Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 21

by Sable Hunter

  Ryder closed her eyes as she felt Samson’s hand delving between her thighs. “Relax, I’m just going to play a while.”

  “I hope I can do this,” she whispered, amazed at the wonder of being the center of this sensual experience.

  “Yes, you can,” Gideon assured her. “There is no test, no standard. We just want you – no holding back. No reservations.”

  Ryder nodded. This was where she belonged, between the two of her men - them pleasing her, her pleasing them. She took Gideon back between her lips, bobbing her head slowly, taking as much of him as she could in her mouth, then working her lips toward the crest once more. Concentrating hard, she tried to ignore the ache that was building inside of her. Samson was ever-present – his hands were everywhere. As he kissed her shoulders and neck, his palms were rubbing her thighs, caressing her breasts, then dipping between her legs to finger her pussy. She began to tremble – needing him to do something to alleviate the building pressure, the hunger to be filled – to be fucked.

  “Do you think she’s ready?” Samson asked Gideon.

  “I do.” Gideon looked down at Ryder, running his fingers through her hair, lifting it off her neck. He reached down with one hand and tweaked her nipple, pulling on it while she pulled on his dick. The more eager she became, the more eagerly she sucked him. He groaned, this was so good, he might lose consciousness.

  Ryder kept going, sucking Gideon, pushing back against Samson’s hand. Her nipples were crested hard, willing victims to their seeking fingers.

  Take her, I can’t last much longer. Her mouth is just too sweet.

  Samson heard Gideon. None too soon. I need to be inside of her.

  Ryder felt the head of Samson’s cock as it came to her opening. She held on to Gideon and suckled hard on his cock, as if pleasing one would equate to the other pleasing her. When she felt Samson begin to work his way in with short sharp jabs – each one giving him another inch to glide into, she arched her back and tossed her head, rejoicing at the raw pleasure of the moment.

  As Gideon filled her mouth, Samson thrust his cock home. The sheer joy of being taken by both men, giving pleasure to both, rushed through her, lighting up her body like nothing she’d ever felt before. In utter happiness, she lavished all her energy on Gideon’s cock, worshiping him, licking the head, sucking him deep.

  Gideon couldn’t take any more. “Fuck, baby.” He cradled her head and gave over to the ecstasy. “I’m coming,” he bellowed, attempting to pull out, but she held him fast. As he felt the cum jet from his cock, he was aware she accepted him, swallowing every drop, then turned him inside out when she licked him clean.

  Samson was aware of it all. He felt Gideon’s pleasure, he felt his wonder, he saw the woman of their heart give him an indescribable gift of acceptance.

  Reward her, brother, Samson said. Show her how wonderful she is.

  Gideon understood. Slipping from Ryder’s mouth, he ignored her little groan and went to his knees at her side. “Face me, baby. Hold on to me.”

  Ryder allowed them to arrange her once more, this time Gideon’s mouth met hers while Samson gave her what she needed, plunging into her from the rear – harder, rougher – like he couldn’t hold back – giving her one powerful, shuttling pump after another.

  God, she’s so tight, Samson groaned.

  Ryder mewled into Gideon’s kiss, holding onto him as he reached between her thighs from the front – swirling over her clit, pinching the tender little bud. “Gideon! Samson!” she cried their names as the stars began to fall.

  Samson didn’t let up – he pounded into her until he felt himself swell – felt his orgasm grip him tighter and tighter until the cataclysm hurtled him out into space.

  Ryder held onto Gideon, accepting his kiss, his caresses – even as her womb pulsed with the gift of Samson’s seed. The rush to ecstasy was so fierce that the explosion sapped her strength and the ability to hold upright.

  No matter, she didn’t have to hold herself up – there were two strong men to do it for her. Giving herself over to them, Ryder felt surrounded, cherished, taking comfort as their hearts beat as one.

  “Take her to the bed, I’ll get something to clean us up,” Gideon instructed.

  “Come here, Princess.” Samson swept her up in his arms and placed her in the middle of the mattress. “We didn’t even make it to the bed.”

  “The night’s still young,” Ryder muttered, too tired to hold her eyes open.

  Samson chuckled, taking the warm, wet cloth from Gideon’s hand.

  “What did she say?” he asked.

  “She’s wanting a repeat performance.” Samson laughed, wiping himself off as Gideon placed the warm rag between Ryder’s thighs.

  “Well, we’ll just have to see what we can do to make our woman happy,” Gideon mused. Yes, she’s our woman, Samson. We’ve got to do everything in our power to take care of her. To make her glad she chose to be with us.

  “I am happy,” Ryder murmured, sleepily. “Get in the bed with me, please.”

  Tossing their cloths, Samson and Gideon climbed in. One on one side and one on the other. Once they were in place, Ryder snuggled between them, her head resting on Gideon’s shoulder and Samson spooning her from the back. “Now, this feels right.”

  And it did – it felt right for all three of them.

  * * *

  As requested, Samson and Gideon woke Ryder up in the early morning hours and loved on her again. This time, she took Samson in her mouth as Gideon feasted between her legs.

  Even later they awoke her anew, unable to keep their hands off her. Gideon spooned her, his cock buried to the hilt while Samson made love to her breasts.

  By the time they were finished with the second round, Ryder was famished. Samson placed a call to the kitchen to have Thurgood bring up a cart of food.

  When Samson began to speak, it wasn’t long before Gideon and Ryder picked up on the fact that something was wrong.

  “How bad?” Samson rose, reaching for his clothes.

  “What is it?” Ryder jumped up, frantic. “I should’ve kept my phone with me. It’s not Daddy, is it?”

  Once Samson finished the call, he assured her. “No, baby, it’s not your daddy.”

  Feeling relief, she ran to the bathroom to dress. “Okay. I’ll be right back, then I’ll help you do whatever needs to be done.”

  The men found their clothes, their conversation not quite so evident.

  What’s going on? Gideon asked. I can feel your turmoil.

  We’re all over the news. She’s all over the news. Whatever that reporter had is now out there for everyone to see. You know how these damn cable networks are, the more salacious and damning they can make anything, the higher their ratings.

  There’s no way we can hide it from her, Samson.

  No, as much as I wish there was, there isn’t anything we can do. Even if we sued, it won’t stop her from seeing it – or her family from seeing it.

  I guess this is baptism by fire. Gideon worried, finding the remote so he could turn on the television that was hidden behind the doors of the entertainment center.

  By the time Ryder rejoined them, she could hear the words of the reporter before she even came through the door.

  “So, what we’ve heard about the billionaire Duke brothers is true?” asked a woman reporter who was grinning from ear to ear.

  An equally thrilled man was leering at the camera. “Yes, we won’t go into details, we’ll leave that for the Entertainment shows like Hollywood Access, but suffice it to say that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And it looks like Miss Ryder McCoy of Highlands Ranch, a huge property just north of Austin, is fanning the flames for these two. Our sister program, same channel, same network has exclusive photos of her dancing with both brothers, kissing them – and the conversations they’re having clearly paints the picture that they are a definite…sexual item.”

  “I wonder if we’ll hear wedding bells for the lucky…ménage a trois?” the wom
an asked, about the time Ryder grabbed for the door facing.

  “I’m going to be sick,” she muttered, turning pale as a ghost. “I can’t believe this.”

  Gideon made a grab for her, pulling her down on his lap where he sat on the couch. “Don’t worry. We’ll do whatever it takes to get this mess off the air.”

  “I’ll call our lawyer right now.” Samson rose and walked across the room, so he wouldn’t disturb them with his conversation.

  “It’s too late. Everyone will have seen this.” She buried her head in Gideon’s shoulder and began to cry. “My daddy will know everything.”

  “Come on, let’s go downstairs to get you some coffee and something to eat.” He was watching her face, seeing the hurt – the disbelief – the fear that colored her features.

  “I don’t know if I can eat,” Ryder whispered. Her stomach was clenching into a tight knot.

  Gideon understood she was hurting, but he also understood what was at stake – his life. “Ryder,” he clasped her hand, pulling her against him, “please don’t give up on us. Don’t give up on me. I need you. Don’t leave me.”

  Ryder let him hold her. “I don’t want to leave you. I just don’t want Daddy to be hurt.”

  Samson came to them. “Let’s go down, we’ll see what can be done.”

  They made their way to the first floor where Thurgood waited with coffee and breakfast for them. Ryder sat down at the beautiful table, filled with expensive crystal, fine china, and food fit for a king. She knew she needed to eat, yet she seemed unable to take a bite.

  “Please, Princess. For us?” Samson joined her with a flaky croissant in hand. “I’ll butter it and decorate it with strawberry jam?”

  She gave him a sad smile, accepting the pastry. “I’ll try.” Truly, Ryder didn’t know what to do. As she took a small bite, she weighed her options. Should she call home? Should she go to the ranch? Or should she run to the airport and buy a ticket to Timbuctoo? A tear rolled down her cheek. What she wanted to do was stay here – right here with these two men who were looking at her with their hearts in their eyes. “I’m scared,” she admitted.

  There was no time to mull over the questions in her head, the answer appeared at the front door of Falconhead.

  Bang! Bang!

  Samson’s phone rang. “It’s the front gate.”

  Thurgood hurried to the door.

  Ryder sat up straighter, certain that Heath and her brothers were about to come barreling through the door with guns blazing. She just had no idea what they’d propose. A shotgun wedding? Somehow, she doubted it.

  But it wasn’t her brothers. It was Pepper. And the first words out of her mouth aged Ryder a good five years.

  “Daddy wants to see you. He saw the news report.”

  * * *

  Seeing how upset the two girls were, there was no way Samson or Gideon would let them drive alone.

  “We’ll take you and we’ll wait outside. We won’t disturb you. Your father won’t even know we’re near,” Samson had promised.

  “Yea, unless there’s a reporter lurking around,” Ryder murmured softly, her voice sad.

  Gideon cursed, grabbing the phone. “Go ahead of us to…” he waited until Ryder gave him the address. “401 Champion Drive and make triple damn sure no reporters are anywhere near.”

  After that, Ryder gave over, letting the brothers take care of her and Pepper. As the limousine headed south, Samson took another call. This one seemed more positive. Once he was through, he made the announcement. “Looks like the March launch is a go. The Ryder-III is ready and waiting, the engineers have given us the green light, all we’re lacking is final specs on the methane delivery from your brother.”

  “When will this happen, the Mars launch?” Pepper asked.

  “In a little less than a month if all goes as planned. We’re already putting the pieces into place, arranging for the launch, getting the thrusters shipped to the site, and making sure the remote ship will be in position. Once this process starts, it’s like dominoes – stopping it would be expensive as hell.”

  Pepper nodded, seemingly interested in the conversation. “I can remember reading in history about the space trips and the moon walk, all of it seemed to take months and years to get ready. But every time a mission was sent off into space, the whole country sat on the edge of its seat.”

  Ryder didn’t contribute anything to the conversation; all she could worry about was speaking to her father. “What did Heath say?”

  “About the fuel?” Pepper asked, innocently.

  Ryder groaned. “No. About the crap on television.”

  Pepper grimaced. “Oh. Well, he yelled, threw a fit, and said he was right all along. Typical Heath.”

  “Oh, Lord.” Ryder ducked her head. “This is awful, truly awful.” When no one responded to her exclamation, she glanced up at her two men who sat across from the sisters. The absolute devastation on their faces caused her heart to sink. “No, wait.” She reached across to take their hands. “You’ve got to understand something. This changes nothing. I’m not going to leave you, not unless this is a battle you don’t want to have to face.”

  “It isn’t going to be a battle, Ryder, not with Daddy. He loves you.”

  Pepper’s chiding voice, coupled with the Dukes disappointed faces made Ryder feel even worse. “I didn’t mean that, either. I just…didn’t want it to happen this way. I don’t want to be the cause of anyone’s pain.”

  Samson leaned forward, forever optimistic. “Ryder, you belong to us. And we belong to you, even if you decide to walk away.”

  Ryder sought Gideon’s eyes. He didn’t look optimistic, he looked haunted. “I understand, but I don’t intend to go anywhere.”

  “Sirs, we’re here.” Gervis announced through the speaker.

  When they pulled up the townhouse, Pepper offered to go in with her.

  “No, let me go alone.” She didn’t want anyone else to be witness to the conversation she had with her father. Before she exited the limo, she kissed both brothers. “I’ll be back. Don’t leave without me.”

  “Never,” was Gideon’s only response.

  As she walked up the ramp, built next to the stairs, every step seemed harder to make. Ryder didn’t know what to expect. At least he was here and not in the hospital. Ringing the doorbell, she waited to be admitted.

  Olivia opened the door. “Ryder, how are you?”

  She studied Olivia’s face for some clue. “Not so good. How are things here?”

  “Fine. Come in.” Her father’s companion was absolutely loyal to him, so she could read nothing beyond a placid welcome.

  She followed Olivia through the house and back to her father’s sitting room. Ryder hesitated to make the final corner, she felt the same way she had as a small child the day that she’d left the gate open and her father’s prize mare had gotten loose and was missing. She hated disappointing her father. “Daddy?”

  “Ryder, come join me.”

  …Inside the limo, Pepper folded her arms and stared at Ryder’s men. “Well, this is a fine kettle of fish, isn’t it?”

  Gideon looked down and Samson blushed a bit.

  Their reactions caused Pepper to laugh. “Don’t look so guilty, I’m on your side.”

  “I’m not sure we have a side,” Gideon spoke slowly. “This is who we are, it’s who we’ve always been. We love Ryder.”

  “Have you told her that?” Pepper asked sharply.

  “Not yet,” Samson admitted. “We’ve come all around it, but we haven’t said the words.”

  “Why not? Don’t you think that your commitment would’ve made this easier for her? She’s put herself on the line, put her relationship with her family on the line – not even knowing for sure whether you’re in this for the long haul!”

  Samson and Gideon looked at one another. “We thought we were making it easier. We’ve known Ryder was the one for us since the day of your family’s cook-off,” Gideon admitted.

I knew the day I brought her home the first time, the day the snake almost bit her.”

  Samson’s whispered words touched Pepper. “Take heart, even when she pulled away from you, she never for one moment stopped longing for you.” At their softened expressions, she explained further. “If Ryder has a fault, it’s wanting everyone around her to be happy. She’s always been this way – the peacemaker, the diplomat, the negotiator. If any of the brothers were at odds, she wouldn’t let up until she found a solution, made them listen. The reason this is so hard for her, is that she feels responsible for all of our happiness, yours included.”

  “She is our happiness.” Gideon stated flatly. “I can’t stand this…” He looked toward the door. “I wonder what they’re doing to her in there?”

  Pepper laughed. “Relax. If there’s anyone who loves Ryder more than you, it’s Daddy. He won’t hurt her, I promise.”

  …Back inside, Ryder faced her father. She stood still for about three seconds, then she broke down and ran to him, kneeling at his feet. “Daddy, oh Daddy, I’m so sorry for disappointing you.”

  “Fiddle-faddle.” Christian McCoy patted Ryder’s hair. “Stop that crying, get up here, and sit by me.”

  Ryder raised her head and wiped her tears, a realization dawning. “You aren’t in the wheelchair!” Her father was sitting in a regular recliner. This was the first time she’d seen him out of a hospital bed or a wheelchair since right after her mother was killed.

  “No, I’m not. I’m improving every day. Thanks to good doctors and my Olivia.”

  Ryder sat back on her heels. “I’m so glad.”

  “Now, what’s all of this I saw on the news. You’re dating someone?”

  “Yes…” she said slowly. “As I’m sure you’re aware,” she held up her two fingers, “I’m dating two someone’s.”

  To Ryder’s shock, Christian laughed. “Some things never change.”

  “What do you mean?” Ryder asked.

  “Get up off the floor.” He pointed to a chair. “Pull that over here and sit by me.”

  Ryder did as she was told. “Why aren’t you mad, Daddy? I just told you I’m dating two men, at the same time. I’m not speaking of just having more than one boyfriend, these men and I are…” She stopped at a loss for words.


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