Wheatley, Lord 1
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer 1
Whigham, Margaret see Argyll, Duchess of
Whirley Hall, Macclesfield 1
White-Thomson, Ian (author’s first husband) 1, 2
White’s club, St James’s Street, London 1
Wigan, Lola 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Wilde, Oscar 1
Wilding, Dorothy 1
Wilhelm II, Kaiser 1
Willoughby, Lady Jane 1
Wilton House, Wiltshire 1
Windley, Davina (Countess of Portarlington) 1
Windsor, Duke of see Edward VIII, King
Windsor Castle, Berkshire 1, 2
Windsor Forest, Berkshire 1
Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire 1, 2, 3
Woking, Surrey 1
Wolfson, Sir Isaac 1
Wolfson, Solomon 1
Woman’s Mirror 1
Women of the Year luncheon, Savoy Hotel (1958) 1
Women’s Social and Political Union 1
Wood, Natalie 1
Woolf, Virginia 1 A Room of One’s Own 1
Woollands department store, London 1 21 shop 1
Work of Art (champion hunter) 1
Workers’ Revolutionary Party 1
World’s End, London 1, 2
Worsley, Giles: England’s Lost Houses 1
Worsley, Katharine see Kent, Katharine, Duchess of
Worsthorne, Sir Peregrine 1
Worth 1, 2
Wren, Sir Christopher 1
Wyatt, Woodrow (later Lord Wyatt) 1, 2
Wycombe Abbey School, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Yardley 1
Yarty Farm, Devon 1, 2
Yeats, W.B. 1
Yevonde, Madame 1
York, Sonia (Mrs Giles Coode-Adams) 1, 2, 3
York, Susannah 1
Young Jaeger 1, 2
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales 1
Zouche of Haryngworth, 17th Baroness 1, 2
About the Author
With her widely acclaimed book Eric Gill, published in 1989, Fiona MacCarthy established herself as one of the leading writers of biography in Britain. John Carey called it ‘a wonderfully detailed account of [Gill’s] personality – so vivid, you feel you know just what it would have been like to visit him at one of his patriarchal communes’.
Her biography of Byron was described by A. N. Wilson as ‘a flawless triumph’ and by Mark Bostridge as ‘one of the great literary biographies of our time’.
Prizes for William Morris include the Wolfson History Prize and the Writers’ Guild Non-Fiction Award.
Also a well known broadcaster and critic, Fiona MacCarthy writes for the Guardian and is currently working on the sequel to her life of William Morris – an eagerly anticipated new biography of Edward Burne-Jones.
This ebook edition published in 2010
by Faber and Faber Ltd
Bloomsbury House
74–77 Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DA
All rights reserved
© Fiona MacCarthy, 2006, 2007
The right of Fiona MacCarthy to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
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ISBN 978–0–571–26581–7
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