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  Stifling a laugh at herself, she turned on her heel and headed out of the restroom.

  What she found in the lobby made her stop in her tracks. Christina stood glaring at Lonnie with her hands on her hips. Her brow creasing in concern, Sandy slowly approached them.

  “Oh, what,” Christina all but shouted hysterically. “You didn’t think I’d confront you if you stood me up?” Then the woman caught sight of Sandy approaching and let out an unladylike snort. “This is rich. I should have known better than to believe you when you said you and Sandy were just friends. What a crock of lies!”

  “But we are just friends,” Sandy murmured. She touched Lonnie’s arm. “I thought you said Christina cancelled.”

  Lonnie glanced at her. “My date with Christina was cancelled,” he replied quickly before turning back to the upset woman. “I’m sorry we had a misunderstanding, but…”

  “Misunderstanding!” she roared. “I’ll tell you what the misunderstanding was…”

  Holding up his hands, Lonnie stopped her tirade. Without looking at Sandy, he said, “Why don’t you go back in and have a seat. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Before Christina could open another scathing volley, Sandy replied, “It’s okay. You go ahead and work it out with her. I don’t much feel like watching the rest of the show now anyway.” She dug her keys out of her purse. “Give me a call if you need anything.” She looked at the seething blonde. She really was pretty when her face wasn’t twisted in anger. “I’m sorry, Christina. I didn’t mean to cause problems.”

  Lonnie turned his back on the woman and grabbed Sandy’s arm. “Don’t apologize to her. She’s the one causing a scene.” When Sandy just lifted her brows in surprise, Lonnie sighed. “I’m sorry the night ended like this. I’ll call you later.”

  And to her utter shock, Lonnie leaned forward and kissed her. Sandy gasped in surprise, and Lonnie took advantage, tilting his head and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Regaining her senses, Sandy pushed Lonnie away. “What the hell was that?” Before he could reply, Sandy held up a hand. “I’m going to chalk that up to the animal attack and the pain meds scrambling your brain. I’ll see you later.”

  Sandy extricated her arm from Lonnie’s grip and hurried out the door, shaking her head as she went. Halfway to her Jeep, she felt a presence at her back and turned. She had to keep in a startled gasp when she spotted the two men from the auditorium hurrying after her.

  Oh, they are fine. Blondie stood right around six feet, and Muscle Man was a couple inches shorter. Muscle Man’s dark brown eyes seemed to glitter in the dark as he stopped a couple feet from her and smiled, probably worried about spooking her. Blondie stood a step behind him. Both men had well-muscled bodies, broad shoulders, little fat, and seemed to be focusing on her. Huh.

  “Can I help you?” Sandy asked warily.

  Muscle Man glanced at Blondie, as if looking for direction. Blondie lifted a brow. She brought her attention back to Muscle Man and his sensual mouth, and Sandy wondered what it would feel like to kiss the man. He started speaking, and she pulled her thoughts together to focus on his words.

  “We couldn’t help but overhear what happened in there,” he said. “How long have you known Lonnie Bowler?”

  Okay, so the men knew Lonnie. Sandy thought she knew most of Lonnie’s friends, so how come she’d never met these sexy studs? “I’ve known him since grade school,” she replied slowly, still cautious. “How do you know him?”

  Another of those looks passed between the men. Was there something between these guys? Where they gay? Mmm, the thought of these two going at it was just hot!

  “Not well, but we can tell you that he’s…well… I’d say he’s going through a mid-life crisis but that’s not really it.” Muscle Man paused, considering his words.

  Blondie stepped forward, and held out a hand. “We should probably introduce ourselves. I’m Devon Stephenson. This is Adam Rudolf. Do you have a few minutes? We’d really like to explain some things about Lonnie to you.”

  Sandy had to fight back a shiver at Blondie’s—Devon’s— soothing bass voice. Maybe what these guys said would explain why she was suddenly getting such odd vibes from her longtime friend. And it wasn’t like they appeared interested in her, at least not romantically, so what did it matter if she took the time to internally drool over them while they talked. Sandy nodded. “I’m Sandy Shreve,” she told them. “There’s a bar down the street. The Copper Kettle. Do you know it?” Both men nodded. “Meet me there. You can buy me a drink.”

  Okay, so she didn’t know where that brazenness came from, but what the hell. Besides, the men didn’t seem to mind, if their smiles and nods were any indication. “It would be our pleasure,” Devon said.

  Yup, they didn’t seem to mind at all.

  Chapter Three

  Adam looked over at Devon as his friend started the SUV. When Ben had announced his vision about their mate, the one woman that they would share for the rest of their days, he’d scented Devon’s discontent. Even though they’d known it was coming, it didn’t make it any easier. He knew Devon had dated a human woman once. The wolf should have known better. Both he and Ben had tried to tell him that she wasn’t his mate. Devon had ended up burned.

  Adam, Devon, and Ben had known each other since they were cubs. Ben’s parents were the pack’s prior inner circle, so he’d been groomed to take over the pack since birth. Devon and Adam had had the man’s back every step of the way. They shared a bond making them closer than brothers and it had just about torn Ben and Adam’s hearts out when Devon was hurting.

  “What do you think of her?” Devon murmured.

  “I think it’s been a long time since we’ve shared a woman, but damn she smells good,” Adam replied, trying to lighten the mood. They’d shared women numerous times throughout college, but never since returning to the pack. They didn’t want any female to get the wrong idea.

  It worked. Devon chuckled. “Ass. That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  Adam smiled. “She’s attracted to us, but our lifestyle isn’t the norm. Three men to one woman? Most people want to try that once just to see what it’s like, not do it on a permanent basis. Throw being wolf shifters into the mix? This isn’t going to be easy for her.” After seeing Devon’s jaw clench, Adam reached over and rubbed his thigh. He scented the calming effect his touch had on Devon and smiled. “She’s not the only one it’s going to be tough on, but it’s meant to be.”

  “I know, and we don’t have much time,” Devon said. “The coming Blue Moon is already affecting her. Couple that with the magic of Halloween and her body is already readying to mate. Her increased scent means she’s going into heat. It’s going to attract every shifter in the area,” he added worriedly.

  “She’s ours,” Adam found himself snarling. Fuck, where did that possessiveness come from? He rubbed his hands over his face. “Sorry. But the idea of anyone else touching her makes me see red,” he admitted. “I almost wanted to strangle Lonnie when he kissed her.”

  Devon nodded, his knuckles turning white as his grip tightened on the steering wheel. “Me, too. Call Ben. He needs to be here.”

  Adam silently agreed, pulling out his cell phone and dialing.

  “Hey, Adam. How’s it going?” Ben immediately asked.

  Adam grimaced, knowing what he had to tell wasn’t good news. “Not so good, Ben,” he said, using his alpha’s name to convey how serious he thought the situation. “We found Sandy and made contact, but it looks like she’s already going into heat due to the combination of the coming Blue Moon and the magic of Halloween. Lonnie has already tried to make a move on her. We’re on our way to have a drink with her…try to explain things a bit.”

  “Shit. I’m almost done here. Where are you?”

  “We’re on our way to the Copper Kettle bar. We’ll stall until you get there. Try not to be long, huh, Alpha?” Adam said, expressing his urgency with his voice.

  He could imagine Ben noddin
g. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  Adam flipped his phone closed and turned to Devon. “He’s just wrapping up with Rance. He’ll be here soon.”

  “I sure hated leaving him with Peter and Kiall for that meeting. We should have been there watching Ben’s back while he met with the cougar alpha,” Devon groused.

  Reaching over, Adam pried one of Devon’s hands off the steering wheel and squeezed it. “This was more important. You know that.”

  Devon spared him a glance and nodded, returning the reassuring squeeze, before turning his eyes back to the road. He eased the vehicle into the lot and parked. When they got out, they immediately scented Sandy’s amazing smell. It made Adam’s cock stand at attention and his balls tingle. From the soft groan from Devon, he knew her scent had a similar effect on the other man.

  “Damn, I can’t stop thinking about how it will feel to slide my cock into her warm, wet sheath,” Devon hissed as he fell into step beside Adam.

  Adam nodded, the vision of him taking her ass as Devon’s cock filled her pussy had him groaning. “Shit, we’ve got problems.”

  “We’ll need to figure out where she lives and one of us will have to watch her at all times,” he said.

  “Yup,” Adam agreed.

  They stepped inside the bar and immediately spotted Sandy. In the confined space of the building, Sandy’s scent permeated his senses, thickening his cock further. It twitched behind his fly, and Adam prayed he wouldn’t have a permanent zipper mark embedded on his dick.

  They weaved between tables to the booth Sandy occupied in the back. Already a waiter flirted with her, and she seemed completely oblivious to his interest, which Adam found odd. Surely she knows how beautiful she is, with her angelic facial features, short sexy legs, cute ankles, waist with just a little extra, great for holding onto while I drive my shaft into her, and her breasts…damn! Perfect handfuls!

  “Your arousal isn’t making controlling myself any easier,” Devon growled at him.

  Adam grinned and shrugged. “What the hell do you expect me to do about it?” he whispered back. Turning, he gave the waiter a smile. “Give us a minute, will you?”

  The man looked to Sandy, who was staring at them with curiosity in her open, expressive face. And if he wasn’t mistaken, there was more than a little heat in those lovely green eyes.

  Adam let out a slow breath and smiled at her, liking how she flushed ever so slightly when he did. “How about I run to the bar and get drinks. From the looks of the waiter it’ll be quicker,” he said, giving her a wink.

  Sandy cocked her head, telling Adam she didn’t follow his reference. Well, shit, what has happened in her life to make her doubt how sexy she is? Adam couldn’t wait to correct that little misconception. “What would you like to drink?” he asked.

  “A glass of the house merlot would be wonderful. If they don’t have that, AmberBock.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be right back.” Adam grinned and winked again, before turning away from his unsuspecting mate.

  A couple steps from the table, he heard Devon comment about going to the restroom. Adam resisted the urge to shake his head. He knew his friend didn’t make it a habit of engaging in one-night stands, hence the relationship problems with the human, so it had probably been a long time since he’d gotten laid. Adam knew exactly what Devon was going to do in the bathroom.

  He waited several minutes for the bartender to acknowledge him, keeping an eye on Sandy, smiling or grinning every time her gaze swept over him, which, to his pleasure, was often. He loved the way she’d blush and quickly look away. He couldn’t wait to learn more about her.

  He’d just placed his drink orders when Devon reappeared at his elbow. His slightly flushed face and more relaxed scent had Adam smirking. “Everything come out all right?” he teased.

  Devon glared, but it didn’t stop Adam from seeing the slight blush. “Shut the fuck up,” he snarled. At Adam’s chuckle, he grimaced. “It’s been a while, okay? Her scent was driving me nuts.”

  He gave Devon a sympathetic smile. “Waiting until she’s ready will not be easy.”

  “Who knows, maybe she’ll be just as affected by our scents.”

  Devon’s hopeful look had Adam barking out a laugh. “Yeah. We’ll all end up sex crazed maniacs until after the full moon.”

  “Some shifters are already sex crazed maniacs.”

  Adam’s brows lifted at Devon’s muttered comment. He shrugged, unwilling to bother justifying his own active sex life. “Settling down has always been the goal, Devon, but what was the point of denying myself when my mate wasn’t around.” Devon didn’t meet his eyes, so Adam lifted a hand to his jaw and forced the other shifter to meet his gaze. “Relax, my friend. Once we prove to Sandy that her whim will be our command, and all we want to do is please her, we’ll all be happy.”

  Devon gave in and nuzzled his hand for several seconds, taking comfort, before drawing away. He frowned again. “Do you think we’d still want her if…well…you know.”

  Adam smiled. “I do. She’s the fourth that makes up our inner circle. You know that having the inner circle bound by the alpha-mate proves Fate has blessed the pack and eases the minds of those in it. Having her as a mate strengthens the internal ties of the entire pack, plus she completes us. Even if it wasn’t a Blue Moon, and even afterward, I know we’ll still want her,” he assured. Then he winked. “The trick is going to be getting her to keep wanting us.”

  Devon smiled at his answer. “I think that’s something we can figure out. We’re three smart men.”

  Adam grinned, picking up the merlot and the bud light the bartender set on the counter. Devon picked up the other two bud lights, one for himself and one for Ben when he arrived. Turning, Adam stiffened, his blood running cold. After exchanging a glance with Devon, they made a beeline for the table and their waiting mate.

  The sight that met Adam’s eyes had him letting out a soft growl, which matched Devon’s. Brody, a shifter from the nearby pride, sat across from Sandy. She pulled her hand away from the good looking man, but he reached for it again, so she tucked it into her lap.

  “Brody,” Devon said softly. “I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

  Brody turned, his eyes narrowing when he took in Adam, Devon, and the drinks they held. He rose slowly, his smile brittle. “I’m just waiting for my…for Rance. He had a meeting and told us to meet him here afterward.” His gaze swept over them to Sandy and back again. “It is neutral, you know.”

  Us? Adam’s gaze swept the bar, seeing Carlos for the first time. To allow Brody to approach Sandy unaccompanied, the cougar must be quite a bit lower in pride hierarchy, but he didn’t look happy about it. Adam nodded at Brody. “The place is, true enough, but our date is not.” He winked at Sandy and settled the glass of merlot in front of her. “Sorry we took so long. Our buddy, Ben, called asking where the party is.”

  “Ben is coming?” Brody murmured, stepping carefully away from the table.

  Grinning, Devon shrugged. “His vision is important to him.”

  Adam noted the stress Devon put on the word vision, knowing Brody picked up on it as well, when he nodded in acceptance. Vision mates were sacred. Once known, a shifter wouldn’t intentionally mess with them. Of course, if Sandy went unclaimed for too much longer, her scent would begin to mess with a shifter’s mind, making them run on their instinctual urge to mate a female in heat. And the heat would begin affecting Sandy as well, making her more willing to allow herself to be fucked by anyone. Her desire to scratch the itch that the coming Blue Moon caused would become all-consuming. For him and his mates’ sakes, Adam prayed it didn’t get to that point.

  Brody smiled one last time at Sandy. “It was nice meeting you, Sandy,” he said before leaving.

  Adam turned back to Sandy and smiled. Her wide green eyes were traveling over his ass, and when she realized she’d been caught, she blushed prettily and focused on her merlot. Adam glanced at Devon and winked as the other man slid into
the booth across from her. Normally, Adam would have joined him and left the seat open for Ben to claim, but with so many other shifters in the bar, he didn’t dare. It may be viewed as an invitation.

  “Do you mind?” he asked, indicating the space on the bench seat next to her. Her eyes widened slightly, but she slid over, giving him more room, not that he wanted it. Adam would have loved to have her plastered against his side. Damn, it had been years since he felt that way about anyone. Adam slid into the seat next to Sandy and rested one arm on the back of the booth and wrapped his other hand around his beer. “I see you met Brody. He’s a good sort, most of the time, but since you came with us, sort of,” he added with a grin when he saw her open her mouth to protest.

  “Does Brody know Lonnie, too?” she asked, frowning, her gaze passing between the men.

  Adam shook his head. “I don’t think he does. He does know Ben though.” They’d stopped by Lonnie’s apartment the day he’d been attacked. The man hadn’t believed them until Adam shifted for him, proving he was one of the wolves that saved him. Damn near freaked Lonnie out. The man said he needed time to accept it. Ben had agreed, telling him if he felt any aggressive tendencies, to call him immediately. They’d left and Ben had put a tail on Lonnie, a shifter named Cindy, one of their best trackers, much to most of the male wolves chagrin. The woman could track anything. They’d even seen her track a man in a car once because he’d left a window open. No one could deny how impressive that was!

  “How does he know you and Ben?” Sandy asked, reining in Adam’s wayward thoughts. He glanced at Devon, his silent look asking if his friend and fellow beta wanted to start.

  Devon leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table and wrapping his hands around his beer. “Did Lonnie tell you about being attacked by the wolf in the woods?”

  Sandy nodded. “It was a strange story. I’ve researched wolves for books I’ve written, and never read anything about them acting like that. Not just attacking a human without provocation, but the part about two wolves pulling the attacking one off him.” She shook her head. “I didn’t even know wolves were back in the Catskill Mountains!”


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