Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  Gideon chuckled, fisting his cock. “Temptress.” Equal portions of joy and lust consumed him. “I can’t wait to get inside you.”


  She raised her hips, palmed her breasts, and drove him mad. Gripping her hips, he lined up his cock and thrust inside. “God, yes,” he moaned. This was what he’d been longing for – what he thought would never happen. The desolation he’d felt was gone, the bleakness of a future apart from his brother and their woman was dispelled. Here – in their home, with this woman was where he belonged.

  “Closer, come closer,” she beckoned him. When he lowered himself to her, pressing his big body to hers, Ryder’s arms came up to clutch his shoulders. “Don’t ever leave me, Gideon. I couldn’t stand it.” She wound her legs around his hips and thrust her pelvis up to meet him.

  “Not gonna happen,” he murmured. Unable to hold back, he began to move – working his way deeper. “God, you’re tight, baby.” He undulated his hips, slow luxurious figure eights, making room for himself in her body and in her life. Over and over, he plunged in, then dragged his cock back out. The amazing friction, the way her little pussy grabbed on to him, all of it was so intense, Gideon found it hard to breathe. In and out. In and out he took her, his body moving in the timeless primal rhythm of masculine domination. Riding her hard, every pass his body made over hers ground his pelvis against her clit. She wasn’t still, didn’t just receive – Ryder moved with him, accepting all he had to give and demanding more.

  Parrying his thrusts, she bucked her hips up to meet him, matching her movements to his. “I love this, Gideon,” she whispered, nipping his shoulder, his neck.

  “I love it too, baby,” he assured her, completely awash in ecstasy. He’d always associated paradise with his home in the islands, and now he knew the word would always mean something else to him. Paradise was here – in her arms. Leaning over to kiss her, Gideon knew he was right where he was supposed to be. “I’m mad about you, Ryder. Fuckin’ mad.”

  Once he lifted his head again, Ryder smiled at him. As he moved over her, she let her hands rove over his chest, tracing his muscles, raking her nails down his abs. “I’m gonna cum soon, will you cum with me?”

  “Hell, yeah.” He ceased trying to hold back. The heat in her eyes was his undoing. Gideon went wild, fucking between her thighs in utter abandon. Over and over. Again and again. In and out until they were both balancing on the razor’s edge of a precipice so deep and boundless that when they fell over – both knew they’d never return to the place they once were.

  This was new. Uncharted territory.

  “Cum for me, love,” he encouraged. “Show me you are mine.”

  His request sent her over – tumbling, flying, free-falling as wave after wave of bliss cascaded over her. “Oh, God, Gideon!” she cried.

  When she clamped around him, her back arching, her eyes closing – her body shuddering as she moaned her pleasure and his name – Gideon let go. He thrust three more times, reveling in the way she milked him, then buried his cock to the hilt. With a shout, his balls drew up and he spilled himself within her. Every cell in his body was electrified with euphoric energy.

  They froze – drowning in pleasure, bodies tingling, hearts pounding, eyes meeting. Both knew what this meant. They were joined. This was real. Soon, Samson would join them and they’d embark on their journey together.

  Giving her one kiss after another, Gideon absorbed her shudders, loving the way they were still joined, their limbs tangled together. “Are you okay?” he asked, holding most of his weight off her, yet close enough, she could feel the comforting press of his body.

  “I’m perfect,” she whispered. “I’m ready for everything.”

  Gideon nodded, easing himself to one side and pulling her with him. “I agree. This is the beginning and I can’t wait to see where life takes us.”

  “All three of us,” Ryder whispered, kissing his shoulder. She wanted to mark him, claim him, ensure that no one ever forgot Gideon belonged to Ryder. Yes, she was greedy. She wanted two. She wanted them both.


  * * *

  The minute Samson returned to Falconhead, he knew everything was all right. He’d no more than stepped through the door and handed Thurgood his jacket before he heard it.


  Ryder’s feminine laughter could be heard mingling with Gideon’s masculine amusement.

  “They’ve been at it all day, Sir.”

  Samson couldn’t help but smile. “Do I want to know?”

  Thurgood grimaced. “They’re baking cookies, Sir. They’re making a mess of my kitchen.” He lowered his voice to a crackling whisper. “Flour handprints on the black Italian marble counters.”

  “Oh, no,” Samson whispered, commiserating with his old butler. “I’ll see what I can do. How about if I get them out of your hair for a while?”

  “Thank you, Sir,” he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll be eternally grateful.”

  As Samson headed through the house, he couldn’t help but smile, listening to his brother and their love.

  “Gimme a bite,” Gideon coaxed. “I’m still hungry.”

  A fit of sweet giggles.

  “Here, open your mouth. I’ll give you one more cookie.”

  “Who wants a cookie?” Manly growls and a feminine squeal. “I want you!”

  Samson slipped up to the door, watching them play. Thurgood was right. Their once immaculate gourmet kitchen was now strewn with ingredients, an unwashed mixer, cooking racks full of cookies…and crumbs on the counter. But what made Samson happy was the game of tag he was witnessing. Ryder was managing to stay just ahead of Gideon, who was stalking her like a hunter after prey. They both looked so carefree and his twin looked happier than he’d ever seen him.

  “Do you have any cookies left for me?”

  Hearing Samson’s voice, Ryder twirled around and ran to him, launching herself into his arms. “You’re home! I’m so glad!”

  Samson cradled her close, meeting his brother’s gaze from across the room. “I’m glad to see you two getting along so well.”

  “Oh, we are!” Ryder hugged him tight. “I’m so happy I could faint!”

  Samson and Gideon exchanged amused glances. “Well, don’t faint, we enjoy your company too much.” He took the time to capture her lips in a long passionate kiss.

  “Any word from Oleg?” Gideon asked once Samson and Ryder ended their embrace.

  “I do have some information,” he told Gideon, then cupped Ryder’s chin. “I’ve made reservations for the three of us to go out to dinner. While we talk business, why don’t you run upstairs and find something to wear for an evening out? I took the liberty of having some clothes sent for you. Go to the suite of rooms between mine and Gideon’s, you’ll find plenty of surprises awaiting you.”

  “Yes! I’m excited!” She gave them both hugs and kisses, then took off to get ready.

  As they heard her footsteps padding up the stairs, they came together for a rare hug. “So, from what I saw, things are good,” Samson said aloud, even as he sent a private message to his brother. This is the way things are supposed to be.

  Gideon followed suit. “Things are better than good.” I didn’t want to be on the outside looking in.

  “You’re never on the outside.” Samson placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I’m sure we still have work to do. We must mend fences with her family. Right now, she’s coming to terms with what makes her happy, but soon, she’ll want to reach out to them.”

  “And when she does, we’ll help her build the bridge. How are things with Heath? Is he following through on our methane fuel contract?”

  Samson nodded. “Yes. McCoy, for all his bluster, is a professional.”

  “True, and at the same time he’s an over-protective, overbearing bear,” Gideon observed, beginning to wipe down the counters.

  “Might as well leave the cleaning up to Thurgood and his staff. They gave you privacy, but I
think they’re eager to get in here and reclaim the kitchen…” He waved his hand at the clutter.

  Gideon laughed, running his hand through his hair. Looking around, he raised an eyebrow. “We had more on our minds than maintaining order.”

  “I’m glad. So, are we of like minds?” Do we pursue a commitment?

  “We are.” I’m sorry I locked you out.

  Samson turned to look out the window. “I see what you were doing now, putting us first. At the time, I was too torn up to focus on the lack of a connection with you.” Turning, he faced Gideon. “Please don’t shut me out again.”

  “I don’t intend to.” Gideon picked up the plate of cookies he and Ryder had baked. “Try one.” He waited for Samson to pick up a cookie and take a bite. “I can’t say I noticed at the time, but you were conspicuously absent from my head this morning while I was with Ryder.”

  Samson took the time to swallow before answering. “For the same reason I left the estate, I wanted you two to forge your own bond without my influence. I wanted there to be no doubt in your or Ryder’s mind that what you have between you is as strong and right as what Ryder and I share.”

  Gideon nodded. “I knew that and I thank you.” He gave his brother a broad smile. “I’m proud to say it worked. I’m ready to press forward and start to build our life together with her as the center – the heart of our world.”

  “Good. Now, while our beautiful lady gets ready for our evening out, let’s you and I work on insuring our quest to get to Mars doesn’t get sidelined by those who want to get there ahead of us.”

  “They won’t succeed, Samson,” Gideon spoke with assurance. “They can’t buy us and they can’t beat us.”

  “Right,” Samson agreed. “They have nothing to threaten us with, nothing to hold over our heads.” He smiled with the full knowledge they’d succeed. “There’s nothing they can do to stop us – and they know it.”

  “True.” Gideon let out a long harsh breath. “What they’re doing makes no sense and that’s what makes them so dangerous.”

  …Upstairs, Ryder didn’t know whether to be thrilled or feel guilty. When Samson told her he’d had a few outfits delivered for her to choose from, she’d pictured just that, two or three dresses in a garment bag. What she found was two portable racks filled with beautiful gowns and two trunks full of shoes and accessories. The name on the side of the trunk was Neiman Marcus. While she and Pepper had never done without anything they’d truly wanted or needed, their lifestyle hadn’t necessitated designer wear or luxury items.

  And the high fashion clothing was just the beginning.

  The room Samson directed her to had an obvious use. She stood at the door and surveyed what was in front of her. This was a romantic sanctuary, the place where they would share her. The bed was vast, not just a king-size, something like a king and a half. “Oh, my goodness.” Truthfully, all of this excited her, but it also made her a bit nervous. What was she doing? Could she fit into their world?

  A buzzing noise alerted Ryder to grab her cell. As if thoughts of her sister had conjured her up, she saw the caller was Pepper. For a millisecond, she considered not answering. What would she say? She had no intention of reversing her decision, her family had forced her hand and she was glad of it. She’d made her choice and they were just going to have to deal with it. “Oh, fiddle-foot!” Ryder grumbled, pressing the button. Her curiosity was just as great. Besides…she didn’t want to ignore the call, just in case it was news about her dad. An instant of guilt knifed through her breast. What if?


  “Ryder! How are you?”

  Without answering her question, Ryder asked one of her own. “Is Daddy okay?”

  “Yes,” Pepper quickly answered. “How about you? I’ve been so worried. I called a dozen times last night.”

  “My phone was dead.” She’d neglected charging it, she hadn’t wanted to talk to anyone.

  “Philip followed you, he wouldn’t let Heath and Jaxson go, so you owe him one. At least we knew you’d gotten there safely. He came home with the surprising news that you have a protective unit shadowing you. Did you know about that?”

  Ryder sat down on the edge of the humongous bed. “Yes,” she sighed, still not used to the idea, “they’ve had a guard on me since the car bombing incident. They were afraid someone would think I could identify them. Obviously, no one did. I’m still here.”

  “Thank God,” Pepper exclaimed. “So, what’s going on?”

  The curious lilt in her voice told Ryder exactly what Pepper wanted to know. The details. All the sordid – or maybe explicit was a better word – details. “I don’t know what you mean.” No use making it easy for her.

  “Oh, yes, you do. So, did you and Samson do it?”

  Ryder blushed to the roots of her hair. “Pepper!” she chided her sister.

  “Of course you did. You’re nobody’s fool.” She paused for effect. “Didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “And with Gideon too. Separate, not together. Yet.”

  “Whooooooooo!” Pepper yelled, loud enough to wake the dead. “I thought you said Gideon wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “He just said that so Samson and I could be happy. When he came home unexpectedly and found me here, things sorta…changed.” Ryder was whispering, her heart skipping beats. She always shared stuff with her sister, but this was critical – life-changing. “Don’t tell the boys.”

  “Oh, I won’t. But don’t you think they’re going to find out sometime?”

  “Yea, but this is too new. Too…important. Like you told me, Pepper, this is my life. I want to be with these two men. I don’t know if it will be forever, but I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t see where it leads.”

  “I think you’re right. I’d do exactly the same thing. I’m so happy for you.”

  Her simple statement of support made Ryder cry. “I love you, Pepper-pot. How are things with you?”

  “Oh, I think I’m going to collect stray cats and take up knitting.” She giggled. “I love you too, Ryder. And don’t worry about Daddy, he might never find out. And if he does, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “You’re too young to be an eccentric cat lady.” Ryder stood and walked to the window. From this vantage point, she could see Highlands in the distance. The sight made her feel funny – looking from the present to the past, her heart tugging in two directions. “I would never want to hurt Daddy. I just don’t know what else to do.”

  “Just be happy, Ryder. That’s all you need to do. Everything else will take care of itself.”

  After the phone call was over, Ryder cradled the phone to her breast. “I hope so, Pepper,” she whispered in the silence. “I hope so.”

  …A couple of hours later, Ryder and her two men were seated at the best table Brazos had to offer. Samson and Gideon were exceptionally dashing in black tie, while she felt elegant in a scarlet, backless, Vera Wang original.

  “Champagne, Princess?” Samson asked, while the waiter stood in attendance.

  “Yes, please.” She sat between them, completely pampered, the center of both their attentions. No one had to tell her she was the envy of every woman in the room. Any female alive would be thrilled to be with either of them, and here she was with both. “Samson took me to Cape Canaveral to see the Ryder-I make its maiden voyage.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” Gideon asked indulgently, his hand resting atop hers on the snow-white tablecloth.

  Ryder’s eyes widened. “I was honored, shocked, and flabbergasted. This wasn’t a last-minute decision, you two came up with this a while back. Didn’t you?”

  Samson covered her other hand with his. “The day after you saved our lives.”

  She didn’t know why it felt necessary to point this out, but she didn’t want them waking up one day and wondering how they got here – with her. “You two do know that the whole fate thing is just a good story. Your mother told you something to inspire you, to gi
ve you hope for a perfect future. My role in all of this is purely coincidental. Please don’t put me on a pedestal, I’m a total klutz. I will fall off.”

  Ryder said all of this with downcast eyes. When she finally looked up, it was to catch Gideon staring at her with a heated gaze. “And when you do, we’ll catch you and put you right back up there.” He stopped while the waiter poured their champagne, then put the bottle in an ice bucket, waiting for one of them to approve their choice.

  Samson gave the drink a taste and the waiter a thumbs-up. Once he was gone, Samson took up the case. “While we don’t discount mother’s vision, we do trust our own instincts.”

  “You captivated us from the very first.” Gideon buttered a bit of bread, then placed it between her lips. “Isn’t that right, brother?”

  Samson grew serious. “We’re meant to be, everything is working to bring us together – from the way we met, to the way you selflessly saved us, to the circumstances that caused you to leave your home and come running to Falconhead. None of this is an accident.”

  Ryder leaned over and hugged Samson, giving him a kiss. “See, you do believe in fate and I want to. But what I do believe in – is you.” She turned to Gideon and kissed him on the cheek. “And I believe in you.” A scuffle near them caused Ryder to jerk her head around.

  “Don’t worry.” Gideon assured her. “It’s just a reporter, trying to get a photo. Gabriel stopped him.”

  “This is normal for you, isn’t it?” Ryder continued to watch over her shoulder, seeing the men who guarded the Dukes confronting a man with a camera. This commotion caused every person in the room to focus on their table. “You two are celebrities.”

  Samson rubbed her arm. “Don’t worry, darling. The attention span of most people is very narrow. Even the news cycles for major stories are short. In a few moments, most of these folks will forget we’re in the room. Besides, we’re just dining, nothing to see.”

  Ryder nodded, but she wasn’t sure she agreed. Samson and Gideon were too dynamic, magnetic, and handsome for anyone to ignore – especially females who made up at least half the crowd surrounding them.


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