The Masters of Darkness

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The Masters of Darkness Page 7

by Joe Dever

  If you wish to accept this creature's invitation and accompany him to the gallery, turn to 184.

  If you decide to decline the invitation, turn to 338.


  After spending two hours scrutinizing every move the Giak guards make, you are sure that the two patrolling the wall follow the same routine with little variation. Once every two minutes exactly, their beat brings them both to a point near the watchtower at the middle of the wall, where they turn about before starting another circuit of patrol.

  You wait until one of the sentries reaches the end of the battlements — at a point where it abuts the sheer mountain wall — and when he turns to march back to the centre, you make your move. Crouching low, you scurry to the foot of the wall and begin to climb, counting every passing second as you struggle to find handholds in the darkness.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery and have reached the Kai rank of Primate or higher, add 3.

  If your total score is now 0–6, turn to 22.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 227.


  Cautiously you peer into the abyss, your weapon held ready in case another of the fearsome Ictakko should surge from the depths and attack. But in this instance your caution proves unnecessary, for your senses soon tell you that a colony of cave bats are the only creatures that now occupy the dark and silent crevasse.

  With ease, you leap across the crevasse at its narrowest point and leave the cavern by the tunnel in the opposite wall. Here, too, the walls are encrusted with light-emitting bacteria, enabling you to progress quickly through a series of interconnecting halls and chambers. The cobwebbed remains of broken mining equipment litter many of these places, revealing why the Darklords constructed this labyrinth of tunnels. After an hour of exploration you find the main exit from the mine. Darkness greets your return to the surface, but your senses inform you that you have emerged in the pass that traverses the mountain range.

  Turn to 137.


  Gnaag recoils in terror when he recognizes the weapon you wield. Fashioned in the fiery furnaces that lie buried deep in the bowels of the city, it possesses a power that can seal his doom. He retreats and you take up the attack in this momentous struggle.

  Darklord Gnaag: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 70

  The power of the weapon you wield is greatly intensified when used within the walls of Helgedad. Owing to its increased power, add 12 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight. Darklord Gnaag is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge).

  If you win the combat, turn to 350.


  Your senses warn you that a large section of the middle deck, severely weakened during the Xargath's attack, is now on the verge of collapsing beneath the weight of fighting men. Forewarned by your Kai skill, you shout an order to the Kirlundins to retreat towards the bow. Immediately they obey, pausing only to help those wounded who cannot move, and quickly withdraw before the renewed Drakkarim assault. Seconds later, with an ear-splitting crack, the timbers split asunder and the host of enemy troops suddenly disappear, amid screams and curses, into the bowels of the ship.

  Turn to 334.


  Kraagenskûl's skeletal hand scoops up the sword a second before your own slaps the ground. You raise your eyes and your heart freezes with terror as the black blade whistles towards your neck. With the cruel, gloating laugh of the evil Darklord echoing in your ears, your life is brought to a swift and tragic conclusion.

  Your mission ends here.


  You pull away from your enemy as he screams and tumbles over the ship's rail. Then, as if in answer to his cry, a horn shrieks loudly. It is the ironclad; it has at last caught up and is steaming alongside the blazing Intrepid. Clouds of acrid yellow smoke now merge with the oily black plumes pouring from the inferno that was once the ship's hold, adding to the chaos and confusion. You pull yourself onto the rail and wait for the smoke to thin before you make your leap. Suddenly the ship lurches violently and you slip and fall feet-first into the swirling smog.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 16.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 194.


  The Death Knight spins around and lowers his spear when he hears you approaching. He growls like a hungry lion then demands to know what you are doing here.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you have reached the Kai rank of Mentora or higher, add another 2 points.

  If your total is now 0–6, turn to 189.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 65.


  You recognize the bacteria to be Gnallia, a beneficial bacillus that is acclaimed by the healers and herbalists of Durenor. Potions of Gnallia are often prescribed to prevent and cure infections of the blood. The raw bacteria are edible and, despite their awful taste, are rich in protein. There is enough here for more than 10 Meals. If you wish to keep some of this Gnallia, record it in the Meals section of your Action Chart. Each Meal of Gnallia will restore 2 ENDURANCE points.

  Turn to 303.


  With your heart pounding in anticipation, you cast your gaze around the grey granite walls of a subterranean vault: your journey through the Shadow Gate has returned you to the land of your birth. You are standing in the Externment Chamber, a room located deep below the Guildhall of the Crystal Star in Toran. Facing you, and illuminated by the glow of several tall candles, is a line of throne-like seats. Two men, both attired in silken robes, are seated at the centre of the row, their heads bowed and their hands clasped in silent prayer. The sound of your footsteps stirs them from their meditations and, as they raise their heads, you recognize the face of your friend, Banedon, and your tutor, Lord Rimoah, speaker for the High Council of the Elder Magi.

  Illustration VI—As the two men raise their heads, you recognize Banedon and Lord Rimoah.

  ‘The gods be praised!’ breathes Rimoah, his eyes wide with astonishment. ‘Skarn has returned. The prophecy is fulfilled.’

  Slowly they rise and step forward to greet you, their movements hesitant and uncertain, scarcely able to believe that you are alive. Calmly you assure them that they are not dreaming, that you have indeed survived your exile to the Daziarn Plane and have returned, more determined than ever to avenge yourself upon Darklord Gnaag.

  Eagerly Rimoah and Banedon listen as you recount your experiences in the Daziarn and, when you have finished, they tell you what has befallen Magnamund during your absence. Although it seemed that you spent little more than a few days in the Daziarn, more than eight years have passed since Gnaag caused you to fall into the Shadow Gate of Torgar. ‘He was quick to proclaim your death,’ says Banedon, unfurling a map of Northern Magnamund upon the floor of the chamber. ‘The news came as a terrible blow to us all.’

  Lord Rimoah kneels and points at the map, indicating the city of Torgar with the tip of a slender crystal rod. ‘After your disappearance, Lord Adamas was killed, and the allied armies were quickly ejected from Torgar. Gnaag declared himself invincible, and in the wake of his victory the Darkland defeats were soon halted throughout central Magnamund. A terrible sense of hopelessness befell the allies, which was exploited to the full by the malevolent Gnaag. His sorcerers, the Nadziranim, created devices they call “Tanoz-tukor” to enable each of the Darklords to survive in territories outside their accursed realm. Previously they had been unable to survive beyond the Darklands for any great length of time and, during these rare, brief excursions, their powers were greatly reduced. Now they are able to lead their armies in battle personally, and they have been eager to exercise their newfound freedom.’

  ‘The war against the Darklords is all but lost,’ continues Banedon, his eyes cast d
own at the map, which is covered with black markers indicating the frightening number of countries Gnaag has added to his empire. ‘With the help of our allies in Durenor, Sommerlund has so far resisted his attempts at invasion, but now we find ourselves cut off from Durenor's aid by a blockade of Darklord warships. Here,’ he says, pointing to the Gulf of Helenag, ‘is where Gnaag has constructed a huge naval base. It is called Argazad, and it is from here that he launches his fleet of ironclad warships to blockade our coast. The Sommlending navy is no match for these monstrous sea machines, and without the troops, food, and weapons we have been receiving by sea from Durenor, our days are numbered.’

  Lord Rimoah rises to his feet and stares fixedly into your eyes. ‘Your skill, bravery, and your vow to avenge the death of the Kai are the keys to our salvation. Only you, Lone Wolf, can save us now. You are our only hope in this hour of darkness.’

  Turn to 166.


  You snatch a large ring of keys from the belt of a dead guard and unlock the steel door. Beyond it you discover a vast hall filled with row upon row of fearsome weaponry. It is the Imperial Armoury of Helgedad.

  If you possess a Black Cube, turn to 40.

  If you do not possess this item, turn to 320.


  You hit the ground and roll forward to lessen the impact, but still the force of the landing numbs your legs and leaves you breathless. As you struggle to stand, your vision swims in and out of focus.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris and the Lore-circle of Light, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 4 or less, turn to 72.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 161.


  At the first opportunity, you leave the busy street and ride along a little-used alley. It leads to a large, flat-roofed warehouse, common in this section of Argazad. It is unlit and seemingly empty.

  As you halt in front of its sliding steel door, you are startled by a loud screech and the flap of huge wings directly above. You look up to see a dark shape crossing the moonlit sky, and then plummet to land somewhere behind the warehouse. Intrigued by this shadowy creature, you decide to skirt around the warehouse and investigate.

  Turn to 328.


  An icy cold spike of fear stabs your heart as you feel something wet and slippery land on top of your head.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circles of Light and Solaris, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–4, turn to 233.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 205.


  Silently you draw an Arrow to your lips and take aim at the Drakkar's throat, at the point where a thin strip of unprotected skin is visible between the chin-piece of his battle-mask and the top of his hardened-leather breastplate. A wound there should prove fatal and yet leave untarnished the armour that you intend to wear in order to gain entry to Argazad.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it any bow-skill bonuses to which you are entitled.

  If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 336.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 212.


  Almost invisible against the horizon of black cliffs and cloudy grey skies are two enemy warships, anchored a few hundred yards offshore. At first they look deserted; then the sudden clang of alarm bells and the appearance of huge clouds of yellow smoke from their funnels indicate they are manned, and they intend to give chase.

  ‘Our only chance is to outrun them,’ says Davan, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the ironclads hauling their anchors and turning about. At his command the crew spring into action, breaking their backs to coax every last knot of speed from their battered ship, but the winds are against them and the enemy, not reliant on sails for their propulsion, are soon closing the gap.

  ‘Prepare to repel boarders!’ shouts Davan, as an ironclad draws alongside. Hastily they abandon their attempt to outrun the enemy, and draw weapons in readiness to receive a unit of leather-clad Drakkarim marines who are poised to spring aboard the very moment the two vessels collide. Then, with a resounding crash, the ironclad smashes into the side of the Intrepid and the enemy come scrambling over the rail, screaming and howling like a pack of demons.

  One of their number singles you out. He strides forward, his black blade swinging viciously as he attempts to cleave your skull in two. Owing to the speed of his attack you are unable to make use of a Bow.

  Drakkarim Marine: COMBAT SKILL 23 ENDURANCE 27

  You can evade combat at any time: turn to 7.

  If you win the combat, turn to 248.


  At first you are puzzled by your newfound invulnerability; then you remember the Golden Amulet that Banedon gave you before you left Toran. Its magical powers have saved you from serious injury. Silently you give thanks to your old friend.

  The explosion has caused havoc aboard the Intrepid. Men run howling across the decks, their clothes and hair ablaze, as the fire spreads swiftly throughout the ship. ‘Save yourselves!’ cries Davan. ‘Abandon ship!’ You reach the deck rail, and, as you look along the beam, you see scores of men — Drakkarim and Sommlending alike — hurling themselves into the cold, dark waters of the Kaltersee rather than perish amid the roaring holocaust of fire.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery or Divination, turn to 4.

  If you do not possess either of these skills, turn to 224.


  You are in combat with a powerful spirit-creature, summoned by Darklord Gnaag from the Plane of Darkness. You fight to suppress your fear, for, by feeding upon it, the creature is growing stronger and stronger.


  This supernatural being is especially susceptible to psychic attack. Double all bonuses you would normally receive if you choose to use either Mindblast or Psi-surge during the combat.

  If you win the combat, turn to 306.


  With bated breath, you wait for the creature to appear, fearful yet confident that your bow-skill will put paid to the hostile intentions of this malodorous cave-dweller.

  The tip of a thin, snaky limb rises from the abyss and glides slowly across the ground towards your legs. Its skin is smooth and dark, like black velvet, and it moves with alarming speed. Suddenly it halts, as if sensing the danger, and draws itself up like a serpent preparing to strike.

  If you wish to fire at the snaky limb, turn to 276.

  If you decide to hold your fire and wait for it to make the first move, turn to 185.


  The creature howls with malicious joy, and its Liganim followers add to this hellish cry with a chorus of cackling laughter as they spread out quickly to surround you. You have stumbled into a sector of Helgedad that is the domain of Darklord Taktaal, an arch-rival of Darklord Ghanesh whose colours you wear. With the thought of your slaughter fixed in their minds, the minions of Taktaal launch their attack. You cannot evade this combat and must fight them as one enemy.

  Minions of Taktaal: COMBAT SKILL 31 ENDURANCE 43

  If you possess the sword Helshezag and wish to use it, remember to add the appropriate bonuses to your COMBAT SKILL.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 208.

  If you win the combat, turn to 164.


  Your Arrow speeds towards its target and disappears. Seemingly uninjured, the Xargath draws back its head in readiness to strike, its awesome jaws poised to seal your doom. Death seems but moments away, when suddenly the creature freezes. It shudders, its green eyes roiling in their sockets, and then gives vent to a scream so loud that you are forced to cover your ears for fear of being deafened. The scream grows louder until, with a mighty splash, the Xargath lurches sideways into the fog-wreathed sea.

  Turn to 217.


  No sooner has the Xagh
ash crashed dead at your feet than you see yet more of its loathsome kind emerging from the surrounding towers. There is no time to search the dead body — to stay would be suicidal. Without hesitation, you turn on your heel and run for your life.

  Turn to 48.


  The bird approaches at incredible speed, its black body difficult to make out against the darkening cloud. Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it any bow-skill bonuses to which you are entitled.

  If your total score is now 0–6, turn to 245.

  If it is 7 or more, turn to 211.


  ‘Okak nenrak!’ growls the Giak, unsheathing his short sword. Your offer of a bribe has aroused his suspicions; he thinks you have stolen the Zlanbeast and he intends to kill you, thereby securing promotion for himself.

  Aarnak Giak Sentry: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 20

  If you win the combat, turn to 52.


  You are fighting a horde of winged Crypt Spawn. You cannot evade this combat and must fight the loathsome creatures to the death.

  Crypt Spawn Flood: COMBAT SKILL 30 ENDURANCE 36


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