Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7)

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Death Shows Up (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 7) Page 7

by Gillian Larkin

  “I …”

  Mum slowly shook her head. “I’m disappointed in you, Reverend Thompson. And I think that when you’ve had time to think about what you’ve done, you’ll feel disappointed in yourself too.”

  The reverend’s shoulders dropped even further. He muttered, “I already feel disappointed.”

  Without saying another word, Mum turned on her heel and walked away. Julia followed her.

  As soon as they were in the car Mum said, “Pompous ass! Why didn’t he just tell Sherry about the call weeks ago? You know what this means, don’t you?”

  Julia nodded. “Yes. I need to find out if the drink-driving charge is true, and whether Sherry knew that Brandon made that anonymous call.” There was a moment’s silence. Then Julia went on, “If she did know that he had purposefully taken the church hall away from her, then that would give her a motive to murder him.”

  “Exactly.” Mum finally smiled. “This interrogation business is great fun. Let me know if you need me to do it again.”

  “I think I might need you to do it now, I think we should go and see Sherry and find out if Reverend Thompson was told the truth about her.”

  Sherry confessed immediately. After her initial shock of finding out what Reverend Thompson had said, she invited Mum and Julia to sit in her conservatory so that she could explain herself.

  “Kathleen, I don’t know if Julia has told you anything about my past but I was married to a man who, who …” Sherry wasn’t sure how to go on.

  Mum spoke, “To a man who destroyed your self confidence. Yes, Julia told me about him.”

  Sherry gave her a small smile. “I met him, Felix, again a few years ago. We bumped into each other, he didn’t recognise me at first because I’d lost all the weight that I’d put on. I was pleased about his reaction, and to be honest, I was flattered. He asked me out for a drink and I foolishly said yes. We went out that night and …” she stopped and looked down at her lap.

  “Don’t tell me, one thing led to another,” Mum said. “You thought he still had feelings for you but he laughed and said things hadn’t changed, he still didn’t want to be with you.”

  Sherry looked up, her eyes moist. “Exactly. Except that he was now married. He cheated on his wife with me! The bitter irony. This is the part I’m ashamed of. I started to drink that night, I’m not a drinker at all and I was drunk before I knew it. The more drunk I got, the more annoyed I got. I thought that it was time for payback, I thought I’d show up at his house and tell his wife all about me. I knew where he lived because he’d bragged about his new house within five minutes of meeting me. I got in my car,” she shook her head, “I’m so ashamed to be telling you this. I started the engine up and reversed out of the drive and into a lamppost. I picked an excellent moment because a police car was driving past at that moment. You can guess the rest.”

  Julia frowned. “How did you lose your licence over that one incident?”

  Sherry gave her a wry smile. “I already had points on my licence from that new speed camera that was set up in town.”

  Mum threw her hands up. “Don’t talk to me about that speed camera! You know which one it is, Julia. The council put it up and changed the speed limit, but forgot to tell anyone.”

  Julia nodded. “And the first people knew about it was when they got penalty notices in the post. I thought the council were sorting that out, helping people to get the points removed.”

  Sherry said, “I’m still waiting. I won’t even show you how many letters I’ve sent to the council and their ridiculous ‘Thank you for your patience, we are looking into this matter’ replies. I was banned completely following my drunk driving shenanigans and no arguing with the DVLA would change that. The ban will be lifted in a few months.” Sherry suddenly turned to Mum. “Oh! The school! They’ll have to know, won’t they? Oh! We had such a good first meeting on Thursday when we went there, I don’t want to let my members down again.”

  Mum said, “I’ll speak to the head, I’m sure she’ll understand. I’ll speak to her first thing tomorrow and then let you know. I think Julia has something to ask you.”

  “Do I?” Julia said. She caught Mum’s look and then said, “Yes, Sherry. Sorry for being so abrupt, but we suspect Brandon was the anonymous caller. He wanted you out of the way so he could have the hall. Did you secretly know about that? And did you kill him because of it?”

  Sherry looked from one to the other. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Sorry,” Julia said. “We have to eliminate you from our enquiries. And sorry for sounding like I work for the police.”

  Sherry smiled. “I understand. No, I didn’t kill Brandon, I’ve never even met him. I do feel annoyed about losing the hall though, but it’s easier for most of my members to get to the school instead, so it’s worked out well for me.” She looked again from one to the other. “Do you believe me?”

  “I never doubted you for a moment,” Mum said. She indicated her head towards Julia. “It’s this one, she suspects everyone of murder, even her own dad.”

  Julia just smiled and took the implied insult. She saw the twinkle in her mum’s eyes and was happy to see that the sad look from earlier had now gone.

  Julia looked back to Sherry, did she believe her?

  Chapter 17

  On Monday morning, Julia and Cain were back at Louisa’s house to clean for her.

  Louisa grabbed Julia as soon as she entered her house. “Julia! You’ll never guess! I’ve been asked to go for a second interview at Cloverfield School! The head teacher, Mrs Warren, phoned me and told me they were impressed with my first interview and would like to see me in action! I’ll have to help out one of the teachers in the classroom with the children.” She clutched her stomach. “Oh! I feel happy and sick at the same time.”

  “I am so happy for you,” Julia said with a smile.

  “Me too,” Cain added. “When’s your interview?”

  “This Wednesday, just after lunchtime. Julia, do you think I should do it? Do you think I’ve got a chance?”

  “I don’t know why you doubt yourself so much. Of course you’ve got a chance!” Julia said. “Can I ask you about the murder, if you don’t mind? Did you give your statement to the police? I can’t remember if you did or not.” Julia felt a pang of guilt over the lie, but it was the only way she could think of to broach the subject.

  Louisa nodded. “I spoke to that inspector, the one with the bright blue eyes. I don’t think he believed a word of what I was saying, he just kept staring at me and not speaking.”

  Julia said, “He does that.”

  “Have you got any further with your own enquiries?” Louisa asked. “Your dad said you’re good at finding out other people’s secrets, he said you’re extremely nosy.”

  Julia’s nostrils flared. “I’m sure that’s not true. But I have found out a few things. Can you tell me again what time you went in to see Brandon in the costume room?”

  “It was about twenty minutes past eight, maybe twenty-five. I called out for him in the room but there was no answer.” She shuddered. “To think that he was lying dead just feet away from me.”

  Cain nodded. “I was even closer to his dead body when I was pretending to be dead.” He gave a little shiver too.

  Louisa gave Julia a closer look. “Do you think I’m a suspect?”

  Julia looked directly at her and said, “Yes, excuse my bluntness, but you were in the costume room around the time Brandon died.”

  “That’s just what the inspector said. Will you try and find the murderer soon? I don’t like being a murder suspect. Why don’t you come to the rehearsal tonight, it’s at the church hall again. You might spot someone acting suspiciously.”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Julia said. She did so want to clear Louisa’s name. And Sherry’s. And her dad’s. “Well, we’d better get on with our work.”

  Julia and Cain got to work and soon completed all their cleaning tasks. Julia gave Louisa a bright smi
le on their way out and said she’d see her at the rehearsal that evening.

  As they drove away, Julia said to Cain, “I can’t believe this play thing is still going to happen.”

  Cain said, “It’s like Eric says, the show must go on.”

  And the show did go on. The only reference to Brandon Briggs was a two minute silence at the beginning of the rehearsal that evening. Julia had only just arrived as the silence commenced. As soon as it was over, she took a seat in the audience area.

  Julia noticed that Eric Murphy seemed to be in fine form, he delighted in taking charge of the show. His choice of shirt that night was of a more subdued sapphire shade, albeit with sequins across the shoulders. Yvonne stood in the wings and took photographs with her tablet.

  Photographs! Of course, she was going to ask Yvonne if she had photos that might show the man in black better.

  Julia suddenly felt the hairs on her scalp prickle and immediately turned around. The very man himself, the man in black stared right back at her from three rows away. Julia felt her heart miss a beat. She quickly recovered, stood up and made to move towards the man. She wasn’t quick enough. The man jumped up, bolted out of his seat and raced out of the room. He was like a streak of black lightning. Julia’s mouth dropped open. She quickly looked around the room to see if anyone else had noticed the strange man. Everyone was deep in concentration apart from Yvonne whose open-mouthed stare matched Julia’s.

  Yvonne walked over to Julia and said, “Who was that? Do you know him? Was he dressed as a vampire?”

  “I don’t know who he is but I saw him at the town hall the other night, he was sitting a few rows back from me then too. He was there before Brandon died. Yvonne, I saw the photos on your site from that night and there was a photo of that man, well, half a photo. Did you take any other photos that were not posted? There might be a better shot of him.”

  Yvonne swallowed nervously and pulled the tablet closer. She glanced over her shoulder towards Eric. She beckoned Julia closer and said, “My tablet is broken, I spilt something on it yesterday.”

  “Wine? I’m always spilling wine on mine.”

  Yvonne frowned. “No, it was coffee.” She looked back again at Eric. Julia noticed the tremor in her voice as she continued, “The tablet isn’t working properly, do you know where I could get it fixed quickly? Please, don’t mention anything to anyone.” She swallowed again. “I don’t want Eric to know what I’ve done. He’ll kill me.” She ended the last sentence with a brittle laugh.

  Julia felt a wave of sympathy for the small woman. “I know exactly where you can take it. There’s a man called John who has a stall in the market, next to the pet stall. Tell him I sent you, he might even give you a discount.”

  Yvonne’s eyes watered and she nodded. “Thank you, thank you so much. Please don’t tell Eric.”

  “I won’t. When you get it fixed will you look at your photos again?”

  “Of course.” Yvonne jumped as Eric’s voice suddenly belted out.

  “Yvonne! We’re ready for refreshments!”

  Yvonne scuttled away, still holding the tablet close to her chest.

  Julia shook her head. She did not like that Eric Murphy at all. She wouldn’t be surprised if he’d told Brandon Briggs to make that anonymous call to Reverend Thompson. She shot him a few hard stares and then walked over to Louisa.

  Louisa gave her a small smile and said, “Are we still friends? Or are you going to treat me as a murder suspect still?”

  Julia felt a twinge in her stomach. Did she really think that Louisa killed Brandon? No, she didn’t.

  Julia took Louisa to one side and told her about Sherry and the anonymous call. Louisa was suitably shocked.

  Julia went on, “During the rehearsals just now, I got a text from Mum. The head teacher has made some enquiries with the police and the local council about Sherry’s driving convictions. They confirmed everything that Sherry told us was true. The head teacher is happy for Sherry to continue having slimming club meetings at the school. I’ve already sent a text to Sherry to let her know.”

  “That is good news, I’m happy for her.” Louisa gave a short laugh. “With my rehearsals here on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the slimming club on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ve turned into quite a social butterfly! I never thought I’d say that. And it’s all down to you, Julia. I can’t thank you enough.”

  Julia took her thanks with a feeling of guilt. She had to clear Louisa’s name, even if that meant asking about her secret past. She just had to find the courage to ask her about it.

  Chapter 18

  During their cleaning work the next day, Julia spoke to Cain about her forthcoming visit to Edgethorpe School. Cain asked her what she was going to say to Eric Murphy if she saw him. Julia confidently assured him that she’d think of something nearer the time.

  As she parked in the high school car park later that day she still hadn’t thought of what she was going to say to Eric Murphy. She could hardly ask him straight out if he killed Brandon Briggs.

  Julia was welcomed into the school by two smart-looking older children. The girl smiled and asked if Julia would like a tour of the school. The boy thrust a leaflet into her hand and muttered that she could walk around on her own if she wanted.

  Julia nodded and smiled back at the girl as the boy seemed incapable of smiling. Julia said, “I think I’ll walk round on my own, thank you. I am interested in the drama department, which way is that?”

  The girl gave Julia directions and said, “You’ll need to speak to Mr Murphy, he’s the head of the drama department. I’ve taken his classes, he’s a good teacher.”

  A snort escaped from the boy as he added, “Yeah, if Murphy likes you, then you do okay. If he doesn’t, then you’re out.” He winced as the girl gave him a sharp prod with her elbow. “What was that for? I’m only telling the truth.”

  Julia thanked them again and walked away. She passed lots of photographs along the hallways as she made her way towards the drama department. She frowned at some of the older photographs. The uniform in the photographs was slightly different from the modern day versions. Julia had seen a photo of someone wearing that uniform - but who? She shook her head, it would come to her.

  She heard Eric Murphy before she saw him. She rounded the next corner and walked into the drama room. There he was, surrounded by parents. He looked exceptionally flamboyant tonight. Julia studied his multi-coloured shirt for a moment. Yes, there was definitely every colour of the rainbow on there. Julia looked closer. Oh, she nearly missed Yvonne at his side.

  Eric was telling the captive parents about the amazing opportunities their children would have if they chose to study drama. He waved his hand around the drama room and declared, “From such humble beginnings true stars are born. And, not wanting to blow my own trumpet, I am one of the best teachers that your child could ever hope to meet. I have a wealth of acting experience and a treasure trove of invaluable knowledge about the performing arts. Your child would be most fortunate to secure a place in my class.” He gave a little bow as if finishing a well rehearsed speech. Yvonne began to clap and the surrounding parents joined in, albeit less enthusiastically than Yvonne.

  The parents moved away. Eric took a purple handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed his forehead.

  Julia stepped forward. Yvonne gave her a small smile but didn’t speak. Eric put his handkerchief away, saw Julia and cleared his throat.

  Julia jumped in before he had chance to speak. “Hello there, do you remember me? I’m Julia Blake. I helped Yvonne out with the tea and coffee at a amateur dramatics meeting recently. I’ve been coming to rehearsals with my friend, Louisa Porter. I wanted to say thank you for all the encouragement you’ve given her with her acting.”

  “Ah, yes, the beautiful Louisa, a star in the making,” Eric said. “Do you have a child that might be attending this school?” He looked her up and down. “Or perhaps a grandchild?”

  Julia ignored the last comment. She didn’t wa
nt to get embroiled in lies about why she was there. She arranged her features into a concerned look and said, “Isn’t it terrible about Brandon Briggs? How are you coping with all the stress? I can’t believe that the police think you’re a suspect, someone with your impeccable reputation.”

  Eric nodded his head in an understanding manner. He let out such a dramatic sigh that Julia’s hair moved. “It’s true,” Eric said. “The police do consider me to be a suspect. I can understand why, I know it’s not personal. I was the last person to see that poor boy alive, apparently.” He sighed heavily again, took his handkerchief out and mopped his brow once more.

  “Apart from the killer,” Julia pointed out.

  Eric paused in mid-mop. “Pardon?”

  “The killer would have been the last person to see him alive,” Julia explained. “How was Brandon when you saw him?”

  Eric lowered the handkerchief. Julia noticed that his grip on it increased. Eric said, “He was in high spirits. He’d started to look through the costumes and was impressed with the quality of the items. He told me that this show was going to be of the highest standard, worthy of a London stage. Did you know that he had booked a famous critic to come and see the show?”

  “Is the critic still coming?” Julia asked.

  Eric nodded. “He certainly is. I’ve been in touch with him and explained the circumstances surrounding Brandon’s death. I informed him that Brandon would have liked the critic to be there, to witness his amazing work. I only hope that I can step up to the plate, as the expression goes. I hope that I can accept any glowing accolades on Brandon’s behalf.” Eric’s hands rested over his heart and he bowed his head.

  An expression came to Julia’s mind - ‘stealing Brandon’s thunder’. Did Eric kill Brandon so that he could receive praise for the play? Was he hoping that this play would help his own acting ability? Certainly something to think about.

  Julia couldn’t resist saying, “I wish you the best with the play. Who knows, the play might help improve your already stellar career.”


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