See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1)

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See You Soon Broadway (Broadway Series Book 1) Page 18

by Melissa Baldwin

  Before Trevor and Beatrice leave, she pulls me aside. “I’m sorry I had to resort to such desperate measures but you both were being ridiculous. You shouldn’t ignore something that’s beating you over the head.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t get any crazy ideas, remember I’m moving and I’m not really interested in a long-distance relationship. I need to focus on my career.”

  She gives me a serious look. “You really are just like your grandmother.”

  “Thank you. I take that as a compliment.” We both laugh and I start to feel emotional again, and I know the next few days aren’t going to get any easier. I look around the room at all the people I love. No matter where I live, I know that they will all be here for me anytime I need them and knowing that gives me comfort that everything will be okay.

  Chapter 24

  “Get out, get out, get out,” I scream. I’ve been in New York for one week and Mickey the mouse has come out to welcome me quite a few times. Emma and Angie keep reminding me that I will get used to it, but I admit I haven’t gotten much sleep. I swear he and his gross little friends are all running around my room as soon as the lights go out.

  My last few days at home were really hard, especially saying good-bye to Georgie and my family. My dad and I drove the truck with the few items that barely fit into my new room. I can tell my dad wasn’t impressed with my new living space, but I assured him it would only be temporary until I have a chance to look around for something bigger (and nicer).

  I love my new studio and I really wish I could just move into my office. It’s spacious and rodent-free. Unfortunately, my first week hasn’t gone as smoothly as I had hoped. Apparently, Lucy contacted Miranda and Selena and threatened to sue them for recruiting me. She’s claiming I signed some sort of contract, which I never did. Miranda says she has a meeting with her lawyer and everything will be fine. I started to panic when Selena said that she had no interest in getting involved in some big legal issue. I knew that Lucy was upset about me leaving but I had no idea she would go down this route.

  After my two lessons this morning, I decide to take a walk down the street to a little deli that Angie recommended. I sit down with my lunch and pull out my phone. Georgie has been texting me day and night asking how things are going. I’ve been keeping her updated leaving out my welcome party from the mice. I don’t want to admit to her that I’m really homesick and lonely. I know it’s only been a week and it will get easier as time goes on. My roommates are nice but that’s exactly what they are, roommates. They each have their own separate lives and friends.

  “Maris?” I look up to see who knows my name. I’m completely shocked to see Kyle, standing next to me in this tiny New York deli. Am I dreaming again?

  “Kyle? What are you doing here?” I realize that I’m yelling at the top of my lungs and several people look over. A few roll their eyes at me in the typical New Yorker kind of way.

  “I’m in the city for work again. May I sit down?”

  I’m so happy to see Kyle. We haven’t spoken since things ended for us and there have been many times that I wanted to call him just to see how he was doing. I was sitting here feeling really lonely, so it’s nice to see a familiar face.

  “Of course.” I motion for him to sit down. He pulls out the chair across from me. “How are you? How’s the job?” I ask eagerly.

  We chat about his job, family, and my new job. It feels like old times before all the confusion and what are we doing with our lives stuff got in the way.

  “I’m really proud of you, you made this happen, and I admire that more than you know.” He smiles and looks down at his hands the way he always does when he gets nervous.

  “Thanks. I appreciate . . .” He interrupts me. “I have to tell you the truth.” He announces looking up from his hands. “I didn’t just randomly show up in this deli. I found out where you worked from Georgie and I went to the studio and they told me that you came here for lunch.” He looks so stressed out as if he has admitted his guilt to some horrible crime.

  “Wow. Are you stalking me?” I ask sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Maybe?” he laughs. “But honestly, I miss you and now it looks like I’ll be traveling here more for work so I wanted to know if we could try things—I know it’s not an ideal situation, but I’m willing to try it. Would you?”

  What just happened? Am I hallucinating? Kyle continues talking. “I made so many wrong decisions—asking you to move in with me and then proposing to you. I was trying to force you to stay and that was wrong. I knew all along that you wanted to come here and I was trying to hold you back.” He moves his chair around the table next to me. He leans his head in and whispers in my ear. “We’re good together in so many ways.” He winks as I sit with my mouth still hanging open. “Let’s try this again, I know we can do this,” he begs.

  All of a sudden the memories come flooding back to me. I remember the way he took care of me after I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I remember the scent of his cologne and of his peppermint breath. (Seriously, Kyle never has bad breath.) But at the same time I remember how frustrated I felt when he didn’t support my dreams. Maybe we can do this, but take things slow? Not to mention Trevor is still a part of my life waiting in the wings. I can’t ignore my feelings for him either. Oh hell, is it really possible to be in love with two men at the same time? I have to be honest with Kyle.

  “I know we’re good together,” I whisper back. “And I want to say yes, but I have to be honest with you about something. I still care about you but I care about someone else, too.” He sits straight up in his chair. “Are you already seeing someone else? I thought you just got here?”

  I shift around in my chair. “No, not exactly. I mean, there is someone else that I have a connection with.” Ugh, I hate using Trevor’s stupid term. “We aren’t seeing each other exactly, but we’re talking and he’s planning a trip to visit me.” I trail off. This seems to get more and more complicated and just when I thought I was done with all of it, I’m thrown back in.

  Kyle is quiet but I can tell he’s trying to process everything. “Fine. I’m still willing to do this. I will just have to win your heart all over again.” I don’t mean to laugh out loud but I can’t help it. He makes it sound as if we’re in some old movie and he has to battle another man for my affections. Although, I guess that’s not too far from the truth.

  “Don’t laugh, I’m serious,” he says as one corner of his mouth turns up into a half smile. “We will make this work, I know it. I will learn to love this city if I have to. I will eat hotdogs from those disgusting street carts and I will memorize the subway routes. I will even become best friends with that naked cowboy guy. Whatever it takes.”

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The reality is that I’m almost getting everything that I’ve always wanted except that this time there is someone else thrown in the mix.

  “Okay.” I agree. Kyle jumps up and punches the air as if he’s just won a bunch of money in Vegas. He pulls me up out of my seat and kisses me. I feel like I’m melting again—I still need to Google where that phrase came from. Everyone in the restaurant starts cheering, you’d have thought it was all planned out. If a flash mob starts, then I will completely break down. I grab his hands and we sit back down. “But please understand that right now my main focus has to be my career. That’s the reason I’m here. I may not make it, but I have to try.”

  “Yes, yes, yes. And I will be right by your side to support you . . . or if you need me.” He corrects himself.

  I smile and throw my arms around him.

  Here I go again. If I wasn’t losing it before, I am definitely now. I went from some weird sort-of love triangle to having no men in my life and now I’m back at square one. I need to be honest and tell Trevor the same thing I told Kyle. My career is my first focus, but I’m 100% positive that I have feelings for both of them. If Trevor is also willing to be patient with me while I figure all of this out, then we will see what
happens. For now, I can take my time and follow my heart in whatever direction it leads me.

  The End

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you have enjoyed See You Soon Broadway. I would love to hear what you think. If you have a moment, please consider leaving a rating/review on Amazon.

  Thank you very much!

  Melissa Baldwin

  Follow Melissa Baldwin on Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter.

  Author Bio:

  Melissa graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. She has always had a love for writing. An avid journal keeper, she fulfilled her dream with her debut novel, An Event To Remember . . . Or Forget.

  Melissa resides in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and young daughter. She is a master at organization and multi-tasking. Her daily jobs include mother, chauffeur, wife, PTA President, fitness trainer, and author.

  When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, fitness, decorating, fashion, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then.

  About the Book:

  Maris Forrester has a wonderful life with an amazing boyfriend and a fulfilling job. She’s happy and content . . . or so she thinks. Maris has always had huge dreams of being on Broadway. Ever since her very first performance as a child, she has envisioned herself on the stage under the shining lights. Now she has to decide whether she should to give up her wonderful life to chase those dreams.

  When her parents announce they are moving, she comes across a long-lost family treasure. She doesn’t realize that this treasure may hold the key to her future and to all her dreams coming true.

  And if that wasn’t sign enough, a mysterious stranger throws another wrench in the mix at a dazzling rooftop party benefiting the Arts. These could be signs of things to come.

  But will she remain content in her perfect world, or will she step into the unknown world she has always dreamed of?




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