Nature's Destiny

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Nature's Destiny Page 14

by Winter, Justine

  “Did you notice anything different?” Riley encouraged.

  “She’s white,” said Lara.

  “And she can run like there’s no tomorrow. I couldn’t keep up, and I had a head start!”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, I didn’t like the attention they were giving me.

  “You’re a white wolf, Luna?” Nick asked, stunned.

  “Uh, yeah. Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

  “No!” responded Riley immediately. “It’s a rare commodity among Lycans. There aren’t many white female wolves left, which is why I was a little befuddled with the Ancient Guardians prophecy. I hadn’t seen a white wolf before you.”

  “What was the prophecy, Riley?” Roxy asked.

  “A white wolf would join our pack.”

  “They knew I would be turned?” I interrupted again.

  I didn’t have a clear picture as to who the Ancient Guardians were apart from the fact they were clearly well respected, but if they knew about my destiny, why hadn’t they interfered?

  “No, they only had a vision of what was to come. Not how, or why. That would have been too easy,” he smirked.

  “Her colour, her speed, her strength. It’s all connected isn’t it? Is Luna special?” Roxy asked.

  “She is in many ways.” He smiled that charming, goofy, big grin of his at me, and my body burned with desire.

  “What does that mean, Riley?” Shane asked.

  “Luna is more than just a Werewolf. She’s the Werewolf, and the key to our survival.”

  I slumped in my chair. My mind hit the replay button as his words repeated over and over. That was a lot of pressure.

  “Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean ‘key to our survival’?” I managed to shriek.

  “Luna, you have incredible strength, and you’re much faster than I am. You outran me on your first shift, and as Alpha I’m supposed to be the fastest, the strongest.”

  “You’re much stronger than I am,” I protested, remembering our play fights. He’d always won them.

  “We have to prepare you, and we’ll all have to train. Today, I thought you’d read my thoughts by going out running with Lara.”

  “I made her, but I had no idea about this Luna I swear. I just thought it would be good to see what fitness level you were at.” I believed Lara, we were all shocked about Riley’s admission.

  “What am I preparing for Riley? What else did the prophecy say?” I took a deep breath.

  “They told me the introduction of a white wolf would ignite the end of our existence, bringing chaos yet happiness. A war is brewing, one that we won’t be able to fight without you, Luna. Fate has decreed it is up to you to save our kind.”

  Chapter Twenty

  I’d zoned out of the room. The table erupted in uproar though I didn’t hear what they were saying. My system was crashing as I struggled to breathe. I sat lifeless as the weight of the world gathered on my shoulders. I needed to get out of the suddenly stuffy room. Panic was rising inside me, shaking me to the core. I had to get outside.

  I unsteadily rose to my feet and ran out of the room before they could stop me. I didn’t wait to listen to their protests, I couldn’t stay a second longer.

  The night air assaulted my nose as I took in deep inhalation’s. The quiet sounds of the night eased the battle inside my head. I called on my wolf and shifted, I needed to escape for a while.

  I pounded the grass and took off. I didn’t have a destination in mind, but the distracting sensations of a run didn’t need directions. It felt good to give in to my basic instincts and just forget for a little while.

  I bolted through the woods, and leaped over fallen trees. It was incredibly dark, but with my heightened vision I could see everything clearly. I felt free, and bathed in the delight my wolf gave me.

  I bounded through the fields, testing my speed. I was eager to see just how fast I really was after learning about my somewhat special abilities.

  A tingling sensation came over me and I looked from side to side to find the cause, but nothing registered.

  We’re being watched.

  I agreed with my wolf, and continued to run, not stopping for anybody. After passing through the fourth field I began to slow. The shock had left my body, and reality was setting in. I knew I was different, but I hadn’t realised how much.

  I stretched out my legs and laid on the grass, while I gathered my thoughts. The grass was cool against my fur, which helped in aiding the burning fire within. I was extremely hot.

  As I nestled my head on my paws I took in the view. It was peaceful and still, save for the pair of bright emerald eyes staring at me through the woods.

  He cares for us. He will protect us.

  Riley slowly strolled towards me, his fur rippling with the movement of his strong muscles. He stood directly opposite me, watching and waiting before he bent his head and licked my face. It was oddly comforting.

  He lowered his body to the ground and I leaned into him, and the stark contrast between our furs complimented each other. His reassurance was all I needed to continue.

  As one we transformed and I sought out his arms. He held me close as I buried my head into his chest.

  “Are you sure the prophecy is about me?” I asked.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind it’s you, Luna. I knew the moment I met you there was something different.”

  “War, Riley? I barely know what I am, how can I be depended upon to save us all?”

  “Sweetheart, I have every faith in you. I’ll be there every step of the way to guide you, you’re not in this alone. The whole pack will be behind you.”

  “What if something terrible happens because I couldn’t stop it? What happens then?” I was clutching at straws because I didn’t want to be held responsible.

  “Then we’ll deal with it. Whatever happens, happens. We can’t go back in time, and there’s no point in guessing what might happen, it’ll cloud your judgement and you’ll second-guess your motives. No good can come from that. You need to believe in yourself, Luna.”

  I squeezed my arms tighter around Riley. He held so much conviction in me.

  “Do you know what war is coming?” I asked.

  “I don’t,” he sighed. “The traps, the turned humans, power, war. I’m absolutely positive they’re connected in some way or another, it’s too coincidental otherwise.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll focus on. If we can work out who’s behind it, we can stop it before it gets out of hand,” I said.

  “In the meantime, we’ll all be training hard. As Alpha it goes against my instincts to enter the pack into a war I know nothing about, but I won’t sit back and leave them unable to defend themselves. That includes you.” He ran his hands along my arms. “You’ll run with Lara, fight with Nick, and Shane will go through strategies with you.”

  “Sounds like fun,” I mumbled.

  “It’s better than the alternative.” He ran his hand across my face. “I also had this idea that might help Faye.”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Her healing craft drains her easily when she practices and I’m wondering if your enhanced strength could help in some way. If one of us is seriously injured we’re going to need her ready.”

  “I don’t see any harm in trying. Are you going to teach me anything?” I asked, hopeful.

  “I’m going to assess your progress from the side-lines to begin with. And then we’ll see what I can teach you.” He grinned at me wickedly as his thoughts changed topic.

  Blood, sweat and tears was what I had to look forward to.

  Don’t be sarcastic. It will be fun to learn new skills to help protect our family. This is what we’ll be good at.

  “Let’s take a walk.”

  “You don’t want to run?” I asked.

  “We’re not going very far.” He held my hand while we walked out of the field.

  Riley’s natural presence was extremely inviting. Everything about him called out to m
e, and I was falling for him, badly.

  Nature’s Destiny had the perfect garden, if you could call it that. With a plethora of woods and fields, the beauty of nature surrounded us with plenty to explore.

  Any other day I would have been happy to tease Riley into chasing me, but tonight I felt the need to stay close to him. His presence alone did wonders to my anxiety. I owed him for so much.

  We were nearing another opening through the trees that led into a meadow.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, impatient as always.

  “You’ll see.”

  I attempted to quicken the pace, but Riley was happy to take his time.

  “Are you always this inquisitive?” he asked.

  “Umm, no.” I lied. He burst into laughter. I hadn’t realised I was quite the comedienne.

  “At least I know you’re a terrible liar!”

  I scowled at him, though I couldn’t deny the truth. I was a terrible liar. Riley’s intentional distraction had worked because as I looked up, I saw the treehouse he’d mentioned the other day.

  It was impressive. It sat between two enormous evergreens and overlooked the entire expanse. A spiral staircase wound its way up the trunk of one of the trees which connected to the treehouse via a wooden platform.

  It was elegant and embraced nature. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the workmanship that must have gone into it. I’d gotten used to the affinity Riley’s pack had for log cabin-style houses, but this was sensational.

  I hadn’t seen many treehouses before, and the ones I had, had been made out of leftover wood that were haphazardly put together with a hammer and nails. Riley’s took on a whole new meaning to treehouse.

  “Do you want to go inside?”

  I nodded, having lost my voice to the amazing artistry. He led the way, and I followed, holding his hand tightly, and the railing too. I wasn’t the biggest fan of heights.

  Stepping onto the platform I walked through the door. The room was spacious with a sofa and a few chairs adorning the area. It was comfortable with minimalist decoration. It didn’t need anything else.

  Riley pulled me towards the large balcony, and we stepped outside once again. The view was enchanting. In the distance, the waterfall flowed and illuminated between the woods.

  The vision was spectacular, and it was the first real glimpse I’d had at seeing how much land Riley really owned. And in the far, far, distance I could see the lights twinkle from the Alpha house. I was mesmerised by its allure.

  “I’m completely bewitched by the view.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.” He was gawking at me, which caused heat to rise into my cheeks.

  I attempted to turn away from him, but he stopped me. His sexy eyes smouldered as he drew me closer.

  “You have the most endearing eyes, Luna. They’re enticingly blue and shine with the essence of your intelligence.”

  I wasn’t used to hearing such compliments, and as uncomfortable as I felt, he made me feel beautiful too. I ran my hands up his burly arms, which flexed subconsciously at my touch. He exuberated power and I wanted nothing more than to be his.

  I wet my lips and reached up on my tiptoes to kiss him. A contented sigh escaped my lips as I stared at the view.

  Putting his muscles to good use, Riley carried one of the large seats from inside onto the balcony. He set it down, reclined the back and gestured for me to join him. I obliged and sat down.

  I snuggled in close to him, and basked in the warmth that I’d grown accustomed to know as Riley. It wasn’t just his temperature that made him hotter, it was his personality. The whole Riley package made me feel warm and fuzzy.

  There wasn’t a need for talk as I watched the sky. It was a dark, navy colour and it shone with the many stars that twinkled above me. Captivating from the get-go, I settled to enjoy the peace and quiet. Who knew what I’d be facing in the future?

  Riley’s even breathing held a steady rhythm that lulled and hypnotized me. It was completely tranquil. I decided to rest my eyes for a few minutes, and tightened my hold on his shirt.

  I drifted off into a dreamless sleep, and stirred a few minutes later.

  “Getting sleepy, sweetheart?” he asked.

  I nodded, and attempted to get up.

  “Where are you going?

  “We should probably go back right?” I asked.

  “No, we can stay here if you want. Inside or outside, it’s up to you,” he said, as he motioned for me to settle down in his arms again. I did without complaining. I liked it here.

  “Won’t we get cold?” I asked. As warm as I was, I was unsure if the drop in temperature was going to affect us.

  “Shhh. Stop worrying, there’s a blanket inside if we need it. Close your eyes my beautiful Luna, I will take care of you.”

  I did as I was told, sneaking one last look at the stars. My destiny written all over them.



  “Do you think the prophecy, my destiny, is exactly what you were told?”

  “Destiny is what we make through the choices life gives us. The future isn’t promised, which is why we make each day count. Live for you, not because of what’s expected of you. We don’t judge, we protect. That’s family, and that’s pack. And I will always be here for you, Luna. We’ll get through this together.” He kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms around me.

  My choices had been taken away from me the day I was turned. Since then I’d followed orders. I wasn’t me anymore, I was the person I was always supposed to become. Special.

  It didn’t matter what everyone thought. I was going to protect my pack, especially Riley. Nothing was going to stop me from giving him the happiness he deserved. Even if that meant war.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Luna, sweetheart, wake up,” said Riley. “I don’t want you to miss this.”

  He nudged me, and I opened my eyes. It was the perfect way to wake up, with his gorgeous, luminous green eyes looking at me.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He kissed my forehead and I grumbled a - ‘morning’ - in reply.

  I snuggled into him, and I let out a contented sigh.

  “No you don’t. I want you to see the sunrise.”

  “I can see it from here,” I replied, lazily.

  “Not with your eyes closed, Luna. Come on, get up, or do I have to pick you up?” he asked, playfully.

  “Alright bossy boots. Keep your hair on.”

  Slowly, I untangled myself from Riley and stood. I stretched to shake the sleep from my body, and Riley copied. I walked to the edge of the balcony and listened to the chirping birds in the trees.

  “Over here, Luna.” I followed the sound of his voice. There was a slight chill in the air, but with my new Werewolf skin it barely bothered me. I rested my hands on the balcony and looked up to the sky. Riley sneaked up behind me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “I want this to be the first of many sunrises I get to share with you,” he whispered seductively in my ear. I beamed at the sky; I was beyond elated.

  The sun rose above the trees, and I watched as the light danced along the waterfall. It sparkled like diamonds, I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. The bright orange rays of the sun span across the horizon, illuminating the sky in a sea of warmth.

  Savouring the moment, I mentally took a picture, and kept it safe inside my vault. It was another perfect moment captured with Riley, and I loved seeing the world the same way he did.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you woke me for this. It’s sensational.”

  I turned in his arms, and brushed a kiss against his lips. Pulling away, he grabbed hold of me and intensified his assault. As I gasped for air, he stole the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. I welcomed his force, and gave back just as much. I was clutching onto a lifeline, I really needed him.

  With a final lingering kiss I stepped away. His kisses always made me want to take my clothes off, to feel his skin against mi
ne. There was something very primal about it, which scared me. I’d never thought that way about anyone, not even with Tomos.

  Riley made me feel sexy, and I wanted to show him how much. I was becoming quite the hormonal mass.

  “Let’s go home,” he said, interrupting my errant thoughts.


  The house remained quiet, and with little to do I settled with playing the piano. Resting my hands on the keys I pondered over what piece to play. Deciding Chopin’s ‘Raindrop’ Prelude suited the strange events of the past day, with the perfect moderation of major and minor keys, I began to play.

  Allowing the soft melody to fill my ears with delightful tones, I continued to run my fingers to the rhythm. My anger over recent events heightened, and developed into the pounding of the chords. Life was changing drastically, and I preferred to be lost in a world of music notes and treble clefs.

  Ever so quietly I ended the piece on a perfect cadence, and held the notes for a few seconds longer.

  “Such strong emotions you portrayed in that piece.” I jumped at the sound of Shane’s voice. I hadn’t heard him enter the room as I’d been consumed by the discord of my mental state. “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you,” he apologised.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked.

  “With me? Yes…”

  “Oh, gosh, is it Roxy?” I intercepted.

  “No, she’s fine too. I actually came to see how you’re doing.”

  “Me? I’m fine, why?” I answered.

  “We never had the chance to talk with you after Riley’s major confession yesterday.”

  “Oh! Truthfully, I’m OK. I was shocked last night, there’s no denying that. But I’ve had time to reflect, and I’ve reasoned that I can’t change the past, and I can’t see into the future.”

  I stopped to take in air.

  “Riley believes what the Ancient Guardians say is true, to a certain extent. I can only concentrate on what happens now, and if that means preparing for a war that may or may not happen, then so be it. I won’t pretend that I’m not full of anxiety and worry, but if I’m needed to help save the lives of others, then I’m willing to forfeit mine,” I admitted.


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