I have this amazing, muscular man of my wet dreams standing practically in my room and I’m blathering like an idiot. Knowledge is power? Where did that even come from?

  Gabriel just laughs and I’m almost positive he’s laughing at how stupid I sound.

  “Gabriel!” Emily exclaims leaving her room and walking up to him, and saving me from embarrassing myself further. They kiss and I look away, not wanting to watch.

  “How are you?” Gabriel asks Emily as he pulls away.

  “Wonderful, now that you’re here,” Emily coos, pulling him into another kiss.

  “I’ve got to go.” I interject. “You two have fun,” I duck into my room and grab my bag.

  “Bye! Nice meeting you, Crystal,” Gabriel calls after me his lips free from Emily’s.

  I rush to the campus library, feeling hurt. Tears sting my eyes as I try to fight them back. I swallow hard as thoughts whirl in my mind. I feel like an idiot for choosing a school because of a guy, and not just any guy, but a guy who makes me feel like a puddle of mush when I’m around him, but I can’t do anything about it because he’s with someone, he’s with her, my roommate. What are the odds that the man of my dreams is dating my roommate? I’m at the library before my friends are due to arrive and I find a chair in a dimly lit corner and throw myself into it. I lay my head and arms on the table and beat my head against the surface, trying to drive every thought of Emily and Gabriel out of my head so I can focus on studying. I don’t want my friends to see me so distracted and unsure of myself. I must look calm, cool and collected, like I always do, so I work on regaining my composure.

  Chapter Three


  I’m finally able to focus and study, when Kelly and Ryan arrive.

  “All I see is bush; I just can’t see anything else. Do you see anything?” Kelly says to Ryan and hands him her phone.

  “Who is this again? He asks taking the phone out of her hand. “Oh my GOD! My eyes!” Ryan yells.

  “I don’t know; isn’t her bush spectacular?” Kelly laughs.

  “It’s definitely something, but I don’t think spectacular is the right word for it.”

  “Do you think it’s real?” Kelly asks squinting at the screen.

  “I honestly don’t want to know, although I would hope it’s a merkin.” Ryan shudders.

  “What the hell is a merkin?” Kelly asks pinching her fingers on the screen.

  “It’s a vagina wig.”

  “Shut up! You’re lying!” Kelly says in disbelief.

  “It is, google it if you don’t believe me.”

  “Now I have to since you’ve told me about it.” Kelly sighs

  “What’s going on?” I ask once they’re standing by the table.

  “I got this crazy picture, that’s what.” Kelly says handing me her phone.

  “What?” I say my eyes popping out of my head as I look at the picture; I’ve never seen a bush this full.

  “We’re trying to decide if it’s real.” Kelly laughs

  I turn the phone sideways trying to get a better view of the picture. “It looks real to me, although I feel sorry for the guy who had to wade through that mess. You’d need a weed whacker or something.” Kelly and Ryan snort as they laugh at my statement.

  Ryan sets his bag on the table, “You’re early; did you decide to get a head start?”

  “Kind of, my roommate has a visitor.

  Kelly scoots her chair closer to the t
able, “A visitor? Who is it?”

  I dog ear the page of the book I was reading, and close it, “Her boyfriend.”

  Kelly digs into her bag, “Speaking of guys, did you see the one sitting in front of us in our last class?” Ryan fidgets in his chair and clears his throat

  “No, I wasn’t paying attention.” I tell her as I place my book on top of a pile of my homework.

  Kelly piles her homework on the table, “Oh too bad; he was hot.”

  I look in my bag for a different subject to study. I don’t want to think about Gabriel right now so I shut her down. “I haven’t really noticed any guys, but then again I’m not here to date, I’m here to study and learn.” Ryan sighs and his body relaxes, I didn’t realize he was so tense.

  Kelly rolls her eyes, “Study and learn. That’s all you think about. You should try and have some fun. Live a little.”

  “Living a little is not what got me this scholarship. Without it I’d be working my way through school.” I tell her while skimming over my English syllabus.

  Kelly pats me on the shoulder, “One of these days some guy will catch your eye; just you wait.”

  If only she knew. “C’mon let’s study! Can you believe we have a paper to write and it’s due at the end of this week?” I add trying to change the subject and focus on my work. I can’t waste time pining about a guy I’ll never have. Ryan leans close to me as he copies my notes and Kelly engrosses herself in a reading assignment. We get so caught up that we don’t realize how late it is until I look up at the clock, “Oh wow it’s late,” I yawn

  Kelly stretches and yawns, “I don’t know about you, but if I have to look at another page my head is going to explode.”

  “Well, I think I could study for another five hours.” Ryan admits, the look on his face reads as if he’s serious and Kelly stares at him in shock. “I’m kidding.” He admits.

  “You had me there for a minute.” Kelly laughs

  “While I don’t mind studying, I’m not psychotic.” Ryan says putting his books in his bag.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow Kelly?” I ask after a yawn that nearly splits my head in two.


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