Ladies Night

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Ladies Night Page 16

by Christian Keyes

  It had been a long day. He went straight up to his bedroom, took a hot shower, and then got into bed, where he fell asleep almost instantly. Snoring deeply, Amp began to dream, but it wasn’t his usual nightmare. Instead, this dream was about Dime, and she was calling him Black Magic over and over and over again....

  Just the sound of Amp’s stage name rolling off her tongue excited Dime as every inch of him was inside of her. The same way Amp was rough around the edges in everyday life, he was rough when it came to sexing her up, and she loved it. Her legs bounced in the air with each pounding thrust.

  Amp let out a moan that reflected both pleasure and pain, like he was mad at the world and was taking it out on her kitten. But it hurt so good for Dime, as she purred contentedly with each and every stroke.

  Pouring with sweat, Amp raised up over her on his arms like he was doing push-ups. His upper body remained stiff and hard as he worked his lower part deep into her.

  Unashamed, Dime called out his name repeatedly as she tried to keep up with him and throw her hips right back at him. It was useless; she couldn’t keep up. He was releasing years of pent-up sexual energy, and she was glad to be on the receiving end. She rested her bottom on the bed and let Amp do what he did, which was hit every sweet spot inside her sugar walls. As she ran her hands up and down his back, she could feel every muscle popping out of his back.

  Every so often Amp would become gentle, slowly pulling himself out of her, and then he’d ram himself inside again, then hold it there. He knew that was the spot from the way her nails sliced at his back. He was giving it to her like he loved her and hated her at the same time, and she loved it.

  Dime opened wide and wrapped her long, sexy legs around him. Being inside her felt so good to Amp that it almost hurt.

  Propped up on the pillow, Dime looked over Amp’s shoulders and watched his ass while he went in and out of her. The simple fact that he was still wearing the same black military boots that he danced in made her cum. Her lady muscle tightened around Amp as she released, then relaxed her muscle, ready for him to get her off again. The way he was going at it, she knew he wasn’t done.

  A sensation aroused in Dime that she had never experienced before as she not only climaxed a second time, but she squirted. Her eyes shot open toward the ceiling because for a minute there she thought she was peeing. That’s just how crazy it felt. It was almost like an out of body experience. She didn’t even know her kitten was capable of squirting milk. She closed her eyes as Amp reached his climax.

  As his legs shook and his core muscle tensed up with every release, Amp awoke to discover that he had been dreaming. His first thought was, I like her. He turned over and went back to sleep, hoping that there would be a second act to that dream.

  The next morning, Amp was sweeping the sidewalk and cleaning up the front yard when Paul came out of the house to talk to him.

  “How’s it going?” Paul asked.

  “It’s going,” Amp replied as he bent over to pick up a smashed McDonald’s cup off the sidewalk. He placed it in the bag he’d been using to collect trash and twigs then continued to sweep.

  “Just curious.... You’re a free man in about six weeks. What are you going to do then?”

  Amp stopped sweeping and gave Paul his attention. “Not sure yet. I’ve been putting money up and looking at some apartments.”

  “You got any family around here?” The only thing Paul knew about Amp was what was in his file, which made no mention of his family. The two had never sat down and had a personal conversation.

  “Some. But they pretty much turned their backs on me. They stopped taking my calls when I went to prison.”

  “I’ll make some calls and see if I can help with your apartment search. If there’s anything else you need help with, let me know.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  As Amp went back to his cleanup work, he reflected on how grateful he was for the people God had sent into his life. Although there were a lot of challenges for him to overcome, he felt he was finally headed in the right direction. Everything would be all right.

  Amp got off the city bus and walked a couple of blocks, stopping in front of a building that housed the University of Southern California administrative offices. Being back on this campus brought back a lot of memories for Amp, both good and bad. A smile spread across his lips as he reflected on the good ones: the parties, the music, the laughter with friends.

  There was always something fun and crazy going down, and Amp was always a part of it. He was serious about his business, but he really did know how to take the edge off when it came to winding down and relaxing. He enjoyed reliving those memories—until his mind traveled back to the night he’d had a little too much fun. That was the night that changed everything.

  The smile on his face was soon replaced with a frown as the sober reality of that night cast a dark cloud over his past and continued to rain on his present. He had to make things right, and being here was the first step.

  Taking a deep breath, Amp walked into the building and followed the signs that led him to the front desk of the academic records office. There were a couple of students standing in line, so Amp took his place behind them.

  When it was finally Amp’s turn, a forty-year-old woman in a navy blue skirt and blazer signaled for him to approach the desk.

  “Good afternoon,” she greeted Amp. “How can I help you?”

  “I need to get a list of the classes I’ve taken and credit hours I have completed here,” Amp told her.

  “Okay, so you need a copy of your transcript.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The receptionist punched some buttons on her keyboard. “The cost for that is twenty-five dollars.”

  “Damn. For a piece of paper?” Amp had definitely not been prepared to come off of twenty-five dollars of his savings. It might not have sounded like a lot of money to someone in a different situation, but for Amp every dollar was a step closer toward his independence and future. He had to think about this one, so that’s just what he did for the next couple of seconds.

  “You want it or not?” the receptionist asked with a hint of impatience.

  What choice did Amp really have? He needed the transcript, so if he had to pay twenty-five dollars to get it, what else could he do? “Yes, I want it.”

  “Name?” she asked.

  “Amp Anthony.”

  She typed his name in the computer, and moments later the transcript printed out. Retrieving it from the printer, she held it in her hands in front of Amp.

  “Will that be cash or check?” she asked.

  “Cash.” Amp handed her the money, and in return she handed him the transcript and a receipt.

  “Anything else I can help you with?” she asked.

  “Yes, actually.” Amp cleared his throat and leaned in a little. Upon instinct the receptionist leaned in too, close enough so that the scent of her perfume flirted with Amp’s nose.

  “I’m trying to locate someone,” he said. “I think she’s a student here. Can you check the name Shannon Ellis, please?”

  The receptionist typed the name into the computer and waited for the results. Amp was hopeful that it would be more than just a photo, which was all he’d been able to come up with on his search for the name Patricia Ellis.

  “Well, it says here that Ms. Shannon Ellis is a graduate student,” the receptionist told him, “but I’m not allowed to give you her personal information.”

  Amp could hardly contain his excitement on hearing the little bit of information the receptionist had decided to share. He leaned into the desk with a look of desperation in his eyes. “Ma’am, it is very important that I talk to her. How about giving me the day and time of one of her classes? I promise, I’m not a stalker or some weirdo. Please.” He hoped that she could sense his sincerity as he pleaded with her.

  She didn’t shut him down immediately, and the look on her face told Amp that she was considering granting his request. Thinking it mi
ght help his cause, Amp gave her the smile that few women could resist. He thought he saw the hint of a smirk pass over her face.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Anthony, but I can’t give you that information either.” While she spoke, she turned her computer screen so that Amp could see all the information on Shannon Ellis. She then placed a piece of paper and a pen on the counter and walked away.

  Amp quickly wrote down information from the screen and left. He had what he needed. Now came the hard part.

  Chapter 23

  It was just a few minutes before the doors would open at Club Eden, and Amp and Babyface were in the stage area, shooting the breeze. Babyface was talking with Amp about a private party he’d done the night before, but there was something more interesting holding Amp’s attention. He could hardly maintain eye contact with Babyface, for his attention was traveling off elsewhere—specifically, the DJ booth. Dime had been on his mind quite a bit lately.

  “I meant to ask what’s up with you and Dime,” Babyface said when he noticed how hard Amp was focusing on Dime as she set up for the night. “I see you two getting a little close.”

  Without taking his eyes off Dime, he answered, “I don’t know. We cool. I’m just really starting to get to know her a little better.”

  Amp couldn’t lie to himself, though. There was a part of him that definitely wanted to get to know more about her. She was cool people, had a good head on her shoulders, and was a hard worker like him. She was definitely someone Amp wouldn’t mind connecting with on a personal level. The look in his eyes as he stared at her was a dead giveaway of his true feelings.

  “I see you.” Babyface laughed.

  “I’m telling you, it ain’t like that—at least not yet.”

  Dime looked up and caught Amp checking her out.

  “See, you starting shit. She prolly heard you.” Having made eye contact with Dime, Amp couldn’t be rude and not go over there and speak. “I’ll get up with you in a minute, man.” He dapped Babyface and walked over to the DJ booth.

  “You two over there talking about me?” Dime asked Amp as he approached the booth.


  Dime took that as a yes and cracked a smile, trying not to blush. “So, when are you going to stop being so distant with me? I know you like me.” Dime looked away from Amp and continued setting up her equipment.

  “And I know you like me.” Amp wasn’t beneath playing along in their flirting session. Now it was now Dime’s move.

  Before she could respond, a woman came rushing out of Madam’s office. She looked bound and determined to make it out of that club without being stopped or asked any questions. She kept her eyes and feet straight on the exit path. Seconds later, Madam came out of her office looking pissed.

  “Let’s pick this up later, love,” Amp said to Dime.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “We’ll talk later.” They were both looking at Madam to see if she was going to comment on what had just happened.

  “Where the hell is Doc?” Madam yelled, fists on hips and chest rising up and down. She was pissed to the tenth power.

  “I don’t think he’s here yet,” Dime replied.

  “As soon as he gets here, send him in to see me!” Madam stormed back into her office.

  Amp and Dime shot each other a look that said they were both glad they weren’t in Dr. Feelgood’s shoes. Madam was on the warpath, and she had made it clear that he was her target.

  No sooner than Madam had slammed her office door behind her, Dr. Feelgood entered the club.

  “Yo, Doc,” Dime called out. “Madam came out of her office looking for you. And she didn’t look too happy.”

  “Yeah,” Amp jumped in. “You better see what she wants before she comes back out—”

  “And finds you,” Dime said, finishing his sentence.

  Their warning was too late. Madam had already come back out and was standing in front of him with a letter in one hand and a baby in tow.

  “Someone left this for you.”

  He grabbed the letter, noticing that it had already been opened. “Okay, thanks.”

  “No, this.” Madam raised up the baby in the carrier so Dr. Feelgood could take a good look. He was absolutely speechless.

  “His mama stopped by a little earlier,” Madam said, looking down at the baby in his blue onesie with a blue baby cap on his head. “I was on the phone, finishing up a call, so I didn’t see her set this child down and walk out.” Madam nodded toward the letter in his hand. “But per that letter, looks like this little bundle of joy is yours.”

  Still, words escaped Dr. Feelgood.

  “This is the type of shit I mean when I say don’t let your personal lives spill over into my place of business.”

  Shaking his head, Dr. Feelgood replied, “I don’t know anything about this. I don’t even know that this baby is really mine.” He looked from the letter to the baby, then back to the letter again. This had to be a joke. This couldn’t be happening—but the sound of the baby cooing let him know this was very real. That was no baby doll.

  “Well, if you had read any of the letters that had been left here for you, you would probably know. She’s been trying to contact you about this for a while now. And she’s willing to take a DNA test to prove that it’s yours—at least according to that letter she is. So, you need to take this baby out of here now.” Madam extended the baby to its maybe-daddy.

  “And go where?” he asked Madam.

  “I don’t know, but this isn’t a day care center,” she told him. “Maybe you should go track down Ms. Alicia and get your life together.”

  Dr. Feelgood took her advice and walked off, still stunned.

  Madam then realized that Dime and Amp had been standing there listening the whole time.

  “And you two, get to work,” she barked.

  Amp and Dime immediately picked up their belongings and kept it moving. The show was over, and it was time for them to get ready for the real show and make that cash.

  Chapter 24

  It had been yet another great night at Club Eden, for the women and for the dancers. Amp had done especially well.

  Once the bartender announced last call, Amp headed to the locker room to get changed. He came back out and did what had become an evening ritual for him: He helped Dime carry her things to her car.

  “Now, about our conversation from earlier . . .” Dime said, as if she’d been waiting all night to see where Amp’s head was at.

  Amp didn’t mind. He enjoyed the fact that they were making progress in this . . . thing they had going on. Like he’d told Babyface, he didn’t even know if it could be called a relationship, but whatever it was, it was progressing.

  “Okay. Here it is then. I’m dealing with some stuff,” Amp told her.

  “What stuff?”

  “I don’t go around discussing my life with people—especially people I don’t know very well.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at Dime with curiosity in his eyes. If whatever was going on between the two of them was headed somewhere, he didn’t want to put a halt to it by exposing more information than he needed to. Amp had a feeling, however, that just like him, a part of Dime did want things to go somewhere between them. She hadn’t run off yet, even though she knew that he had been in prison.

  “And why you want to mess with a guy like me anyway? I’m damaged goods. I’m trying to fix some of these things, but I’m just not there yet.”

  Dime sucked her teeth, expressing her disappointment with being once again brushed off by Amp.

  “I promise, in time, I’ll tell you what you need to know,” he said.

  “Okay, but at least tell me this: Why, when I offer you a ride, do you almost always say no? Is it pride?”

  Amp went back to helping Dime load the car. “Yes, partly. I don’t want to feel like a charity case. But it’s also because after being locked up for a long time, it’s nice just to be able to walk anywhere.”

  “That makes sense,” Dime said. “You want a r

  Amp smirked. “Why not?”

  They loaded the rest of Dime’s equipment and got in the car. Like she’d done on a few occasions now, Dime drove Amp home—or at least the place he called home for now. It was only a matter of time before he’d have a place of his own.

  After bidding Dime a good night, Amp went in the house, grabbed a plate of leftovers, hit the shower, and then hit the hay. As dog tired as he was, he thought he’d fall into a deep sleep just as soon as his head hit the pillow. He had hoped to dream about making love to Dime again, but that wasn’t the case. He was sleeping restlessly, tossing and turning.

  He sat up in his bed and looked at the clock. Although it felt like he’d been lying there for hours, it had only been about thirty minutes. Next to the clock lay the newspaper article he was always rereading. He shook his head in frustration at the roller coaster ride that was his life. One minute he was in the car with Dime, feeling like things were moving in the right direction, and then he was in bed, staring at an article that reminded him of the terrible mistake he’d made that put him on this rocky path. Clearly sleep was nowhere in the vicinity of his bedroom, so he got out of bed and headed downstairs.

  Amp was creeping through the house as quietly as possible. He went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and then went into the living room, where he saw Paul in the corner, headphones on, listening to his records. Amp went over and sat on the couch across from him.

  Paul took off his headphones. “Can’t sleep, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Amp sipped his water. “You would know a little something about that, wouldn’t you?” That was Amp’s way of letting Paul know he could talk about what it was that gave him his sleepless nights if he wanted to. Amp would be a listening ear.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “It may not be the same thing haunting you, but something keeps you up at night.”

  “Listen,” Paul said. “You focus on getting your shit together. Don’t worry about mine.” He picked up the headphones again and adjusted them. That was the end of the conversation that never really got started.


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