Stocking Stuffers: A Five Story Christmas Anthology

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Stocking Stuffers: A Five Story Christmas Anthology Page 11

by E. J. Darling

  Silence hung between them, his thumb tracing a path back and forth over her bottom lip, his whispered words barely audible over the blood rushing in her ears. When he pulled back, she dragged in a ragged breath. She was sure he wanted to kiss her, but he pulled back instead of moving forward. That was proof he was just flirting. Proof she needed to get laid. It was the moment she realized how bad the decision was to leave her vibrator at home.

  “Remember the day I first asked you to pick up my dry cleaning?”

  She scoffed, grateful for the distraction from her pathetic desperation. “The day I told you to get that idea out of your head and you could get it yourself since it wasn’t even a block from your house?”

  “That was the moment I knew you were special.” His lips tilted as he took her hand back into his. “Michelle might have a mouth on her, might strike fear into the hearts of men who cross her. But your quiet strength is far more powerful, and greatly underappreciated. You’re a giver. Do you know how rare that is? For years I watched you settle for less than you deserved, keeping my mouth shut because it wasn’t my business.”

  “What makes you think it’s your business now? I’m only here for the alcohol.” At some point in the previous few minutes, her voice lost its conviction, and for some insane reason she wasn’t pulling her hand from his. Her entire body was weak, her resolve slipping with every word he spoke.

  The other side of his mouth tipped up to bring his half smile to a full one. “Liar.”

  “I am not.” The indignation was forced, and it came out that way. “I didn’t even want to come up here, and I have no idea why you pushed it.”

  One brow moved up as he stepped closer to her, their clothes brushing. “Maybe it’s because I knew you needed an escape, and I wanted to be the one to provide it.”

  She stepped back from him, needing space, needed to breathe. “Maybe I don’t want the kind of escape you’re thinking I do.”

  He reached up and trailed his knuckles along her jaw, his words spoken low. “What kind of escape are you referring to? I simply offered my cabin. Any dirty thoughts are coming from you, Miss Porter.”

  She highly doubted that, but it was hard to form coherent thoughts when he touched her like that. When he touched her at all. Touch never affected her like that before, but now she was a weak pile of jello whenever his skin made contact with hers. She hadn’t realized it was possible to be so desperate for sex in such a short period of time.

  Maybe there was a sex toy shop in town.

  “You’re blushing.”

  “I don’t blush.” The denial was weak, and she swallowed hard around the ball of lust in her throat.

  “You’re blushing now.” He pushed her hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear.

  There was no way she’d be able to resist him all weekend. No way she’d come away from this unscathed. But damn if she didn’t want to toss caution to the wind anyway. In retrospect, she’d wanted this for a long time.

  Now was her chance to take it.

  Chapter Four

  He needed to tread carefully, not scare her away.

  The lust in her eyes was unmistakable, she wanted him to kiss her. If he had, she wouldn’t have fought. But, she also would have likely run for cover immediately afterward. It was a long game he was playing, because it was a long term win he wanted. Not a quick tumble in the sheets. So, they ate a late dinner and put a movie on. A movie that gave him an excuse to toy with her hair as they reclined on the couch watching it.

  He was her boss, she had obvious reservations about it, and he didn’t want to force her. Their sex would be explosive, but it needed to be mutual.

  They both had to want it.

  Need it.

  Crave it.

  She leaned against him while they watched the third Claymation Christmas special that evening. Watching them with her brought back a nostalgia and appreciation for the holiday he hadn’t felt in years. As the rulers of ice and heat battled on screen, he stole a glance down at her. Black lashes fanned over pale cheeks, one of which was pressed to his chest. Over an hour ago she’d fallen asleep, and he was once again reluctant to wake her. Sleep was the one thing she needed more than anything else. Definitely more than she needed sex.

  She shifted against him, her nose crinkled and brows drawn deep over them as she attempted to get comfortable, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. The action seemed to calm her, her features relaxed and she turned her nose into his chest as she settled into him. The way their bodies fit together, how natural it felt to have her in his arms, reinforced his need to have her. She was meant to be his, always should’ve been, and he’d be damned if he let her slip away again.

  The bed in his room was far more comfortable than the couch, and as much as he loathed letting her go, she needed comfortable sleep. When he lifted her, she stirred and blinked up at him as he settled her in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” She wrapped one arm around his neck as she asked the sleepy question.

  “Putting you to bed.” He started the trek up the stairs toward his room, his bed. The bed she would be sleeping in. Without him. For tonight, anyway.

  “That sounds boring.” Her eyes fluttered closed as she muffled her yawn by nuzzling into his chest.

  “We have all weekend. Plenty of time for fun.” While he didn’t want to project meaning onto her words, his heart became lighter at the thought she meant sex. He hadn’t imagined her staring at his crotch as she licked her lips. The frequent accusations about nefarious intentions was further confirmation she had sex on the brain, too. But a weekend of sex wasn’t what he wanted, and he needed to keep that in the forefront of his mind, and keep his cock under control. Patience would be his ally.

  After entering the room, he put her on her feet to turn down the bed. She fell into it and he tucked the covers around her. As he did, her arms wrapped around his neck, tugging his head down. He obliged her with a kiss to the forehead, causing his dick to stir in hopeful anticipation.

  Fuck it, he could have a kiss.

  The silk of her skin as he took her top lip between his was softer than he’d expected, as was the feel of her cheek in his palm. He leaned in closer when she threaded her fingers through his hair and tugged. The taste of her on his lips was so much better than he imagined, and he forced himself to hold back. When he released her, a soft moan escaped.

  It’d been short, far too short, he needed more of her. She raised her hands, gripped his shirt, silently telling him she didn’t want him to go. Didn’t get enough, not nearly enough.

  Instead of moving away, he took her bottom lip between his teeth and tugged until she opened to him, allowing him to go deeper. Take more of her. A soft sigh was all he got out of her before he plunged in, silencing her with a kiss he hoped conveyed what he couldn’t say with words. At least, not yet.

  While she might want more of him, he needed so much more of her. When she sat up, he took the opportunity to run one hand back through her hair and grip it hard, tugging back to tilt her face up to his as he delved deeper, claimed more of her for his own. Her nails scraped through the short hair at his nape as he swallowed another soft moan.

  His dick demanded attention, hard and throbbing, inches from where he wanted to bury it. But she wasn’t quite ready. Stealing a kiss was one thing, he wanted her so desperate and aching before he took her to bed she’d be begging him to ram his cock into her. Need pulsed through him, each beat of his heart sending desire coursing faster through his veins.

  He needed to stop. Before he went too far, before he threw caution to the wind and tore her clothes off. If he didn’t keep himself in check she’d be running for the literal and figurative hills and his efforts would be for naught. He longed to drink her in as he committed every inch of her to memory, but her grip went lax and she pulled away to stare at him.

  Her kiss-swollen lips were red and so tempting, glassy eyes confirmed she wanted more. Not now, though. “Go to sleep. You need it.” His voice w
as thick, full of the lust he couldn’t hide if he wanted to.

  She gave a small pout, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead again. “You can’t just kiss me like that and walk away, Jaime Donovan.”

  “But, I can.” He gave her a soft laugh as he forced his feet toward the door. “And it’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  He shut the door behind him and went into the master bedroom, he needed a cold shower and a good night’s sleep.

  Neither the cold shower, nor a full night’s sleep, was enough to get his cock under control. If anything, it was even more unruly the next morning, after the lurid dreams that tormented him all night. He needed some kind of relief for the dull ache that grew intolerable, so he gripped the base, giving it several firm strokes as he imagined Val going to her knees in front of him.

  Then a knock sounded at the door, and he let go, eyes popping open as he sat up in bed.


  He rubbed his hand over his face and offered a low string of curse words his mother would slap him for. He couldn’t even get self-induced satisfaction it seemed. “I’ll be out in a second.”

  “I just need a towel. I can’t find them.”

  Fuck, she was going to be naked in his shower. He groaned low and tugged the sheets over his erection. There was no hiding that if he opened the door to go help her find them. “In the closet in the hallway, the one to the left of your room.”

  “Are you okay? You sound like you’re in pain.”

  She didn’t know the half of it.

  “Yeah. I’ll be downstairs before you get out. Any breakfast requests?”

  There was a hesitation, and he wondered if she already walked away. “No, whatever you want is fine. I’ll see you downstairs.”

  Mercifully, she didn’t press him for more. The mood was ruined, there would be no relief, by his hand or hers, that morning. As he got up and headed for his own bathroom, he sincerely hoped the cold shower would work better than the previous night. Though, he wasn’t holding out much hope.

  A half hour later, she crept into the kitchen, a grey hoodie and black yoga pants giving her a relaxed look he wished he could feel. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she stepped up and peered around him to see what was in the frying pan.

  “Bacon and eggs work for you?” He’d turned on Christmas music, wanting the mood as light and festive as possible. Keeping things happy and relaxed was key.

  “Yeah.” She was distant, and he wondered if he’d pushed too far last night.

  Fuck, maybe he shouldn’t have kissed her. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  She narrowed her eyes on him, her lips pursed. “Are you?”

  It was a challenge. Normally he knew the right answer, but, with her, things were different. They’d always been different. He debated his options, if he lied to her and was wrong she’d think he used her, and if he told the truth and was wrong she’d think he used her. With no indication from her whatsoever, he opted for the truth.


  Her expression gave way to a small smile, but vanished as quickly as it had come. Might as well go for broke. He moved closer, bending his head close to hers slowly. Giving her ample opportunity to pull away if that’s what she wanted.

  But, she didn’t.

  Instead, her eyes slid closed, and her head tilted back. Her throat worked as she swallowed hard just before he pressed his lips to hers.

  It was gentle, slow. Not the deep kiss of the previous night, but instead shallow and affectionate to show her it wasn’t just about sex. She opened her eyes, and met his gaze again. “Is this why you invited me up here?”

  He pulled away and spun her once in time with the music. When he brought her back against him, he whispered in her ear. “What kind of boss would bring his favorite employee to an isolated cabin in the woods to seduce her?”

  A scoff crossed her lips, but they settled into a smile. “The kind I’m employed by.”

  “I don’t recall ever bringing anyone here, especially not an employee, so I don’t feel the accusation is warranted.” He raised a brow and wiggled it. When she gave him the laugh he was coaxing, his heart leapt at the sound. There was no way he was letting go of that laugh after Christmas, he had two and a half days left to convince her he wasn’t after her ass. Well, not just her ass, anyway. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for years, Val. And so much more than that.” His fingertips were under her chin lifting her head until she met his gaze again. “But, if you want this to stop there, it stops there.”

  “I like working for you.”

  He chuckled. “I like you working for me, too.”

  “So, what are you offering, then? A Vegas style weekend?”

  “No. I’m offering you a chance to see if maybe this boss-employee thing can be something else entirely.”

  She rolled her eyes and turned from him. “I’m rebounding, Jaime, I’m not stupid. Have a little respect for my common sense. I know you well enough to know you don’t do serious relationships, you haven’t been in one for over a year. It’s nothing but flings and one night stands for you.”

  That wasn’t the reaction he’d expected, and his hand shot out to grab hers before she could walk away. “That’s not what I want with you. We have something, Val. You feel it, I can see it in your eyes. You wouldn’t have let me kiss you if you didn’t. I want to explore it before we lose the chance and it becomes a lifelong regret.”

  The blatant honesty affected her, her brows furrowed over her eyes and she stopped trying to pull away.

  “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m off base, and we drop it now and I won’t bring it up again. Tell me there isn’t an elephant in the room we’ve been ignoring because you were already in a relationship.” He was greeted with silence, and he closed the distance between them, which wasn’t much to begin with. “That relationship is over now, we’re both unattached and free to explore this. Why wouldn’t you want to?”

  “And if it doesn’t work out? How will we go back to work?”

  “I don’t know, but we will. We’ll figure it out.”

  “Can you promise that?” There was fear in her eyes, but her hand tightened on his, holding him as much as he was holding her. “You’re my boss, Jaime. This is a big deal, we aren’t two acquaintances who don’t have to see each other again if this crashes and burns.”

  “I promise you I’m not letting go of the best PA in the business.”

  “Now I know you’re lying to me, we all know Michelle takes that title.” She smirked at him as she ran her index finger along his jaw.

  “Not in my office she doesn’t.” He kissed the tip of her nose and inclined his head toward the cabinet next to the sink. “Grab the dishes and set the table while I finish cooking. Then, it’s a full day of decorating and merry making.”

  She did as he asked, but stopped before reaching up. “I’ll think about it. A crazy weekend of sex without expectations is one thing, and I’m still not even sure I’d have agreed to that. This? It’s so much heavier. I don’t know.”

  “We have two days.”

  She nodded slowly. “I know.”

  Chapter Five

  It never ceased to amaze Val how tangled Christmas lights could get while sitting unmoving in a box.

  The living room was scattered with decorations across every surface as Jaime wrestled with them, and Val sat back in the corner of the couch sipping her hot cocoa while she watched him mutter a string of curses under his breath as he attempted to separate the strings. The way his muscles moved under his shirt, the way his sweats hung low over his hips and did nothing to hide the bulge she wanted to get her hands on, all served to keep her hot and bothered.

  But, she still hadn’t determined if satisfying that urge was worth the risk. There was no doubt she wanted him, and she wasn’t about to pretend she didn’t. It didn’t mean it was smart.

  “You could help, you know.” He raised his brow as he looked over at her, a smile sliding across his lips.

al returned his smile and settled deeper into her seat. “Why would I do that? I’m quite enjoying the view from here.” She sipped the cocoa again, but laughed and put it down when he tossed a stuffed Santa at her head. She deftly caught it and tossed it back, but he ducked and it hit the wall instead.

  “Which Christmas movies do you plan on tormenting me with tonight?” He arched a brow as he began making progress on the lights and wound them around his elbow and over his thumb to create a spool.

  “You enjoyed them last night, don’t even try to pretend you didn’t.” They watched children’s movies all night, and he didn’t complain once. Didn’t try to make a move on her. Didn’t do anything except hold her and watch movies. She could definitely see herself falling for him.


  Like when she’d first met her cheating asshole ex.

  “What’s wrong?” His eyes were narrowed, the teasing tone in his voice gone. “I was teasing, Val. We can watch whatever you want tonight.”

  “No, it’s not that.” She shook her head, her mind now fixated on the vision of walking in and catching her ex-fiancé in the act, and she placed her hand over her chest to ease the ache there. She hated him, refused to shed another tear, but it was still so fresh, so raw, every once in a while it snuck up on her and ruined a perfectly good mood.

  The couch sank, and she turned to see Jaime beside her. He tucked her hair behind her ear, his mouth a thin line. “Do you want me to have him detained at the airport?”

  Knowing Jaime was completely serious caused a laugh to bubble up, banishing her ex’s hold over her as quickly as he took it. “No, but I appreciate the offer.”

  “Christmas, Val. Christmas movies, a lit tree if I can get these damn lights untangled.” He traced his thumb over her bottom lip when she offered a smile. “It’s just you and me for the holiday, don’t think about him.”

  “I won’t. He doesn’t deserve another second of my time, and I’m not giving him Christmas.” She tilted her head into his hand, wanting the warmth of it, the comfort and affection it offered. “New Year’s is going to be my new start, Jaime. No broken heart, no baggage from that relationship. A new apartment, a new wardrobe, new hair, new everything.”


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