The Masters of Darkness

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The Masters of Darkness Page 10

by Joe Dever

  ‘How am I to get into Helgedad?’ you ask, hoping he has planned for this as well.

  ‘You will be told in good time, but first I must give you some other information that is vital to the success of your quest.’

  Turn to 235.


  The sound of heavy footfalls and vile curses alert you to a group of marines who are charging along the deck, drawn by their comrade's dying scream. They see him fall dead at your feet and, in a rage, the leading warrior hurls his sword at your head.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add 3 to the number.

  If your total is now 0–2, turn to 341.

  If it is 3–8, turn to 9.

  If it is 9 or more, turn to 319.


  The screams of your pursuers are growing louder with every passing second. Fearful that they will alert the guard to your presence, you unsheathe a hand weapon and stalk forward, grimly determined to slay the robed creature as quickly and quietly as possible.

  If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, turn to 190.

  If you have not completed this Lore-circle of the Magnakai, turn to 56.


  After following the coastline northwards for an hour, you happen upon a narrow path that rises from the beach and zigzags up to the top of the cliffs. The path appears deserted, and you decide to use it rather than risk being caught by the rising tide.

  The climb to the top is long and arduous and by the time you reach the peak, the weather has taken a turn for the worse. An icy, rain-laden wind whips inland from the sea, its chilling bite accompanied by sheet lightning that illuminates the stark landscape before you. The blue-white flash reveals a vast, dead world of pitted spurs and crags, where every tree is petrified and every rock looks like a dead man's skull. You pull your warm cape close about your shoulders and set off towards a ridge that is peppered with dark hollows. You pray that one of them will offer some shelter from the coming storm.

  Upon reaching the ridge, you discover that most of the hollows are merely patches of dark earth sandwiched between the honeycombed rock. The rain has become torrential, and you are about to abandon all hope of finding dry shelter, when suddenly your tracking instincts alert you to a cave-like opening at the far end of the ridge. You investigate and discover that it is indeed the entrance to a cave, one that is both wind- and watertight and, to your relief, quite empty. You are now very hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and Divination, turn to 234.

  If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 307.


  Alerted by the Zlanbeast's wild screech, the Death Knight spins around and catches your blow on the haft of his spear. Sparks and curses fly. Growling like an angry lion, he pushes you away then stabs viciously at your midriff. Ice-cool nerve and fleetness of foot save you from the razor-sharp tip, and quickly you return the strike, forcing the Drakkar back to the edge of the parapet with the speed and determination of your attack.

  Illustration IX—The Death Knight stabs viciously at your midriff.

  Death Knight Sentinel: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 29

  If you win the fight, turn to 139.


  Shock, as a result of his severe leg injuries, has reduced the captain's blood pressure to a dangerously low level. Your mastery of the Discipline of Curing enables you to increase his blood pressure gently to ensure that his brain is not starved of its vital supply of oxygen. Once he is stable, the first mate, whose name is Davan, helps you splint the captain's legs and construct a makeshift stretcher on which to carry him to his cabin. Slowly he regains consciousness, and, although he is in great pain, he insists on speaking.

  ‘Davan,’ he says, through gritted teeth, ‘the ship's under your command now. You must do all you can to see that our passenger reaches his destination.’ Dutifully, the first mate promises to obey the captain's order. ‘Open the chest,’ the captain says, motioning with his eyes to a large casket, resting at the foot of his bunk. You oblige and discover that it contains a vest made of finely crafted bronin chainmail, and a pair of engraved silver bracers designed to protect the forearms during combat. ‘Take them, friend,’ he says, ‘they may be of some help to you on your journey.’

  The Bronin Vest adds 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. It may be worn with a Padded Leather Waistcoat, but not with a Chainmail Waistcoat. The Silver Bracers add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. If you wish to keep either the Bronin Vest or the Silver Bracers (or both), mark them on your Action Chart as Special Items, which you wear accordingly.

  Turn to 262.


  At your approach, the Ligan slows and makes a sign in the air with his warty hand. When you fail to respond, he becomes agitated and moves directly in front of you to block your way. A tingling sensation ripples your scalp as a wave of psychic energy washes over your mind. The Ligan has probed your thoughts and discovered that you are an impostor. He emits a high-pitched shriek and unsheathes a dagger from his belt as he launches himself maniacally at your chest.


  Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, deduct 1 ENDURANCE point at the beginning of every round of combat, owing to the Ligan's persistent psychic attacks.

  If you win the combat, turn to 246.


  Shaking your head, you pull yourself to your feet and force your eyes to focus on the swirling shapes that are looming out of the shadows. Four ugly Giaks are creeping towards you, each with a loaded bow held ready to fire. They let loose their arrows and instantly you throw yourself back onto the ground. Your reactions save you from the deadly shafts, and you scramble quickly to your feet, unsheathing a weapon. You catch the enemy wrong-footed and without their swords to hand.

  Giak Archers: COMBAT SKILL 14 ENDURANCE 22

  If you win the combat, turn to 349.


  The Zlanbeast glides through the rising steam and lands smoothly beside the foundry's rusty wall. The air, or what passes for air in this doom-laden city, reeks of iron and soot, and, as you jump from the saddle, you discover that the ground is covered with a layer of soot several inches deep.

  On a ramp that services the foundry, a line of stunted, lizard-like bipeds are hauling heavy carts full of ore. They are watched by Giaks who encourage them with kicks and curses whenever they falter. A Giak officer and two of his troops leave the ramp as soon as they see you land and come scurrying towards you. The officer is shouting at the top of his voice. You sense that he suspects you have stolen the Zlanbeast and is demanding that you explain, on pain of death!

  If you have any Kika (Gold Crowns or Lune may not be used in lieu of Kika in this instance) and wish to offer them to the Giak as a bribe for safe escort to the Slavemaster, turn to 43.

  If you wish to ignore his threats and demand that he take you to the Slavemaster, turn to 27.


  Your senses alert you to the magical chainmail armour that the Drakkarim warrior is wearing beneath his leather battle-jacket. He can see that you are aiming your Arrow at his heart and he is confident that his armour will protect him.

  If you wish to switch targets and aim instead at his head, turn to 119.

  If you choose to shoulder your Bow and meet his attack with a hand weapon, turn to 213.


  No sooner has the last of your enemies fallen than you sense that more of them are about to emerge from the surrounding towers. There is no time to search the bodies of the slain — to stay would be suicidal. Without hesitation, you turn on your heel and run for all you are worth.

  Turn to 48.


  Shortly after dawn, a howling wind awakens you from your dreamless slumber. It sweeps along
the pass from the west, carrying with it the briny smell of the sea. Resolutely you continue your trek, following the roadway through the pass until, at midday, you emerge from the mountains at a point that commands a clear view over the land beyond. There you stop and stare at an expanse of rocky terrain so fragmented that it might have been smashed by a giant hammer. It slopes down to the shores of a wide inlet — the Gulf of Helenag — where a line of Darkland ironclads are steaming northwards on their way to join the blockade. From where you are, they appear no larger than tiny black specks dotting the steel-grey sea, but the clouds of yellow smoke that pour from their funnels clearly identify them as enemy ships.

  The track continues, snaking southwards across the barren landscape on its way to Argazad. For three hours you tread its uneven surface until you arrive at what appears to be the ruins of an ancient tower.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and have attained the Kai rank of Mentora or higher, turn to 323.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 191.


  ‘Three months ago, on the day that you Sommlending celebrate your Feast of Fehmarn, I foresaw in a dream your return to this world, the place and the hour of your coming,’ says Rimoah, reverently. ‘I, and all my brothers, held this dream to be a sign from the God Kai that you had not died at Torgar, and since that day we have prepared for your return so that we may help you fulfil your vow and deliver us all from the tyranny of the Darklords. With the aid of Guildmaster Banedon we have conceived a plan that can secure a lasting victory. Defeat of the Darklords on the field of battle is now impossible; the allied armies are greatly outnumbered and are hard-pressed to protect what little remains of the Freelands. The only way in which we can rid ourselves of this evil is by destroying Gnaag and the Transfusor — the device that transmits power to the Tanoz-tukor. Both of them are in Helgedad.’

  To hear the name of that foul city spoken aloud is enough to send a shiver down your spine, and the thought of daring to venture there to destroy its ruler fills you with cold dread. ‘It is a daunting task that we ask you to attempt, Lone Wolf,’ says Banedon, sensing your anxiety, ‘but only you have any hope of succeeding in this desperate mission. It may be of some comfort to learn that, with the Darklords leading their armies in the field, the defences of the Black City are now at their weakest. Only Gnaag and his second-in-command, Darklord Taktaal, reside there at present.’

  ‘You spoke of a plan?’ you say, returning your gaze to the wise face of Lord Rimoah. Without replying, he bends down and pulls out a leather sack from beneath the chair on which he sat when you entered the chamber. It contains what appears to be a mass of triangular crystals that are fused together. At once you recognize its purpose. It is a powerful charge, similar to the one which Lord Adamas used to destroy the Torgar Gate.

  ‘This will put paid to the Transfusor,’ says Rimoah, holding up the crystal explosive. He points to a shard that is longer than the others and informs you that the device is activated by withdrawing and re-inserting it tip-first into the core. ‘It must be placed beneath the Transfusor and it will detonate exactly fifteen minutes after it is primed.’ Carefully he replaces the explosive into the sack and offers it to you.

  ‘But how am I to gain entry to Helgedad?’ you ask, as you accept the deadly package tentatively.

  ‘We have made preparations,’ answers Banedon, pointing once more to the map. ‘A caravel is anchored in Toran harbour. Under cover of darkness it will run the blockade, and then head east to deceive the enemy into thinking that it is bound for Durenor. When safe to do so it will turn about and steer a course for Dejkaata. The shallows there are free of pack-ice at this time of the year and the captain should be able to land you on the coast close to the Aarnak Estuary. From there you must make your way on foot to the stronghold of Aarnak and seek out the Slavemaster. He is one of our agents and can be trusted. Make yourself known to him by saying the words, “Sommerlund is burning”. He alone knows where in Helgedad the Transfusor is located, and he can arrange for your safe and secret passage into the city. Once inside, you must destroy Gnaag and the Transfusor as quickly as possible.’

  ‘And once the task is complete, how then do I effect an escape?’ you ask.

  ‘You must make your way back to Aarnak. The demise of the Darklords will announce the success of your mission and we shall then mount an expedition to bring you safely home. But until then, no one must know your true identity, or the reason for your journey to Helgedad.’

  Silently you contemplate the awesomeness of this mission, its dangers, and the terrible consequences that will befall Magnamund should you fail. At length you raise your eyes from the map and force a smile. ‘When must I leave?’ you ask, bravely.

  ‘Tomorrow night,’ Banedon replies. ‘An hour after sunset.’

  Mark the Crystal Explosive on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you carry strapped to your Backpack. If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items, you must discard one in favour of the Crystal Explosive.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 282.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 229.


  The Death Knight sergeant strides forward and repeats his command. When you fail to answer, he reaches up, grabs the front of your leather battle-jacket, and pulls you to within inches of his sneering face. ‘Egor sheg!’ he growls, and tilts your mask back with the palm of his gloved hand. Using your advanced Kai skill, you cause your face to take on the coarse features of a Drakkarim warrior. The sergeant nods, a look of recognition softening his cruel eyes, and then releases his grip of your jacket.

  ‘Agna tok!’ he says, turning to face his guards. ‘Dok lug shad.’ They stand aside and quickly you ride through the gate. A shadowy street lies beyond, at the end of which is a sign that indicates the way to the two main areas of the base: the ironclad harbour and the supply depot.

  If you wish to investigate the harbour, turn to 295.

  If you wish to investigate the supply depot, turn to 328.


  Suddenly, without warning, the Darklord emits a hideous screech that fills your head with a terrible stabbing pain. Your mind is under attack from a powerful wave of psychic energy that is capable of destroying your free will.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen and have reached the Kai rank of Scion-kai or higher, turn to 329.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 258.


  Stealthily you move away from the door, raising the hood of your cape to hide your face. Beyond the wheelhouse you see a large tube of steel, mounted horizontally on a circular platform. It is attended by three Drakkarim, who are busily loading a heavy, pear-shaped projectile into a chamber at the rear of the tube. A large, wooden crate, filled with several more projectiles, lies open at their feet. Their captain, his rank denoted by the silver braid that decorates the sleeves of his battle-jacket, is pointing to the sinking Intrepid and shouting excitedly: ‘Gaz muzar ok ruzzar! Shada egina gag!’

  If you possess the Magnakai Disciplines of Invisibility and Pathsmanship, turn to 219.

  If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 84.


  The tunnel grows darker and dirtier the further down it you venture. You are beginning to suspect that you have entered an abandoned passage when the unmistakable stench of decaying meat wafts past you on a sulphurous breeze. Then two misshapen creatures loom out of the darkness, and your stomach churns at the sight of their hideously swollen faces. Their eyes are slits, the lids sewn down against the putrid flesh of their cheeks by lengths of coarse, black thread. They stagger towards you, their hooked claws scrabbling the air and their long, snake-like tongues flickering from their lipless mouths as hungrily they savour the scent of your flesh.

  Illustration X—Two misshapen Helgedad Ghouls loom out of t
he darkness.

  Helgedad Ghouls: COMBAT SKILL 23 ENDURANCE 32

  These creatures are immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 208.

  If you win the combat, turn to 280.


  The moment you draw the dagger from your belt, a blue flame courses the length of its twisted blade and the squealing flood of Crypt Spawn soar upward towards the roof in order to avoid you. They and their creator, Darklord Kraagenskûl, recognize the power you wield and both are in awe and terror of it. Freed from the threat of his loathsome summonations, you now advance upon Kraagenskûl with the dagger before you. He screams in anger and lunges at your head, his sword ablaze with tongues of black fire. You catch the blow on the tip of the dagger and both blades spark furiously as their terrible powers collide.

  Darklord Kraagenskûl: COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 48

  This supernatural being is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). You may add 7 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight, owing to the power of the Dagger of Vashna when used against a Darklord of Helgedad.


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