Seeker of Moons (Cassidy's Command Book 1)

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Seeker of Moons (Cassidy's Command Book 1) Page 19

by Geoff Workman

  Once in free space tiny Ionprop motors kicked in and pushed the escape pods away with a surge of acceleration.

  “Greyhound skipper to Greyhound pods remember your drills. Do not operate your rescue beacons for three hours and maintain comms silence until then.” Esther switched off her communicator and her thoughts turned to the loss of her first command. She was soon interrupted when a bright flash lit up the small viewing window of her pod and the Greyhound was gone.

  Lord Burzot was happy with his days’ work and would probably receive a commendation from the Emperor but for now he had to tidy up the situation. One of his cruisers had been hit by some exploding projectile which contained enough energy to short out the ships defence shield and had caused substantial damage to the mid-section of the ship. It would take two of his other ships to tow the damaged cruiser back to base and then he and his other functional craft would also need to tow back the disabled spider craft. He had thoughts of just destroying them but knew how valuable they could be. He was aware that a number of escape pods had been launched and on another day he would have used them for target practice, but then with no one to rescue the occupants they could be left to suffer a lingering death.

  He instructed his officers to begin the salvage operation on the rest of his fleet and also gave instructions for the ships gunners to destroy any pods that they spotted as they moved through the battle zone. Many pod occupants had not heard Esther’s broadcast and had operated their locator beacons immediately in free space and inadvertently drew the Kyandian gunners’ attention to themselves.

  Esther saw many of the electronic signatures of nearby pods vanish from the mini monitor inside her pod and wondered if she would be next. Then a giant shadow spread across the pods view port lid and the enemy fleet had passed.

  Seven hours of solitary thought is a long time but at last the comms unit in Esther’s pod and the other surviving ones called out a message in a friendly voice saying help was on its way.

  It was approximately an hour after the message that Esther could feel relieved when she felt the pull of an electronic harpoon tug her tiny pod and soon after that she was stepping out into the air lock of the Pretender.

  The recovery took quite a while but eventually 64 pods were picked up, most from the Greyhound but around a dozen from the other destroyed ships of the flotilla. They had lost six of their ships and just over five hundred men and women. The Pretender had also taken quite a battering, so this relief force would not be replacing Kyle any time soon.

  Chapter 11

  Chamtofi Express

  A crew meeting on the Seeker of Moons was underway. All of those present were wearing the ships green fatigues, most were sipping steaming mugs of Kaffoo and all were interested in Kyle’s summary of the events on Edenfall.

  Buzz then gave a Situation Report, which was delivered grimly by the normally light-hearted IO.

  “While the Edenfall mission was being carried out, I have been receiving updates from the Admiral’s office.

  Firstly, the Admiral was decidedly unhappy with the decision to intervene on Edenfall and according to my sources he had thought about recalling Seeker of Moons.

  Secondly, the Council of Worlds endorsed the Berengian motion to provide a joint response to the developing situation in the Fringe Worlds zone. A Task Force was despatched to head for Chamtofi and raid Walendia directly. This mission was to replace our efforts but it was intercepted by an alien fleet and has been wiped out with great loss of life. I must tell you that Lt Fuentes and Lt Freeman were members of the United Worlds Task Force.

  Thirdly, the Walendian pirates have carried out their most audacious raid yet by crossing into UW territory and attacking the prison planet Gasaret. They have released over a thousand inmates, who it is assumed have joined the pirates ranks.

  Fourthly, The Admiral’s office confirm that there is no likelihood of further support for the foreseeable future, as the Council of Worlds main concern now is to secure the borders with the fringe worlds.

  Bambi interrupted Buzz, “What about the populated worlds in the fringe?”

  Buzz shrugged, if they have ships capable of crossing the cloud gates then room for the people will be found. If they don’t have space craft then they are on their own.”

  Bambi looked across the table at Kyle, “From what you have told us the people on Edenfall have already suffered, do we have to abandon them?”

  The look in Bambi’s eyes conveyed more than words. She was by nature compassionate and the thought of people, communities and planets being destroyed was not something she could easily accept.

  “Bambi, believe me there is nothing we can do to help. Even if we tried to evacuate the people using the Spotted Canary, it would need numerous shuttle trips and it would come down to choosing people to save. Edenfall’s best chance is its size and with a bit of luck the aliens will ignore it whilst the pirates might consider they have already lost too many people there.”

  Reluctantly Bambi had to agree.

  Buzz had sat down during the discussion, but stood to finish his report.

  “The Admiral’s office is still working on the data sent back by the task force before it was wiped out and so far they have come up with this.

  There are two distinct types of alien ship, which could mean there may be different alien races involved.

  The spider ships have a technique of appearing from nowhere and stunning craft before administering a knockout blow. The larger alien craft use energy weapons but they are far more lethal than any our craft can muster, the thought is that the ion base used is an element we are not so far aware of.

  Our corvettes managed to inflict some damage but they had to use old school nukes, which were not powerful enough to take any of their ships down.

  The role of the pirates seems to be as agents for the aliens and up until now it’s they that have been involved in the abductions. There is still no news of the female abductees, though we know from the last report received from the Agent on Chamtofi that they have been moved and may no longer be on the planet.

  That’s all I’ve got so far, I hope it helps!”

  “Thanks Buzz and to summarize if I’ve got it right, we have a galactic war, insurrection, no chance of survival, no clues and no prospect of help, is that accurate?”

  “That’s pretty accurate Getaway, I mean Lieutenant.”

  “I need you all to give me some input on ways to increase our chances of survival. First up, is there any way we can make it harder for the bad guys to trace us?

  Speedy went first, “No more comms outbound, maximise shielding for the reactor, randomise our course and be constantly vigilant on the scanners for anything that looks like a listening post.”

  Nobody could top Speedy’s contribution, so Kyle moved on to the weapons looking specifically at Kang for a response.

  “It looks like the aliens have counter measures for our energy weapons and they must have some seriously heavy metal in this sector, which we would not be able to hurt with ionic canons, but they may come in useful if we meet more pirates. We have ten nukes and it would cause more damage if we synchronise the firing and targeting, so that fired in pairs the first takes out shielding and armour and the second stands a good chance of success.”

  Bambi was fidgeting with excitement and Kyle invited her to speak up.

  “I have to change two fuel rods in the next 48 hours, if we can get the radioactive components into the warhead there is a good chance the explosive reaction will be improved, I think it’s worth a try.”

  “If you can do it safely then I am up for it. Is there any way we can boost our own shielding?”

  Patches spoke first, “The bodywork is sound and double plated, it has an anti-magnetic coating and the repeller force field is synched to the output of the reactor, but the more power you divert to it will limit our speed.”

  “Thanks everybody just make sure that everything is the best it can be for when we need it.

is the plan, we will aim for Chamtofi but not the direct route, I will be looking for a hot drop in Simbari state, which is next to Chamtofi and I want one other volunteer to come with me on recon.”

  “Why does it have to be you Getaway?” Kang asked, deliberately using Kyle’s crew name as he tried to personalise the question. “After all you are the mission commander and if anything happened to you it would be the end of the operation.”

  Pointedly he replied, “Lieutenant, as mission commander I have taken the decision that not only is it too risky to send someone else but I may have the best skill set for this job. I also know that you will carry on without me and it’s not for discussion. I do feel that a second person will increase the chances of success but they must be a volunteer.”

  “You aren’t going anywhere without me, Getaway,” Shiner butted in.

  “Lieutenant,” corrected Kyle.

  “Sure, you aren’t going anywhere without me Lieutenant Getaway.”

  “Nor me,” said Bambi.

  “Or me,” said Buzz.

  “Thanks gang but we are already short-handed to fly this ship and besides two are the optimum number for this job.”

  “Pixie had been quiet during the meeting but now spoke very softly, “Lieutenant Cassidy, I have a lot of friends who were captured and are in the hands of the pirates. I know it will be dangerous but this is something I must do, my intuitive and memory skills may be more helpful than you think.”

  “Thank you Pixie, I accept your application and hope that you do not regret your decision, I am glad that you are coming along.”

  There were still three days of tacking, zig-zagging and doubling back before Chamtofi registered on the Seeker of Moons sensors. In one more day they would be landing on Chamtofi, the planet of storms. It was still too far off to be seen on the view screens and the Hoshima nebula had to be crossed first, it’s spinning purple trails of gas seemed to reach out and grasp the ship but it was just their imaginations running riot.

  Kyle turned in early to build up his energy levels for the rigours to come and in his usual fashion dozed off straight away. Something stirred him and he became aware of another form in his cabin. When the arrival had dropped its robe to the ground and slipped between the sheets he knew it was Bambi, the fragrance of warm behla wood announced her close proximity.

  Being half-asleep was very nice as Bambi took the lead and he really enjoyed her attention. The following few minutes were so passionate and frantic that when their urges had subsided they were totally drained.

  Bambi left the bed first, she used Kyle’s shower then climbed back into bed for a cuddle.

  “Hey you are still wet,” he chided, “and didn’t we agree that there would be no hanky panky on board?”

  “Sorry and sorry again,” Bambi laughed. “I wanted you to remember me when you are out with your other girl. There is also a serious point to my visit,” and her mood changed.

  “It’s about Kang, I’ve been working closely with him for the last three days and also been observing him very carefully.”

  “Don’t tell me that you have fallen for him now,” he mocked and received a punch in the lower abdomen for his attempt at humor, before Bambi got back on track.

  “There is something strange about Kang, have you noticed?”

  “Only that he is very intelligent, has been super supportive, is fearless in combat and he would have probably been a better leader than me.”

  “No silly and I don’t think he would be a better leader, but I know it sounds crazy but I don’t think he is human!”

  “Bambs have you been drinking my ‘skull crusher’ Wojka?”

  “No, I said it was a crazy idea, but hear me out.”

  “Go ahead, I’ve got to hear this.”

  “He is going around the ship checking on the jobs we do, also observing how short we are to being fully manned and what impact these shortages are having on our capability.

  Well, he spent half a day going through manuals and procedures with myself and Patches and we both noticed the same things. No offence to men in general but he doesn’t smell for one thing, not even when we worked him hard helping with the fuel rods, he does not sweat, not at all.”

  “It doesn’t make him an alien, perhaps he has a great anti-perspirant.”

  “OK, so being suspicious I deliberately touched his hands and arms on a number of occasions and there is no temperature, no clamminess and his pulse is much too slow for a human.”

  “You cannot be sure?”

  “No I cannot be sure but Patches noticed the same, also have you seen his complexion?”

  “When would I be looking at other men that closely? The answer is, I could barely tell you his ethnicity let alone his skin perfection.”

  “That’s the point, don’t you see, it’s perfect, he has no spots, wrinkles, scars or birth marks, he is physically flawless. Have you ever seen anyone who is so faultless?”

  “Bambs only you! Seriously though if you are right and I admit that your theory is intriguing, what is Kang and is he one of the ‘good guys’? Thinking about it, he doesn’t sleep much and I have never seen him with a Kaffoo. What do we do now?”

  “I really don’t know but I think you need to find out before you leave the ship.”

  “I will Bambs, I will.” Then he pulled the still naked engineer to him, just in case this would be the last time.

  After she left, he decided he had to find out whether there was any substance in Bambi’s suspicions, he showered, dressed in his normal fatigues and made his way towards the bridge. So much for a restful night he thought as he stopped at the mess to pick up two steaming hot mugs of Kaffoo from the autovend. Kyle guessed that Kang would be on the bridge, he was sat in the Navigators chair staring at the stars on the central viewscreen.

  Ossie was in the pilot’s seat and turned to watch Kyle stride in. He caught Ossie’s eye and motioned for him to leave, so taking the hint he switched on the autopilot and left.

  “Hi Getaway,” said Kang without looking at him.

  He placed one of the hot Kaffoo’s on Kang’s workstation and the Berengian lieutenant looked at the steaming mug.

  “Thanks but I’ve given up.”

  “I insist said Kyle this is a special one, it’s got a special additive.”

  “I said no thanks,” Kang rasped back sternly, “have you got a problem Cassidy?”

  “Yes and it’s you,” without warning he slipped the hidden cutlery fork from his sleeve and drove it into the back of Kang’s hand.

  “What the f…,” he yelped in surprise before rising to his feet and throwing an enraged punch at Kyle.

  The Seeker of Moons skipper was ready and caught Kang’s fist in mid-air before yanking it roughly behind his back. The fork had already fallen out of the injured hand but Kyle turned the wrist towards him to inspect the four small holes. There was no hint of blood and the wound was getting smaller by the second.

  Kyle flung his adversary back in his chair and stood so close that there was no prospect of the other lieutenant rising.

  “How did you know?” Kang calmly asked.

  “Let’s say a woman’s intuition, but what are you and what’s your purpose on this ship?”

  “Once I was like you, now I am not like you. I am Admiral Ng’s last hope for the mission.”

  “Enough of your riddles Kang, start at the beginning and tell me about your relationship with the Admiral.”

  “Once I was a Lieutenant of marines for his majesty the King of Berengia and I received numerous honours for fighting pirates and bandits until my luck ran out and a plasma bolt fried most of my body. I thought I was going to die and to a large extent I did. Unknown to me Admiral Ng was trying to develop a group of super soldiers to defend the kingdom and I was chosen as an early experiment.

  The premise is to provide a synthetic body powered by super magnet micro motors and add whatever organs remain functional. In my case my brain, one eye, and one kidney survived and the r
est is artificial, but the kind of artificial that is at least as good as the original. Swiftly Kang pushed Kyle back a step and then grabbing him under the arms hoisted him effortlessly off the ground, before relenting and dropping him in a heap.

  “Sorry about that Sir,” Kang said, grinning broadly, “I owed you for the stabbing and arm lock. I know I should have told you but it was the Admiral’s order to remain silent about myself and my team.”

  “What do you mean your team?”

  “There are another six mandroids, as we call ourselves, in stasis units in a secret compartment behind the rear bulkhead and with your permission I will put them back on duty, it takes a few hours to come round from the deep sleep.”

  “Tell me Kang, why the need for secrecy, I don’t get it, the extra troops would have been useful back on Edenfall.”

  “The Admiral regards us as the last throw of the dice and he did not want you to be tempted to use the resource unless you absolutely have to. I made a mistake going to Edenfall because if I’d been totalled, you would not have known about my sleeping colleagues and I am the only one with the access codes for the secret bulkhead.”

  “Well Kang, perhaps we can move forward now. What proposals have you for deploying your men?”

  “I have tried to evaluate the crew’s capability and would propose to split the team into weapons, engineering and bridge understudies. That is until you need us for a ground attack and of course we will all be practising weapons skills whenever we can.”

  Five hours later a special crew meeting was called and Kang’s men trooped into the mess wearing the Castorian armour he had shipped on board. They had set the reflective pigments to gloss back and marching in perfect time these two metre tall warriors were an impressive sight.

  Called to a halt by Kang, he had them introduce themselves to Kyle with a crisp, “Sir yes Sir” after each name. Buzz looked at the helmet inscriptions, ‘Den’, ‘Shaky’, ‘Troll’, ‘Bash’, ‘Typhoon’ and ‘Van’, he was glad they were on his side.


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