Moonlight Temptation

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Moonlight Temptation Page 14

by Stephanie Julian

  She watched Dane set her bag by the hallway leading to the bedrooms before turning back to walk to her.

  When Dane bent to kiss her, Ryan watched how she lifted onto her toes to meet him, reaching out to clasp his shoulders.

  Her feelings for Dane showed in the way she clung to him, the way her body bowed into his.

  And Ryan had his first taste of jealousy. It licked through him like a flame, hot and bright and—

  Fuck no. No way. He didn’t do jealousy. Not with Dane.

  Oh yeah, you do. But what are you really jealous of here?

  He watched Dane bend her back even farther, watched the way her fingers flexed into his shoulders and her breasts rubbed against his chest.

  She arched into him as if she couldn’t get enough, her mouth opening for Dane’s tongue to sweep in, the long line of her throat exposed.

  She looked oblivious to everything but Dane.

  Ryan wanted in.

  And that was the answer to Dane’s question.

  This was what he wanted.

  He wanted to belong here.

  The realization sent a shiver of reaction down his spine even as his blood pressure began to rise. And his cock hardened.

  Closing the few steps between them, he put his hands on Evie’s shoulders and bent his head to the nape of her neck.

  Nuzzling aside her hair, he opened his mouth on her skin and sucked her flavor into his mouth.

  She moaned and when Ryan stepped closer, she wriggled just enough to make him understand she wanted him to come closer.

  He gave her what she wanted, which was exactly what he wanted.

  Ryan plastered himself to her back and let his hands caress down her sides to her waist. He felt Dane’s hands working on her blouse, so he went to work on her pants. The formfitting material felt like sleek silk and the button on the side of the pants released with only a push. Then he released the zipper.

  The pants were so tight, he knew they’d need help coming off so he dropped to his knees and dragged them over her hips and down her legs. She wasn’t wearing stockings and he loved the look of the black-patent stilettos on her feet. So he left them.

  The bare skin of her ass made his breath catch as he realized she was wearing a thong. The tiny string of black satin curved around her waist and another disappeared between her cheeks.

  He couldn’t help himself. He plucked at the second string, drawing it away from her body and watched as she shuddered in reaction.

  She moaned aloud and he realized Dane had removed her shirt and bra and bent to suck a nipple into his mouth.

  Moving to the side so he could watch, Ryan saw her lift one hand to cup Dane’s head and hold him to her. With her other, she reached for him.

  While she couldn’t grip Dane’s hair, she could his. She let her fingers slide through the strands then grab and hold.

  His breath caught at the thought that, even though she writhed under Dane’s hands, she still reached for him.

  Yes, this is what I want.

  As she tugged on his hair, he let his fingers slide between her legs. Moisture slicked her lower lips and he coated his fingers in the silky heat. He could smell her arousal and the scent made him hunger for more of her.

  Not yet.

  First they needed to show her exactly why she should stay with them. Convince her this was where she needed to be. Always.

  With one hand on her hip to hold her steady, he used the other to tease her clit. Light flicks that had her gasping. Her entire body trembled as he and Dane worked her between them.

  Her clit heated and hardened, her scent intensifying. Her thighs tightened, trapping his hand between them.

  He’d just released her hip to use both hands to open her legs when Dane stepped back.

  “Ryan, bring her.”

  As Evie blinked up at him, in shock over Dane’s abrupt release, Ryan rose to his feet and spun her toward him.

  He kissed her with a hard resolve and felt like thumping his chest when she melted against him. Wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her off her feet. Her pants slithered to the floor, shoes dropping with a thump.

  Damn, he should have told her to keep those on.

  He forgot the thought a second later when she wove her fingers through his hair and pressed him even closer. Her mouth opened for him, welcoming his demands for her total surrender.

  Lifting her higher with one arm under her ass, he waited until she wrapped her legs around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder before he walked past Dane to the bedroom.

  He felt Dane behind him but Dane stayed in the doorway when Ryan took her to the bed.

  Ryan followed her down, pressing his mouth to hers. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, the way her mouth moved under his. So sweet and hot. His emotions tangled with his rising heat, his needs becoming more demanding.

  He devoured her mouth as his hands swept over her body, caressing her breasts, molding them with his hands. Pinching the tips, he made her writhe beneath him. His already aching cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans, seeking relief.

  When her hands slid from his shoulders to his back, his skin heated and burned with the light caress.

  And when she stroked to his waist and slid her hands beneath his shirt, he shuddered.

  “Take it off, Evie. I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  Her eyes opened to glittering slits as she did as he asked, gripping the hem of his shirt and pulling it up his back and over his head. Her nails scraped along his skin, sending erotic sizzles shooting through him.

  Dropping his head to her shoulder, he bit her earlobe then strung a series of biting kisses along her neck as he lowered himself against her. They each drew in a deep breath as her breasts pressed against his chest, her hardened nipples poking into muscles.

  “God damn, Evie. I’ve gotta be in you.”

  “Yes, please. That’s what I want.”

  Her voice whispered against his skin, driving him up to his knees to unbutton his jeans.

  Before he could work the zipper, Evie scooted back so she could sit. “Lie down, Ryan. On your back.”

  Her husky tone made his hands shake and before he could move, she’d grabbed his shoulders and turned him until he had no choice but to fall on his back on the bed.

  His lips curved in a smile as she worked his jeans and boxers down his legs then threw them over the side of the bed.

  When she slung her leg over his waist, he reached for her hips to help guide her to his cock.

  She was as anxious as he was, wrapping her hands around his shaft to make it stand up straight. Then she rolled her hips and took him in.

  In the pale light spilling through the open door, he saw her head fall back on her shoulders as she sank onto him. Her lips parted and she moaned his name.

  And when she started to ride him, slow and steady, his head kicked back into the pillows. The tight grip of her sex on his cock made his balls tighten and threaten to explode too soon.

  God damn, she felt so fucking good. And she looked like a goddess above him. With her eyes closed and her full lips parted, she drove him beyond lust to something deeper, toward an emotion he wasn’t ready to acknowledge.

  He’d only met her two days ago.

  And yet…

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Her eyes fluttered open as she continued to ride him, faster now. She smiled as she put her hands on his shoulders to brace herself as she leaned forward until her lips were only centimeters from him.

  “You make me feel like I am.”

  She dropped a light kiss on his lips even as her sex clasped his in slick heat.

  A movement out of the corner of his eye made Ryan turn to see Dane watching them from the doorway.

  The hooded gaze and tight jaw belied his seemingly casual position against the doorjamb. So did the bulge in his jeans.

  Dane wanted to join them but Ryan knew he wouldn’t unless specifically requested.

; Ryan was about to motion for him to come to them but Evie beat him to it.

  She turned with a smile and curled her index finger at him.

  He didn’t obey right away. But Ryan swore Dane’s mouth actually curved into a smile for a brief few seconds.

  When he did move, he took his time, shedding clothes as he came closer.

  Evie had paused, her body trembling above him while he tried not to thrust hard and fast. His fingers dug into her hips, the skin smooth under his, the muscles sleek.

  He watched her watch Dane, saw the anticipation in her expression. Felt that same anticipation spread through him as Dane stopped by the side of the bed, opened the top drawer and retrieved a tube of lubricant before he wrapped his hand around her neck and brought her to his mouth for a hard, blistering kiss.

  Ryan watched as Dane’s mouth covered hers, watched the play of muscles in his jaw as he slid his tongue into her mouth. He watched Dane’s hand cover her breast and roll the hardened nipple between his fingers.

  Heat rolled through him as Dane broke the kiss to move onto the bed behind her.

  The mattress shifted as Dane straddled both Ryan’s and Evie’s legs as he pushed her down to Ryan.

  Ryan caught her mouth as she settled against his chest, swallowing her gasp as Dane prepared her to take both of them.

  Evie could barely think as Ryan kissed her and Dane’s body crowded behind her.

  She could only feel. And respond.

  Her hips began to move again, tiny lifts and descents that made Ryan groan and his fingers grip her almost painfully. But it was a good pain that heightened her sensitivity everywhere.

  As she moved, she felt the brush of Dane’s muscled thighs against her ass, the tickle of his hair sending whispers of sensation that made her pussy clench.

  Then Dane slid one lubricated finger inside her ass. She moaned at the sense of fullness, at the growing desperation. She felt Ryan’s forced stillness as he waited for some sign from Dane.

  But she couldn’t wait. She had to move. Especially when Dane tunneled two fingers inside her ass. The pressure bit into her like teeth and held on.

  Her pussy clenched around Ryan as she lifted her ass higher toward Dane, changing the angle of Ryan’s penetration enough to make him groan.

  And when Ryan growled, “God damn it, Dane, fucking hurry.” She felt a short, sharp orgasm flare through her, blinding her and making her cry out.

  Which made the men react with brute passion.

  Dane put his hands on her ass and spread her cheeks then the blunt, hot tip of his cock began to press against the tiny opening.

  She tensed, never having had anal sex while another man was lodged in her pussy. But she wasn’t about to tell Dane to stop. She wanted this so bad but didn’t have the words to tell him.

  “Easy, Evie.” Dane breathed in her ear as he leaned against her back. “Don’t tense. Relax. Push back against me. Come on, sweetheart. This will feel so fucking good.”

  The soothing tone of his voice eased her tension and she did as he told her.

  The pressure as he breached her was almost too painful to bear but once he got the head inside, he stopped and let her adjust to the feel.

  And what a feeling.

  Sensory overload made her a creature of pleasure.

  Filled to the limit, her body pulsing with fire, torn between the throbbing beats of the two cocks inside her.

  And when they started to move, her brain flickered and shut down as her body let them take over.

  Dane continued to forge forward until he’d completely lodged his cock in her ass. His hands on her cheeks kept her spread open for him and the brush of his pubic hair against her most sensitive flesh sent hard shivers coursing through her body.

  As soon as Dane had filled her completely, Ryan began to withdraw. But he couldn’t move enough to fully thrust and Dane had to help him move her.

  They fucked her with total command, as if they controlled her passion. And maybe they did.

  Beneath her, Ryan’s straining body was slicked with sweat, his hands moving from her waist to her breasts, until one hand sank in her hair and pulled her head back enough for him to kiss her.

  She latched on to his mouth and thrust her tongue against his, matching the rhythm of his thrusts against her. She tasted Ryan’s passion in his kiss, in every breath he took.

  Behind her, she felt the heat coming off Dane’s body, scalding her as he moved her to the rhythm he set with Ryan.

  Dane’s hands had moved to her hips, his fingers tight, his movements carefully controlled.

  That biting fullness in her body began to morph into a pleasure so great, she wasn’t sure she could live through it without burning down the house.

  That magical otherness burned through her, racing in her veins as if searching for an exit.

  No, she couldn’t let it. She needed to pull back—

  Dane thrust hard against her, making her gasp as Ryan broke the kiss to press his mouth against her throat, bared as Dane wove his fingers through her hair and lifted her head.

  “Come, Evie.” Dane’s voice was a shotgun blast of desire, commanding her to obey. “I want to feel you tighten all around me.”

  “No, no.” She couldn’t. She’d lose control, lose—

  “Yes, baby.” Ryan’s voice, softer but no less forceful. “Do it. Now.”

  Her body obeyed. She came with a frission of heat that made her convulse almost painfully, making both men groan as she tightened around them.

  Flares of heat engulfed her, blinding her to everything but the fury of her orgasm.

  Those flames wanted to consume her, to burn her to ash.

  They licked along her skin, combined with her climax and prolonged the ecstasy.

  Gasping, she wanted to release that fire but somewhere in the pleasure-soaked reaches of her mind, she knew if she lost control, that heat would hurt Dane and Ryan.

  No, I won’t allow them to be hurt.

  While her body shuddered, her brain concentrated on containing that fire until it slowly banked to embers.

  Clinging to Ryan, she felt Dane pull out then curl around her back.

  Feeling as if she’d overcome a hurdle, or dodged a bullet, she released a shaky breath then let sleep take her under.

  Chapter Eight

  “Miss Evie, can we do those math problems you told us about yesterday?”

  Evie smiled at Alex’s enthusiasm just as much as she did at Jason’s groan.

  In the few short hours she spent with the three boys, she’d learned Alex loved math and science to the exclusion of all else, Jason hated math and Mikey wanted to sit in a corner and read Captain Underpants.

  “Why can’t we just play those games again?” Jason looked at her with big, dark eyes. “I liked those.”

  Though a year younger than Alex, Jason looked older. And so much like Dane, she hadn’t been surprised to find out they were related. Cousins, a couple places removed, Dane had said this morning when he dropped her off at the community building with Ryan.

  Ryan had taken his laptop across the hall to the lounge area, where she could see him through the window in the classroom door. She wished he’d find somewhere else to work. She couldn’t look at him and not think about last night.

  And she really couldn’t think about that now. She had to focus on the boys.

  After speaking to Mikey’s and Jason’s parents after class yesterday, they’d decided mornings worked better than afternoons for everyone involved.

  Mikey’s mom, Miki, had even made a not-very-subtle hint that she would love to see the boys have a full day of classes.

  Evie’s heart had done a little happy dance. Her very own class.

  And then she’d thought about what that would entail.

  Close proximity to Dane five days a week.

  After last night, she still had no idea what to think about their unconventional relationship. There were just so many questions she didn’t have answers to.

  Like… How long was Ryan going to stay? He had a job and a home and a life in Philadelphia. What happened when he returned to it? Did they just go their separate ways, no harm no foul?

  How did they feel about her? How did she feel about them?

  And would she always have to fight to control her gift?

  “Miss Evie, are you okay?”

  Mikey’s lisp-accented words drew her out of her head and back where she needed to be.

  She gave the blue-eyed boy a smile, ruffling his baby-soft brown curls. “I’m fine. Just thinking about something.”

  “About what?” Jason asked. “About games?”

  Jason’s shaggy dark hair fell into his wide eyes as he grinned. Evie swore she could see the devil in that smile and he smiled a lot, which had drawn Alex to him like a moth to a flame. They made quite the pair.

  “What about math games?” Alex chimed in. “That would be fun.”

  Jason’s expression went slack with disbelief. “Are you kidding, dude? That would be awful.”

  Evie didn’t try to hide her smile. “Jason, I think I’ve got a game we can all play that everyone will like…”

  A knock at the door made Evie turn to see Cat waving at her through the window. When she motioned for her to come in, the boys turned as well and Mikey’s smile widened.

  “Cat! Have you come to play games with us?”

  When Mikey walked over to her, she picked him up with a smile and gave him a hug before setting him back on his feet. At seven, he was the youngest of the boys and the shyest, but obviously not around Cat.

  “Hey, Mike, my man. How are you?”

  “I’m fine but Jason and Alex want to play math games and I’d rather read. Would you read with me?”

  After a quick glance at her, Cat said, “I think Miss Evie wants you to give the game a try but I could stay and play too, if Miss Evie says it’s okay.”

  Mikey’s face lit up at the prospect. “Can she?”

  “Of course, she can,” Evie said. “Why don’t you guys go sit at the round table and Cat and I will bring the game.”

  Cat followed her to the cabinet as the boys moved from their desks, Jason helping Alex maneuver the wheelchair while Mikey moved chairs away from the table to make room for the wheelchair at the table.


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