See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1)

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See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1) Page 12

by Melissa Baldwin

  I’m completely exhausted, which is not surprising considering my middle of the night rendezvous in the park. I slowly make my way to my closet-office to go over some notes and hopefully lay my head down on my desk for just a few minutes.

  I’m just about to drift off when there’s a knock on my door.

  I groan. “I’m busy,” I yell but they obviously don’t take my hint.

  “What is it?” I open the door ready to strangle the person on the other side.

  I’m shocked to see Trevor standing there. What’s he doing here?

  “Hi, I’m sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you.” He’s practically begging, and honestly seeing Trevor beg is kind of funny (and hot!).

  “Fine. Welcome to my closet-office.” I hold my hand out to welcome him. He walks in and looks around and I see a tiny smile cross his face.

  “What?” I fold my arms giving him a dirty look.

  “Nothing,” he says, smiling. “Your office is cute.”

  I can’t help but smile, too. “It sucks and you know it.”

  Somehow my little office inspires Trevor to tell me about the first apartment he lived in when he went to NYU. Of course, I remember that I learned he went to school in New York when I stalked him on social media. He claims his apartment was about the same size as my tiny space. I’m totally enthralled with his stories about living in New York that I start asking him a lot of questions.

  “Why are you so interested in New York?” he asks. I guess I didn’t hide my excitement very well, so I tell him all about my dream to perform on Broadway and about how I’m thinking about moving.

  “You’re thinking about moving to New York? When?”

  I immediately regret saying anything.

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “I haven’t figured everything out yet.”

  “Well, I’d be happy to give you some tips,” he replies. “I know the city like the back of my hand. I always thought I’d make it back there someday.”

  Figures. Why does everything about Trevor appear to be so perfect? And now he’s telling me that he would live in my favorite place in the world.

  “Anyway,” I say, changing the subject before I say or do something I regret. “What are you doing here?” We got so caught up in our conversation about New York that I don’t even know why he randomly showed up at the studio.

  He shifts from one foot to another. “Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the party. I felt really bad about . . . well, everything. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”

  I can’t believe he’s apologizing. As bad as this makes me feel, I don’t want him to apologize.

  “I’ve thought about it non-stop and I’m sorry.”

  I’m not sure what has come over me but I want to know how he really feels.

  “So, you’re saying that you were wrong? That you don’t feel anything?” I look him straight in the eye because I want to know the truth. I want to know if he has just been playfully flirting with me or if he does feel something more.

  “No. I do feel something but maybe the timing’s wrong or maybe . . .” he hesitates. “I mean, we’re both in relationships and I don’t want to be the cause of people getting hurt. Truthfully, things aren’t good for Giselle and me, but that started long before I met you. I’m not sure we’ll make it, but there’s more to it than this.” He points back and forth between us. “On the other hand, I’ve met Kyle and he’s a decent guy.”

  Decent? Ha! Kyle is a saint.

  “Although, as much as I like Kyle . . .” He stops and winks at me.

  I really wish he wouldn’t do that.

  “So, you aren’t as honorable as you are acting?” I ask coyly. I’m going to hell. Seriously, why can’t I push this guy away? Maybe it really is fate or whatever they call it in the movies . . . Kismet? Is that what it’s called? I need to Google that later.

  Trevor moves closer to me, his face inches from my face. “No, I’m not.”

  Yep. I’m definitely going to hell. He kisses me softly and . . . wow . . . pretty much one of the most amazing kisses I’ve ever experienced.

  I push him away, not because I want to but because it’s the right thing to do. I have to talk to Kyle and find out where we stand.

  “What? Why are you pushing me away?” he whispers. “Don’t fight it.”

  Just then there’s a knock. “Maris, you there?”

  Shit! It’s Sophie; I’m about to be caught with a man in my office who’s not Kyle. I must have a look of horror on my face. “Tell her to go away,” Trevor whispers.

  Before I have time to panic, Sophie throws the door open. “Maris, we have to talk. Oh . . .” She looks at Trevor who’s now leaning casually against the wall. He really has his innocent act down. That should probably throw up a red flag for me. I need to say something quick.

  “I’m sorry for interrupting.” Sophie can’t seem to take her gaze off Trevor—not that I blame her.

  “Not at all,” Trevor says smoothly. “Trevor Ericson.” He holds out his hand.

  “I just stopped by to get some information on the recital.”

  “I’m Sophie,” she says sweetly. “I’m an instructor here as well. So, you’re attending the show?”

  “Yes, I want to bring my Gran; it’s going to be a surprise.” He looks at me.

  I still haven’t said anything. Nothing like awkward silence to make myself appear extremely guilty. I’m not as good at being a player as Trevor obviously is. And what is he talking about, bringing Beatrice to the recital?

  “Sophie, Beatrice is Trevor’s Gran. She was a good friend of my grandmother’s. She just turned ninety, remember I told you about that birthday party I was attending?” I say, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

  Now, I don’t even remember if I told Sophie about the party. I may have mentioned a party but left out any details.

  “Oh, sure,” she says. Yeah, she’s pretty much the worst liar ever. Trevor must sense that this awkwardness is not going away.

  “Anyway, it sounds like you two have work to do. Thanks for the info, Maris. Gran is going to be ecstatic.” He smiles confidently. “Pleasure meeting you, Sophie, hopefully I will see you again.”

  Sophie starts to blush and I roll my eyes.

  “Thanks, Trevor. Have a good one.” I practically push him out the door to face Sophie and her questions. Did I just say Have a good one? Lame.

  “Is he single?” she asks immediately. I think about the miserable Giselle and her painted on gold dress from the party.

  “Actually, he’s not,” I say nonchalantly. I’m not lying because he does have a girlfriend and he just kissed me, so I guess that makes him far from single. When I think about it, I feel horribly guilty and who knows, Trevor could possible have a long list of women he flirts with especially if his relationship with Giselle hasn’t been good for a while.

  “Bummer,” she says, disappointed.

  “What did you need to talk to me about?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

  She must be still thinking about Trevor because she looks at me like I’m speaking another language.

  “Remember, you came in here saying you need to talk to me? Like five minutes ago?” I remind her.

  “Oh, yeah,” she exclaims. “I was walking by Lucy’s office and Ash was in there. She was complaining about the order of performances and something else. Lucy’s going to lose it on her, I know it.”

  Ha. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve thought that, I would be rich. I remind Sophie of the many times that we had thought Ash had pushed Lucy to the edge and nothing ever happened. So I doubt it will happen now.

  I hear my phone ringing from somewhere in my bag and see Kyle’s calling me, so I kick Sophie out of my office, nicely of course.

  A few minutes later, I hang up the phone and again I feel like the worst person on the planet. Kyle invited me over for a home-cooked dinner the night after the recital, and of course I couldn’t say no. He also said h
e had something very important to talk to me about. All of sudden I feel sick to my stomach because I know that this talk is long overdue for both of us.

  Chapter 15

  There’s nothing that compares to a good night’s sleep. I’ve never been someone who has required a lot of sleep but lately I’ve been exhausted. I mostly blame the recital, which has quickly turned into the Ash show, but also the situation with Kyle and Trevor. Who would have thought that I would be in some weird love triangle saga? Although, I’m not really in an actual love triangle, but in my head it sure does feel like I am.

  Today’s the day of the big recital. Lucy is bringing us all in for another quick meeting. Well, hopefully it’s quick because I have a million things to do.

  Cassie called me to give me one of her little pep talks and for once I appreciated it. I will never actually admit that to her though.

  It appears as though I will have quite the cheering section attending the show. My parents and Cassie have attended every recital or performance I’ve ever been a part of. It never mattered if my students were performing or I was performing, they’ve always come to support me. Of course, Kyle and Georgie will be there. I haven’t talked to Beatrice, so I don’t know if Trevor will actually be bringing her. He totally could have made that up to save me from Sophie. However, if they don’t show that will definitely save me some stress and save me from listening to Cassie’s advice on how I should live my life.

  When I arrive at the studio, Lucy is in her office on a call. I’m making myself a plate of food when Ash walks in. We completely ignore each other until it occurs to me that I should suck it up and be the better person. I really hate having a conscience.

  “Hey, I just wanted to say good luck tonight,” I say convincingly. I do my best to make that sound like I mean it but I’m not sure how convincing I was. She stares at me in complete shock.

  “Good luck to you, too,” she replies finally.

  We both stand there in silence. Oh well, at least I was the one to take the first step. I just wish someone was here to witness it. Thankfully, Lucy rushes in and starts the meeting. Truthfully, this meeting is completely unnecessary being that she wants to meet again before the show. I can tell I’m not the only one who’s over her meetings. Even Ash who normally agrees to everything Lucy says doesn’t look thrilled. I know Lucy’s nervous and I get it because I’m nervous too, but we should be using this time to prepare.

  A few hours later, I’m at the park doing some last minute rehearsing in private. I’m performing a duet with Sophie as well as one of my own songs. I will also accompany two of my students for their performance. I’m a little on edge about Mimi; she’s been so unpredictable, so you never know what she may do. For all I know, she and Ash could have something crazy planned and once they’re on stage there’s nothing I can do about it. Georgie really wanted to come to the park with me but I begged her not to; I just wanted a few more minutes to collect my thoughts. I haven’t been to the park since the night of my dream and maybe I’ve completely lost it, but a part of me is hoping that I will see Grandma again. I’m off in a daze when I look at the time and realize that I’m going to be late. I grab my bag and rush to my car. Tonight could change everything for me, and I’m hoping this may be exactly what I need to finally push me to make a decision. My nerves continue to build and I grip the steering wheel even tighter.

  “Now don’t forget how important this night is for our studio,” Lucy reminds us for the hundredth time. “I need you all to be friendly and professional and that means putting aside all differences.” She looks in my direction. That wasn’t obvious or anything, she clearly thinks that I’m the cause of the issues with Ash. I want to defend myself and tell her that I was the one to wish Ash good luck this morning but it’s really not worth it.

  A text from Georgie takes my mind off Lucy and Ash.

  This audience is getting crowded.

  What does she mean by that? Is she trying to stress me out more than I already am? I text her back.

  What is that supposed to mean?

  I wait patiently for her to write back and of course she doesn’t. As soon as Lucy finishes her rambling, I head out to the audience to greet people. I spot Georgie across the room; she’s standing with my family and Kyle. And then I see Cassie with Beatrice and Trevor. My heart sinks into my stomach. Of all the people that they have to talk to why does it have to be Cassie? I can only imagine what she’s saying to him; she’s probably giving him the third degree about his life.

  I manage to grab Georgie so we can talk in private.

  “Ow, why are you pinching me?” she cries.

  “Are you going to tell me what you meant by your text?” I ask.

  She gets a mischievous look on her face.

  “Don’t you think it’s obvious? Your loyal boyfriend Kyle is here but so is the mysterious and charismatic Trevor. They’re both here to see you . . . how does that make you feel?”

  How does that make me feel? Where do I begin? I definitely don’t have enough time to get into this right now.

  “Hmm . . . well, Kyle is my boyfriend so I would expect him to be here and Trevor brought Beatrice tonight so that doesn’t exactly mean he’s here to see me. Does that answer your question?”

  She gives me a look that clearly says “yeah, right.”

  “I have to greet more people before I check on my students, so just be a good best friend and wish me luck.” She leans in to give me hug. We join the rest of my cheering section.

  “There’s my girl!” Kyle says excitedly. He wraps his arms around me. I can see Trevor squirming out of the corner of my eye. At least it looks like he’s squirming, Beatrice raises her eyebrows at him and Cassie looks around smugly.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight, it means so much. I have to go warm up with my students, but I will see you all after the show. We have an awesome after party planned and everyone is invited.” I rush to head backstage in order to escape my family when I run into Miranda.

  “Maris, there you are, I just spoke to Lucy. She can’t stop talking about how fantastic this show will be. I’m looking forward to seeing all this new talent, and I hear that you will be performing an original song. I had no idea you wrote.”

  Here’s my chance for some self-promotion. I may as well take advantage of it.

  “Yes, I’ve been writing for years—but I just recently finished my first song. I have several that are in progress, but I’m performing this one for the first time tonight.” As soon as I actually say that out loud I start to get extremely nervous. I don’t usually get stage fright, but all of a sudden I feel like I could puke all over her.

  “I better get backstage. I hope you enjoy the show.” I run out before I humiliate myself.

  False alarm! I rush to the bathroom but luckily I don’t get sick. Everything seems to be right on schedule—the students are warmed up and anxious to get started. I even saw Mimi wishing everyone good luck and she looks happy. It’s as if she’s become a different person over night.

  We’re beginning the show with a vocal ensemble featuring me, Sophie, Lucy, and Lilly. It was no surprise that Ash chose not to perform in this number. I can see Miranda sitting directly front and center; she looks as if she could be a member of the press with her notebook and iPad ready to record. Here we go . . . all our hard work is about to pay off. It’s showtime!

  Chapter 16

  It never ceases to amaze me how music can uplift and inspire people. I’ve been a part of many performances in my life, but tonight’s show is simply magical. Every performance brings me to tears, laughter, and joy. The only time I feel a tinge of disappointment is when Mimi and Ash perform a duet. I admit I’m offended, but in the end I’m really not surprised.

  My solo goes perfectly. As I sing my last note, I look out into the audience at my family and friends. Kyle looks so proud and I just wish that I could fully share all of this with him, but something is missing. I see Beatrice and Trevor cheering just as loudly as any
one. I just hope no one reads more into that, and when I say no one, I mean Cassie and Georgie.

  After the finale, I sit down in the dressing room and put my head down on the vanity. We did it and it was amazing. I have so many emotions going on right now—I’m happy, relieved, proud, and sad. The funniest thing is the first person that comes to my mind is Grandma; it’s almost as if she is here with me.

  “Maris, how amazing was that show?” Sophie comes in, interrupting my private moment. “Oh and bravo on your solo, that song was a-mazing!”

  Just then, the students join us, and I hear Lucy in the hall. “Everyone please join me in the dressing rooms.”

  Lucy comes in and immediately starts crying. “Well, family, we have another show under our belts. I can’t begin to express how proud I am of each and every one of you. All the hours of rehearsing and dedication have truly paid off.” Everyone starts to cheer.


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