Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7)

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Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7) Page 2

by Gillian Larkin

  Cain was impressed. “Wow! The town hall in our town? It’s massive!”

  “It is, it can fit over 5,000 people in it. Imagine that! The applause would be deafening,” Eric said. He gazed off into the distance as if imagining himself already there. He looked back at them. “The play is so amazing that it’ll put our little town right on the map. Everyone will know our name.”

  A small woman dressed in black stepped out from behind Eric and added, “And everyone will know your name, Eric, my love.”

  Julia shared a surprised look with Cain. Who was she? And how long had she been standing there?

  Eric smiled down at the woman. “May I introduce my rock, the wind beneath my wings, my candle in the wind …”

  “His wife,” the woman interjected with a smile. “I’m his wife, Yvonne. Pleased to meet you all.”

  There was a noise of someone clapping from the front of the room. They all turned towards the stage. Brandon Briggs beamed down at them as he stood at the front of the stage. “Thanks for coming here tonight, I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be back in my home town. We’ll start the auditions now. Eric? Where are you? Ah, there you are. Would you mind handing the scripts out, please?”

  A loud gasp came from Eric. Julia rubbed her ear and moved away slightly. Eric boomed out, “I’d be delighted!”

  Yvonne gave Julia an apologetic look and put her hand on Eric’s arm. “I’ll help you, love.”

  Dad stuck his chest out. “I think I’m going to get a part in the play, I think I’ve got a hidden talent for acting. What about you, Cain?”

  Cain stuck his skinny chest out too. “I think I’ll get a part too, Ray. What about you Julia?”

  Julia folded her arms. “I’m not even auditioning, I’ve got better things to do.”

  Louisa tugged at Julia’s arm and said quietly, “I think I want to go home. I can’t stand on a stage in front of 5,000 people.”

  Dad put his arm around Louisa and said, “Don’t worry about that now, at least have a go at auditioning, now that you’re here. If nothing else, you can have a laugh at me and Cain.”

  Julia gave him a grateful smile and added, “Louisa, I’m staying. Remember what you said about taking risks? Besides, I want to read this so-called magnificent script.”

  Louisa gave them a shy smile and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Okay, I’ll stay. What harm can it do?”

  Chapter 4

  People sat on the chairs that had been arranged into rows in front of the stage. Eric Murphy walked reverently forward, the scripts held in his hands like pieces of precious parchments. He slowly handed the scripts out, his face solemn. The recipients responded with the same solemn expressions as they took the scripts.

  Julia tutted as she sat next to Louisa. “This is going to take forever, can’t he speed up?”

  Louisa grinned and added, “He’s obviously enjoying it, it’s like he’s putting his own show on. Oh, he’s coming closer to us. I actually feel quite nervous.”

  Eric arrived at their row. He carefully placed a script into the outstretched hands of Cain and Dad. They both responded at the same time with a serious-sounding ‘thank you’.

  Eric paused when he came to Julia. He gave her a suspicious look and said, “Are you actually auditioning?”

  Julia replied, “No, but I’ll have a look at the script, thanks.”

  Eric pulled the remaining scripts close to his chest. “I’m afraid I can’t do that! You could be a spy for a rival drama company! You could be one of Brandon’s arch-enemies! I’m not even sure you should be in this hall.”

  Julia’s eyes narrowed. “Has Brandon got a lot of arch-enemies then?”

  “Of course not! What a thing to imply!”

  Louisa spoke up, “Julia is my friend, she’s here to support me. I’d like her to stay, please.”

  Eric looked undecided. He cast his attention around the room and bellowed out, “Can anyone vouch for this lady here? Can anyone tell me about her character?”

  There was a silence. Julia looked at her dad, he was so engrossed in his script that he hadn’t heard Eric’s booming voice. Julia leant over to him, prodded his shoulder and hissed, “Dad!”

  Dad looked up, confused. “What? Is it time for tea and biscuits?”

  Eric repeated his question, a finger pointing accusingly at Julia. Julia moved further back in her seat. Was there any need for such behaviour? Dad nodded at Eric’s question. Julia cringed and hoped that Dad wouldn’t pick that moment for one of his jokes. She could just imagine him saying, ‘Aye, I know her. She’s a nosy cleaner who gets herself involved in murder enquiries. I wouldn’t trust her to keep a secret.’

  Instead, Dad took to his feet, met Eric’s direct look, and said, “Aye, I know her. She’s my amazing daughter. You can trust her with your life.”

  Eric looked at Dad for a few seconds and then gave him a nod. He turned back to Julia and said graciously, “You may look at your friend’s script.” He handed a script to Louisa, his solemn look back in place.

  Dad turned to Julia, winked and sat back down.

  Julia cast her glance towards the ceiling. What a performance, and the auditions hadn’t even begun yet.

  There was a hushed silence around the hall as people read the scripts. Louisa placed her copy halfway between herself and Julia. In a matter of minutes they were both engrossed in the tale of mystery and suspense that Brandon Briggs had written. Julia was vaguely aware of gasps around the room as people read further into the script. At one point, she looked towards the stage and caught the look on Brandon’s face as he watched everyone reading his script. It was definitely the look of a cat who had got the cream. She’d go as far as to say, the look of a cat who had bought the dairy farm so it could have all the cream to itself. She looked back at the script and decided that Brandon should be pleased with himself, it was an excellent story.

  Everyone finished reading the script within minutes of each other. Eric Murphy stood at the front of the room and announced, “Didn’t I tell you? An amazing script, a wonderful tale of mystery, intrigue, suspense and a bit of romance too. We are extremely fortunate to have this talented young man amongst us.” Eric turned towards Brandon and started to clap. Everyone joined in, even Julia.

  Brandon took a mock bow and said, “You are too kind. Why don’t you all have a look at the part you’d like to audition for whilst we have a quick break. Then we’ll start with the auditions!”

  Julia heard a scraping noise at the back of the room. She turned and saw Eric’s wife, Yvonne, struggling to put a large tea urn on a table. Julia told Louisa she’d be back soon, and then she ran over to Yvonne and offered to help.

  Yvonne pushed the tea urn onto the table and let out a breath. “That’s a heavy one! I’m stronger than I look but that was a struggle. Yes, thank you, some help would be appreciated. There’s some milk in the kitchen down that corridor next to the hall, I put it in the fridge earlier. Would you mind getting it for me? Thank you.”

  “Of course,” Julia replied. “Then I’ll help you with the teas and coffees. My sister, Anna, has her own catering company, I’m familiar with these huge urns. Those biscuits look nice, did you make them yourself?”

  “I certainly did, Eric loves my homemade biscuits! I hope I’ve made enough.”

  Julia walked down to the kitchen and retrieved two large cartons of milk. When she returned to the hall she found that Yvonne had already set the cups out and was taking her first orders from Dad and Cain.

  Dad gave Julia a big smile and said, “You get everywhere, don’t you? Like a rash. I’ll have a coffee, please, and one of those lovely-looking biscuits. Thanks very much.”

  It seemed like everyone else was waiting for someone to make the first move towards the refreshments before they moved. Yvonne and Julia suddenly found themselves inundated with requests for drinks and biscuits.

  When the rush was over Julia asked Yvonne how she had met Eric.

  Yvonne smiled at a distant memory.
“We met at drama school, the same one that Brandon went to. I fell for Eric immediately, he had such presence. I can’t believe he gave me a second glance. When we starting dating I soon realised that I didn’t have any talent for acting, but I did have a talent for supporting Eric. And I still do support him. I know people make fun of him sometimes, they think he’s too bright and too loud, but he’s the love of my life.” Yvonne blinked a tear away and gave Julia a small smile. “Sorry, that sounds ridiculous.”

  “Not at all, it sounds like you were lucky to find each other,” Julia replied.

  The man himself appeared in front of them. Julia winced, had his shirt become even brighter?

  Eric smiled lovingly at his wife. “Darling, you’ve outdone yourself with those mouth-watering biscuits, you have my eternal thanks.”

  Yvonne moved an open hand towards Julia and said, “This lovely young lady has helped me with the drinks.”

  Any previous hostility towards Julia faded from Eric’s eyes. He put his hand over his heart and said, “You have my eternal thanks too.” He looked from left to right and moved his head closer to them. “Has my beautiful wife told you her secret yet?”

  Yvonne laughed. “She doesn’t want to know that!”

  Julia looked from one to the other. “Oh, I do.”

  Chapter 5

  “Go on then, darling, show her your aspirin,” Eric said with a chuckle.

  Yvonne chuckled back. “Stop calling it that! You know full well that it’s called a tablet.” She reached into her bag and pulled out an electronic tablet. Julia winced, the cover on the tablet matched the vivid red of Eric’s shirt. She wondered if Yvonne had a cover to match every one of Eric’s outfits.

  Yvonne tapped on the screen and then showed it to Julia. Julia jumped as the large smiling face of Eric Murphy looked back at her. Yvonne said proudly, “I’m writing a book about Eric. Someone has to, he’s achieved so much in his life, and who better to write it than me? I’m keeping a blog about the progress of this show, I’ll update it tonight. Do you like these photos?” Yvonne scrolled down the screen and Julia nodded politely as various images of Eric appeared on the screen. It was obvious that he liked wearing eye-wateringly bright colours.

  “It’s very impressive, isn’t it?” Eric said. “I’m a complete buffoon when it comes to computers and the such. What’s that expression again, darling?”

  “Computer illiterate,” Yvonne said.

  Eric let out a boom of a laugh. “That’s it! Computer illiterate! Now, what do you think about my name, Eric Murphy?”

  Julia felt both pairs of eyes studying her intently. “I think it’s a lovely name,” she said, hoping that was the right answer.

  Eric pulled a face. “It’s okay, but it’s not a star’s name, is it? I’ve been tempted many times to change my name over the years. Something exotic and theatrical like …” he opened his arms wide, “Christopher Pennington or Oscar Blair-Diamond.”

  Julia nodded. “Lovely names too.”

  Yvonne let out a small laugh and covered her mouth with a hand.

  Eric’s eyes twinkled as he looked at his wife. “I know what you’re thinking, you little minx!” He looked at Julia and said, “Those are the names we use sometimes when we are role-playing.”

  Yvonne waved a hand at him. “Eric! She doesn’t want to know what we get up to in the privacy of our home!”

  “Oh!” Heat flooded Julia’s cheeks. “Oh look, the auditions are starting, I’d better go. Bye.” Julia scurried away from the lovebirds before they revealed anything else.

  Julia sat next to Louisa and said, “Have I missed anything?”

  Louisa shook her head. “Your dad is about to go on. He told me he’s picked the part of the evil genius. And Cain is going to be his henchman.”

  “That sounds about right. And what about you, what part are you going for?”

  Louisa gave her a little smile and said, “I thought I might go for the main female lead. She’s a strong character, I like that. Do you think I should go for it, or am I being silly?”

  “I think you should go for it, and I think you’ll be wonderful.” Their attention was drawn towards the stage. Julia said, “Here comes trouble, and his henchman.”

  They watched as Dad and Cain acted out their parts. Julia was impressed with their acting abilities. Cain’s gentle face turned into pure evil as he read out his lines. Julia shivered as it reminded her of one of Cain’s brothers, Gary. Now there was a man that truly was pure evil.

  It was soon time for a nervous-looking Louisa to go on to the stage. Julia moved to the front row so that she could see her better.

  Brandon looked up from a table that he had placed at the side of the stage. He gave her a brief smile and then asked for her name.

  Louisa cleared her throat and said, “Louisa Porter.”

  “Louisa Portly, thanks.”

  Louisa’s cheeks turned red and her shoulders dropped. “Not Portly,” she mumbled. “It’s Porter.”

  “Right, sorry about that,” Brandon replied without looking up. “What part are you reading?”

  Louisa cleared her throat again. “The main female part.”

  Brandon still didn’t look up but Julia saw his eyebrows raise in surprise. Julia folded her arms, she wasn’t happy about how he was treating Louisa. Had he been that rude with everyone?

  Louisa walked into the centre of the stage, her head bowed. She glanced over at Julia who gave her a big grin and two thumbs up. Dad and Cain sat next to Julia and copied her pose. Louisa laughed and held her head higher.

  Silence descended around the room as Louisa went through her audition. Julia hadn’t realised her mouth had dropped open until she felt Dad’s hand closing it back up for her.

  Louisa seemed to change personalities as she got deeper into the audition. Her voice grew stronger and more confident, her posture changed, she had an aura about her which was truly mesmerising.

  Julia looked over to Brandon. His eyes were narrowed and he was tapping a pen against his chin. He looked lost in thought.

  When Louisa had finished, the audience erupted into applause. Julia stood up for a standing ovation, and was soon joined by others. Louisa blinked in surprise and mouthed to Julia, “Was I okay?”

  Julia nodded, tears stinging her eyes, unable to speak.

  Brandon Briggs stood up and walked over to Louisa. He had a tight smile on his face. He held his hand out and said, “Congratulations, Louisa Porter, I think Eric will agree with me, you’ve got the part.”

  Louisa’s gaze dropped away from Brandon as she shook his hand. Julia didn’t miss Louisa’s flinch as she made contact with him. There was definitely something funny going on there.

  Julia gave Louisa a big hug when she returned to her seat and said, “I am so proud of you! You’re much braver than I could ever be.”

  Louisa smiled and said, “I really enjoyed that! I didn’t think I would.”

  They watched the rest of the auditions and then waited for Brandon to confer with Eric over who should have a part. Julia smiled as she noticed that Dad and Cain had their fingers crossed.

  Dad did get the part of the evil genius, and Cain was given the role of his henchman. Julia laughed as Dad and Cain gave each other high-fives. She was pleased for them.

  Eric had the main role, as expected. He hadn’t auditioned as Brandon had said there was no need for him to do so, everyone knew how talented Eric Murphy was.

  Brandon stood at the front of the stage and thanked everyone for coming. He waited for a moment and then added, “I have some wonderful news. I’ve managed to secure the town hall for our play.” He waited whilst the excited cheers died down. “And what’s more, the town hall people have allowed us to rehearse there this Wednesday so that we can get a feel for the stage. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Eric Murphy led a round of three cheers for Brandon Briggs. Julia thought that was a bit unnecessary but she was becoming used to Eric’s ways.

  Brandon ended by sayin
g, “I will see you all again on Wednesday night at the town hall, seven p.m. sharp!”

  Eric boomed out, “Before you go, could you sign a sheet that my lovely wife is about to hand out? It gives permission for any photos she takes to be used on her blog. She’s writing a blog about this play’s progress. If you don’t want your face appearing then let my Yvonne know. Many thanks!”

  Ten minutes later Julia drove Louisa home. Louisa was grateful as she told Julia she didn’t want to be on her own at the moment. She chattered non-stop about the play and the character she was going to play. She was determined to learn her lines as soon as possible. Julia was so pleased to see the change in her.

  Before she got out of the car Louisa said, “Will you come with me on Wednesday night? Please? I feel like I still need your support.”

  “Of course I will. Shall I pick you up?”

  “No, I think I’ll walk again. Thank you, Julia, you don’t know how much your friendship means to me.”

  Julia gave what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug. “It’s nothing. Go and get some sleep, I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  Louisa grinned and left the car. Julia watched her go into her house and then drove away. She thought about the play on the way home. Her thoughts came back to Sherry Cooper, the slimming club leader. Why had the hall been taken away from her? It didn’t seem fair, the club had been meeting there for so long.

  Julia spoke to herself, “Julia Blake, this has nothing to do with you. Mind your own business.”

  But the next day, Julia couldn’t help but get herself involved in Sherry Cooper’s business.

  Chapter 6

  Cain was full of chatter about the play when Julia picked him up the next morning.

  Cain folded his arms, leant back in the passenger seat and said, “It’s like your dad says, the evil genius is pivotal to the plot, and so is his henchman. The story would fall apart if it wasn’t for us.”


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