RAIL ME, RIDE ME, RUIN ME: A Stepbrother Romance

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RAIL ME, RIDE ME, RUIN ME: A Stepbrother Romance Page 1

by Tabatha Kiss


  Title Page

  Mailing List

  RAIL ME: Series 1

  Chapter 1 - Piper

  Chapter 2 - Kai

  Chapter 3 - Piper

  Chapter 4 - Kai

  Chapter 5 - Piper

  Chapter 6 - Kai

  Chapter 7 - Piper

  Chapter 8 - Kai

  Chapter 9 - Piper

  Chapter 10 - Kai

  Chapter 11 - Piper

  Chapter 12 - Kai

  Chapter 13 - Piper

  Chapter 14 - Kai

  Chapter 15 - Piper

  Chapter 16 - Kai

  Chapter 17 - Piper

  RIDE ME: Series 2

  Chapter 1 - Piper

  Chapter 2 - Kai

  Chapter 3 - Piper

  Chapter 4 - Kai

  Chapter 5 - Piper

  Chapter 6 - Kai

  Chapter 7 - Piper

  Chapter 8 - Kai

  Chapter 9 - Piper

  Chapter 10 - Kai

  Chapter 11 - Piper

  Chapter 12 - Kai

  Chapter 13 - Piper

  Chapter 14 - Kai

  Chapter 15 - Piper

  RUIN ME: Series 3

  Chapter 1 - Piper

  Chapter 2 - Kai

  Chapter 3 - Piper

  Chapter 4 - Kai

  Chapter 5 - Piper

  Chapter 6 - Kai

  Chapter 7 - Piper

  Chapter 8 - Kai

  Chapter 9 - Piper

  Chapter 10 - Kai

  Chapter 11 - Piper

  Chapter 12 - Kai

  Chapter 13 - Piper

  Chapter 14 - Kai

  Chapter 15 - Piper

  Whispers From Tabatha


  Midnight Kisses





  by Tabatha Kiss

  WARNING: This novel contains explicit descriptions of

  erotic and sexual acts that some may find offensive,

  including perverse adult language.

  Reader discretion advised.

  This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All characters detailed within are eighteen years of age or older.

  No characters engaging in sexual acts are blood related.

  Text and Story Copyright © 2015 Tabatha Kiss

  All Rights Reserved.

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  Piper & Kai

  Series 1



  It’s all I think about.

  Man, woman. Sweet, rough. You name it, I’ve probably tried it. There’s not a lot I’m not down for, and not a lot of people I’d say no to.

  Except him.

  I’ve noticed Kai Casablancas’ pathetic attempts at flirting with me. I’m not stupid. He’s been laying it on real strong lately and I’ve reached the end of my patience with him. You’d think my father marrying his mother would be enough to get him to back off, but he’s pursued me like a sick puppy for years.

  My friend and I are going to Europe for a week. One last hurray before college begins. A chance to experience the world beyond the prude and restrictive halls of Belle Academy.

  This trip to Europe is exactly what I need to finally let loose… and get far away from Kai.



  It’s all I think about.

  It has been ever since that bet Shawn and I made a few years back. If I can sleep with every female in our graduating class at Belle Academy before we go off to college, victory will be mine. It’s a tiny, elite private school. That’s 23 ladies and every last one of them thinks I’m a god.

  Except her.

  When my mother got married during my junior year, things got a little… complicated. It made Piper Lynch my stepsister. The Ice Princess herself. It was already a challenge getting under her thick skin, but now? She may as well have installed a chastity belt.

  One week. I have one week to seal the deal with her or Shawn wins. She thinks she’s gotten rid of me by leaving the country, but I have other plans.

  This trip to Europe is exactly what I need to get my edge back … and the perfect chance to get real close to Piper.


  Chapter 1



  I keep my voice down to avoid any unwanted attention to Ms. Clark’s geometry room. My nails dig hard into the oak wood desk as Jake’s thick cock pounds me against it. Or was it Jack? John? It doesn’t matter. Either way, he’s starting to bore me.

  “Harder.” I whisper it with a little more bite this time, whipping my head back to make eye contact with him. He’s got that look in his eye, like I’m the belle of his balls. The love of his whatever. I turn back around and roll my eyes as I round my hips to make his thrusts get the job done.

  “You’re so hot—” he grunts.

  “Stop talking.” I hate it when they talk. I finally get him at just the right angle and that good tickle starts to spread inside. My toes curl in my stiletto heels and I ride the wave over and over again until I get what I came here for. The climax is short and sweet, giving my nerves the quick recharge they needed before I walk out onto that stage.

  I stand up and push myself off the desk. His thickness slides out of me as I step away from him.

  “Hey— where you going?” he whines.

  I force my skirt back down and give it a quick look over for stains. If this guy got jizz all over this thing, I swear to god…

  “Hello?” He plants his hands on the desk and stares at me.

  I grab the maroon cap and gown off the table by the door. “Thanks for the hit,” I mutter back at him.

  “Well, can I get your number or something?”

  “No.” I open the door and close it behind me.

  My heels click loudly, echoing through the deserted halls of Belle Academy as I make way for the nearest ladies’ room. I stare at myself in the mirror above the sink and smile at the pink color showing through on my pale cheeks. It’s the perfect shade, one I can never quite get right with make-up alone.

  I slip the maroon gown over my head. It tumbles down my body until it just barely scrapes the floor beneath me. I cringe at my reflection. Hundreds of years of commencement in this country and no one has managed to create a graduation robe that doesn’t fit like a fucking moo-moo?

  Oh, well. It’s just tradition. It’ll all be over in an hour. Then I can kiss this fucking place goodbye once and for all.

  I run my fingers through my long, black hair and make sure it’s sitting perfect before placing the cap on my head. The tassel hangs down on the left side, but I ignore it while I fit the golden trim over my shoulders and make double sure it’s even on both sides

  “All right, Piper,” I say as I grip the tassel and move it to the right side. “Let’s do this bitch.”


  “It brings me great pleasure,” Headmaster Lynch says from the podium on stage, “to introduce this year’s Valedictorian. Not only because of the fantastic example she’s made for her classmates and this small community, but because I was there the day she came into this world.”

  I stare out at the crowd gathered on t
he front lawn of Belle Academy. An ocean of maroon caps and gowns sits in the front section while friends and family sit on the bleachers around them. I sit on the stage. It’s where I belong, after all. I’ve earned this.

  “I feel nothing but overwhelming pride to be here today…”

  I hold my eyes steady to keep from rolling them. People have already begun staring at me to see if I’ll start crying or show some other form of deep emotion towards my father. If that’s what they want, I’ll give it to them, but not yet.

  My eyes lock with Kai Casablancas’ stare from the front row. His brown hair hangs down under his cap, grazing the tops of his eyes. The corner of his mouth turns upward with a smug smirk.

  “I’m sure every one of us will be keeping a close eye on her from now on, because she’s guaranteed to take over the world. Ladies and gentlemen, Class of 2015, your Valedictorian, and my beautiful daughter… Piper Lynch!”

  I tear my eyes away from Kai and throw on a wide smile as I stand up. Applause fills my ears and I get quick jolt with each whoop and holler I hear from my classmates. I shake my father’s hand and he sits down on a chair while I take my rightful place at the podium.

  “Thank you, Headmaster,” I say, which earns a few chuckles from the crowd. I smile with nerves full of raw energy and look out into the eyes of my classmates. “Guys, we did it. We actually did it. We’ve worked so hard for so many years to get to this moment. After today, they can no longer call us children. The rules of Belle Academy no longer apply to us.”

  I make eye contact with Kai again in the front row, but quickly move on. The last thing I want to do is look at him. Not during my moment.

  “Freedom,” I continue. “That’s what this feeling is. Complete, utter freedom to be whomever we want to be. We can go anywhere and do anything we want. My father was right before. I am guaranteed to take over the world, but so are each and every one of you. There’s nothing to stop us now.” I pause and look out at everybody with a long smile as they grin back at me. They’re all eating out of the palm of my hand. I look at their faces and see their real futures. A few have potential, but the rest of them? No way. But I’m not going to be the one to tell them that, no matter how much pleasure it would bring me to knock them all down a peg. I’ve spent years being the perfect princess of Belle Academy. I guess I can fake it for a little bit longer. My eyes fall once more onto Kai’s face and I swear I see his head shaking back and forth.

  “Look to the future with me now,” I continue. “Imagine what you look like, where you’ll be, who you’re with… then hold onto it with everything you have. I can’t guarantee it’ll come true, but I can promise that with right amount of dedication, determination, and focus… you might get close. But never forget where you came from. Don’t forget about the echoing hallways of Belle Academy. Don’t forget the faces of those sitting next to you because we all came from the same place. We’ll understand your struggle and we’ll help you along the way. Congratulations, graduates. I can’t wait to see what we make of ourselves. Thank you.”

  The lawn erupts with applause. I hear the whistles between their lips and the clapping of their hands. It’s a good feeling, one that brings me sincere warmth. I step away from the podium and walk across the stage to take my diploma, as we rehearsed the day before. My father extends his hand to me and passes the rolled up sheet of paper off to me. He steps closer and pulls me in for an emotional hug. I let him have it. He’s been waiting as long as I have for this moment. As he releases me, I catch sight of tears in his eyes.

  “Congratulations, Piper,” he says, his smile full of love for me.

  I force a tear down my cheek and brush it away with my palm. “Thank you, daddy.” I shift my position to give the photographer offstage a better view and smile for the photo. I recognize him from Ms. Clark’s geometry classroom as he snaps our photo. So that’s who he was.

  The little princess of Belle Academy is all grown up.

  Ninety more days, and I’m out of here for good.

  Chapter 2


  I twirl my rolled diploma about in my fingers from my chair in the front row and watch as my classmates cross the stage after me. Each name called brings the flash of memory to my mind.

  Shawn Monty. My best friend. No other description necessary.

  Charles Moore. The editor of the newspaper.

  Monica Myers (Belle Academy Female #18). The carpets don’t match the drapes.

  Annie Prescott (Belle Academy Female #19). She and Barbara Lee (Belle Academy Female #12) gave me my first threesome. Thanks, ladies.

  Stewart Ryan. Resident douchebag.

  There are twenty-three female students in the Class of 2015 and I’ve been inside exactly twenty-two of them.

  All of them except for unlucky #13. Piper Lynch.

  She’s sitting on the stage now with that smile on her face. Yeah, that smile. The one she wears but doesn’t mean anything by it. Luckily for her, no one else but me has been able to see through it, but I’m not telling anybody. Her eyes follow each student as they pass by. I’d do anything to be a fly on the wall of her mind right now and hear what she’s really thinking behind that thick wall of glass and ice.

  I’m running out of time. A few years ago, Shawn and I made a bet. It was stupid, passive. Something neither of us started taking seriously until it became clear that I was actually capable of pulling it off.

  Bang every girl in our graduating class before college begins. All twenty-three of them.

  I’ve been stuck on twenty-two for weeks now.

  Juliet Cole (Belle Academy Female #5) was the last to fall. She’s got a thing for toes.

  But Piper fucking Lynch? I thought she’d be the easiest of all of them at first. She and I have been in the same class since kindergarten. We used to be forced into play dates when our mothers used to hang out. Those stopped when my mother and her father got a little too close to each other. Their affair broke up both marriages, but out of the ashes grew their own union and Piper and I were suddenly kin.

  Oh, goody.

  She’s either totally clueless or entirely disinterested, neither of which I’ll believe. Panties melt when I’m around. It’s a gift and a curse. No woman is safe — except for Piper fucking Lynch apparently. I’ve hit on her a million different ways and she’s given me absolutely nothing to work with in return. Years of my best material wasted on her and that seemingly impenetrable chastity belt. Sure, academics are important, but even Einstein must have let loose at some point, right?

  I stare at her up on that stage. Piper fucking Lynch with her good and innocent posture and that petite little waist. With those annoyingly beautiful, shimmering blue eyes and perfect raven hair. And that skin. Like a damned porcelain sex doll. I’m getting an angry hard-on just thinking about the complete fucking package.

  What does a guy have to do to fuck his stepsister around here?

  Don’t answer that.


  “I’m really starting to doubt you have what it takes to seal the deal, Kai.”

  I glance up at Shawn from the hood of my car and keep a steady voice. “I have what it takes. Don’t you worry.” I see Piper across the parking lot near the school. The wind catches the golden tassel on her cap and blows it across her face like a lock of hair. She pushes it back and laughs at something Mandy Black (Belle Academy Female #3) whispers in her ear.

  “I’m not the one that should be worried,” Shawn says with a grin. “I think the fact that you’ve been living under the same roof with her for over two years now and you still haven’t hit it speaks volumes, my friend.”

  She catches me staring at her, but I don’t look away. “I will admit, Piper’s a little more frigid than I expected.” After a quick roll of her eyes, she turns away. “But I have the rest of the summer to thaw that ice. You’ll see.”

  Shawn shakes his head. “There’s no shame in backing out. I’d understand.”

  “No one’s backing out.” I bite my lip. “
Everyone has a turn on. I just have to find hers.”

  “Good luck,” he says. “I could give you a sexual dossier on every girl in our class. But Piper… no one knows what shit she’s into. She’s like the Pentagon of pussy.”

  “Don’t forget whose dick wrote those dossiers, Shawn,” I say with soft chuckle. “I think she’s maybe on the amateur side.”

  “No way she’s a virgin, man.”

  “Have you ever seen her with anyone?” I ask. “Heard whispers in the hallways?” He doesn’t answer. “If she’s not, then she’s very, very good at keeping it under wraps.”

  “Well, then she’s learned from her daddy’s mistakes. The Headmaster isn’t exactly known for keeping his dirty secrets secret.” I shoot him a quick glare and he throws up his hands. “No disrespect to your mom, of course. She’s a classy lady.”

  I look back at Piper and push myself off the car. “No, this is it, man,” I say.

  “What is?”

  “High school is over,” I explain. I pull the maroon graduation cap off my head. “She’s got nothing to keep her mind occupied for an entire summer. No books. No tests. Nothing until fall. This… this is the time I’ve been waiting for.” I grab the maroon robe by the neck and pull it off before tossing it all into the backseat.

  Shawn smirks across the lot at Piper. “Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. But I think it’s gonna be me rolling around USC in this beautiful ride come September.” He brushes a finger across my car and I cringe a bit on the inside.

  “I am right.” I open the driver’s side door and sit down inside. “You just wait and see. I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye bye, dick,” he teases with a wave.

  I turn over the ignition and the engine purrs with life. There’s no way I’m giving up this car. She’s my most prized possession. My little red baby. The thought of Shawn taking ownership fills me with sincere dread.


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