Make-Believe Marriage

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Make-Believe Marriage Page 13

by Ferreira, Dill

  - It's not as good as Flora’s, but failing Flora, it’s all right. – He informed offering some to her.

  – Don't worry, I'm not too picky. - She said smiling.

  - What a relief. - The two were facing each other and the atmosphere was much better than days ago. -You realize a nice atmosphere is beginning between us, right? – asked Tony afraid of her answer.

  - Yes – she said unsure.

  - I'm not going to charge you anything, Amanda. I just wanted us to let things happen until you decided what you really wanted. - He was afraid that if she was only in need for love, she would soon find out she did not want that relationship.

  - And you Tony do you already know what you want? - she wanted to know to prepare herself better. Now, some long time later, she started to notice what Carol had so insinuated. Tony seemed to be really in love with her for some time, but as he was very discrete she had not perceived it or she preferred to ignore not so as not to opt for one thing or another, when in fact, their friendship was a priority.

  - I am completely sure of what I want for myself. - Eyes fixed at her, he made her speechless. - There will be a party for the professionals in my area this weekend and another one at national level in two weeks in Rio de Janeiro. Will you go with me? - he asked serious.

  - In the celebration here, we will, of course; the one in Rio, I will have to answer you another day. - She confirmed being thankful to him for changing the subject.

  - Thank you for wishing to accompany me. I hope that you can go to the other celebration too – he thanked her. It would be a great chance for both to understand each other finally. He thought cheering for it to happen.

  - It is the minimum that I could do for you after all that you have done for me and my son.

  - If I did all that it was really because I wanted you to be well and would do it again as many times as necessary. - She heard Antônio talk, knowing of this, always did.

  - Thank you! - Amanda completed knowing that that trip could be positive for both. Looking in her eyes, it was evident for her that this would only depend on her.

  They talked about the possible trip, the place where they would probably stay and Amanda ended up by being infected by his joy describing the event.

  Amanda was beautiful for the party. She had decided that that night she would be charming beside her husband. On the days that had preceded the event they had not had any more close contact after the occasion in the swimming pool, due to lack of time or because they needed to ripen that new relationship a bit more. Amanda missed his body on hers, but this was not the sufficient to be together. She wanted to know a little more about her feelings for Tony. She was sure of one thing: her best friend had all the attributes to be the man of her life, she only had to make sure that he really wanted that, or she could not go forward with the relationship the way they were doing.

  - You look beautiful! - praised Tony seeing Amanda come into the room where he waited for her. She wore a blue silk dress, tight-fitting, of fine and delicate straps. There were small frills in the skirt making it looser with a light movement when she walked. The Anabela sandals provided a more informal contrast to her clothes, making her elegant, however basic. A light make-up and few accessories completed the model.

  - Thanks – she said happy for the compliment.

  During the event, Amanda had the chance to meet many of Tony’s colleagues and adored when several of them praised her to the husband. Jealous, he protected her like a diamond due to the hungry eyes of some men who did not care about Tony’s frown.

  A colleague of Tony’s invited her for a dance and Amanda accepted readily. Tony talked with one of his partners and said nothing. They danced the music that was playing and at the end, he invited her for one more. She, however, declined and went toward the jealous man on the other side of the dance floor who already missed her. On the way two other colleagues of Tony’s invited her, but she only had eyes for one man in that party. As soon as she came close Tony enlaced her not allowing that she moved away from him again. They talked with a couple for some time and Tony called her for a dance. He seemed to want to say something, therefore he invited her.

  - You are doing a lot of success here. - He mentioned drily.

  - Do you think so? - She said noticing his jealousy.

  - All looked at you as if you did not have an owner. I did not like to see this - he confessed. - Tony pulled her, kissing her possessively. Amanda was sorry to have contributed to that feeling in him.

  - Tony. Everybody is looking. - She said in a whisper trying to turn aside a little from his mouth.

  - Damn them. - He wanted to show to the hawks that that woman had a man. Tony kissed her again with less intensity. - Let’s get out of here! - He said grasping her hand.

  - Aren’t you going to say goodbye to your friends? - Amanda asked following right behind him.

  - They will not mind if we leave. Any man who left a party with you would be understood. - When he had more space in the hall he caught her by the waist and they walked side by side until the exit.

  When Tony arrived at the car, he opened the door for her. Then, he went around it and sat behind the wheel.

  - I feel very sorry if I embarrassed you at the party. She wanted to be a good wife, that’s all – she said noticing that he seemed calmer.

  - How do you think I feel witnessing several men wishing my wife? - The remark cheered her. - Who actually is not even mine. The worst was that her appeal attracted more looks than I was prepared to see. I had the impression that you were making me jealous, Amanda. Am I right? - he asked looking at her in the same intense and tender way that he used to do.

  No. I would never do that – she defended herself knowing that deep down, that was really what she did. She wanted to call his attention. Tony, who was driving quickly, stopped the car on the curb to hear her argument. - I did not realize I was doing it. - She had declared herself guilty.

  - Without noticing! I wanted to take you out of there from the moment we set feet on that party. Why did you do this Amanda? - His eyes gleamed. They were in a little dark place and when a car went by, his face lighted up bestowing on him a mix of seduction and mystery.

  - I do not know. I am so sorry – she apologized for the infantile act. Amanda’s heart was beating fast. He had been foolish and he seemed upset with her.

  - I know. - He said. - Now I want to enjoy everything that they had thought that was mine. - He came close to her making her lean against the door.

  - You are scaring me - she said nervously noticing there that he would possess her right there easily. The confirmation brought another feeling to her, luxury.

  - You do not have to be scared, love. I would never hurt you; you are very important for me to do something bad. – Amanda felt at that moment that love took hold of her. She was madly in love with that wonderful and worthy man.

  He held her close, kissing her white neck. When he bit her ear, whatever fear she felt, melted away.

  – Tony this is not the place – she asked without a lot of conviction, because her body and soul already belonged to him.

  – There is no place for love, honey. He took her to the back seat and started to make love to her. His experienced hands slided across her body, leaving a trace of fire and desire. Too weak to resist, Amanda received him inside herself when he pulled up her dress. Tony penetrated her tenderly, making their hungry bodies into one. That act was necessary for him as well as breathing. After they had made love, they continued holding each other for a few moments.

  – Let’s go home, darling – he said, finding it hard to be apart from her.

  – I’ll end up getting used to making love with you at these unheard of places. – She said caressing his naked chest.

  – That would be wonderful. – Tony sat up and returned to the driver’s seat. Amanda then went to the rider’s seat.

  They went into the house together, but not touching each other. The bad atmosphere had returned between them.
Tony seemed worried with her silence. Amanda stopped at the bathroom door, thoughtful. After a brief sigh, she turned and called him.

  – Come! – He watched her silently, without any reaction, but when she raised her hand, he followed to the bathroom trying to disguise his thrill.

  – Do you know what you are doing, Amanda? – He asked, in anguish.

  – What am I doing Tony? – She pretended she did not understand the question, opening his pants.

  – You must have noticed that I want you a lot. That I have always wanted. So do not tempt me, girl – he threatened with his eyes on fire.

  – Show me how much you want me – she asked in her hoarse voice.

  Tony took the soap and began to scrub it down her body slowly stopping at some curves to get close to her private parts. When he touched her, he abandoned the soap brushing his hand against her soft skin covered by a small amount of hair. Amanda moaned when she felt the strong touch on her private parts and offered herself for him to take her. Without waiting for another submission gesture of hers, Tony had her feeling the pleasure of water falling on the moving bodies. The dance took place for a few minutes until he wrapped her in a towel taking her to the bed where they continued to make love until total climax in that passion that consumed them more and more. Sleep dominated them and they slept embraced.

  When she woke up, Amanda saw him asleep beside her. Since she had been touched by him, Amanda found herself a new woman. No reservations or shyness, she gave in to the man she never thought she would come to love. Her body hurt to his touch and her mind did not prevail when she was close to Tony. Was she falling in love with him? She wondered when she realized he had woken up.

  - Are you sorry? - He asked watching her.

  - No - she said with conviction. - Just confused, I think this is normal; after all, we remained so long as best friends and now only a spark is enough for us to be in each other's arms.

  - Do not worry so much dear. We are adults and there is nothing to prevent us from being together, then why not try? - He mentioned.

  - What if all this does not work at all. What will happen to us? - She asked looking at the ring he touched in her hand.

  - Let it happen. Do not worry about something you cannot control. - He kept touching her hand giving her comfort. - Forget this fear that is blinding the possibilities. - Tony was aware that she, unlike him, needed time to accept the recent events. He always knew what he wanted and why he married her, since Amanda had only one goal to have such an agreement and he would wait for her to be ready, as he had always done so far.

  - I only wish that none of us gets out of this relationship hurt. - She said knowing it impossible not to get hurt; Tony treated her like she always wanted to be treated by a man. He respected and loved her. Now she was fully aware of what her friend Carol meant when she said that he was perfect for her. Tony was not perfect just for her but for any woman who wanted real love.

  Tony, who was sitting, lay down again beside her, at her request, and they remained there for a long time. He knew she wanted him, but it would only be up to Amanda to decide their relationship.

  The next day, when Amanda arrived at work, Carol handed her an envelope.

  - It came yesterday – she informed. Amanda opened the mail reading its contents.

  - There will be a hearing next week. We will solve the pending issues now in the morning as I will probably not return in the afternoon - said Amanda to her employee picking up the phone to call her lawyer.

  Chapter X

  Days before the hearing Breno was back bothering Amanda. He seemed to notice when she was alone to put his plans into practice.

  — Hello! - he said getting into the store.

  - Breno, you decided to fulfill your insane promise right? - Amanda was upset by his reaction. That was the first time she met him after the news.

  - I warned you I would do it, Amanda, if you did not cooperate. - His tone of voice was natural and peaceful as if everything was in perfect order

  - You know you will not win this. You’ve gotta be very foolish to believe that you can have custody of a child to whom you were never actually a father. - She was very upset and so did not mind her words.

  - Just tell me you’ll be back and I’ll withdraw the process. - Breno approached the counter where she was. - We have a lot to live yet, my love. Do not throw away that chance we're having. - He got close enough and got hold of her arms, holding her. - If you do not come back to me I'll make your life so miserable you never imagined possible, you know? - he threatened with anger in his eyes.

  - Feel free you irresponsible disgusting being. You did not know how to value what you had and now think you have the right to come and get it back as if nothing had happened. - Amanda tried to pull away, but failed. - I simply do not keep you from seeing Lucas because unfortunately you are his father and even though this does not make a whole lot of difference, I need to respect that, but do not push me because I can change my mind. - He still held her, but she would not surrender as he seemed to expect.

  - You will not endure my presence and soon he will leave you, I'm sure. You’ll come running back to me and I will accept of course, because you’re mine and always will be. - Breno bent over to kiss her, but before it happened Amanda managed to get loose and slapped him on the face. - I love brave women. You should have done this before and I would be in love long before. - He smiled stroking the place that had been red.

  - Where's your self-esteem Breno? Did you throw it in the trash as you did with our marriage? - Amanda was surprised by the man's lack of character. He seemed to get worse and worse.

  - Listen to what I say Amanda. There is not a man who loves you more than me. If you do not do as I tell you willingly, it will have to be some other way, my love, and do not want to see you suffer, understand that. - He came up again.

  - Get out of here or I will not answer for myself. I’ll go to court and demand that you keep your distance. - She threatened him.

  - You would not do that to the father of your child. - He stood still analyzing her.

  - Pay and see what happens. You're starting to push the boundaries of the acceptable and I will not allow it. You must respect me, understand? - He rushed to her and pinned her to the wall holding her neck.

  - Your luck is that I want you too much and so I cannot harm you, but I can change, one never knows. - He kissed her and when he least expected it, Amanda bit on his lip. - This way, I'll love you even more my beautiful. - He let her go and when he saw, Carol was coming hastily.

  - Let her go, Breno! Or I'll break your face. - The girl approached him without fear.

  - I thought you had an employee and not a security guard, Amanda. - He said, walking away.

  - Whatever I am, know that if Amanda is not in court to make a complaint against you, I will go myself and will even tell her husband that you are harassing her. Then, I want to see the macho man there take the hit. Are you willing to continue the harassment? - Carol remained serious as Amanda had never seen. - You know what a husband is capable of when another man starts to upset his wife. If I were you, I’d get smart. - Breno looked at her pretending superiority, but she saw doubt in his eyes.

  - We were just talking. You're too dramatic Carol. - He remarked smiling.

  - Wise up Breno. You have lost your space. Find another fool to deceive. - The man looked at her seriously and left without saying goodbye.

  - Your luck is that he is nothing but a coward, but be smart Amanda, put this guy in his place.

  I have put up with him so far because of my son, Carol, but I will put him in his place. Enough playing the good girl.

  – Will you tell Antônio what happened here? – Carol asked still seriously.

  – No. He needs not to worry about it. Let’s leave it as it is and in case I need to, I’ll talk to him and go to court. For now, I think it was enough for him. This will be the last chance I’ll give Breno. – She said confidently.

  – I do hope so b
ecause it is the second time that he threatens you. Even though he is weak, it’s best not to give him space. – Her friend said, worried.

  – I won’t, Carol. – That was the limit and Amanda would no longer think about her son’s father. Breno did not deserve so much.

  Chapter XI

  Amanda and her attorney were talking when Tony came in.

  – You did not have to leave work, Tony. We’ve made quite some progress with our defense – she said thanking for his dedication.

  – I would not have much to do, so I left earlier – Tony said and greeted his friend. – How are you Henrique? – The attorney greeted him back friendly and they moved on with the discussion.

  – What have you got to tell us about this case, Henrique? – asked Tony.

  – I can assure you I see no reason for Amanda’s ex-husband to have filed a custody request, his chances are next to none. – Amanda was more relieved with the attorney’s comment. – The child is very well taken care of, has good examples at home. What would have led him to this? – questioned the attorney.

  – We believe it was to try to force Amanda back living with him - informed Tony.

  – An emotional blackmail. Interesting. We can use this in your favor in court. The judge will understand that he wants you and uses the child as a tool to get what he wishes. The attorney made all due notes and they continuing setting up the argument that they would present so that Amanda kept the custody for good.

  That week, Tony and Amanda had no time for the two of them. He did not come for her so she could quietly settle the issue on the custody and so she would have time to think about them. Amanda observed the intention and thanked him for the gesture. She was in no condition to settle two such complex issues at the same time. Her son was a priority, but she always found time to think of both. Breno had left her alone as she wished and all went well.

  On the day of the hearing, Amanda arrived on time to avoid unnecessary talks with her ex-husband. However, when she arrived, he was already waiting near the entrance.


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