Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 4

by Sable Hunter

His offer of aid surprised and pleased her. “No, I think they’ve got it in hand. Thank you, though.”

  “Okay, well, the reason I called was to see if you’d be free for dinner this evening. Last night we were interrupted and we didn’t get to spend as much time with you as I wanted. How does a moonlight ride and a picnic sound? Can I tempt you?”

  “Yes.” The answer erupted from her lips before her brain could present an argument. Her brothers might have something to say about it, but right now they weren’t here and she wanted this…she wanted it badly. “I’d love to see you.”

  “Good.” Samson’s voice sounded immensely satisfied. “Could I pick you up at six?”

  Ryder glanced at the clock. “Sure. I’ll be ready.” Her heart was thumping hard in her chest at the idea of spending time with this exciting man. Like Pepper, Ryder had grabbed her laptop when she’d come home last night to see what she could find online about the Duke brothers. What she discovered had both intrigued her and made her nervous. They were the real deal – self-made men with roots that bound them to the cowboy world as well as a tropical paradise. Their holdings were massive, but that wasn’t what impressed Ryder. Samson and Gideon seemed to be good men. They were very active in charities and sponsored groups like Make-A-Wish Foundation and cancer research. The one thing she didn’t enjoy seeing was the pictures of them at society functions with a beautiful woman on their arm. Nevertheless, she was the woman Samson was interested in at the moment…and she intended to enjoy herself. “Should I bring anything?”

  “Just your beautiful self. Until then?”

  “Until then.” She held the phone to her ear even after he disconnected the call.

  Glancing at the clock, she saw she only had a couple of hours to prepare. Not bothering to wait on her sister or speak to her brothers, Ryder went to get ready. She could leave Pepper a note and with some luck, she’d be back before her brothers even knew she was gone.

  * * *

  Ryder was dressed early. She’d checked her makeup three times and changed tops twice. Now she was standing at the front window and staring down the road, watching for Samson. Her eyes were so focused on the window, that she noticed she could see herself in the glass. Turning sideways, she checked out her own reflection. These jeans made her look fat! Drats! Ryder was just about to whirl around and run upstairs to change when she heard the powerful roar of an engine. Her eyes flew up to see what was making the noise and she gasped at the sight of a low-slung, ice-blue Lamborghini. “Oh, my stars and garters, that machine is pure sex on wheels.” Ryder stared at the foreign sports car until it came to a stop, but the man who stepped out of the luxurious Italian vehicle was far more magnetic than his car. She froze, mesmerized, until their eyes met and then she bounced back, ashamed he’d caught her mooning over him like a lovesick teenager.

  She’d barely regained her composure when the tap came on the door. A small part of Ryder’s subconscious told her to escape, to run up the stairs and forget she’d ever met the gorgeous man who was, even now, standing outside her home.

  Knock! Knock!

  Any reservation she’d entertained fled as her feet started toward the door, seemingly of their own volition. Her mind might not be fully onboard with this date, but her body wasn’t listening. When she arrived at the wide front entrance, she stopped, took one deep breath and opened it. “Samson. Welcome.”

  He didn’t say one word, just stepped into her space and placed a big hand on the side of her face, bending to claim her lips with his own. Ryder acted on pure erotic instinct. Their mouths collided, their tongues clashed, and Samson proceeded to kiss her with a thoroughness that took her breath away. She didn’t care if she passed out from lack of oxygen – everyone had to die sometime.

  Waves of bliss rolled over Ryder as she succumbed to his passion. She was so immersed in the pleasure, it took her a few seconds to realize he’d pulled back, leaving her on tiptoe, with lips parted slightly and eyes closed. Only his chuckle brought her back to reality.

  “Open your eyes, lovely.”

  Ryder obeyed, her breath coming in little pants. “Hi.” She gave him a sweet smile. “I’m glad to see you.”

  Pulling her close, Samson hugged her tight. “I’m glad to see you too. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am. I’m excited.”

  A small growl came from Samson’s chest. “Me too.” He took her by the hand and led her to his car, holding Ryder’s hand while she eased in. “Buckle up, beautiful.”

  She did and spent a few seconds admiring the interior of the amazing car. When Samson settled next to her, however, he claimed her full attention. “Did you have a good day?” she asked.

  As he started the engine and put the car in gear, Samson cut his eyes toward Ryder, giving her an indulgent, sexy smile. “I did. Gideon and I flew to Houston to meet with some engineers. We’re in negotiations with NASA to take some cargo and crew up to the International Space Station.”

  “That’s incredible. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around what you’re saying. Space travel used to be relegated to governments and now I find out my neighbors regularly launch rockets and plan missions to faraway places in the galaxy.”

  “Well, not too far, not yet. Although we do hope to get to Mars in the near future.” He pulled out of Highland’s drive and started toward the main road.

  Ryder shook her head. “I could ask so many questions, but the one bothering me most is…when you have exciting things like space travel happening in your life, why are you wasting time with me?”

  “Are you serious?”

  Ryder was surprised that he looked somewhat offended. “Well…it crossed my mind.”

  “Let me put your mind to rest.” He gave her a sharp glance. “There is no one in this world I’d rather be spending time with than you.”

  Ryder gasped, finding she had no comeback for him at all.

  Samson checked in his rearview mirror and when he saw there was no traffic on the two-lane road, he pulled over onto the narrow right-of-way. Putting the powerful car in park, he unlatched his seat belt and turned in the seat to face Ryder. “From the moment I saw you, I felt an irresistible pull. I’m a man of action, I don’t waste time. When I see something I want, I turn the world upside down to get it.”

  Ryder was mesmerized, looking into his handsome face, his intense eyes. “And you want me?”

  “I want you.” He bent to kiss her. “I want you very much.”

  His words both thrilled and scared Ryder. Her experience wasn’t vast and her dealings with men like Samson and Gideon Duke were nonexistent. Her brothers were cut from the same alpha cloth, but they’d made it their life’s mission to shield her from the world, to ensure no one took advantage of her. Only a certain type of man was good enough for their sister. Well…Ryder wasn’t so sure she wanted their protection. She craved to know what it would be like to belong to someone like Samson Duke, what it would feel like for him to hold her in his arms – to touch her, to…

  Her imagination made Ryder blush.

  She felt her nipples bead at the images coming to her mind. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You said yes when I asked you to spend the evening with me, that’s all you needed to say.”

  With that, he resumed the trip. The drive from Highlands Ranch to Falconhead didn’t take but a few minutes and when they drove through the gate, Ryder’s eyes were wide, trying to take it all in. Samson and Gideon’s home was magnificent. Her last visit had been at night and she hadn’t been able to appreciate the landscaping or the care that had gone into the renovations and design. There was so much glass, native stone, and architectural detail that made her feel like the house had sprung up, fully built from the land around it – it all just seemed to fit.

  Samson pulled into the circular driveway and he’d no more than stopped, before a uniformed gentleman came to help them from of the car. He opened the driver’s side door, but Samson came around to help her himself. “What did you do tod
ay, sweetheart?”

  Ryder took the arm he offered and they began a leisurely stroll to the barn. Beneath her fingers, she was super aware of the hard muscle of his bicep. Walking next to him, she felt ultra-feminine and having his attention focused on her made butterflies swarm in her stomach. “I spent the morning studying.”

  He covered her hand on his arm with his own hand. “You’ve graduated, right? What were you studying?”

  “Yes, I completed my BBA degree at UT with a major in accounting and a minor in finance. I took a year off before graduate school.” She glanced up at him and smiled. “My plans were to go to Europe with my college roommate, but my brothers squashed that idea.”

  “You want to travel?”

  Ryder held his gaze. His eyes were so kind and he seemed truly interested in every word she had to say. “Yes, I think I’d enjoy seeing the world, I haven’t really done much of that. My brothers weren’t crazy about two women traveling overseas with no man to protect them.”

  “Well, I’m going to be selfish and be happy you’re here. If you’d gone to Europe, our paths might not have crossed.”

  A pang of loss knifed through Ryder’s chest. “I’m glad that didn’t happen.” She let out a sigh. “Anyway, I’m planning on going back to school for my MBA, but right now I’m studying for the CPA exam.”

  Samson looked at her with admiration. “Smart as well as gorgeous, I like that.”

  Ryder blushed. “I tried my hand at selling real estate for a while, but that didn’t seem to fulfill me.”

  Coming to the barn, he held open the door. “Seeing you fulfilled is a fantasy of mine.”

  His easy teasing made her whole body tingle. “Samson…” she chided him playfully with one word.

  “Ryder…” He mirrored her tone exactly.

  Even though Skeet was there to help them with horses and gear, Ryder felt like she was the center of Samson’s attention. “I know you’re a good horsewoman, you’ve been practically raised on one. Am I right?” he asked, while placing a steadying hand on her back as she mounted a beautiful black mare.

  “Yes, my fall yesterday was a fluke, I assure you.” Ryder wanted him to think of her as graceful.

  “Anyone would’ve taken a spill, very few horses will walk past a snake.” Once she was astride the horse, he accepted the reins of a large white stallion. “We’ll be back in a few hours. Is everything set up and ready?”

  “Yes, sir,” the hand answered. “Mister Gideon made sure of it.”

  At the mention of Samson’s brother, Ryder felt her heart jump in her chest, then a wave of guilt hit her. She was with Samson, not Gideon.

  “Good, thank you, Skeet.” Samson took hold of the horn and swung into the saddle. “Ready?” he asked her.

  “Yes, lead on.” She gave him a nod and a smile.

  In a few moments, they ventured from the spacious barn and rode out into the waning daylight. Skeet moved ahead of them and opened a gate, closing it once they’d ridden through. The sun was still high enough in the sky to illuminate their path – and what a glorious sight it was. This part of the Texas Hill Country was Ryder’s home, but Falconhead seemed to display a collage of the area’s greatest beauty. All around her were unexpected gems; a shallow river that wound through a grove of bald cypress trees before emptying into a shimmering lake cupped by limestone canyons. Stirring vistas. Expansive pastures that she knew would be covered by dense spreads of bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes in the spring. When they rode close enough to the fern-lined cliffs, springs bubbled into a moss decorated grotto. “This is a wonderland, Samson.”

  “I can’t take any credit for it, all of this was here before we came.”

  “I know, but now that you possess the land, you can protect it from developers. Our two ranches encompass some of the most beautiful country in the world, we’re very lucky.”

  “You’re right.” He gave her a sensual look. “I feel very blessed right now.” They rode deeper into Falconhead land where the trees were thicker – ancient live oaks and massive pecans whose branches hung low enough to be used as benches or places where small children could climb up and lay down for a nap, warmed by the dappled sunshine. “Look.”

  Ryder let her gaze follow his pointing hand and what she saw made her gasp with wonder. Ahead lay a small clearing lit by thousands of tiny white lights that had been strung in the trees. A table and chairs sat in the middle adorned with flowers, a white tablecloth, and candles. “How beautiful,” Ryder breathed. The closer they came, the more she could see, the table was set with china and dishes covered with silver domes. All of it looked like a fantasy scene that had jumped right off the pages of a magazine…especially the dark, handsome man who stood there waiting for them.


  “Yes, Gideon is waiting for us.”

  Everything Ryder thought she knew and understood about what was going on between her and Samson flew out the window. Wasn’t this a date? What was his brother doing here?

  “I…don’t understand,” Ryder muttered as Gideon stepped forward to meet them, coming to Ryder with a smile on his face. His dark hair was tousled in the ‘I don’t give a shit’ fashion that he wore so well.

  “Hello, Ryder. It’s so good to see you. I’m glad you could join us.”

  Ryder looked at Gideon, then back at Samson. “Hello.” Her mind and heart were in turmoil. She shivered with excitement, but that excitement was accompanied by a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Truth slipped from her lips before she could call it back. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

  Instead of seeming disturbed, Gideon gave her a heated look, reaching up to lift her from the mare’s back. “You didn’t tell her I’d be joining you, Samson?”

  Ryder allowed his hands on her body. Truth be told, she enjoyed his touch. Confused, she looked from one brother to the other. “What’s going on?” She couldn’t fathom their motives. Was this some kind of joke? Were they having fun at her expense? Despite the holdings and wealth her family had accumulated, she wasn’t sophisticated – she was just Ryder. “Are you two making fun of me?”

  Samson dismounted and came to stand near to Ryder. She was surrounded by two men who overwhelmed her senses each in their own way. One light, one dark – both possessing enough raw male beauty to take her breath away.

  Samson’s smile faded and his expression became completely sincere. “We would never make fun of you. You, Ryder McCoy, have captured our complete attention in a way no other woman has in a long, long time.”

  “He’s right,” Gideon whispered. “You’ve taken over our dreams, overwhelmed our senses. I’ve been able to think of nothing else.”

  “I don’t understand.” Ryder shivered as she felt Samson run his hand beneath her hair, caressing her neck. He wasn’t the only one touching her, however. His brother ran a finger down her arm from elbow to wrist, causing frissons of excitement to rise along its path. “I thought Samson and I were here on a date. And now…” She closed her eyes and swallowed nervously. “Am I supposed to choose?”

  Samson chuckled. “No, Princess. This isn’t some kind of weird competition between us.”

  “No, Ryder, no competition.” Gideon took the same finger he used to caress her arm and lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “We share.”

  Ryder heard his voice, but she couldn’t process the meaning of his words. “Share?”

  “Surrender to us, Ryder,” Samson whispered, his lips branding the sensitive skin of her neck. “We’ll give you more pleasure than you ever knew possible.”

  “Just a chance, Ryder,” Gideon murmured as he kissed her palm. “You’ll be the center of our world, the focus of our passion. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for you.”

  In a haze of confused excitement, Ryder trembled at their touch. “Both of you want me?”

  “More than you’ll ever know.” Gideon pressed her small hand between both of his, engulfing it in secure warmth.

  Fantasies wa
rred with expectations. Ryder’s heart raced as a wild, raging desire rose within her, trying to override all she believed, all she’d ever held to be true. “I can’t.”

  “Oh, yes, you can.” Samson moved in front of her, taking her face in his hands, capturing her mouth with his. Giving her one long kiss after another, only pausing so they could take a breath.

  “Don’t kiss me, please.” Her voice didn’t sound convincing, as she blindly sought Samson’s lips again with her own.

  “We have to,” Gideon teased in her ear, “look at all the mistletoe.”

  “What mistletoe? It isn’t Christmas,” she whimpered, her body on fire, her nipples as hard as river washed pebbles.

  “Look up, beautiful, it’s all around us.” Samson pressed his lips to the upper swell of her breast.

  In an erotic daze, Ryder lifted her head and saw the hundreds of green clumps hanging from the branches of the oaks, like lush decoration. Her action exposed the creamy expanse of her neck and Gideon took advantage, blanketing her from behind. As she gave herself over to Samson Duke’s hunger, his brother’s lips blazed a hot trail across the tender flesh of her shoulder. “You won’t be sorry. We’ll worship your body, fulfill your every fantasy.”

  As surely as she could feel their excitement, their hard, aroused bodies pressing against her front and back, Ryder could feel her resolve slipping. She wasn’t afraid of these two men, they’d never hurt her, they’d proven that. She was afraid of herself, afraid of what she wanted – of what she couldn’t have, of what she shouldn’t want...

  “No! This is wrong.” Pulling away, she broke apart from them. They didn’t try to stop her, they only stood watching, an unspeakable sadness on their faces. “I have to go. I shouldn’t be here. I’m not the type of woman you need.”

  “You’re all we need,” Samson beseeched her, holding out his hand. “Let us show you how good it can be.”

  “Give us a chance, Ryder.” Gideon stared at her with a hooded, intense gaze.

  “Why would you do this?” She gestured at them pointing between the two men. “Why would you want just one woman together; it doesn’t make sense. You’re both amazing! You could have any woman you wanted! Is this some sort of game to you?” She began to back away. “Oh, I’ve fantasized about this. A lot of women do, but it’s just a fantasy.” Wiping tears from her cheeks, she looked at Samson accusingly. “I thought you were serious, you’re just playing with me.”


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