The Price of Freedom

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The Price of Freedom Page 12

by Carol Umberger

  “You are kind, lass. Some day Elizabeth and I will be reunited. I only pray that the reunion takes place first here on earth.” He clapped Sir Bryan on the back. “But enough of such musings. I’ve brought Douglas to enliven this happy occasion. Let’s celebrate your marriage with all due indulgence.”

  So saying, Sir Bryan introduced Kathryn to James Douglas, another of Robert’s fearsome lieutenants. Unlike Bryan, Douglas appeared harmless and spoke with a slight lisp. But she noted the man had permission to carry his sword in his king’s presence. Apparently he was a trusted and competent bodyguard.

  Then the king took Kathryn’s arm and escorted her to her seat, he on one side, Bryan on the other. Never had Kathryn envisioned having a king attend her wedding feast. Bruce honored her, and even more, Bryan by coming here. Perhaps that was his purpose.

  Evidently Douglas’s purpose for being here was more one of protection than levity, for he declined to join them. He and Adam took themselves to the table near the door where Fergus sat.

  With another flourish of trumpets the celebration resumed and food was served to the new arrivals. Sir Bryan leaned close to her and quietly said, “Thank you for your graciousness to Robert. I must admit, I rather feared your reaction to him.”

  “He is a likable man, not at all what I expected.”

  “Aye.” Bryan agreed. “He does have that effect, especially on the ladies.” His expression softened into a grin and his gaze traveled to her neck and below, lingering briefly before returning to rest on her face. “I haven’t had a chance to tell you how beautiful you look. You honor me by wearing such finery.”

  She blushed at his frank appraisal. “Did you think I would wear my stable clothes?”

  “I never know what to expect from you,” he admitted.

  He smiled, a smile with more warmth than she’d yet seen from him, and Kathryn’s senses reeled. He was much less dangerous when he scowled, since the smile softened his features and made his face appealing. Very appealing. Much too appealing for a man who was to be a husband in name only.

  Still, she grinned at his confession. She didn’t know what to expect from him either. He was frightening and . . . intriguing.

  Obviously King Robert held this knight, his son, in high esteem or he wouldn’t have rewarded the man with an earldom. Or come to his wedding. Fergus’s defense of the knight echoed in Kathryn’s mind—perhaps she should look beneath the surface of this fascinating man she’d married. And his king.

  Courteous and charming, Bruce entertained her with stories of Bryan’s exploits much as any proud parent might.

  At the end of this last tale, Sir Bryan rolled his eyes. “Please don’t believe half these stories, lady wife. I fear my king exaggerates.”

  Robert sipped from his cup. “You call me false, then?” he said with obvious fondness.

  “Nay, my laird. I only wonder who told you such outrageous tales.”

  “I suspect I don’t know the half of it.” Bruce’s look became pensive. “I am a king blessed with able lieutenants, Lady Kathryn. I would be proud to call any one of them my son. But none more so than Bryan here.”

  She stared at Bruce and he gave her an almost imperceptible nod. When she recovered from the shock, she dipped her head in silent acknowledgment of his admission. Kathryn sipped her drink and Bryan remained silent, probably as surprised as Kathryn by the turn of the conversation.

  Bruce said, “You have chosen your wife well, Bryan.”

  Kathryn nearly choked on her water. Bryan stared at the king and then laughed out loud. She hadn’t heard him laugh before, and the sound was infectious. Soon the three of them were laughing at the absurdity of Bruce’s statement.

  Watching the two of them, Kathryn marveled at how much they resembled each other. She studied her husband’s profile. I have married a stranger. A handsome, charming, frightening stranger. She must not allow him to disarm her as Rodney once had.

  Despite these misgivings, the evening passed pleasantly and soon it grew late.

  “Lady Kathryn, it has been a pleasure to share this occasion with you,” Bruce said. He stood and lifted his tankard toward the guests and toasted them. “To long life and God’s blessing on your marriage.”

  “Hear, hear!” came a hearty reply.

  The king turned to Sir Bryan. “And now James and I bid you goodnight.”

  “Come, lady wife. ’Tis time to retire.” Sir Bryan took her hand. Only then did Kathryn remember she hadn’t made arrangements for a room for them.

  “First I must rouse Anna and make rooms ready—”

  “I saw to it earlier. Adam will give Bruce his room, and Douglas will stand watch at the door.”

  “They don’t trust you?”

  “The king has learned to be cautious—I take no offense. Now, come. I’m tired, as I know you must be. Let us retire.”

  When she realized the full implications of Sir Bryan’s suggestion, she withdrew her hand from his.

  Perhaps sensing her distress, his scowl softened and he leaned closer. “It is past time. Will you play along or would you rather risk the fainting ruse again?”

  Despite his frown, his voice held a trace of the warmth he’d displayed earlier. His acknowledgment of her subterfuge lightened her fears and she covered a smile with her fingers. “How far do you expect me to play, my laird?”

  He reclaimed her hand and held it to his lips. “I won’t rescind our agreement, no matter how tempting the circumstances.”

  “Will you spend the night in the stable, then?”

  He chuckled, and the rich warm sound tugged at her spirit in a way that Rodney at his most charming had not. “No, indeed. That would not be appropriate.” Bryan stood and drew her to her feet. “Come, my lady. There’s nothing to be done about it—we shall have to endure the bedding ceremony.”

  Kathryn’s protests went unheard as they were quickly surrounded and pushed up the steps to the upper floor. A knowing look passed between Sir Bryan and Adam, but neither made any effort to halt the proceedings. Did Adam know of Bryan’s agreement with her? Would Bryan truly honor it now the time had come?

  Striving not to panic, Kathryn allowed the women to propel her into the master chamber. As they undressed her, Anna let down Kathryn’s hair, unwinding the braids and brushing the strands until they shone in the firelight. With gentle hands and not a few giggles, the women helped Kathryn climb into bed, then covered her with a white coverlet Anna had quilted in an intricate circle design.

  Not wanting to be left alone, anxious to forestall Sir Bryan’s arrival, Kathryn grabbed Anna’s hand. “Anna, please.”

  The older woman looked tenderly upon her. “There’s naught to fear, Kathryn. I spied your husband gazing at ye tonight—he’ll not hurt ye, lass. ’Tisn’t in him to harm a woman. Just tell him the truth, lass, and all will go well.”

  Unwilling to confess that the marriage was in name only, Kathryn watched as Anna laid a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread on the bed beside her. “What are you doing?”

  With a mischievous grin Anna replied, “The wine will help ye relax, and the bread will keep up yer husband’s strength.” Looking quite pleased with herself, Anna quickly left the room before Kathryn could make a suitably indignant reply.

  The door had barely closed on Anna before the men entered the chamber, shoving Bryan before them. Kathryn’s face warmed, as he stood before her clad only in his knee length saffron colored shirt. With many suggestions to enjoy themselves, the others soon left, and Kathryn stared at the man who had promised to leave her untouched.

  Kathryn was sure her face couldn’t get any warmer. Sir Bryan shook his head and walked toward her. Kathryn drew back into the pillows and pulled the cover higher.


  BRYAN STOPPED, DISMAYED AT his wife’s apprehensive expression. “You need not fear, Lady Kathryn. This is a marriage of convenience. For appearance.”

  Kathryn’s chin came up in a show of bravado. “I only wanted to be sure you remembered

  “I remember.” The sight of her with her dark blond hair hanging loose upon the bed coverings gave him a moment to regret the condition of their marriage. He’d never been in a woman’s chamber before and like any man, he’d looked forward to his wedding night and the secrets it held.

  But that was not to be. He scrubbed a hand through his hair and walked to the window opening, in hopes a cool breeze would bring some order to his confused senses. Saints above, why couldn’t she be an ugly hag?

  Feeling more in control, he faced her again but avoided looking directly at her. “Although our friends will no doubt grow tired of listening at the door—”

  She gasped. “They are listening?”

  “No doubt.” He sat on the edge of the bed. He made no move to touch her, but she did not relax her rigid grip on the blanket. “They’ll leave soon, but come the morning they will look for . . . evidence . . . that the marriage was consummated.”

  “Aye, they will.” Such was the custom and the only other explanation they could give would impugn Kathryn’s virtue. “I will take care of it.”

  “You know . . .?” his face grew warm.

  She blushed as well. “I know enough.”

  He reached for her hand and she shrank from his touch. “Have you been wronged in some way, my lady?” He saw her go pale and could hide his curiosity no longer. “Who has frightened you so?”

  She turned away from him.

  Gently he tugged her back to face him. “The day you yielded to me, Carleton hit you.”

  She nodded.

  Restraining his anger he asked as tenderly as he could, “What else did he do?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer, but until he understood, he couldn’t help her.

  Her voice was calm. “While he was courting me, I gave him offense and angered him. He made to strike me and Fergus came to my rescue. Rodney hit him and injured his eye.”

  Now he understood her defense of Fergus that first day. Silently cursing Rodney Carleton, Bryan said, “And do you think you will anger me somehow and be rewarded with the back of my hand?”

  She studied him, perhaps weighing what she knew of him. “Nay, I think not.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that.” He took one of her hands in his. “’Twill be all right. He won’t hurt you or yours again. Nor will I.” Bryan suspected there was more to her story, for why else would she be so unsettled? But now was not the time to find out. It could wait.

  After a time, he sat back and watched her settle into the pillows once more. Having been so close to her, his warrior’s body clamored for more of her womanly comfort. More softness. More affection. The respite and peace Robert had spoken of and that Bryan longed to experience.

  Abruptly he stood to leave, but she grabbed his hand, nearly losing the blanket in the process. She let go of his hand and clutching the covers back in place she said, “I don’t understand you at all, but I thank you. I didn’t quite believe that you would honor our agreement.”

  Her lack of trust pierced him.

  Taking a deep breath to steady his emotions, he answered, “Why would I be other than honest with my wife?”

  “But I am not—”

  “You are. You are my lawfully wedded wife, for the foreseeable future, and I will honor you as such.” Could he expect the same from her? She’d yielded to him to save herself from Rodney. Would she return to Edward’s loyalty if given the chance? Knowing that demanding her loyalty would in no way ensure it, he forced a detachment he didn’t truly feel and changed the subject. “I will make my bed in front of the fireplace. Good night.”

  “Oh, no, my laird. You mustn’t do that. This bed is huge— couldn’t we share it?”

  “I’m not experienced in these matters, my lady, but I suspect that would not be a good idea.”

  Her expression was one of surprise and perhaps, disbelief. Her face flushed bright red. “Not experienced? Then you have never . . .?”

  He shook his head. “Tonight is the first I’ve ever been in a lady’s chamber other than my mother’s.”

  “Oh. I see. I suppose you’re right,” she said. “But I do hate to see you sleep on the floor.”

  “I’m a warrior—a hard bed won’t be strange to me.” He looked at her, at the softness of her features, and knew this marriage had been a mistake. His heart was not going to survive it.

  “Good night, Lady Kathryn.” He blew out the candles and settled into a pallet on the floor.

  KATHRYN LAY IN THE DARKNESS listening to the Black Knight as he made himself comfortable. Guiltily she shifted onto her side on the soft mattress, knowing he’d been right. How foolish to suggest he sleep in the same bed. He had been entirely charming throughout the evening, charming and thoughtful. He hadn’t even asked for another kiss. What kind of man is he?

  Certainly he was nothing like Rodney. Although she felt quivery in Black Bryan’s presence, just as she had with Rodney, she did not feel pressured to give in. Of course, now she knew the consequences. But more than that. The knight had kept his promise. He was an honorable man. Someone she could depend upon.

  She said a prayer of thanksgiving for her husband’s thoughtfulness, for it gave rise to hopes he would understand. Her thoughts drifted to the abbey, and the small, blond-haired child who lived there.

  Perhaps Sir Bryan would accept the child, for despite his reputation as a warrior, it was plain from his comportment this day that he had admirable qualities, just as Anna and Fergus had said. Was he, perhaps, the answer to her prayers after all?

  No, this marriage could never be more than it was tonight. An honorable and virtuous man such as Sir Bryan wouldn’t want Kathryn when he learned she had a child.

  BY THE TIME KATHRYN SAT DOWN to break her fast two days after the wedding, the day was well under way and she had worked up the courage to ask Sir Bryan to take her to the abbey to fetch Isobel. She knew that the time they must leave for Stirling grew near. She would not go until she was sure the child would be safe at the abbey or if not, had been taken under the knight’s protection.

  She entered the great hall and walked to where Sir Bryan sat with Adam. Though the two men were deep in discussion, she sat across the table from them and wished them good morrow. Adam acknowledged her with a brief nod and the knight with his usual scowl.

  This did not bode well for what she had to say to him. Perhaps she should choose another time. But as she ate the porridge a servant placed in front of her, Kathryn decided to wait until they’d finished their discussion and then she would ask him. If he agreed to take her, then she would find the courage to explain about Isobel. In any case, she was determined to visit the child to celebrate her birthday.

  “Ceallach has not arrived with the . . . promised shipment,” Adam said, glancing warily at her.

  “Aye, and I have no way of knowing if he’s been successful in obtaining . . . what he was sent for or what is delaying him.”

  “How much longer can we wait?”

  “’Tis already the first week of June. I’ve begun preparations for our departure—we can leave within a day or two of Ceallach’s arrival.” Sir Bryan looked up at her and quickly away, obviously uncomfortable with her presence. What didn’t he and Adam want her to know? Perhaps she wasn’t the only one with secrets.

  “Shall I send a messenger to look for him?”

  Sir Bryan hesitated. “Nay, let’s give him another day.”

  Adam nodded and, having finished his meal, left the table. Sir Bryan rose to follow but Kathryn said, “If you have a moment, I need to speak with you on a matter of importance.”

  His scowl deepened and seeing his reluctance made her cross.

  But she held back her animosity and said, “I need to go to the abbey.”

  “I don’t have time to take you. It will have to wait.”

  She stared at him. “Then Fergus can accompany me,” she said reasonably. If he wouldn’t go with her, she and Fergus could fetch the child.

  “Fergus isn’t you
r husband, I am.” In name only, which she suspected made all the difference this morning. Apparently Sir Bryan chafed to be gone, to be released from sleeping on the floor in Kathryn’s chamber in order to keep their sham marriage a secret. She didn’t blame him, but he needn’t be so churlish about it. How could she tell him why she wanted to go to the abbey when he was so obviously out of sorts?

  Her voice took on an edge. “Fergus is perfectly capable of accompanying me. He’s done so in the past.”

  “Well, now I am responsible for you and I say you shall wait until I can take you.”

  “You promised.”

  “Let it rest.”

  “It is important that I go or I wouldn’t ask—”

  “I said no. Not until I can accompany you.” He rose to leave and she stood as well.

  “You are being unreasonable.”

  “Try to be an obedient wife, Lady Kathryn,” he nearly shouted.

  They were interrupted when Anna approached. She didn’t let the knight’s obvious temper deter her. She said, “As eldest woman, ’twas my duty to inspect the marriage bed.” She spoke loud enough so others could hear.

  Kathryn’s face grew hot as Bryan asked impatiently, “And have you done so?”

  “Aye, my laird. Each morning. Today it appears the marriage is legal.” Anna gazed piercingly at Kathryn.

  When Anna had retreated, Sir Bryan said quietly, for Kathryn’s ears alone, “What is she talking about?”

  “There is no need to fear. I stubbed my toe this morning and broke the skin, so I . . . I dabbed the injury with the sheet.”

  “I want no evidence to be used against us when the time comes to part, for that is still my intent.” He paused, as if allowing his words to take their mark. “Burn those cursed sheets.”

  She stared at him, angry and hurt. “Fine.” Barely keeping her anger in check she said, “Answer me one thing. Will the nuns be safe at the abbey when the English come through on their way to Stirling?”

  “Certainly. They can bar the gate. Even Edward isn’t so depraved he would allow his army to break in and molest servants of God.”


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