Abraham the Patriarch
Acton, Eliza: Modern Cookery for Private Families
Adair, James: The History of the American Indians
Adams, Douglas: The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, William
Addison, Joseph; Remarks on Several Parts of Italy
Adelard of Bath
adjectives: absorbed
Aelfric of Eynsham
Africa: competition for colonies and exploitation; travel in; words from
African languages; in USA
Afrikaans language
Afro-Asiatic languages
Aguilar, Jerónimo de
Albuquerque, Afonso de
Alcatraz (island, San Francisco Bay)
Alcock, Sir Rutherford: The Capital of the Tycoon
Alford, Henry: A Plea for the Queen’s English
Alfred, King of the West Saxons
Algonquian languages
Allen, Grant: The European Tour
Allen, Woody
Alsatians (dogs)
Altaic languages
Amadas, Philip
America (New World): culture clash; English-Spanish rivalry in; European exploration, trade and settlement; Indians; land problem; native languages; pidgin English in; polyglot languages; products from; resistance to British sovereignty; Spanish place names; wins independence from Britain; see also United States of America
American Civil War (1861-5)
American Philological Society
American Speech (journal)
Ancren Riwle
Anderson, Benedict; Imagined Communities
Anglo-Norman dialect and society
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Anglo-Saxon language
Anglo-Saxons: invade and settle in England; words
Ansgot of Burwell
Apollinaire, Guillaume
Arabian Nights, The
Arabic language: influence on English; in Spain; for traditional use; used for prayer, traditional use; used for prayer; western knowledge of; see also Muslims and Islam
Arawakan languages
Aretino, Pietro
Ariosto, Ludovico
Aristotle: Rhetoric
Arnold, Matthew; Literature and Dogma
art: and critical language; modern; word borrowings
Arthur of Brittany
Ascham, Roger; The Scolemaster
Asia: influence on European languages; see also East, the
Audi (motor company)
Audran, Edmond: La Mascotte
Augustine, St
Austen, Jane
Austro-Asiatic languages
Austronesian languages
Ayala, Juan de
Aymara language
Babbage, Charles
Babur, Mughal Emperor
Bacon, Francis: Essays
Bacon, Roger; Opus Maius
Baedeker, Karl: Handbook to Northern Italy
Baffin Island
Bailey, Richard
Baju, Anatole
Baltic languages
Banda Islands
Banks, Sir Joseph
Barber, Charles
Baretti, Giuseppe: An Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy
Barfield, Owen; History in English Words
Barker, Ernest
Barker, Robert
Barlowe, Arthur
Barnes, William
Barnum, Phineas T.
Bartas, Salluste du
Barthes, Roland
Bartholomeus Anglicus: De Proprietatibus Rerum
Basque language
Bateson, F. W.
Baumgarten, Alexander
Beck, Cave: The Universal Character
Beckford, William: Vathek
Bede, Venerable; Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Beeton, Isabella: Book of Household Management
Behn, Aphra; The Widdow Ranter
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, Alexander Melville
Bellow, Saul
Bentham, Jeremy
Bentley, Harold
Beowulf (poem)
Bergson, Henri
Bertheau, Charles
Beverley, Robert: The History and Present State of Virginia
Bible, Holy: challenged by science; English translations; printed in North America; reading by churchmen
Bickham, George
Bird, Isabella
Black Death (14th century)
Black Sea
Blount, Thomas: Glossographia
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Bodoni, Giambattista
body parts
Boehme, Jacob
Boer War
Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy
Book of Common Prayer
books and publishing
Boorstin, Daniel
Borde, Andrew
Boston, Mass.
Boswell, James
Botero, Giovanni: Relationi Universali
Bourne, Samuel
Bowdler, Thomas: Family Shakespeare
Bowrey, Thomas
Bradford, William
Brathwait, Richard: The Smoaking Age
Braudel, Fernand
Breda, Treaty of (1667)
Breton, André
Brewster, Sir David
Brewster, William
Brewster, Wrestling
Bridges, Robert
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme
Britain: in East Indies; empire; expansion in East; extravagance; foreign commodities in; foreign invaders and settlement; interest in India; multiracialism; overseas trade and exploration; patriotism and national sense; religious and attitudinal changes; and settlement of North America; US independence from; wars with Dutch; wealth in 19th century
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Brontë, Charlotte: Shirley
Brotton, Jerry
Browne, Sir Thomas
Bruce, Lenny
Bruce, The
Bry, Theodore de
Brythonic languages
Buckland, William
Burckhardt, Jacob
Burke, Edmund
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury
Burney, Charles: A General History of Music
Burney, Fanny (Mme d’Arblay); Evelina
Burns, Robert
Burnside, Ambrose Everett
Burton, Sir Richard
Burton, Robert
Bush, George W.
Butler, Samuel: Hudibras
Butterfield & Swire (company)
Buttes, Henry
Byron, George Gordon Baron; The Bride of Abydos; The Corsair; Don Juan; The Giaour; Marino Faliero
Bythner, Victorinus
Cabot, John
Cabot, Sebastian
Cabral, Pedro Alvares
Caesar, Julius
Cambridge, Richard Owen
Camden, William: Britannia
Camões, Luis de: The Lusiads
Campbell, John
Canada: English/French languages in
Capek, Karel: R.U.R.
Capellano, Antonio
Carême, Antonin
Carew, Richard
Carib languages
Caribbean: piracy in; slaves
Carlson, Evans
Carlyle, Thomas
Carolino, Pedro
Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo
Caslon family
Castiglione, Baldassare: Il Libro del Cortigiano
Catalan language
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII
Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II
Cave, Edward
Cawdrey, Robert: A Table Alphabeticall
Caxton, William
Cessolis, Jacobus de
Chambers, Thomas King
Chambers, Sir William
Chapman, George; Eastward Ho (with Jonson and Marston)
Chapman, John Gadsby
Charivari, Le (magazine)
Charlemagne, Emperor
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles the Bald, King of France
Charles the Simple, King of France
Charnock, Job
Chatterton, Thomas
Chaucer, Geoffrey: career and language; and food; influence; influence on Spenser; surname; Book of the Duchess; The Canterbury Tales; Troilus and Criseyde
Cheke, Sir John
Chenevix Trench, Richard
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
Chiang Kai-shek
China: Arabs visit; and English trade; intercepts internet communications; as land of mystery; languages; population; wars with Britain; words from; as world power
Chippendale, Thomas
Christianity: beginnings in England
Citizen Kane (film)
City of God (film)
Civil War (English)
Clanchy, Michael
class (social)
Claude glass
Claude Lorraine
Clive, Robert, Baron
Cnut, King of Denmark and England
Cockeram, Henry: The English Dictionary
Cocks, Richard
coffee houses
coffee making
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Biographia Literaria; ‘Kubla Khan’; ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’; Table Talk
Collins (publishers)
Colonna, Francesco
Columbus, Bartholomew
Columbus, Christopher
communications and media
Company of Royal Adventurers Trading into Africa
Comte, Auguste
Congreve, William; Love for Love
Connolly, Cyril
Conrad, Peter
Cook, Captain James
Cook, Robin
cooking see food and drink
Cooper, James Fenimore; The Prairie
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Coppe, Abiezer
Cornish language
Cortés, Hernan
Coryat, Thomas: Crudities
Cotton, Robert
Coverdale, Miles
Cowell, John: The Interpreter
Cowper, William
creation: ideas on
Crécy, battle of (1346)
Cresswell, Nicholas
Crimean War (1854-5)
Critical Review
Cromwell, Oliver
Crystal, David
Cuban Revolution (1959)
Culin, Stewart
Culpeper, Nicholas
Cumming, Constance Gordon
cummings, e. e.
Cunningham, Ward
Curie, Pierre and Marie
Cursor Mundi
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess
Cyrano de Bergerac
Czech language
Daguerre, Louis
Dalby, David
Dampier, William; A New Voyage Round the World
Daniel, Samuel; Cleopatra; A Defence of Ryme; Musophilus
Dante Alighieri
Dare, Ananias and Eleanor (née White)
Dare, Virginia
Darwin, Charles; On the Origin of Species; The Voyage of the Beagle
Davenport-Hines, Richard
David, Elizabeth
David, Larry
Dawes, James
Day, Francis
Décadent, Le (magazine)
Dee, John
Defoe, Daniel; Robinson Crusoe; ‘The True-Born Englishman’
Dekker, Thomas
De Quincey, Thomas
Derham, William: Physico-Theology
Descartes, René
Dickens, Charles; American Notes; Bleak House; Little Dorrit; Oliver Twist
dictionaries: American English; English monolingual
Discovery (ship)
Disraeli, Benjamin; Vivian Grey
D’Israeli, Isaac
Dodoens, Rembert
Dolce Vita, La (film)
Domesday Book
Donne, John
Dorchester, Mass.
Douai Bible
d’Oylie, Thomas
Drake, Sir Francis
Dravidian languages
Drayton, Michael: Poly-Olbion
Dream of the Rood (poem)
dress: Elizabethan
drink see food and drink
Dryden, John; Marriage à la Mode
Drysdale, Helena
du Bellay, Joachim: Defence et illustration de la langue française
Duff, Alexander
Dumas, Alexandre, fils
du Maurier, Daphne: Jamaica Inn
Dunbar, William
Duncombe, John
Durham cathedral
Dutch language: borrowings from
Dutch, the: in Asia; colonization of South Africa; English view of; in Japan; overseas trade; relations with Britain; seafaring; see also Netherlands
Dutch West India Company: and slave trade
Eadwine, King of Northumbria
Eannes, Gil
East, the: British interests in; European knowledge of; Western trade with; words from; see also Asia
East India Company (English); wound up
Eden, Richard
Edgar the Atheling
Edgeworth, Maria: Leonora
Edison, Thomas
Edward I, King of England
Edward III, King of England
Edward IV, King of England
Edward VI, King of England
Edward the Confessor, King of the English
Edwards, Daniel
Ehrenfels, Christian von
Einstein, Albert
Eisenstein, Elizabeth
Eisner, Will
El Dorado
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of Henry II
Eleanor of Provence, Queen of Henry III
Eliot, George: Middlemarch
Eliot, John; Indian Dialogues
Eliot, T. S.
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Elizabethan English
Elliott, J. H.
Ellis, Henry Havelock
Ely cathedral
Elyot, Sir Thomas: The Boke Named the Governour
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emma, wife of Ethelred the Unready
Empire Windrush, SS
Encyclopaedia Britannica
English language: Americanization; analytic nature; ascendancy; black African; class usages; controversy over innovations; and ‘correct usage’; dialects; diminutives; in early printed books; expands abroad; future; Germanic origins; grammar; historical development; hospitality to foreign words; in India; invented words and innovations; Lowth on; most common words; pidgin; plurals of foreign words; in printed books; as reflection of culture and attitudes; reforms and simplification; resistance to word meaning changes; Samuel Johnson on; scientific; similarities to and divergences from other languages; spelling; standard; varieties; vocabulary; as world language
English, the: reputation in M
Enquire Within Upon Everything
Equiano, Olaudah
Erasmus, Desiderius; De Copia
Eriksson, Leif
Estonian language
Ethelbert, King of Kent
Ethelred the Unready, King of England
Etherege, George: The Man of Mode
Europe: travels and explorations
Evelyn, John
Fagel, Caspar
Family Guy (comedy)
family terms
Farinelli (i.e. Carlo Maria Broschi)
Farmer, John
fashion: French loan words
Fellini, Federico
Fenton, Roger
Ferdinand, King of Castile
Ferguson, Niall
Fielding, Henry: Joseph Andrews
finance: jargon
Finegan, Edward
Finnish language
First World War (1914-18)
Fitch, Ralph
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Great Gatsby
FitzNigel, Richard: Dialogus de Scaccario
Flamel, Nicolas
Flemings, Flemish
Flemish words
Florio, John; A Worlde of Wordes
flying and aeroplanes
food and drink
Foote, Samuel: The Nabob
Ford, John: ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore
Forme of Cury, The
Forster, E. M.; ‘The Machine Stops’
Fortescue, Sir John: De Laudibus Legum Angliae
Frampton, John
France: Anglomania; British wars with; defeated in India; influence in England; Mme de Staël on; settlement in North America
France, Anatole
Franco, General Francisco
Franklin, Benjamin
free trade
French Academy of Sciences
French Creole
French language: in American English; in Canada; decline; dominance in Britain; English debt to ; food and cooking; foreign words in; Johnson opposes words from; as language of arts; and language of law; loan translations from; Normans introduce; in Old English; personal names
French Revolution
Frescobaldi, Giovanni
Freud, Sigmund
Frobisher, Sir Martin
Froebel, Friedrich
Frum, David
Fryer, John: A New Account of India and Persia
Furnham, Adrian
Gaelic language
Gaggia, Achille
Galland, Antoine
Galsworthy, John
Galton, Francis
Gama, Vasco da
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
Garamond, Claude
Garment, Joshua
Garrick, David
Gascoigne, George
Gaskell, Elizabeth: Wives and Daughters
Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir
Gay, John
Gentleman’s Magazine
George III, King
Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis)
German language: British attitude to; decline; influence; words in US English
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