Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON Page 23

by Paul Green

  Sagremor and Accolon were less fortunate, as the sun's rays beating down upon them soon turned them lobster red by the time they reached the castle.

  Surprisingly, by the time they reached Camelot at noon, Morgan had fallen asleep, cuddled up against Accolon's bare chest. For Morgan had the same gift of her mother; the Gift of Hearing Hearts. And for the past three hours, beneath Accolon's heavy woolen shirt, Morgan had kept her head resting against Accolon's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

  And through Morgan's own unique understanding, Morgan heard the caring and concerned heart of the large Knight who had rescued her. With his long blonde hair and blonde beard and his warm blue eyes, Sir Accolon, Knight of Camelot, had unknowingly become the tiny girl's hero and savior.

  And so it was that the first initial seeds of bonding were planted and formed, between the little girl named Morgan le Fay and Sir Accolon the Knight. Seeds which would one day grow into something more.

  *** *** ***

  The three horses were reigned in at the royal stables, which were less than a hundred yards behind Castle Camelot. Fortunately the stables were in a shady area surrounded by trees and protected the two girls from the bright noon sunlight.

  Bors nodded at the two Knights, and then rode on towards the castle's front steps to give Arthur advance notice they were coming.

  Morgan had awoken when they stopped, and Accolon dismounted his horse while still cradling Morgan in his arms. Sagremor dismounted and then helped Luella off of her horse.

  Luella then quickly rushed over to Accolon and placed her hand atop Morgan's head, who in turn placed her hand atop hers. "Are you okay?" Luella asked out loud, while simultaneously 'communicating' to her in their secret language.

  Morgan nodded as she looked around, her eyes widening at the sights; especially the immense stone fortress a short distance away.

  Luella followed her gaze and asked "Who lives there?"

  Sagremor chuckled. "That, nursemaiden, happens to be the home of High King Uther Pendragon."

  Luella and Morgan both gasped at the mention of the name. Though Uther had never known never knew that Luella and Morgan were hidden below in the catacombs beneath the duke's castle in Cornwall years earlier, Luella had soon learned from Gorlois about what Uther had done and of his rampage, killing nearly all of the inhabitants inside.

  "Welcome to Camelot." Accolon grinned at Morgan in his arms. "Are you well enough to walk? I can still carry you, if you like."

  Morgan didn't reply as she continued to stare nervously at the fortress and the overwhelming surroundings.

  "She can walk." Luella replied on Morgan's behalf.

  "Are you sure?" Accolon asked Luella, while facing her.

  Luella nodded. "I have helped her maintain strength in her legs since she was young. Morgan had little room, but I saw to it she received daily activity."

  Accolon looked at Luella with increased appreciation. "You have been a Godsend to this child. Thank you, Luella."

  Accolon then gently set Morgan down on her feet. Morgan was a little wobbly at first, but Accolon helped steady her. Without a word, she then pulled Accolon's shirt from around her shoulders and offered it back to him.

  Accolon smiled at Morgan, tenderly. "You may wish to keep that to cover yourself as we enter."

  Morgan's eyes widened in surprise.

  As did Luella. "You ... would give this to Morgan!?" Luella asked, as if stunned.

  Accolon looked at Sagremor who was giving him a smirk. "It would not want to keep it if I were you." Sagremor teased Morgan. "Accolon has worn that thing for nearly two days. I would imagine by now it smells like the dog that he is."

  Ignoring Sagremor's tease, Morgan was looking up at Accolon in wonder.

  Accolon chuckled, looking down at Morgan. "I would imagine, even the gift of a 'dog' such as I, might be something you are unaccustomed to. If you wish to keep the shirt, then it is yours, Morgan. Put it on so that it might cover you, and then let us go and visit with those inside. I think the High Prince shall be most interested in meeting the two of you."

  Morgan continued staring at Accolon in wonder. For thought he hadn't realized it, Accolon had just given Morgan only the second gift of her entire young life. And to Morgan, the gift of Accolon's stinky and smelly woolen undershirt ... was just about the most precious and wondrous thing in all the world.

  Chapter 42

  Meanwhile in the castle, Bors had found Arthur downstairs in the Royal Receiving Room adjacent to the entryway, lying with his bandaged leg upon a sofa seat. And surprising to Bors, Uther was also there, still sitting in the very same chair which he had left him in the night before; and still with the same hazy glazed look in his eyes.

  "He does not speak." Arthur said, after Bors quickly filled him on what had happened that morning, as they were waiting for the others to arrive.

  "How long have you been with him?" Bors asked.

  "I came down after you left during the night. I found him like this and have stayed here since."

  "Has he recognized you?"

  Arthur shook his head. "No. He is getting worse, I think. And he is so thin and gaunt; I think his health is failing."

  Bors nodded. "So it would seem."

  Arthur sighed and then looked back at Bors. "So you do not think she is my sister?"

  "I do not think so, young pup. She is too small and too young to be the second daughter of Igraine. She cannot possibly be older than you. She is much younger."

  "This is disappointing. I should not have gotten my hopes up. How old do you think this child is?"

  "She cannot be more than six or seven years of age."

  "And what of her nursemaiden? Luella, you said her name was? You said she has lived with the child Morgan in that pit?"

  "In the chamber below with her, yes. Only the child remained in that wretched pit."

  "You said they communicated through touch?"

  "They still do, young pup; it is all they know."

  "You said Luella is deaf. What of the child? Can the child speak?"

  "I do not know. We have not seen evidence; not have we had time to speak with the nursemaiden on the matter."

  Arthur sighed, again. "I cannot even begin to imagine such conditions as you have described. Is the child even ... sane?"

  Bors shrugged. "I have no idea."

  "Should they not be here, by now!?"

  "They should be here at any moment."

  "After they arrive, can you go and fetch the Master Physician? He should take a look at both of them as soon as possible."

  Bors nodded. "I should warn you, young pup, the smell..."

  "I understand, Bors. I am sure I can overlook the smell."

  "I am not sure you can. I am only thankful we rode on horse the entire way. I led the way and remained ... upwind of them. I fear Accolon and Sagremor were not so ... fortunate."

  "I sent a message to King Eldon. So far, I have not heard back."

  "We took no lives, as I promised. Though I was sorely tempted."

  "It is better this way, Bors. We shall see to it that Gorlois comes to know justice, but in our own time and manner."

  "May it involve the removal of his wretched and vile head; of which I beg to offer my services."

  Arthur smiled, just as the front door to the castle opened. "Ah, here they are now. Accolon! Sagremor! Sir Knights..." Arthur began to tease. "Have you misplaced your shirts!? Surely you ... you ... you ... oh, dear God in heaven..."

  Arthur gasped when he got his first sight of Morgan and Luella. And tears immediately came to Arthur's eyes, especially at seeing the tiny little girl, who seemed petrified at entering through the massive doors of the great stone fortress. Arthur had seen scared animals before when they had been cornered. But to see the small thing frail girl who was trembling and shaking with a look of terror in her eyes, it instantly broke Arthur's heart.

  As they stood out in the castle entryway, in full view of Arthur from the receiving room, Accolon held
up his finger to Arthur, telling him to pause. Then Accolon knelt beside Morgan and asked Luella to 'speak' to her again.

  Luella, herself, was also looking nearly petrified; for entering the great castle of the High King was no small thing. But Luella quickly overcame her own fear and turned towards Morgan, once again placing her hand atop Morgan's head. Within moments, Morgan responded by placing her own hand atop Luella's, and after a time, both Luella and Morgan appeared to begin calming down; though they both remained wide-eyed.

  And then it was, that Accolon then entered the receiving room to present the two visitors. "High Prince Arthur Pendragon..." Accolon began to announce.

  Arthur immediately shot up his hand. "Just ... Arthur." he corrected. "They are overwhelmed enough as it is."

  "Of course." Accolon replied. Just then Accolon caught his first look as to who else was in the room, and his eyes widened at the sight of Uther.

  Arthur quickly shook his head with his finger to his lips, directing Accolon not to say anything. Accolon understood and turned to face Luella and Morgan. "Come. I wish you to meet ... Arthur. He is the one I spoke to you of."

  "Friend?" Luella asked.

  "Yes." Accolon smiled, tenderly. "Arthur is a friend. And he may very well be the most important friend you can ever have."

  Even though Morgan had heard Accolon's words, it wasn't until Luella confirmed it with her hand on Morgan's head, that Morgan braved herself to meet another person. As Morgan and Luella stepped into the room, the full light of the large bright Receiving Room windows fell upon them, causing them both to shield their eyes from the sunlight. Arthur quickly waved them forward closer, out of the direct sun.

  And once more Arthur gasped when he saw all of the terrible knife wounds upon Morgan's body; at least in the places where Accolon's large shirt wasn't covering her.

  "Bors..." Arthur whispered. "Get ... the Master Physician. Now."

  Bors clapped his fist to his chest and quickly disappeared out of the room.

  While his heart also went out to Luella, it was the sight of little Morgan that was ripping his heart apart. For she was bony thin and frail and emaciated, far more than he ever imagined it possible for a human being to be; especially as it was only a child. Morgan's skin was so pale and white from never having seen the sun she looked like a ghost. Her hair was so dirty and caked with mud, Arthur couldn't be certain what color her hair was; though he suspected it was brown.

  But the thing that got to Arthur the most, and more than anything else, was the eyes. Besides the look of fear as her eyes, darting back and forth between Luella and the strange new people in the room, Morgan's eyes were the most telling and revealing of all. For Arthur was looking at the very same eyes that he saw in his own mirrored reflection. And in that very same instant, Arthur knew ... that Morgan was his sister.

  Or, at the very least, his half-sister. Obviously born of Igraine, and likely Gorlois he surmised; Morgan was the first family Arthur had ever known; other than his father, of course.

  "Arthur..." Accolon announced, officially, "...I would like to introduce to you ... the nursemaiden Luella, and the child Morgan le Fay."

  Arthur was about to struggle to his feet when suddenly! Uther leaped up out his chair! The very mention of Morgan's full name had somehow broken through his fog, and he stood, staring in shock at the tiny little girl.

  Which of course, the sudden and unexpected movements of the strange man sitting in the chair once more terrified Morgan, and she instantly rushed into Luella's arms trembling in fear.

  "Morgan le Fay!" Uther whispered in awe.

  Then Uther began slowly walking towards little Morgan, even as Accolon knelt beside her and calmly said, "Fear not, little one; this man is a friend."

  It didn't help matters than Luella knew who Uther was and what he had done, and thus she didn't exactly agree.

  As Uther approached Morgan, however, she saw there was no evil in his eyes nor intent of harm. Instead, Morgan saw tears in Uther's eyes.

  Uther then knelt down on one knee before Morgan, and looked deep into her eyes. And tears began to stream down his face.

  "Morgan le Fay." Uther whispered again. Then, Uther raised his left hand; the one with a long deep white scar across his palm, and tenderly pressed his palm against Morgan's face.

  Morgan looked at the crying man without fear; only in wonder, without having any understanding what was going on. All Morgan could sense, was that the crying man was hurting inside.

  "Morgan le Fay." Uther whispered a third time. "Fairy spirit. My ... daughter."

  Thus, confirming in front of everyone, what Arthur had already guessed - that Morgan was indeed, a daughter of Igraine.

  Uther continued looking at Morgan for a time, as Morgan's small heart began going out to the crying man who had just claimed to be her father. Then ... Uther pulled his hand away from her cheek. He then leaned forward and kissed Morgan on the forehead. Uther then rose to his feet ... and turned and walked away.

  *** *** ***

  After Uther disappeared out through the front door, Arthur ordered Sagremor to follow him to make sure he was okay. Sagremor clapped his fist to his chest and quickly disappeared out the door after Uther.

  While Morgan was looking at the front door sorrowfully, for her heart had indeed been touched by Uther, Luella was finding herself very confused; for the Uther she had just experienced was nothing at all like the monster she had heard described long ago by Gorlois. And so it was that Luella decided, at that very moment, that the man whom Gorlois' had portrayed as a monster, was yet another of Gorlois' many and countless lies.

  Of course, she was also more than slightly stunned to see that the High King had just referred to Morgan as 'daughter'.

  Arthur then picked up a walking stick lying on the floor beside him and limped over towards Morgan. By the time he reached her, Morgan had turned her head from the door and faced Arthur. And Arthur was surprised to see a tear in her eye.

  Arthur marveled at the little girl. "After all that you have been through ... yet you weep for a man you have only just met. You are an amazing little girl, Morgan le Fay."

  Morgan looked down on the ground at her feet, unable to meet Arthur's intense gaze.

  "Morgan?" Arthur said quietly, "I do not know how much you understand, nor do I know if you can understand what I am saying. But that man who just left? His name is Uther. And he was once married ... to our mother."

  Morgan didn't reply. But Arthur did notice that she had nervously crossed her left foot over her right. It was her seeming nervousness at his words that signified to Arthur that Morgan knew exactly what he was talking about. And then it was, that Arthur realized that Morgan was older than she looked. And that she was much more intelligent than she first appeared. And once more, Arthur marveled.

  "I know you can understand me, Morgan." Arthur continued. "We are uncertain ... exactly ... as to who your father is. Whether it is ... my father ... or ... another ... we have no way of knowing. But one thing we do know, is who your mother is. We share the same mother, Morgan. And my father has even recognized your name and your face. There is no longer any doubt. Morgan le Fay? You are my sister. And I welcome you home."

  Chapter 43

  If Arthur was expecting a reaction, he didn't get one. Morgan simply continued looking at her crossed feet.

  Which told Arthur, that Morgan, herself, had already come to the very same conclusion all on her own. And again, Arthur was amazed.

  Arthur could see that Morgan had an amazingly pure and innocent heart; unexplainably and miraculously free from hatred, resentment, bitterness or any other such things, which Arthur again found to be simply incredible. There was much more to Morgan than met the eye.

  But Arthur could also discern that Morgan was extremely overwhelmed with the incredible events of the day, and he felt it was best to not try and push her too far. For whatever reason, Arthur sensed that even a simple thing such as a hug would likely frighten her. He wasn't sure how
much more she could handle; though so far, Morgan seemed to be handling it all better than one would have expected. So ... Arthur simply offered Morgan a warm and friendly smile and hopefully a sense of security; thereby allowing Morgan to grow into such things on her own and in her own time.

  Arthur was just about to ask if they were hungry, when Morgan suddenly knelt down to look closer at Arthur's bandaged leg.

  "I, uh ... I was hurt. It is nothing; it is only a cut."

  Morgan continued looking curiously at his bandages.

  "You ... have never seen ... bandages?"

  Without answer, Morgan continued inspecting them, as if trying to determine what was underneath.

  Arthur managed to discern her curiosity about the bandages, and decided to show her what was underneath. So ... he began to pull the bandaging apart, until the wound was revealed; a terrible long gash in his leg from the enemy battle axe.

  Once again, to Arthur's surprise, Morgan showed now reaction. She looked curiously at the long gash which was nearly three feet long. Then ... Morgan began looking at the cuts on her own arms and legs.

  And Arthur realized why Morgan didn't show a reaction to his terrible wound; for such a thing was commonplace to Morgan, herself.

  Fighting back both a tear and angry bile in mouth for what Gorlois had done to her, Arthur somehow managed a smile. "I guess this proves we are brother and sister. I have cuts like you."

  And that seemed to satisfy Morgan's curiosity; for she had actually been thinking the same thing, herself.

  Just then, Bors arrived with the Master Physician. "Dear God in heaven..." the Physician exclaimed, when he saw Morgan. He started to rush over to Morgan when Accolon stopped the Physician with his hand. "Go ... slow." Accolon ordered.


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