Demon Kin (A SoulTracker Novel #2) (DarkWorld: A Soul Tracker Novel)

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Demon Kin (A SoulTracker Novel #2) (DarkWorld: A Soul Tracker Novel) Page 18

by T. G. Ayer

  “Just incapacitated?”

  “Yes, Djinn. We didn’t come here to go on a killing spree,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

  He just grinned at me with mischief in his eyes.

  “Fine. Logan and I will go and see what we can do about incapacitating them,” he said, his eyes still teasing me even as the both of them disappeared in an explosion of orange embers and ash.

  A few minutes passed and they reappeared looking smug. Kai and I shared put-upon glance. Both men took the hint and sobered up, which Kai seemed to find far too funny.

  “All clear,” said Logan as Saleem stood beside Kai.

  I took Drake’s hand, and then we all disappeared, materializing in a small viewing room next to Kai’s mom. Saleem disappeared, leaving us in a room filled with equipment, monitors, and various machines monitoring Celeste. She looked alive if not perfectly healthy. Good enough for me.

  When Kai moved to enter the room, I tapped her on the shoulder. “Wait. We need to make sure nobody is inside the room with her.”

  Kai nodded and waited and I jumped, checked the room and returned, relieved. “All clear. Drake, you keep a watch on the door and alert us.”

  Drake nodded and we entered the inner room. The closer we got the more obvious it was that they were bleeding her. I’d had my suspicious so I wasn’t surprised. Kai’s face told me she felt much the same.

  Kai touched the microphone at her collar. “What time was the power hit set for?”

  “Two forty-five,” said Logan in our ears.

  “We need to reschedule. We need to wait for the power pulse.”

  “Okay, we’ll wait for your signal.”

  “What are we waiting for?” I asked.

  Kai pointed at the wires connected to Celeste. “These look like they’re monitoring her heartbeat. And the others seem to be measuring her vitals. If we detach her, then it would set off any number of alarms.”

  I nodded. “And if we wait for power shutdown, they might think that’s the reason for the lack of measurements coming from your mom. It should buy us some time. Good thinking.”

  Kai waved toward the outer room, and exited.

  Only to walk in on a guard standing in the middle of the room, staring at the two empty chairs which should have contained two medical staff. His eyes widened when he caught sight of us and reached for both his walkie-talkie and gun.

  Drake tapped him on the shoulder and slammed a hand onto the guard’s forearm. Drake lost all solidity, becoming a swirling black liquid smoke. The guards left hook drew trails of smoke with it as it passed through.

  Poor guy looked shocked and confused.

  Drake planted a fist into the man’s throat. Kai and I caught the guard before he hit the ground.

  “You didn’t have to kill him,” I snapped at Drake as he solidified. My eyes widened as he dropped his glamor for a moment before he materialized fully. Kai’s jaw dropped, and Drake gave her a sweet smile before turning his attention back to me. “Broke a couple bones in his throat, yes. Killed him? No.”

  “Okay, then. That’s totally fine, isn’t it?” I asked, glaring at him.

  Drake ignored me, and I just huffed. “How long ‘til the power goes out?” he asked.

  “Ten minutes,” Kai said, checking her watch. “It’s going to be a long ten minutes.”

  Then we were plunged into darkness.

  “Let’s go, Mel,” said Kai as she sped into the inner room. She extricated her mom quickly, while I remained blind in the thick darkness.

  “How the hell are you seeing all of that? I can’t see a thing in this pitch black.”

  Kai chuckled. “Sorry. It’s my panther sight. Works well in the dark.”

  “Ah, that certainly explains it.”

  A few seconds later, Kai touch my arm. “Here. She’s ready. Take her home.”

  “Okay, see you in a bit.” I disappeared.

  Chapter 34

  Bringing Celeste to Kai’s apartment didn’t turn out as I’d expected.

  Probably had something to do with the armed S.W.A.T team, and the gun to my skull as we materialized.

  They’d at least had the decency to help carry Kai’s mom to the bed and lay her down. When I refused to leave her side, the taller, bulkier officer relented. He didn’t remove the guard standing on the inside of the room door though.

  The team leader had suggested they take Celeste away to provide medical care but Ivy Odel had told them off, and surprisingly they’d relented.

  I was still sitting and fuming at the foot of the bed when Kai stormed into the bedroom half an hour later.

  She glared coldly at the guard. “Who are you?” she spoke a little too loudly, but I figured she was upset.

  “That is not important right now. At this time, our highest priority is to ensure you and the rest of your team are safe and not contaminated.” He paused as he uttered the word contaminated.

  “What?” Kai snapped at the man. “Are you going to give me some bullshit line about contamination? Who the hell are you?”

  The guard ignored her and peered into the dining room. She followed his gaze and the pieces fell into place. Saleem must have brought her over and she’d been protecting him from the guards. “What?” she asked him.

  “Where is the jumper?” His eyes remained on her face as he asked the question.

  “How should I know? He was here when I arrived. How else would I have gotten here?”

  He didn’t respond. He shifted his head and spoke into the comms he’d been talking to for that last while. “The Hunter has returned. The jumper has left . . . No, no idea. I’d assume back to the facility to extract the rest of their team… Yes, sir. I’ll let you know immediately.”

  Kai folded her arms. “So what is it you people want?”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. At the moment, I am not at liberty to say. Ms. Morgan here is also awaiting an answer. Which you will both get during debriefing.”

  Kai ignored him and went to her mom’s side. “How is she?” She brushed a lock of hair from her face.

  “Her vitals are fine. She seems to be under the influence of some sort of drug.”

  The guard stepped closer. “We wanted to transfer her to our medical facility—”

  I cut him off. “Ivy wouldn’t let them,” I said smugly, glad to have seen the older woman throw her weight in the swat teams face.

  I gave the guard a take that glare, and Kai chuckled. “Grams told these jerks what to do and they listened?”

  “They had to, or they would have gotten themselves into deep trouble,” said Ivy from the doorway. Ka twisted around and stared at her. “Come, girls. We need to talk.”

  We both got up and followed her out of the room. Kai hesitated in the doorway, then kept moving. I touched her arm as we headed to the living, and sat. Nobody looked comfortable. “I think she’ll be fine. They’ve taken good care of her until now.”

  “Yes,” said Ivy as she sat. “They will take good care of her.”

  “Who are they and what’s going on?” Kai asked, not caring if she thought she was being rude.

  “Mr. Ice over there is Jerry Winter. And ‘they’ are the security detail attached to the High Council.”

  Kai’s jaw dropped.

  I caught mine just in time.

  “What are they doing here?” Kai asked.

  “They got wind that Celeste was in a bunker facility in Nevada.”

  “How did they get that information?” For the briefest moment, Kai’s eyes narrowed on her, and Ivy laughed.

  “It wasn’t me, dear. Cassandra’s phone was bugged. They saw your texts.”

  “That explains why she and Larsson never showed up,” Kai sat heavily. “Where’s Lily and Anjelo?” Her fear was tangible but unwarranted.

  “Don’t worry, dear. The officials from the High Council spoke to the kids briefly, then sent them home. Even they don’t think it’s entirely necessary to arrest a couple of children.”

  “They’re hard
ly children, Grams,” Kai said wryly.

  “You and I both know that. The High Council doesn’t. Perhaps it’s better they continue to believe that,” Ivy said a little sternly. “It seems you are responsible for those two now, Kai. I hope you make sure you keep them out of danger. One sojourn in the wraith world should be enough for that young man.”

  Kai snorted. “If anything, it’s juiced up his desire for adventure. I’m probably going to find it hard to get him to concentrate on school.”

  “Well, you do your best, Kai.” Ivy gave the open room door a quick glance.

  Kai frowned. “Are they waiting here for Saleem and Logan?”

  “Yes. They want to speak to both of them regarding the mission and what they saw.”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Kai said softly.

  “Why not, dear? The High Council just wants to be sure Omega is still legitimate and that both those boys were involved only at your behest.”

  Kai heard Ivy’s words, but she rose and went to the table.

  She picked up a file and handed the file to Ivy. “Now, tell me what you make of that.” I leaned over to peek into the file as well.

  Ivy took a breath “Tell me this isn’t true.”

  “I’m afraid it is. It’s right there for anyone to see. This facility certainly wasn’t a secret from certain Omega employees.”

  I watched the interplay between grandmother and granddaughter, understanding there was more going on that couldn't be spoken out loud. My worry was for Drake and Saleem, neither of whom had returned.

  Kai looked at me, briefly tucking her hair behind her ear. I shook my head. They’d taken my comms as soon as I arrived. But Kai still had hers.

  She rose. “Can I use your bathroom, Grams?” she asked, barely waiting for a response before heading for the bathroom and closing her door.

  I suspected she was warning them off.

  Good plan.

  Winters seemed to have realized Kai was gone and stomped off to the bathroom.

  He knocked hard. “What?” Kai asked angrily.

  I heard a distance flush and could just picture Kai flushing the expensive device down the toilet.

  She flung the door open, then headed to wash her hands. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “Who were you talking to?” he asked.

  “No one. You see anyone here?”

  She was drying her hands but Winters bent closer and inspected her ears and collar without touching her.

  He stared at the now silent toilet, then straightened. “We would appreciated your full cooperation, Ms. Odel.”

  “Of course. You’ll get it when you start telling me what the hell is going on.”

  Ivy intervened, poking her head into the bathroom. “Are you two done here? This conversation can easily be held in the lounge.”

  While she scolded them the air in front of me shimmered and four men appeared. Three able bodied, and one older, unconscious man.

  Jerry exited meekly, and Kai grinned at her grandmother as she passed. When they entered the lounge Ivy cried out and ran to the older man’s side. “Oh my, please tell me I’m not imagining this.”

  “No, Grams, you aren’t imagining it,” Kai said. Then she glared at Logan. “I thought I told you to stay the hell away from here?” What a waste of Kai’s sleuthing efforts.

  Winters grunted. “I knew it.”

  Logan and Saleem was both glaring at Kai and I kept wondering when someone was going to clue me in.

  She sniffed. “What? Not you too?” Neither men warmed to her. “I was just trying to protect you.”

  “Because of the file?” Logan asked.


  Logan seemed to soften. Kai would survive this round with him. Ivy was fussing over the unconscious man and waved for Drake to help take him to her bedroom. Once he was comfortable, they both returned, Ivy with a worried look on her face.

  “So what now?” asked Logan.

  “High Council debrief,” said Ivy.

  “Do they need me and Drake?” I asked, getting to my feet. I checked my phone. Santiani had sent a message confirming Gina was definitely coming to see him. Thankfully, as yet I hadn’t. “I need to go. I have an ongoing case that I’m looking into, and something’s just come up.”

  Ivy nodded. “Of course, you need to go, dear. I don’t think the High Council will be too upset at your absence. You don’t work for Omega.”

  I smiled and waved at the team, tired and drained now, wondering how I was going to regain the energy to deal with Gina and her father.

  I grabbed Drake’s arm and tugged him along. As we exited the apartment he glanced over his shoulder. “Typical,” he growled.

  “What’s typical?” I asked softly as we headed down the stairs.

  “Just when I find myself a nice, decent, hot woman, she happens to be taken.”

  I let out a laugh that was filled with irony, because all I could think about was Natasha and Drake and the way they’d looked at each other.

  “Shut up,” said Drake gruffly.

  Chapter 35

  Drake insisted on coming with me to the hospital and I didn't fight him off. He'd been a little subdued after the whole Natasha Incident and I'd left him to his introspection. He did however give me a piece of his mind regarding backup while apprehending the Gina-demon. I'd held my tongue wondering where his mind was at. I'd never go head-to-head with such a powerful creature alone.

  Besides, I needed Drake to help me with the circle.

  Drake had recently come up with the idea. A magic circle using invisible marker. The wonders of combining magic with modern technology, he’d said.

  I'd been a little upset that I'd not had that level of brilliance in the past.

  Now, Santiani watched in silence as Drake drew the circle on the marble tiles on the open space beside the bed, crouching to reach beneath it to ensure it was unbroken. Being unable to see it, I had to hope that Drake had done it right.

  Santiani gave the door a nervous glance every time the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall outside the room.

  I cleared my throat, drawing a questioning glance from Santiani. “I need to explain something.” He tilted his head, listening. “I’ll remain in the room while Gina is here. But she won’t see me.”

  He frowned, then nodded. “I understand. I’ve been told your abilities are unusual.”

  Captain Murdoch no doubt.

  Relieved, I took a breath as Drake got to his feet, pocketed his pen and dusted off his jeans. He gave Santiani a nod then beckoned me as he walked to the door. “Be careful. I’m right outside.”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  Drake gave me one of his glares. The one meant to reduce me to a simpering mess. It didn’t work.

  “If she’s the demon, she’ll recognise you immediately. Stay around the corner until she comes inside, then stand guard.”

  He relaxed, but didn’t smile. “Don’t do anything stupid.” He walked off to the right and took the corner at the far end of the hall.

  I snuck back into the room. “Right. Remember, be natural. Take a different route with your conversation. Imply it’s evil and that maybe she’s possessed or something. It’s fine if you appear nervous.”

  “You think she may be possessed?”

  “It’s possible. It’s too soon to tell. More likely a form of mind control.”

  He nodded. “What if she is mind-controlled?”

  I sighed. “Then we will have to take her away and get her treatment. If that happens don’t be alarmed.”

  “Why would I be alarmed?”

  I smiled. “We won’t be using the door.”

  He gave a weak smile then stiffened as the sound of heels echoed outside the room door. I disappeared, leaving a very surprised Santiani to scan the suddenly empty room

  I’d managed to shock him even though he’d been expecting it.

  The door opened and Gina entered. She wore a dark blue silk pantsuit, white six
inch heeled sandals. A cute little white purse hung from her elbow, swinging as she slid her sunglasses up onto the top of her blond head.

  Her smile and bearing were both haughty and cool as she surveyed the room, glancing at her father last. Clearly she no longer cared about fitting in as a teenager, with her amture dress and her sultry air.

  My heart stuttered as she snapped her gaze to where I stood beside the window seat. She frowned, the same way she had when she’d almost bumped into me in her bedroom. Then she gave a tiny shake of her head, as if berating herself for being suspicious for no reason.

  She strode into the room, dropped her bag onto one of the armchairs and sank onto the bed beside him. Thankfully I’d had the presence of mind to keep my bag on me for easy access to the taser and the potion.

  I shook my head at the strangely designed open back of her jacket. More revealing than sexy. Although the front was demure and buttoned to her collar bone, the back was cut low. It was one of the strangest garments I’d ever seen, and in that split second I had to control the desire to laugh out loud at the thought of a demon having such particular taste in designer clothing.

  When she took his hand in hers, her father flinched, his weak body betraying his aversion to her touch. She didn’t seem to care, just smiled at him and caressed his cheek.

  “Don't touch me,” he said, the skin on his face tightening. He backed away against the pillows, avoiding her touch.

  Gina didn’t seem to care. She leaned closer and cupped his cheek smiling down at him, her expression filled with cunning and self satisfaction. She knew she had him under her control.

  For the first time, I witnessed the one-on-one interaction between father and daughter. I shuddered.

  “I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me.” Her words were spoken quietly, with such calm that it would have been easy to miss the menace in her tone.

  Santiani didn’t miss it. He shook his head. “You’re evil.”


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