Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  “Turn her loose, Kali. We want to show our girl around.” Gideon gently extricated Ryder from Kali’s embrace and steered her toward the rooms they’d be staying in. Ryder was totally captivated by their home. “Is this an antique?” she asked as they passed a huge hall tree that looked more like a throne. She stopped to run her hand over the gleaming wood.

  “Yes, the home is full of antiques, furniture, and art dating back a century and more. Mother has this idea to allow the public to tour Lani, but we’re against it,” Samson explained as he moved ahead of them down the hall, opening a door at the end and waiting for them.

  “Why?” Ryder asked. “The idea sounds responsible to me. This place is too beautiful to hide away from the world.”

  Gideon set their bags down and walked across the spacious room, throwing open the French doors to allow the sound of the surf to be wafted in on the cool ocean breeze. “Our business dealings have created a few enemies for us. We can provide security for our folks, but we don’t want to take responsibility for a visiting public.”

  “No, I see. You’re right.” Ryder sometimes forgot how powerful and influential they were. To her, they had ceased being the billionaire Duke brothers and had become – hers.

  As soon as they were settled in, Samson announced he would bring around Solomon’s Jeep and they would go exploring around the ranch. “You two meet me out front.” He gave Ryder a quick kiss. “Wear a bikini underneath your clothes, you’re going to need it.”

  “Okay,” Ryder agreed, happily. “Are we going down to the beach?”

  “No. Better,” Samson promised as he left the two of them alone to get ready.

  Ryder tried to hurry, despite Gideon’s attempts to get her attention by posing in front of a mirror and flexing his muscles. Every time she made a little headway, she’d have to stop and give him a kiss. “You are way too distracting, Duke.”

  He seemed pleased by her observation.

  A tap on the door interrupted their fun. “Samson’s waiting out front. He keeps blowing the horn every few seconds,” Kali announced from the other side of their door.

  “Okay, we’re on our way!” Gideon grabbed her hand. “Why did you make us late?”

  Ryder giggled and swatted him with her floppy beach hat she brought to keep the sun out of her eyes. “My fault? You think it was my fault?”

  By the time they arrived at the Jeep, both were giggling like school kids. Ryder had never been happier in her life. “What are we going to see first?” she asked as she climbed in the middle of the wide bench seat.

  “A very special place,” Samson said. “Our own private waterfall.”

  As they traveled, Ryder was mesmerized. “I’ve seen photos of Hawaii all of my life, but I never knew it was so diverse. You have everything!” She could look to her right and see pineapples growing in fields and palm trees full of coconuts. To her left, she could view the massive volcanic mountain, belching steam and releasing orange-red streams of lava to flow down the sides.

  “This is a beautiful place,” Gideon agreed. “And it will always be ours, we can come here anytime we like.”

  As they drove farther west, they came upon a jungle-like setting. These foothills were set apart from the volcano and were covered in lush vegetation. “Let’s park here and walk the rest of the way. Get the bag I packed, Gideon,” Samson directed as he maneuvered into a flat spot where they could begin their journey.

  Ryder was so excited, she had the hiccups. They loved the cute noises she made. “Sorry, this always happens when I get over-stimulated.”

  “I don’t remember you getting hiccups in bed.” Samson frowned, teasing her.

  “Good thing, since my mouth’s always full.”

  Her frank response caused both men to laugh. Holding her hands, they entered the jungle and headed toward the sound of falling water.

  When they arrived at the waterfall, Ryder was stunned. “We have a waterfall at Highlands, only it’s about twelve feet high.” She craned her neck to look up. “And this one has to be…”

  “Over a hundred feet,” Gideon supplied. “Samson and I used to jump from the top and land in the pool below.”

  “That had to have been dangerous,” Ryder fussed. “How could Leilani let you do that?”

  Samson tugged at her clothes. “What Leilani didn’t know…”

  “We could get away with,” Gideon finished his brother’s thought, shucking his shorts and T-shirt.

  “Is that the way it’s going to be with me?” she asked as Samson finished undressing her. She’d lost all her inhibitions with these men.

  “No.” Samson tugged off his own clothes. “We will always be honest with you. Our highest priority is to make you happy and keep you safe.”

  Ryder heard his declaration, but she’d lost the urge to debate. Stepping close to Samson, she took his long, thick cock in hand and began to stroke it in her fist, loving the way he capitulated to her touch, his face going slack with ecstasy. “This is what will make me happy.”

  “Come on you two, let’s go behind the falls. Remember, Samson? We always fantasized about bringing a woman here.”

  Ryder reluctantly relinquished her hold on Samson to dive into the sparkling blue water. For a few minutes, they cavorted like children – splashing and swimming – diving beneath the clear surface, only to pop up and cling to one of the surrounding rocks. She played a game of keep-away with them, teasing, evading their clutches, loving the moments when their hands slid over her body.

  “She’s our little mermaid, Gideon. If we take her up on land, maybe she’ll turn into a woman with two beautiful legs we can get between.” Samson lunged for her and Ryder flailed back, landing right in Gideon’s arms.

  “I think you’re right, brother. Let’s take her behind the waterfall and have our wicked way with her.”

  Ryder didn’t fight them, she wanted this as much as they did. Holding their hands for support, she followed them out of the water, across some huge boulders, and behind the wide ribbon of water cascading down. “Wow, look at this,” Ryder whispered, seeing the natural cave. “I love it here.”

  Gideon had retrieved the bag he’d thrown on the edge of the pool when they arrived. He pulled out a big blanket and spread it on the floor. “You’re going to love what we do to you more.”

  His tone intrigued Ryder. “I always love what you two do to me. I’m totally addicted to your touch.” She joined them on the blanket, sitting between her two Greek gods – one dark, one light. Both precious to her. “Would you let me play a bit?”

  Not what we had planned, brother.

  Oh, be adventurous, Gideon. Nothing she will do could ever disappoint us.

  No, I just want to prepare her.

  Following her directions, they lay on the blanket and she sat between them, surveying her options – her choices – all of them mouthwatering. With a seductive smile, she set out to drive them mad. Taking turns between them, she kissed their chests, rubbed their cocks, caressed their shoulders, thighs, and arms. Ryder neglected neither man, nor any part of their bodies, continuing to tease them until they were rock hard and ready to make love to her.

  “Ryder, we need you,” Samson implored, bringing her down on top of him. Settling her between them – he to her front, Gideon to her back, they let their hands and mouths explore to their heart’s delight. Samson suckled at her breasts, toying with the tender tips, making them rosy and swollen from his hungry lips and fingers. Gideon kissed a trail down her back, knowing he had a destination and a mission in mind.

  From where she was sitting, astride Samson’s thighs, she had access to his manhood. So, as he attended to her breasts, she was fisting him – up and down, up and down. Soon, Ryder couldn’t stand the wait. “I need you,” she whispered, rising and sinking down – impaling herself on his cock. “Oh, yes,” she whimpered. “This is what I needed.”

  “Good, baby?” Gideon spoke, so close his hot breath fanned her neck. Not to be left out, he rubbed her shoulde
rs, her arms, and her back. Finally, he allowed himself to sample what he’d been waiting on – he palmed her bottom, cupping the globes, kneading the silky, firm flesh. As their woman rode his brother, Gideon dipped his fingers between her cheeks – letting her know for the first time what he yearned for.

  “Oh!” Ryder squeaked, bracing her hands to Samson’s chest. Neither one of the men had ever touched her there before.

  “Easy, baby, easy.” Gideon kissed her nape. “You take care of Samson; I just want to play.”

  “Okay.” She’d read about this, but she’d never seriously contemplated trying it. But with two men, she guessed this would be expected. “I don’t know if I’m going to like this,” she warned Gideon.

  “We’re not doing anything today, Princess,” he assured her. “I just want to see how you respond.”

  “Look at me, Ryder,” Samson’s voice held a hint of domination. “We will never do anything to you that you don’t love. Okay?”

  Ryder nodded, turning herself over to the people she trusted most in this world, even more than her family. Closing her eyes, she made love to Samson – riding him, undulating – moving up and down – back and forth – milking his cock as she caressed him with the hungry walls of her vagina. And all the while, Gideon’s fingers and lips were never still. While she took her pleasure with Samson’s body, his brother never ceased to kiss her, rubbing his lips across her neck and shoulders, his fingers teasing her secret spot, dipping into the tight ring of muscle – pushing in – pulling out, ringing the sensitive place, amazing her with the knowledge that it felt good – it felt right.

  Samson couldn’t take his eyes off Ryder. He could see her acceptance – her appetite for them and for whatever they wanted to do with her. As she rose and fell on his cock, he raised his hand to swirl and twirl around her clitoris, adding more fuel to the fire.

  And Gideon – Gideon was hypnotized by her response. Even as she kept up the rhythm designed to drive his brother mad, she pushed down on his fingers. Her little body was demanding more and more. He was so turned-on; he couldn’t hold back. With one hand, he introduced Ryder to new delights and with the other, he stroked his own cock, long, strong pulls. As his balls tightened, his voice rose, moaning, “God, Ryder, what you do to me!” The finish was inevitable and in sight.

  The dual sensations – Samson feeling the wonder of Ryder’s surrender to Gideon – Gideon sharing the pleasure his brother felt while enveloped in her tight pussy – all of it together propelled them to a tidal wave of rapture. As they rose to the apex, both brothers increased their efforts to please their woman.

  Ryder was mindless in her quest for release. Samson plucking at her breasts and torturing her clit would’ve been enough to catapult her into ecstasy. But when Gideon was added to the mix, teasing her backside, scattering kisses and nips along the sensitive skin of her nape – nothing in the universe could’ve prevented her from screaming their names – “Samson! Gideon!” She felt her whole being, body and soul, fly apart. Only the hands of her lovers, kept Ryder anchored to this world – a paradise for three that she never, ever wanted to leave.

  * * *

  After making love behind the waterfall, the trio rinsed off in the natural pool. “Are we going back?” Ryder asked as she pulled on her clothes, glancing around nervously.

  “No, I thought we’d take you to the Fern Grotto. It’s a special place for our family,” Samson answered, slipping his sandals back on his feet.

  “And don’t worry, Ryder, there’s no one about. This is private property,” Gideon reassured her, having seen her nervous survey of her surroundings. “We wouldn’t let anyone see or take what belongs to us.”

  “That’s right, you’re always protected. Even when we’re not around, there will always be someone watching out for you.”

  As Ryder took her place in the Jeep, she felt complete contentment. For the first time in a long while, everything seemed to be going the right way for her and for her family. “Tell me about the Fern Grotto.”

  “It’s not far,” Samson explained, “hidden in a natural grotto, deep in the jungle. This particular place served as a heiau, for our ancestors. The old ways were outlawed under King Kamehameha, but this heiau survived.”

  Once they were on the road, Ryder watched the passing landscape with rapture. “What’s heiau?”

  Gideon took this question. “A heiau was a temple, built on high-rising stone terraces or enclosed in hidden grottos. They were adorned with stone carved gods and were a source of great power, called mana. The temples were restricted to the king and to the kahuna, the priests.

  “Well, if it’s restricted, how can we go there?”

  Samson chuckled. “Well, we no longer adhere to the old ways, for one thing. And for another, we have our priest with us. Gideon and Kona are descended from the kahuna and our mother is an ancestress of the King.”

  “You have your bases covered then. So, the only outsider will be me.” Ryder wasn’t worried, she knew her men wouldn’t take her someplace dangerous.

  “You aren’t an outsider. You are ours,” Gideon reminded her. And tomorrow, we’ll show her how serious we are when we ask her to marry us.

  She’s going to have questions, Gideon. How this will work. The legal ramifications.

  We’ll tell her whatever she wants to know. The only important thing is that she agrees.

  “Is that it?” Ryder pointed to a dense grove of trees. As they approached, a flock of birds lifted from the trees and flew into the sky.

  “We’re getting close, yes,” Samson answered, finding a place to leave the Jeep.

  “I’m glad there aren’t any snakes here,” Ryder observed as they began their trek through the thick undergrowth.

  “Well, that’s not exactly true,” Gideon began to explain, “there are a few brown snakes brought by boat. They’ve made themselves at home…” He grunted when Ryder jumped into his arms, climbing him like a monkey going up a palm tree.

  “Ha!” Samson laughed. “A mention of those snakes might come in handy someday.”

  Gideon didn’t care, he gladly bore his sweet burden until they came to the grotto. Their family took care of this sacred place, treating it and its history with respect. “Here you go, sweetheart.” He stood her on her feet. “Let’s look around.”

  As they ventured closer, Samson began to tell her the meaning of it all. “Our ancient religion is called kapu, or taboos. There was a right way to live your life, to worship the gods, and even a correct way to eat.” He tugged on a lock of Ryder’s hair. “For example, women weren’t allowed to eat with men.”

  They laughed at Ryder’s sweet grumble. “I’ll remind you two of that the next time you want oral sex.”

  “No!” Gideon yelled. “That’s not what it meant at all.”

  “Uh-huh, sounds right to me,” Ryder teased. “What else was taboo?”

  Samson picked back up on his lecture. In many ways, he reminded her of Philip.

  “Well, no one could touch the king’s shadow, if they did, his power could be stolen. The kapu system grew in strength over the years, culminating in a time where human sacrifice was practiced.”

  “Ewww.” Ryder shivered. “That seems unnecessary.”

  “Mankind is always seeking a way to display their power over someone else,” Gideon added as an aside. He held up a banana leaf and allowed Ryder to move in closer.

  “What kind of gods did they worship here?” she asked as her eyes roved over the small stone figures surrounded by lush ferns, their fronds partially hiding some of the statues. The figures looked a bit childish to her, with their rounded heads and crude facial features.

  “Ku was the God of War, Kane was the God of Life and Light, Kanaloa was the God of Death and Lono was the God of Peace.” Samson listed the main deities.

  “What about Pele?” Ryder was quizzical, hugging herself. She didn’t want to tell the guys this, but the fern grotto made her feel a little creeped out. For some reason, she felt
like they were being watched.

  “Pele, yes, she is the Goddess of Fire. Her sister Hi’iaka is the Goddess of Water.”

  Ryder held onto Samson’s arm as he spoke, at least she enjoyed the sound of his voice.

  “All of Hawaii’s mystical world allows for nature to be explained by the existence of gods and spirits.”

  As they stood still, absorbing the unique atmosphere, the sun began to sink behind the mountain.

  Out of nowhere, Ryder heard a haunting sound. A conch shell blew and in the distance, she could hear the sound of drums and chanting. For a long moment, they stood frozen, listening. “What is that?” Ryder asked, rubbing her arms to dispel the chill bumps on her skin.

  “Nightmarchers,” Gideon murmured, almost reverently.

  “They’ll come through the grotto, brother. I didn’t realize how late it was getting to be.” Samson drew Ryder into his embrace.

  “What’s that smell?” Ryder asked, holding her nose at the strong musky odor that had arisen out of nowhere.

  “I’m not sure,” Gideon said, “it just comes with the experience.”

  “You’ve seen this before?” Ryder asked, a little nervous.

  “He has. We won’t.” Samson turned her with him, his body blocking any view she might try to find.

  As she quaked in her lover’s embrace, Ryder could see the lights from torches dancing against the trees as whoever, or whatever, drew closer.

  “What’s happening?” she asked in fear.

  “They’re coming. The warrior ghosts and the king. They have marched this same trail for centuries.”

  His voice was solemn, but unafraid. “Why doesn’t he turn around?” she whispered to Samson. “I don’t want anything to happen to Gideon.”

  “He knows what he is doing, he is one of them, more so than me. You and I are not permitted to see the nightmarch; he is not taboo.”

  Soon, the pounding of footsteps could be heard – drawing closer and closer. Ryder scrunched her eyes together, and when she heard a voice shout, “Na’u!” she jumped.

  “It’s okay. That’s a good sign, a sign of acceptance. Someone recognized Gideon and shouted, mine! If you are in the nightmarchers bloodline, no one in the procession can hurt you.”


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