The CIA UFO Papers

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The CIA UFO Papers Page 41

by Dan Wright

  Scientific Advisory Panel, formation of the, 48

  Scientific Review Board review of national security, 62

  scouting balloon over Sofia, Romania, 214

  Scoville, Herbert, 76–77

  Allen Dulles and, 93

  anomalous aerial phenomena and, 96–97

  correspondence with Robert Amory, Jr., 99

  letter to George Wyllie, 141

  letter to Lawrence Houston, 161

  memo written by, 124

  memorandum from, 91

  UFO-related dispatch from, 93

  secret aircraft, UFOs and, 186

  secret weaponry as the source of UFO reports, 152


  restrictions on content of eyewitness accounts, 125–126

  violations of the CIA, 64–65

  Setif, Algeria, cigar-shaped vehicle over, 77

  Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, reports of odd lights in, 211–212

  Shakhty, Russia, objects seen near, 90

  Shanghai, China, cigar-shaped aerial object over, 171–172

  shapes of daytime sightings, 13

  Shaw, J. Arnold, 139

  correspondence with Leon Davidson, 104

  Shetland Islands, aerial object spotted near the, 297–298

  shiny metallic clothing, sightings of men dressed in, 27–28

  Shklovsky, Joseph, 183

  sighting by the public, report elements for, 121

  sighting reports,

  pilot requirements for, 236

  reduced numbers in, 22

  sightings, astronomers with personal, 205


  Cold War, 114–115

  features of nighttime, 13–14

  increases in, 55

  patterns of, 186

  psychological factors contributing to, 36

  shapes of daytime, 13

  silencing UFO witnesses, allegations made about, 139

  silent flying disc over Edwards Air Force Base, 115

  silver disc over Glen Burnie, Maryland, 43

  silver oval sighting in Roseville, Michigan, 29

  silver-colored sphere over Sweden, 78

  single-witness accounts, disqualification of, 33–34

  single-witness sightings, discarded, 153

  Skyhook balloon, Thomas Mantell and a misidentified, 10, 215

  Skyhook balloon sightings at Holloman Air Force Base, 19

  sleep disturbances after abduction, 239

  small beings seen in Tingsryd, Sweden, 274

  Smith, Walter B.,

  communications with, 48

  document ordered by, 33

  memo sent to, 40, 41

  Smith, Wilbert, memo written by, 21

  Socorro, New Mexico, incident at, 172, 205

  Sofia, Romania, NATO scouting balloon over, 214

  Sonoma, California, flat object seen over, 72

  Sousse, Tunisia,

  pale-green light over, 38

  unfamiliar objects spotted over, 29

  South Africa, bright light over, 68–69

  South Korean Air Force, unknown intruder detected by the, 295–296


  aeronautical equipment, secret, 106

  airspace, UFOs in, 293–294

  attacks, Air Force analysis of UFO reports for, 39

  committee for the study of unusual phenomena, 233

  design of flying saucer craft, 106

  government policy, psychological warfare and, 36

  knowledge of flying saucer phenomena, 39

  lunar program, JPRS reports and the, 285–286

  military UFO commission, 208

  press and OSI, the, 308

  press reports of UFOs, 208

  scientists' opinions of UFOs, 213–214

  secret weapons, UFOs as, 34

  sightings, rulings on, 214

  space launches mistaken for UFOs, 299

  theft of German flying saucer plans, 63

  Soviet Union, UFO sightings in the, 281–282

  Soviets, secret project by the, 93

  Spaulding, William, 263–264

  demands for secrecy on UFOs from, 259

  Today show appearance by, 264

  special reports prepared by the Battelle Memorial Institute, 88–89

  sphere, anomalous, crash of an, 281

  spheres over Almansa, Spain, 38–39

  spindle shape over Oran, Algeria, 29

  spiral nebula in China, 268

  Spitsbergen, UFO crash in, 32

  Spjellerup, Sweden, excavation in, 78

  St. George, Minnesota, flying saucer over, 178–179

  St. Helens, Tasmania, bright light in, 241–242

  Stalingrad, Russia, unknown flying over, 99

  Stansel, Arthur, 73

  statement on UFOs from Harry Truman, 15

  static electricity, 57

  stereoscopic photography, accuracy of, 214

  stereoscopic photos, anomalous flying objects and, 215

  Stigsjoe, Sweden, unknown over, 141

  Stranges, Frank, Joe Pyne interview with, 189–190

  Strategic Air Command, 44, 115, 144

  Stratton, Dr. Julius, communication with, 56

  Stringfield, Leonard, Mantell incident and, 10

  Strong, Philip G., 40, 41, 58, 64–65

  communication with Dr. Luis Alvarez, 111

  contact with former Robertson Panel members and, 109

  correspondence with Samuel Goudsmit, 120

  inquiry into UFO photos from, 154

  memo to Dr. Thornton Page from, 64

  memo written by, 61, 64, 66

  memorandum sent by, 164

  memorandum sent to, 60

  UFO-related freshman papers, 143

  Stuggart, Arkansas, sighting, 15

  Sunderland, Captain M., 155

  supersonic airborne jets, NICAP claim of, 107

  surveillance by ASD, 77

  swamp gas,

  J. Allen Hynek determination of, 191, 206

  UFOs and, 187


  aerial objects photographed over, 151

  silver-colored sphere over, 78

  Swiss Air Force, flying saucers seen by the, 81

  Sylvania, Alabama, red-orange light over, 302


  Tacker, Lawrence, 127–130, 131–133, 134, 140, 155–156

  psychological warfare accusations and, 161

  Taiwan Straights, UFOs spotted over the, 300

  Tananarive, Madagascar, green ball over, 84–85

  Tangiers, Algeria, rocket-shaped object near, 37

  Taourirt, Morocco, disc sighting over, 38

  Tashkent, Uzbekistan, nocturnal lights near, 25–26

  Teaticket, Massachusetts, sighting, 15

  technology, duplication of saucer, 170–171

  Teel, LaRe L., 129

  telepath, MITI study of, 298

  Teller, Dr. Edward, Project Sign and, 13

  temperature inversions, reports generated because of, 35

  temperature inversions mistaken for UFOs, 36

  thermoplane, 295, 301

  Tiaret, Algeria, cigar-shaped mass sighting in, 28

  time travel, UFOs and, 186

  Timor Sea, sightings on the, 2

  Tingsryd, Sweden, small beings seen in, 274

  Titan missile site, 165

  Tombaugh, Clyde, 205

  Torres, Lieutenant Milton, 115

  Trakehnen, Germany, incident in, 184

  travelers, interplanetary, 42

  Tremonton, Utah,

  aerial anomaly over, 49

  footage from, 52

  footage of unknowns at, 41

  orange object over, 42

  Tretyak, Ivan,

  denials of, 292–293

  interview of, 291, 293–294

  triangle hovering over Maxton, North Carolina, 84

  triangle-shaped aerial object over the Escambia Bay Bridge, 288


borne object over Hiroshima, Japan, 176–177

  object near Bornholm Island, 45

  Truax Air Force Base, disappearing jet from, 69

  Truman, Harry, 25

  executive order of, 5

  statement on UFOs from, 15

  Truman-era documents concerning 1947 UFO crash, 276

  Truzzi, Marcello, UFO research and, 258–259

  tubular object sighting over San Antonio, Texas, 30

  turbulent air masses mistaken for UFOs, 36

  Tuscany, Italy, white object spotted over, 82

  Twining, General Nathan, 306

  letter written by, 8


  UFOBs, 67

  Army evidence of, 68

  Project STORK and, 68

  ufology, Cecil B. Scott and, 296

  Umvuma, Zimbabwe, blue beam in, 241


  cosmic ray phenomena, 54

  sightings, geographic locations of, 53

  unidentified aerial objects, reports of, 41

  Unidentified Flying Objects Research Committee, 134, 139

  unidentified objects over Salisbury, Rhodesia, 80

  unidentified radar echo, 229

  University of Colorado, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 309

  University of Colorado UFO Project, 20, 185, 187, 192, 216

  University of Colorado UFO study group, 195– 200, 222

  unknown objects, photographs of, 133


  ATIC explanations for, 42

  cases listed as, 89


  Forecast Center, UFO sightings and the, 243

  government, responsibility of sightings from the, 37

  psychological warfare planning, 39–40

  secret weapons, UFOs as, 34

  secret weapons development, unknowns explained as, 42

  USAF, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 19, 34, 35, 36, 45, 51, 57–59, 66, 67, 69, 128, 136, 140, 151, 161, 168, 186, 189, 196, 197, 309

  personnel, Air Force regulations for, 150

  Project Blue Book, 15, 23, 29–30, 36, 43, 44, 46, 65, 72, 73, 94, 99, 113, 144, 206, 210, 219, 224, 254

  rocket and the Roswell, New Mexico, incident, 282

  role regarding reported aerial anomalies, 121

  USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, sighting over, 46, 100

  Uzbek Republic, information report from the, 25


  V formation, discs over George Air Force Base in a, 43–44

  V formation over Norway, 77

  V-shaped wing, sighting of an object with a, 23

  validity of published saucer reports, 83

  Vallee, Dr. Jacques, 264

  theories of, 235

  Vancouver Island, British Columbia, photographs taken on, 279–280

  Varanasi, India, luminous discs spotted near, 255

  Varginha, Brazil, submarine-shaped object over, 303–304

  Venus mistaken as UFOs, 33

  Vienna, Austria, IFDRB file published from, 26–27

  Volkman, Ernest, 273

  von Braun, Dr. Werner, 4–5, 143–144

  Paperclip and, 5–6


  W&E message to DDI, 31

  Walcha, New South Wales, red undefined object over, 278

  Walesville, New York, tragedy at, 84

  Warfield, Alan, 59–60

  Warner, John S., 64

  letter from Coral Lorenzen to, 155

  Washington, D.C.,

  anomalous objects over, 175

  sightings in, 29

  Washington National Airport, objects flying over, 30

  Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hovering object in, 234

  Weapons and Equipment Division, see W&E

  weather balloons, 52, 55, 94, 117, 183

  misidentification of, 34, 153

  weather balloons mistaken as UFOs, 33, 114

  Webb, Walter, 205

  Weber, Karl, 183

  Wheelus Air Force Base, round object at, 136

  White, L. K., 188

  white mass sighting at the Algiers factory, 28

  white object spotted over Tuscany, Italy, 82

  White Pond, New York, boomerang-shaped object in, 273

  White Sands incident, 14

  White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico, series of encounters at, 118

  Whiting, Fred, 271

  Wilcox Field, oncoming unknown over, 114

  Williams Lake, British Colombia, red light over, 289

  Williamsburg, Virginia, incident in, 206–207

  Wilmington, Delaware, sightings over, 31

  Wilson, Lieutenant Robert, 69

  windblown objects mistaken for UFOs, 36

  Witkowski, Igor, 5

  witness, aerial anomalies and the earnestness of a, 36


  accounts, evaluating, 122

  interviews conducted by James E. McDonald, 202

  reliability, the ATIC and, 34


  scientifically trained, 204

  silencing of UFO, 124

  Worcester, South Africa, 77

  World War II and the OSS, 3

  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 18, 58, 184, 186, 187, 213, 260, 306, 309

  ATIC and, 42, 103, 104, 123, 307

  investigations by, 19

  OSI meeting at, 43

  Skyhook balloon at the, 36

  written correspondence on UFO-related matters, 221

  Wurtsmith Air Force Base, low-flying helicopter at, 245

  Wyllie, George, letter from Herbert Scoville to, 141–142

  Wyman, Louis, House Resolution 946 by, 212


  Yaak, Montana, 48

  Yarovslavl Highway, objects along the, 284–285

  yellow object sighting in Lodi, Algeria, 28

  Yeltsin, Boris, 295

  Yuma, Arizona, flame-colored discs over, 29


  Zamora, Lonnie, 172, 205

  Zanesville, Ohio, testing of photographs taken at, 201

  Zeider Zee, sightings at, 2

  Zhukovskiy, Russia, airshow display in, 297

  Ziegel, Dr. Felix,

  and UFOs as optical illusions, 214

  theories of, 195–196, 218

  About the Author

  Dan Wright is retired from Michigan civil service where he was a senior analyst and technical writer in the state department of social services.

  In 1978 he joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a multi-national organization comprising thousands of volunteer field investigators and researchers to address cases of aerial phenomena reported by the public. Following his ascension to the Michigan state directorship, he was further elevated to the international board of directors in 1986. He subsequently served two terms as MUFON's deputy director in charge of all North American investigations. He authored multiple chapters for its manual of investigative procedures, he was instrumental in devising computerized case reports, and he conducted a 5-year study involving 300+ cases of alleged alien abduction. In 1995, 1997, and 2003 he was selected to speak to members gathered at the MUFON International UFO Symposium.

  In 2014 Dan published Winter Solstice, a novel shedding light on Islam and Christianity and corresponding Middle East and American politics, while introducing a superior nonhuman intelligence.

  Dan Wright holds a Master of Arts degree in political science from the University of Illinois, Springfield.



  The mission of MUFON BOOKS, an imprint of Red Wheel Weiser, is to publish reasoned and credible thought by recognized authorities; authorities who specialize in exploring the outer limits of the universe and the possibilities of life beyond our planet.


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