Chapter 16: Shabash
1 Steiner, After Babel, 61.
2 In the Romance languages, the words for an arm are broadly similar, but a pencil is a crayon in French, a matita in Italian, and a lápiz in Spanish.
3 Urdu and Punjabi are among the languages whose numbers of speakers promise to increase most significantly. If estimates are correct and Pakistan is the world’s third most populous country by the middle of this century, Urdu and Punjabi may also be able to lay claim to this status as ‘big’ languages. But population alone does not guarantee a language’s global importance.
4 Ostler, Empires of the Word, 7.
5 This statistic comes from Andrew Dalby, Language in Danger (London: Allen Lane, 2002). Dalby argues passionately and convincingly that the multiplicity of languages is the very opposite of a nuisance.
6 Nevertheless, a considerable amount of research continues to be written up in other languages, and this research is often overlooked by English-speaking scientists and practitioners.
7 See Tom McArthur, ‘English World-Wide in the Twentieth Century’, in Mugglestone (ed.), The Oxford History of English, 369.
8 See Jeremy Wallach, ‘“Goodbye My Blind Majesty”: Music, Language and Politics in the Indonesian Underground’, in Harris M. Berger and Michael Thomas Carroll (eds.), Global Pop, Local Language (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2003), 53-86.
9 Jamie Shinhee Lee, ‘Language and Identity: Entertainers in South Korean Pop Culture’, in Miguel Mantero (ed.), Identity and Second Language Learning (Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age, 2007), 283-303.
10 Quoted in Ferguson, Empire : How Britain Made the Modern World, 358.
11 Anderson, Imagined Communities, 207.
12 Robert Phillipson, Linguistic Imperialism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), 35-6.
13 David Graddol, English Next (London: British Council, 2006), 28.
14 I have taken these examples from Amy Beth Rell and Jason Rothman, ‘On the Structure and Discourse Usage of Spanglish’, in Mantero (ed.), Identity and Second Language Learning, 241-2.
15 Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945 (London: Pimlico, 2007), 759.
16 Graddol, English Next, 93.
17 See Salah Troudi, ‘The Effects of English as a Medium of Instruction’, in Adel Jendli, Salah Troudi and Christine Coombe (eds.), The Power of Language: Perspectives from Arabia (Dubai: TESOL Arabia, 2007), 6.
18 Susie Dent, The Language Report, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 20.
19 William Safire, On Language (New York: Times Books, 1980), 180.
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