Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 1

by Sable Hunter





  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Ryder’s Surrender

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2016 © Sable Hunter

  Cover by JRA Stevens

  Down Write Nuts

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Ryder and Pepper McCoy are the pampered sisters of the Highland McCoys – Heath, Philip, Jaxson and Tennessee. The brothers have always been over-protective of the girls, vetting every man who is brave enough to even ask them on a date. Both sisters are spirited, giving their brothers a run for their money – but one is about to give them a heart attack.

  Two men are vying for the hand of Ryder McCoy, Samson Duke and his brother Gideon. But this isn’t a rivalry, the Duke brothers plan on sharing her. They are determined to lasso, corral, and mark the feisty filly with the DD brand.

  Resisting one of the Duke boys is difficult, keeping both at arm’s length may very well prove to be impossible. But who should she choose? One or both? Could she break one brother’s heart to gain the other? Ryder is torn between keeping the relationship with her family intact and following her own desires.

  To complicate matters, there’s more going on than meets the eye. The Dukes and the McCoys may very well have a common enemy. When Ryder becomes the pawn in a madman’s scheme, all the men who love her must work together to save her. Still, entrusting their baby sister to the wild, powerful Dukes is not something the McCoy boys think they can accept.

  Will Ryder bend to her family’s and society’s expectations or will she surrender to what her soul and body craves? She soon finds out that true love doesn’t always follow the rules.























  The Path Begins in Childhood

  Ryder - Love Enough for Two

  “Please, Papa, I want them both,” Ryder pleaded with her father, looking up at him with big, blue eyes shimmering with tears. She clutched two squirming lab puppies tight to her chest. “I can’t just leave one by himself, he would be so lonely.”

  Christian McCoy dry-scrubbed his face. “Your sister and brothers each chose one puppy apiece. Why do you have to have two?” He let out a long sigh, meeting his beautiful wife’s amused gaze, as she watched on indulgently. “Two horses, two puppies, two dolls. What will be next?”

  “Let her have them, dear.” Carolyn sat on a bale of hay, sewing a button on Tennessee’s shirt. “I swear, this boy is so rough on his clothes. He seems to rip off a button every day.”

  “All right, all right, go.” He held up his hand and pointed toward the house. “Don’t let me see you with both those dogs up in the bed, Ryder. Make them sleep on the floor where they belong.”

  “Yes, Papa.” Ryder jumped up and scampered off, her long, brown braid flying in the wind behind her.

  “What’s up with our oldest daughter? She’s never satisfied with one of anything. Two cookies, two chicken legs, two candy bars. Ryder seems to think she has to grab onto everything with both hands or she won’t have enough.”

  “All of our children are special, Christian. Ryder has a big heart; she has love enough for two.”

  Christian went to his beloved wife and pulled her into his arms. “She must have inherited that trait from you. You make each member of our family feel like they’re the most special person in the world.”

  Carolyn laid down the shirt she’d been darning. “Do you need to feel special, Husband?” She glanced around. “We are alone…in a barn…with hay.”

  A gleam came into his eyes. “Hell yeah.” Taking his wife by the hand, they climbed into the hay loft.

  Life was good.

  Samson and Gideon – A Way of Life

  “Let’s race!” Gideon challenged as he took off toward the beach at a run, holding his surfboard under his arm.

  Samson was only a microsecond behind his brother. “The waves are high tonight. I bet I can stay up longer than you.”

  “Does everything have to be a competition?” Their mother smiled indulgently while she sat on the beach between two men, watching her boys head out into the sparkling ocean. “Work together. Share. You are brothers.”

  “My, Leilani, you are so wise.” Solomon Duke picked up his wife’s hand and kissed it.

  “Thank you, Husband.” Leilani gazed into a pair of golden eyes so like her son’s. Samson was the mirror image of his father.

  “Our wife is not only wise, she is beautiful.” Kona gazed at Leilani with devotion. “Both of our sons are lucky to have such a wonderful mother.”

  Descended from Polynesian royalty, Leilani was raised in a household with two males to protect and love her mother, as was her mother before her, and her mother before her. Now in more modern times, they did not flaunt their chosen lifestyle, but it worked for them. Her sons also would find one woman to love. This was the way they were raised; this would be their choice and their destiny. “I have seen the woman who’ll love my sons. She will be a strong woman, a woman who’ll be willing to sacrifice everything for them. I shall begin to prepare them, so they’ll recognize great love when they see it.”

  Watching her boys as they surfed the waves, she was reminded how fortunate she was to live in paradise - a paradise not defined by the fact she lived in one of the most beautiful places on earth, rather the perfection of her existence was due to being surrounded by the people she loved.


  “I’m so tired of being told what to do, Pepper.” Ryder pulled on her boots. “I’m twenty-one years old. An adult!”

  Pepper watched her sister get dressed. “It’s a little late to go riding. Heath won’t like it.”

  Ryder visibly fumed, her cheeks flushing, her eyes flashing. “Heath can take his arrogant Neanderthal opinions and stick them where the sun don’t shine.” She grated each word out between clenched teeth, still tugging on her Lady Justin’s.

  Ducking her head, Pepper tried to hide a laugh. “You’re trying to put your boots on the wrong foot.”

  “Dammit!” Ryder snatched the offending footwear off and started over. “He’s got me so mad, I can’t think straight!”

  “Just give it a little time, he’ll find something else to worry about.” Ryder’s sister tried to console her. “You knew he wasn’t going to go along with the idea of you moving to Austin on your own.” Flouncing on the bed, she put her arm around Ryder’s shoulders. “I didn’t want you to move out either.”

  Lying back on t
he bed, Ryder stared up at the white ceiling fan making its mesmerizing revolutions. “Moving out wasn’t really the issue. Going to Europe with my friends isn’t really the crux of the matter either.” She turned her head to look at her beautiful, golden-haired sister. “Our family is so overprotective; sometimes I don’t feel like I can breathe.”

  Pepper placed an arm around Ryder’s waist and laid her head on her sister’s shoulder. “I know the feeling. They just love us, you know. With Dad’s condition and our losing Mom, our brothers rallied around us like pioneers circling the wagons.”

  Ryder calmed a little, scooting closer to Pepper. “I know; I shouldn’t resent it so much.” With a mischievous grin, she whispered, “What are they going to do when we fall in love? Can you imagine?”

  Pepper covered her eyes. “Oh, I can. We might have to elope.”

  Ryder sighed and sat up straight, her eyes moving around the tastefully decorated room. Most women would consider this a haven. The family provided her with everything she could want or need. She’d torn a photo out of a magazine and Heath had instructed the builders and decorators to bring Ryder’s vision to life; a cool, blue, French country sanctuary with Audubon prints to remind her of Louisiana. Her home was beautiful; her life was perfect. So, why did she feel as if she was suffocating?

  “I still think I’ll take a ride. Could I borrow Star?”

  “Sure, Star would love a good run.” Pepper gave Ryder a quick hug. “I know you miss Honey and Chelsea. You can ride my mare anytime you like. We’ll go to the sale barn to pick you out a new horse soon. In fact, I’m sure Heath will buy you two.”

  “Thank you, Pepper. Honey and Chelsea both lived a good, long life, I just wanted to keep them forever. I can’t believe I lost them so close together.” Just thinking of her loyal mares made her sad. “Anyway, I need to calm my nerves. Do you want to go with me?”

  “I can’t.” Pepper sat up, pushing a strand of long hair over her shoulder. “I have a paper due tomorrow. This is my last semester, you know.”

  Yes, Ryder did know. “And then what?” The question was directed as much to her own ears as it was to Pepper. “What does the future hold for us?”

  “I don’t know, Sister.” Pepper pulled Ryder to her feet. “But I’m sure looking forward to finding out.”

  A few minutes later, Ryder was mounted on Star and headed toward the lake. Riding next to the water always calmed her. Highlands, their family ranch, bordered Lake Buchanan on one side and Heath’s Canyon of the Eagles resort on the other. As she rode, Ryder patted the mare’s neck, feeling a little guilty. She had a good life and shouldn’t resent being loved and cared for by her family.

  Ryder also knew something was missing.

  Since Star knew the landscape so well, Ryder closed her eyes and just listened. The lapping of the waves soothed her. Cattle lowing in the distance reminded her she was home. An eagle’s cry overhead thrilled her. A satisfied smile settled across Ryder McCoy’s pretty face as she exhaled a breath that seemed to release a ton of tension from her body. What could possibly be missing in her life?

  Adventure. Purpose.

  A man.

  Holding the reins of her mount lightly, she let the palomino mare choose her path down to the sandy beach. The breeze off the lake was picking up, blowing the wispy clouds quickly across the evening sky. A spectacular Texas sunset spread before her, a panorama of red, orange, and pink. The dying sun shone like a fading citrine jewel sinking into a cobalt blue sea. “Okay, I’m here. Where are the cabana boys?”

  Her only answer was a call of an eagle as it sailed through the air. Honestly, Ryder wouldn’t have been surprised to hear the deep voice of her older brother rising from behind her. Don’t take any chances, Ryder. Remember everything I’ve told you.

  Not that she didn’t love her family, she did. Even now, surrounded by the lush beauty of all outdoors, Ryder felt the pull of the ties binding her to them as distinctly as if actual silken bonds stretched across the way. “Not here, Heath,” she answered the disembodied specter haunting her thoughts, “I’m trying to clear my head.”

  No matter her protest, countless memories, a lifetime of devotion, and unquestioning loyalty tethered Ryder to the big white columns gracing the front of their Louisiana-style plantation home as firmly as any anchor ever could. The house they lived in now was merely a replica of the one they’d grown up in, the original being lost in Hurricane Katrina along with their beloved mother. To Ryder, these familial cords always proved comforting – but now she longed to break free – to fly – to spread her wings and truly live.

  Ryder was weary of being and doing only what her family expected. Always the good girl. Always the peacemaker. In her heart of hearts, she wanted to experience everything, for her days to be as full and vibrant as life could offer. And now was as good a time as any to begin.

  With a laugh of pure bliss, she nudged Star into a run, heading toward the far edge of their property. Always at home on horseback, Ryder gave into the amazing sense of freedom, throwing her arms out and embracing the wind. Her absolute immersion in the experience was dashed when the mare stopped, whinnied, and reared up on her hind legs.

  There was really no time to panic.

  Ryder tightened her knees against the mare’s body and clung to the saddle horn. “Whoa, girl!” she cried, beginning to slowly pull back on the reins. “What’s wrong?” the question rushed from Ryder’s lips as she was thrown from Star’s back. She didn’t have time to think before her body hit the ground with a thud, knocking the breath from her lungs.

  A few seconds passed before she could ascertain that nothing was broken – except her pride maybe. “Star? What happened?” Ryder sat up and tried to get her bearings – and that was when she heard it.

  The unmistakable castanet sound of a rattlesnake preparing to strike.

  “Oh, God, no,” she breathed, trying to figure out where the threat was and how much of a distance lay between her and the serpent.

  Star danced away, keeping her eye on a point behind Ryder’s back.

  Honest to God, she was afraid to move, expecting to feel sharp fangs sink into her flesh at any moment.

  Closing her eyes, she began to pray for a miracle…and a split second later she was no longer in harm’s way. Swept off the ground and into the air, Ryder found herself clasped against the broad, hard chest of a large, very handsome man. He held her safely with one arm while aiming a rifle with the other.

  Crack! Boom!

  A gunshot rang out, silencing the ominous rattling. Ryder nearly jumped out of her skin, burying her face against his jacket.

  “Hey, beautiful, it’s all right. I’ve got you. Are you okay? Any broken bones? Did he bite you?”

  His strong, gentle hand was moving across her body, rubbing her shoulders and arms.

  “No, I’m okay,” she whispered as he picked up her left hand and brought it to his lips.

  “No ring. Good. Look at me.”

  “I hate snakes. I just hate snakes,” she chanted.

  “Look at me, sweetheart. You’re safe.”

  Surrendering to the command in his voice, she obeyed. Breathing became secondary to staring into a pair of the warmest amber eyes she’d ever seen. “Thank you for saving me.”

  He smiled and Ryder’s heart rate shot through the roof.

  “My pleasure. I’ve always heard you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it.”

  “What were you looking for?” All her brothers’ warnings about making herself vulnerable to a strange man flew out of her mind. He still held her close and she could feel his heart beating against hers.


  “No.” She blushed. “I mean what were you looking for when you found me.”

  “Oh, okay.” He chuckled. “One of my bulls tore through our mutual fence. I live at Falconhead.”

  Falconhead? She knew the place. A veritable castle on the cliffs overlooking Lake Buchanan. “I didn’t know anyone lived there.�
� Maybe she hit her head when she’d fallen. This man looked to be from another time. He wore a brown leather jacket with fringe and had shoulder length blond hair. “You’re trespassing,” she blurted out as a blush tinged her cheeks.

  Her champion threw back his head and laughed. “Lucky for both of us.”

  She was beginning to agree with him. “My name’s Ryder. Ryder McCoy.”

  “And I am Samson Duke.” As he spoke, he carried her to her mount. “You have a good horse; she didn’t run away.” Ryder thought he was about to lift her into the saddle, but he surprised her when he set her on her feet. In the next moment, he mounted Star, then lifted her up to sit in front of him, sidesaddle.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you home.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Ryder let herself relax, enjoying the feel of his strong arms surrounding her. When he started off, it took her just a bit to realize they were heading in the wrong direction. “I thought you were taking me home.”

  “I am. With me.” When she tensed in his arms, he gave her his full assurance. “Don’t be afraid. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. I just found you, don’t ask me to let you go so quickly. There’s someone at Falconhead I want you to meet. Okay?”

  Reasons to say no tumbled through her mind, like boulders rolling down a hill. She didn’t know him. He could be dangerous. Heath wouldn’t like it.

  Ryder rejected them all.

  “All right. I’ll go home with you, for a little while. I’ve never been to Falconhead. Pepper and I used to walk up to the gate and pretend it was a castle. I always wondered if my Prince Charming lived there.”

  “Well, they do,” he answered simply.

  They? Ryder frowned. His comment didn’t make sense. Maybe she misunderstood. “How long have you lived at Falconhead?”


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