Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON Page 20

by Paul Green

  Arthur began shaking his head in disgust. "I cannot believe ... I mean ... a manservant!? What man needs a manservant!? That just does not seem right."

  Sagremor clapped Arthur on the back. "Such is the life of luxury of nobles and kings." Then Sagremor smacked Accolon in the arm. "Accolon, my good man, would you be so kind as to help our Royal High Prince change his britches?"

  "WHAT!?" Arthur exclaimed.

  Accolon turned and faced Arthur with a wide grin. "Why, certainly, my good man. Your majesty, would you have me dress you here publicly or ... would you prefer some place more ... private?"


  Sagremor and Frederick burst out laughing.

  Accolon bowed before Arthur at the waist with a grin. "Your humble manservant awaits your command, my liege."

  Arthur scowled at Accolon, and then shoved Accolon backwards, causing him to fall cackling to the ground. Arthur then turned around and frowned at Frederick. "The day I see a horse fly, will be the day I take on a ... 'manservant'."

  Frederick and Sagremor began snickering.

  "That is another thing that is ... not right. People have too many servants. They have a servant for everything!"

  Sagremor winked at Frederick. "I do believe his Majesty seeks to change the entire world!" he said, mockingly.

  "I am serious!" Arthur protested. "I mean, I can see hiring a cook, if a cook is needed; but only if they are paid a salary. Better yet ... only is the cook enjoys cooking. I do not think a servant ... a PAID servant ... should ever be forced to do anything they would not enjoy doing."

  Frederick smiled at Arthur, shaking his head. "You, Arthur Pendragon, are a strange, strange man. Have I ever told you that?"

  "But not even a PAID servant could ever possibly enjoy ... I mean, seriously! Changing someone's clothes!? Combing someone's hair!? Who, in their right mind, would EVER want to do that!?"

  "Actually..." Frederick chuckled, "...Katelyn has told me she loved brushing Princess Guinevere's hair. She did it all the time, and always because she enjoyed doing it."

  "That does not make any sense to me."

  "Katelyn has told me the Princess Guinevere's hair is a deep shiny black color; so black it almost seems blue."

  Arthur raised his eyebrow. "Blue-black hair? Now that is strange." Arthur snorted. "Can you imagine? Blue-black hair? Who would want blue-black hair!? That is just...", Arthur began shaking his head, "...strange."

  Frederick shrugged. "Katelyn said she loved brushing the Princess' hair. So ... obviously, some people enjoy doing that."

  "I cannot understand that."

  Accolon shrugged. "I certainly cannot understand a man desiring to comb a man's hair. But I suppose, I can sort of understand a woman combing another woman's hair. My mother once told me she and her sister always used to comb each other's hair. It is just something ... women like to do, apparently."

  "That makes no sense to me." Arthur said. "I just cannot imagine that."

  "I like combing Katelyn's hair." Frederick grinned.

  Arthur, Accolon and Sagremor all looked very oddly at Frederick.


  Arthur wrinkled his nose. "Who would EVER want to do that!?"

  Frederick grinned. "Do not knock it until you try it."

  Arthur shivered. "I cannot even picture that. I DON'T want to picture that. That is just ... yucky."

  "Now, I can picture...", Sagremor said thoughtfully, tapping his finger to his chin, "...women dressing women. THAT ... I can picture."


  "Hmmm..." Sagremor said, thinking to himself. "Women ... dressing ... women..."

  Strangely, Arthur noted the three older men grew curiously silent for a long time.

  "You guys are glowy, again."

  "Arthur..." Sagremor growled.


  *** *** ***

  A short time later as they continued walking around the Marketplace, Sagremor elbowed Accolon as he nodded towards a group of women who were waving at them. "Ah, look over yonder; I do believe I see a band of fair maidens in distress. Shall we go and see how we may alleviate their distress?"

  Accolon and Sagremor bowed towards each other and then turned on their heels and started walking towards the group of giggling women.

  Frederick chuckled as he shook his head. "You two scoundrels are dogs if ever there were any."

  Sagremor called back out to them as they were walking away. "We shall meet up with you perhaps in an hour or so. Or perhaps longer."

  Accolon likewise called out, "Do not send reinforcements if we delay! There look to be many damsels which require our assistance!"

  Arthur looked at Frederick with a look of disgust. "Is it just me? Or is that all that those two can ever think about?"

  Frederick sighed as he looked up at the moon's position in the sky. It is getting late. Perhaps we should consider returning back."

  Arthur grinned. "You miss Katelyn."

  "You have no idea."

  "You are glowy."


  Chapter 37

  Four months later, early December

  It was a small battle. One which lasted less than a day. A northern king named Terrel had sent a small ground army of three thousand troops; not to invade the High King, but to determine Arthur's readiness for a possible larger full-scale assault. And he had sent his small army purposefully during the midst of a powerful and rainy thunderstorm.

  The northern King Terrel was quite willing to sacrifice all three thousand men in order to learn if it was even tactically feasible to steal the High Crown for himself.

  It was only a test.

  But King Terrel quickly learned during his 'test invasion', that the overwhelming power and tenacious might of the skilled armed forces under the infamous Battlemaster of House Pendragon, were more than battle ready. They were nigh invincible.

  Terrel's troops were wiped out in an hour. It took the rest of the rainy day to track and hunt down the remaining escaping soldiers who had fled for their lives into the Great Forest.

  Being that the main battle had been won so quickly by the front lines, and that Arthur had been kept to the rear, the eleven year old Prince never got a chance to see action on that rainy day. Seeing as how the heavy fighting was over, Bors reluctantly permitted Arthur to lead one of over a hundred small teams into the forest to give chase.

  It was during their relentless pursuit of their enemy during the December downpour, when Arthur managed to see more this his fair share of action. For it seemed that behind nearly every tree and hidden beneath every bush was another enemy soldier lying in wait.

  Arthur never did have time to 'evaluate' his emotions after his first kill; as sometimes that can eat at a man. For Arthur was far too busy defending himself against men leaping at him from the muddy shadows at every turn. For it turned out that nearly a third of the three thousand men had turned panic and run into the forest.

  But being inside the shadowy and rainy forest gave the enemy new courage and hope, for it seemed to help even out the odds somewhat.

  Of course, they had greatly underestimated the great skills of the legendary Battlemaster's men. By the time the roving bands flushed out the last of Terrel's fighters, less then 200 of Bors' troops had been injured and only 27 dead. Which was as nothing compared to three thousand of Terrel's fighters whose bodies were strewn in the mud.

  When King Terrel received word of how quickly his ground troops had been defeated, most of them in under an hour, Terrel shrugged and decided that the matter was no longer worth pursuing and casually went on about his way.

  Arthur, himself, was among the 200 injured. But he had nearly been counted as among the 27 dead. For Arthur was young and inexperienced. Though he was quick and was skilled with the sword, Arthur had not yet learned to think three-dimensionally. He was never once was surprised by an enemy ambush and cleanly took out each and every enemy threat. Arthur was carefully observant in all directions around him.

pt up.

  For as he passed through a thick grouping of trees, hidden high above in the branches was a very large man with a very and sharp axe.

  The attacker dropped from above with his heavy axe, poised to split Arthur's skull in two. But at the very last moment, Arthur was pushed out of the way by a very brave Knight in training, willing to sacrifice his life to safe Arthur's.

  That valiant man's name was Frederick.

  Chapter 38

  Three days later

  The Master Physician came out of surgery to meet with those anxiously awaiting.

  Among those waiting were Arthur, whose left leg was heavily bandaged and in a full-length splint; for the heavy battle axe had glanced off of Frederick's cracked skull and ran itself down the side of Arthur's leg - before another nearby Knight-in-Training named Percival removed the axeman's head.

  Bors and Accolon and Sagremor were there, along with all of the young Knights-in-Training; none of whom had suffered serious injury.

  And Katelyn. Who for the past long three days of waiting had become a weeping nervous wreck. Only Cook had managed a small degree of success in comforting her, holding her much of the time in her arms.

  When the Master Physician finally came out, there was a grim look on his face. "I am sorry." he said, shaking his head. "I have done all that I can."

  As the color drained from Katelyn's already pale face, it was Arthur who asked from his mat on the ground, "Is he..."

  "He is alive." the Master Physician replied.

  Katelyn gasped at the words with renewed hope.

  "However..." the doctor continued, "...as you all know, there has been severe trauma to his head. And to his brain. I cannot ... predict ... if Frederick shall ever fully recover. Nor can I predict to what extent his recovery might be. It could be months, it could be years, it could be never. I simply do not know."

  "But my husband is alive!?" Katelyn asked, weeping.

  "Yes. He sleeps. I have given him herbs and drugs which shall keep him sleeping for many days or, if need be, many weeks. There is tremendous swelling in his brain. I cannot perform repairs to his skull area until the swelling recedes. Until then, he must remain asleep. Once I am able to close up his skull ... well ... only time will tell. That is all I can do; I can do no more."

  "Please, Master Physician." Katelyn sobbed. "May I..."

  The doctor nodded his head, giving his permission for Katelyn to enter. But just as Katelyn began to go through the curtain, the Master Physician touched her arm with his hand. "He shall require much care."

  Katelyn looked at the Master Physician for a moment, and then nodded. "Thank you." she whispered. And then Katelyn disappeared behind the heavy curtain.

  "Should I go with her?" Cook asked.

  The Master Physician shook his head. "Give her some time, first."

  Bors put his hand on the Master Physician's shoulder. "This is never easy for either of us, old friend."

  The Master Physician patted the back of Bors' hand, and then looked down at Arthur was lying on his mat in tears. "Battles are not so glorious, are they?"

  Arthur shook his head as the tears began streaming down his face.

  "Remember this, young king to be."

  Arthur nodded, and began to sob.

  ~ Sister ~

  Chapter 39

  Three weeks later, late January

  It was near midnight on week's end, when Bors woke with a start at a loud pounding on the door of his new house.

  His wife's eyes widened in fear as Bors leaped out of bed. "Husband!?" Deorwynn pleaded, reaching for him.

  Bors quickly kissed his finger and touched her lips, before he warned "Stay here." Then he grabbed his nearby sword and raced towards the front door. With sword drawn he threw open his door, to see two of his Knights-in-Training staring at Bors in alarm; Aggravaine and Geraint.

  "REPORT!" Bors barked.

  The primary reason they were looking at Bors in alarm, was not because the giant man was facing them armed with a sword, but because he was wearing no clothes.

  "REPORT!" Bors barked again, angrily.

  "Battlemaster!" sputtered Aggravaine. "We ... we have brought you news!"


  "N-n-no, Battlemaster! W-w-e overheard a conversation in t-t-he Marketplace a-a-and w-w-we t-t-thought you should know what words were spoken!"


  "N-n-no, Battlemaster! A-a-all clear!"

  Bors relaxed and lowered his sword. Then he growled at Aggravaine.

  "W-w-we would not have b-b-bothered you, Battlemaster, if w-w-we did not think it was important!"

  "Why do you stutter, Aggravaine!?" he sneered.

  "B-b-because, Battlemaster! Y-y-you are ... are ... n-n-naked!"

  Bors growled again. "How long have you been living in the Barracks, again?"

  "S-s-sorry, Battlemaster."

  Just then Deorwynn came up behind Bors holding a large fur robe in her hands. "Husband?" she asked again, worriedly.

  Bors turned his head to the side and growled at her. "All clear."

  The two Knights-in-Training heard Deorwynn breathe a sigh of relief. Then, while still standing behind Bors, she slapped his bare back. "Do not growl at me, husband." Which brought a slight smile to Bors' face. Deorwynn then leaned up towards his ear with a mischievous smile and said, "Unless I give you reason to."

  Which brought a much bigger smile to his face.

  Bors then set his sword to the side of the door and took the large robe from her hands. While he was putting it on to cover himself, the two young Knights-in-Training were shocked to see Deorwynn as she turned and walked away from them towards the bedroom. She was wearing a covering, but it didn't cover much.

  Bors looked at the two the men whose mouths were sitting on the ground. "Put your eyeballs back in your sockets, boys; that is my wife you ogle."

  The two men instantly closed their eyes and turned to look the other way. "Sorry, Battlemaster!"

  "Do you see what you are keeping me from? This had better be important."

  "Yes, Battlemaster!" Aggravaine replied, nervously. "As I said, we were in the Marketplace, where we overheard two servants speaking."

  "Get to it, Aggravaine!" Bors barked. "Why is this thing important?"

  Aggravaine gulped. "Battlemaster, one of the two servants ... claimed to be a servant of ... Gorlois!"


  "It is true, Battlemaster!" said Geraint. "We both heard him say it! He was behind one of the tents making secret arrangements for a delivery. We thought it strange and approached them to the side, so that we might paid heed to their conversation."

  "Did you learn of his whereabouts!?"

  "We think so, Battlemaster! It is a house beyond our border. We know the location."

  "Which border?"

  "The western border of King Eldon of House Cadwell."

  Bors frowned. "House Cadwell is no friend of House Pendragon."

  "Surely that shall that stop us!?"

  "Nay. That shall not stop us; we shall go in secret. I must speak with High Prince Arthur at once. Thank you. You did well. Speak of this to no one; we dare not alert House Caldwell of our presence in his lands."

  "There is ... more, Battlemaster?"


  "The servant of Gorlois spoke of ... a daughter."


  "The servant said the daughter belonged to Gorlois and..."

  "Out with it, already!"

  "And the mother was said to be ... uh ... Igraine."


  "Was that not the name of..."

  "The mother of Arthur!" Bors gasped. "Surely you heard wrongly!"

  "No! Those were the words of the servant! That is all that we know."

  "Are you certain of this!?"

  "The servant seemed certain, Battlemaster. He was speaking about selling the daughter to the merchant without Gorlois' knowledge. They were bargaining for price."

  Bors shook his head.
"How can this be!? Gorlois had murdered Igraine not long after her capture!"

  Aggravaine looked at Geraint. "It is our thought, Battlemaster, that perhaps the mother of Arthur is still alive."


  "Yes, Battlemaster!! Of course, Battlemaster!"

  "Should you hear of anything else, do not hesitate to inform me. Even if it is the middle of the night such as now."

  "Of course, Battlemaster!" The two Knights-in-Training clapped their hands to their chests and turned to leave.

  After Bors closed the door he walked in to where Deorwynn was waiting for him.

  "I heard, husband."

  "I am sorry, wife; I must go. This is of utmost importance."

  "Of course, husband! I understand. Do you really think the mother of High Prince Arthur is still alive!?"

  "Nay; it does not seem possible. Igraine's body had been found."

  "Perhaps it was not Igraine! You told me there were only bones!"

  "Uther seemed certain it was Igraine."

  "Uther is not well."

  "He was well enough at the time. I do not know why, but Uther seemed certain it was Igraine."

  "Please come back to me safe, Bors."

  Bors smiled and walked over to kiss her. "Fear not, wife; you give me something to return to."

  *** *** ***

  Bors quickly returned to the castle and strode in through the front main doors. He was surprised to see that the door was open to the connecting receiving room. As he entered the room, he saw that a fire had been lit in the main fire hearth, and that a man was sitting near the fire in a large cushioned chair. Bors was startled to see that is was Uther, having just returned from one of his trips to ... no one knew where.

  "Your Majesty!" Bors exclaimed. "I did not know you had returned!"

  "Hello, Bors." Uther replied quietly, staring into the fire. "How is Arthur?"

  "He ... uh ... well ... your son was recently injured in a battle."


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