Swept (Swept Trilogy)

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Swept (Swept Trilogy) Page 8

by Becca Nyx

  “Kelly?” he asks glancing at me, then returns his focus on the road.

  “Yeah.” I wonder how he was able to realize that it’s her so quickly.

  “Are you fucking her?”


  “So what’s the problem.”

  “I think I’m in love with Crystal. I’ve tried to not love her, but, I don’t know. It’s more than wanting to have sex with her. I want to be there for her too.” I can’t believe that I’m having to explain this to my father. He of all people should understand, after all he’s the one who taught me.

  “So do something about it.”

  “I don’t know what to do, and after last night I’m not so sure she’ll want to see me or talk to me. I was a real jerk last night and I wish it never happened.” I don’t remember punching Gabriel, but my face remembers the fight, it still stings, and I imagine it’s bruised; I haven’t had the chance to look at myself yet.

  “That’s why you need to learn to control yourself. Do you think it’s easy to keep Karen hidden from your mother? It takes careful precise planning and a lot of control.”

  “I know dad, I’m trying.”

  “Well try harder. It would be nice to not be the one to clean up your messes.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, but I do appreciate it. Where are you taking me?” I ask once I realize we’re traveling in the opposite direction of Bates.



  “I think you need a break and I have something for you.”

  “Oh.” I say and lean back in the seat, too tired to ask any more questions or even think really.

  “Sleep while you can.” He says and I close my eyes


  “Wake up, Ryan.” Dad says shaking my leg

  I rub my eyes we’re parked outside my house. My dad gets out of the car and I follow him inside. “Michele.” My dad calls for my mom once we’re inside.

  “Phil? You’re home?” She calls back

  “Hi mom.” I yell

  “Ryan?!” I hear her yell then footsteps as she walks towards the front of the house.

  “Oh Ryan! What are you doing here?” She asks, throwing her arms around me and hugging me. I hug her back, and then she pulls back looking me over, “Oh My God, your face!” She says and lightly touches my skin, and I flinch at her touch

  “Ryan needed a break, so I brought him home; he caught a football with his face.” Dad tells her. I nod my head agreeing with my dad. I don’t know why he’s lying to her, but I figure it’s for the best.

  “Did you miss me?” She asks looking at me.

  “Well it’s hasn’t been that long, but yes, I guess you can’t get rid of me for that long.” I tease her. I have really missed her; my mother seems to be the only one who truly understands me.

  “Let’s go into the kitchen, I want to make you breakfast and you can tell me all about college and what it’s like.

  I follow her into the kitchen and, dad kisses her on the cheek and excuses himself from our presence. I sit down on the bar stool at the counter, and mother pulls out stuff from the fridge and cabinets and starts cooking.

  “So tell me, how’s school?”

  “It’s going well. It’s only the first week, but we have a lot of work assigned already.”

  “I’m sure Crystal is keeping you on track with that.” She says while making toast.

  “Well, you know how much she likes to study.” I chuckle, and wonder how she’s doing, if she’s thinking about me and if she’s okay.

  “She’s going to go far, that one. She’s smart. I wish I had her brains and drive.” My mother says whisking eggs in a bowl.

  “She is smart; I just wish she knew how I felt about her.”

  Mom pauses and looks at me, “Have you talked to her?”

  “Why does everyone ask me that?” I say frustrated.

  “Well what is she supposed to do? Read your mind? Are you going to send out psychic waves and hope she picks up on them?”

  “I’m not even sure if she would notice a flashing neon sign.” I mutter.

  “Ryan, you have to talk to her. You can’t expect her to know how you feel about her if you don’t tell her, and who knows maybe she secretly likes you too, but hasn’t told you because she’s scared of how you would react.”

  “I honestly never thought if it that way.”

  “I was young once I remember when I used to pine over your father, hoping he would notice me.” She says dumping the eggs into the skillet.

  “What did you do to catch his attention?” I ask, she’s never been this open about their lives when they started dating.

  She smirks, “I took off my shirt and shook my breasts in his face.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think shaking my dick in her face will get the reaction I’m looking for.” I laugh, trying to visualize what Crystal’s reaction would be.

  “Yes, you’re right, but talking to her might work in your favor. Besides how could she say no to my sweet boy?” She says and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Mom!” I say and wipe my face. She returns to the stove and scrapes the eggs out of the skillet and into a plate, lays the toast next to them and places the plate in front of me. I notice her hands are shaking, “Are you okay? I ask

  “Yes, I’m fine dear, I’m going to change out of my pajamas, don’t leave while I’m gone” She pats me on the head before she leaves.

  Maybe my mom is right; I think as I shove the food in my mouth barely chewing it. Maybe I do need to talk to Crystal, and maybe crystal does like me. It’s possible. She’s never let on that she does, but if she was scared about how I would react, then I can see why she’s never said anything. I smile as I eat my eggs. The day seems brighter now and I think I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to tell Crystal exactly how I feel about her and I’m going to man up. I’m going to stop complaining about her looking right through me and get her to notice me, even if I have to wave my dick in her face. She will know how I feel about her.

  “Are you ready to see what I have for you?” My dad asks me walking into the kitchen; I’ve eaten all my food.”

  “Sure.” I say draining the last of the juice in my cup.

  “Here,” dad says and throws something at me. I snatch it out of the air.

  “No way!” I say as I look at the keys in my hand.

  “It’s outside waiting for you.”

  “You finished it?”

  “Consider it a late graduation gift.” He smiles at me.

  I run outside, a shiny, silver 1967 Shelby Mustang sits in front of me. My dad and I have been working on this car since I was fourteen. My dad thought it was important for me to know how to work on cars. We spent a lot of Saturdays buying parts and cursing as we put the car together piece by piece. Our goal was to have it done by the time I graduated, but we both got busy and distracted. I had no idea he was going to finish it for me. This is the best gift ever. I open the door and sit in the black leather seat. I put the key in and the motor revs to life when I turn it. I push the gas pedal and listen to the engine respond. It sounds amazing. I’m going to talk to Crystal, and when I take her out on a date, I’m going to take her in this car. She’s been anxious to see how it would turn out and I think she’ll be as surprised as I was to get the keys. I smile as I think about all the things I’m going to do when we go on our date. I’m going to pull out all the stops and show her a good time. She’s going to see that I’m willing to do anything for me. I am determined to win her and sweep her off her feet.

  I turn off the car, and step out. “What do you think?” My dad asks.

  “It’s awesome! Thank you!” I say I can’t stop smiling.

  “Just don’t wreck it.” He says clasping my shoulder.

  “I won’t,” I say and walk back into the house.

  “Ryan?” My mother calls when I close the door.


  “Oh good; I thought you left.”

  “No, dad was jus
t showing me the Stang. It’s finished!” I say and find her in the living room folding laundry.

  “I know isn’t that wonderful?” She asks

  “It is. I’m going to run upstairs, my phone is dead and it needs to charge.”

  “Okay, sweetie, just remember to tell me before you go.”

  “I will.”

  The house is big, almost too big for three people. I’m an only child. My mother nearly died when she had me, there was something wrong with her and they had to do a total hysterectomy on her. From the story I’ve heard, she was devastated, but happy that she had me. My father didn’t seem to mind one way or another. All of their spare time and attention went to me and I was okay with that. They always gave me whatever I wanted and it helped that my parents have a lot of money.

  Once I’m in my room I pull my phone out, and plug it into my charger. I boot it up and soon it’s beeping like crazy as the notifications come in. Once my phone stops acting like it’s possessed I start checking my messages; Zack called and texted me, Kelly called and texted me, and there isn’t a single notification from Crystal. I sigh heavily. I was hoping that she would be worried enough to say something, but I guess not. I begin going through each text, one by one. Zack was asking me if I was okay and that’s he so sorry he didn’t stop me, and Kelly is wondering where I am.

  I stare at Kelly’s last text: Fine, ignore me. I’ll go hang out with Nick.

  I sigh then send her a text: Kelly, I’m sorry it’s been a crazy night, I’m at my parents’ house right now.

  Kelly: What?! That’s three hours away. What are you doing there?

  Me: It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later.

  Kelly: When are you going to come back?

  Me: I’ll be back today, my dad finished the mustang!

  Kelly: that’s awesome; want to break it in when you get back ;-)

  Me: What about Nick?

  Kelly: What about him?

  Me: Your last text said you were going to be with him. Wouldn’t he get mad at you or something?

  Kelly: What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

  Me: I’ll think about it.

  Kelly: What does that mean?

  Me: It means I’ll think about it.

  Kelly: So you don’t want to be with me anymore.

  Me: I never said that. Can we just talk about this later?

  Kelly: Sure.

  Kelly: Asshole

  Me: Whatever

  I send Zack a quick text telling him I’m okay and he texts me back saying how happy he is that I’m alright. I turn the sound on my phone off and lay down in bed. I need to get some sleep before I drive back to school and Crystal better be ready for me.


  Chapter Fourteen


  When I wake up I’m shivering, my skin is bare. Blinking my eyes, I notice two arms are wrapped around my body: One belongs to Emily, the other to Gabriel. I detangle myself and find my clothes and my purse. Tip toeing into my room, I glance at the clock: it’s late. I feel the urge to pee and I want to brush my teeth. Dressing in a baggy t-shirt and pajama bottoms, I find my toothbrush and tooth paste and tip toe out of the dorm and into the bathroom. While I’m there memoires from hours before flood my mind. I can still taste Gabriel and Emily and feel them touching me body, coaxing pleasure to come and sweep me away. Savoring the fresh minty taste of the toothpaste, I smile. I did it, Gabriel is mine. How can he not be after what happened? I return to my room and relax in my bed dreaming of Gabriel as I fall asleep.

  Tap, tap, tap, I rub my eyes and Gabriel’s voice calls my name from behind the door. I yawn and stretch as I walk towards the door and open it, “Morning!”

  Gabriel smiles at me, “Good morning to you too; I didn’t see you when I woke up. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

  I stretch, “I’m fine. I woke up last night and decided to lie down in my room.” I’m so happy he came looking for me and last night was amazing.

  Gabriel frowns, “Did you have fun, last night?

  I smile brightly, “Of course I did! I don’t think I’ll forget a night like that ever. You were amazing, Gabriel.” I bite my lip as I remember the way he kissed me, and how he felt inside of me.

  Gabriel returns my smile, “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t regretting anything. It’s easy to get lost in the moment, and then the next day you’re upset with yourself for letting it happen.”

  I feel concerned and reach for his upper arm; his muscles are firm, “You’re not having regrets are you?”

  “No, not at all! You were impressive to say the least. I liked the way you took control; have you ever been in a threesome before?”

  I raise my eyebrow, feeling giddy at his compliment, “No, last night was my first time doing that.”

  “You were amazing. You’re a girl who knows what she wants.”

  I move closer to Gabriel, “I know what I want now.”

  Gabriel leans in close to me, “What would that be?”

  “You,” I growl as I pull Gabriel in for a kiss. His body is tense as if caught off guard, but quickly relaxes and kisses me back with as much aggression and I show him. I slip my tongue in his mouth and let it brush against his, losing myself as he holds me tight.

  “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” I hear Emily from behind Gabriel.

  I pull away and wipe my mouth “No.” It’s hard to read Emily’s expression and Gabriel’s body is tense and his mouth is pressed thin. I look over at the clock in the room, and realize I have to get ready for class. The tension in the room is thick and no one is talking.

  I turn around as the situation gets awkward, “I have to go to class.” I say and enter my room, closing the door behind me, the thud lingering in the building silence.

  “What are you doing?” I hear Emily say to Gabriel. She doesn’t sound happy.

  “What do you mean?” Gabriel asks.

  “You’re kissing her.” Emily’s voice is stilted. I find a bra and panties and put them on.

  “So, I kissed her last night and you didn’t have a problem with it.”

  “That’s because we were all kissing each other.”

  “Since when are you the jealous type?” Gabriel asks, and I find a shirt and pair of jeans and pull them on.

  “Since I discovered that you’re into my roommate, that’s when.” Emily’s voice is getting louder. There’s a pause, I check my face and hair in the mirror. “So, it’s true then. You’re into her.”

  “Yes.” Gabriel confesses. “I like her.” I brush my hair and pull it back into a ponytail.

  “How could you?” “How. Could. You?” Emily yells.

  “I came here to talk to you last night, but instead you wanted to have sex with both of us. I don’t know why that is, but it didn’t help win me over to your side.” Gabriel sounds upset. I grab my book bag.

  “My side? I thought I was your girlfriend. You’re supposed to be on my side.” Crystal’s voice is getting shrill.

  I take a deep breath and open the door, “Bye got to go, see you later.” I mutter quickly, Gabriel offers me a tight smile while Emily glares at me. I hurry down the hall away from them. How could so much change in just a few days? Closing in on my class I try to push them out of my mind so I can focus and absorb the material.

  I don’t see or hear from Kelly and Ryan is still in jail. I’m not worried though, I’m not in the mood to talk anyway; I’m more concerned about Gabriel and I worry about how he is doing.

  Feeling guilty, I sit down in my seat for my next class and I work on focusing on my subject. Sparks of memory from last night keep breaking their way into my mind; Gabriel’s face when I took off my shirt, our first kiss outside of the coffee bar, and his gentle caress. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath trying to focus. Clearing my thoughts again I open my eyes and start copying the notes from the dry erase board. Soon I’m wrapped up and then class ends. Breathing a sigh of relief I pack up my book and begin to walk home. I�
�m anxious to know how Gabriel is and how their fight ended. Did he follow through with his plans to break up with Emily? I enter my dorm and Gabriel is sitting on the couch he stans up as I approach him.

  “How are you?” I ask, I’m so happy he waited for me

  He walks towards me, meeting me halfway “I’m fine.”

  I look around the room, “Where’s Emily?”

  Gabriel wraps me in a reassuring hug, “She left. She’s requesting a transfer to a new dorm. She’ll have to find someone to swap with, but I’m sure that will be easy for her.”

  I squeeze him tightly, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t me..”

  “Stop apologizing. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Gabriel interrupts.

  “When will Emily be back?” I ask, paranoid that she’s going to walk in on us.

  “She’s not coming back today; she’s staying with one of her friends for the night. She told me she was going to move her stuff out while you’re in class, so it’s easier on the both of you.”

  I bury my face into his chest, “I feel terrible.”

  He holds me closer, “It’s not your fault this happened.”

  I feel a lump in my throat, “I made my roommate move out.”

  “She didn’t have to move out. She could have chosen to stay and get over it. This is entirely her choice. You’re not responsible for the choices other people make.” Gabriel sooths.

  I move away from Gabriel, “I have to put my stuff up,” and I walk towards my room, Gabriel follows me and closes the door behind him

  “I heard you the other night; when you came over to see Emily. The night we met for the second time” Gabriel pauses for a second, his eyes light up as he realizes what I’m talking about.

  “Did you like what you heard?” Gabriel grins.

  I bite my lip, “What do you think?”

  “I think you liked what you heard.”

  “I think you’re right.” I flirt; Gabriel approaches me, holds me tight, and kisses me. I’m swept away in his kiss. My body aches to feel him inside of me. I can feel his erection press against me through his jeans. Gabriel begins to kiss my neck, I gasp as my desire grows. I feel my panties getting wet. He pulls my shirt off, and stares at my breasts still encased in my bra.


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