My Angel

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My Angel Page 13

by Alanea Alder

  "Sorry I'm late everyone! The children are feeling better and are wanting to get out of their hospital beds and play. It's making them irritable," Ellie said breezing through the door with Grant, who carried Benji on his chest in a papoose. They sat down and started reaching for food.

  Vivi turned to their new prince. "Gavriel, I've been thinking."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

  "The second batch that is going out today only took a few hours to process. I think it's due to the age of the blood. The older it is, the longer it takes to break any bonds." She looked down at Ellie. "If this theory is correct, then we may see a slight decrease in effectiveness with the second batch."

  Ellie frowned. "We drew blood for testing at the six-hour mark last time. I'll have new samples down in the lab around noon. I hope you're wrong."

  Vivi strummed her fingers on the table. "I do too, but I don't think I am." She turned back to Gavriel. "That being said, I don't think that even warrior blood will be very effective for Prince Magnus."

  "You wish for me to donate?" he asked sitting back in his chair.

  Vivi nodded. "I do. The method I have come up with to treat the vampires is to mix a known compatible vampire blood strain with a donation from an older vampire. It is my hope that the older blood will give the sick vampire a boost in much the same way as vampire blood helps shifters. The stone will reduce the need to have an exact blood match." She looked around the table. "This is all experimental. I have no idea if it will work or not, but it's the best idea I have."

  Beth faced her mate. "Please," she whispered.

  Gavriel cupped the back of her head and pulled her close to kiss her gently. "You need not even ask my love. He means much to you, of course I will help in any way I can." He looked over to Vivi. "I must make two requests, however."

  "Of course," she agreed.

  "First is that you only take what is absolutely needed. If there is any blood left over, it is to be destroyed immediately. Secondly, I wish to be there to see it administered."

  "Those requests are more than reasonable. We can start this afternoon drawing your blood, if you are free." Vivi couldn't help but feel excited. She would be able to see the oldest vampire blood in the world under a microscope.

  "I will make time. The sooner Magnus is on his feet, the better," Gavriel answered.

  Rheia leaned forward. "Do you want me to gather some older vampire blood from among the vendors just in case? We can have it processing while we're waiting."

  Vivi nodded. "That is an excellent idea. While you do that, I'll get donations from Caspian and Gavriel. We'll put all five bags on the stone first thing so that it can start processing. Something tells me it will take longer than even the warrior's blood to finish. I'm thinking if we get it started this morning, we could start administering the third batch the day after tomorrow."

  Beth gasped. "That long?"

  Ellie turned to Beth. "The warrior's blood took over twelve hours, and they are nowhere near as old as Gavriel. If Vivi is right about age playing a factor, then Gavriel's blood will need the extra time."

  Beth slumped down in her chair. "I just want Uncle well."

  Rheia gave Beth a sympathetic look. "We all do honey."

  Sebastian cleared his throat, and everyone looked to where he stood by the door leading out to the antechamber. "Prince Gavriel, Princess Vivian, you have a guest waiting for you in the next room. Founding Family head, Ivan DeLaFontaine wishes to speak to you regarding Prince Magnus." Sebastian's voice was neutral, even pleasant, but the irritation on his face spoke volumes.

  Vivi looked over to Gavriel, who stood. "Please tell him we will be with him momentarily Sebastian."

  "At once, Prince Gavriel," Sebastian responded laying it on thick.

  Vivi opened her mouth but was brought up short by Gavriel raising a finger sharply. A second later the air in the room flexed.

  "We have maybe two minutes before he realizes he no longer hears normal dining room sounds, like silverware and glassware clinking," Kendrick advised.

  Gavriel turned to her. "If you feel more comfortable, I will do most of the talking. I will try to keep everything vague and hurry him out the door." He turned to Aiden. "If he is still here in five minutes announce you need my assistance with a concern from Lycaonia. He will not be able to ask about that." He turned to Kendrick. "The same for you. In five minutes remind Vivi she is needed in the lab." He looked around. "Any questions?"

  Meryn raised her head for the first time. She looked around, her eyes barely open. "Huh?"

  Gavriel stared at Meryn a moment then nodded. "Right. Let us go deal with that prat."

  Meryn scowled. "Huh?"

  Vivi watched in amusement as Aiden helped Meryn out of her chair and away from her coffee cup. Colton made a huge production to walk on the other side of the room, far from the barely conscious human.

  "Surely that isn't necessary?" Vivi asked her mate as Colton steered Rheia in the opposite direction to walk the long way about.

  Etain leaned in. "I heard from Gamma that Meryn threatened to castrate Colton the first morning she spent at the Alpha estate. I don't think he's taking any chances."

  "That's silly," Vivi scoffed.

  Etain pointed to the other end of the table. "You notice that Rheia isn't protesting."

  "Should Meryn be allowed in the same room as DeLaFontaine? She hasn't even finished her first cup of coffee?" Eva whispered to Adriel.

  Adriel flashed them a rare boyish grin. "Why do you think we are all heading to the antechamber?"

  Vivi shrugged. "Let's go watch the midget in action."

  Etain bowed regally and held out his arm. "After you Princess Vivian."

  She accepted his arm and headed to the antechamber.


  Ivan DeLaFontaine stood as they entered the room. There were a thousand other places Vivi wished she could be, mainly the lab. But instead she found herself forcing a smile as Ivan walked up to her. "Thank you for seeing me. I have a few questions concerning Prince Magnus."

  "I'm not sure how much I will be able to tell you that wasn't shared last night," Vivi said.

  Ivan reached out and took her hand in his. He bent over slightly raising it to his lips when out of the corner of Vivi's eyes, she saw a dart of light. Moments later, Ivan was jumping back cursing, holding his bleeding hand to his chest.

  "Restrain him!" Gavriel ordered, moving Beth behind him.

  Tarak, in one fluid motion, swept Ivan's feet from under him and slammed his face into the floor. "Yes, sire." He replied as he pushed his knee into the back of Ivan's neck.

  "What is the meaning of this!" DeLaFontaine screamed. "I demand you release me at once!"

  Gavriel turned to Meryn. "Was that Felix?"

  She nodded. "Yes." She turned her head to her shoulder. "What's the matter?"

  Seconds later, a tiny sprite shimmered into view holding a bloody little sword. "He tried to hurt Vivi!" Felix exclaimed as his wings fluttered in an aggravated staccato. Vivi had never seen a sprite before, but she was pretty sure they were passive flower lovers, not sword wielding warriors.

  Gavriel leaned down so that he was eye level with Felix on Meryn's shoulder. "He looked like he was simply going to kiss her hand in greeting."

  Felix shook his head causing his auburn curls to bounce. He took flight and landed on the floor next to DeLaFontaine's wrist. "He was going to stab her!" he pointed to DeLaFontaine's cuff. Etain swept Vivi behind him. Vivi held onto the back of his shirt. She stepped to one side, so she could see what was happening in the room.

  Gavriel stepped on DeLaFontaine's arm before it slipped under his body. "What have we here?" he asked. Kneeling down he carefully removed Ivan's cufflink. He turned it over in his hands. The more he examined it, the more his eyes changed, turning from a bright ruby red to a deep crimson.

  He held it out to Vivi. "Be careful."

  Vivi hurried forward, with Etain at her side. She took it and held it up. On
the other side of the sharp cuff, a small dram vial was filled with a clear liquid. "I'll have to test it to be sure, but I think we may have the source of our virus." She was impressed at the miniaturization of the delivery system. "This cost a small fortune."

  Gavriel pulled out his walkie talkie. "Viktor, Dimitri I need you both on Level One."

  Viktor's reply was almost instantaneous. "At once, sire."

  Aiden walked over and placed his foot on DeLaFontaine's arm so that Gavriel could move. "Why Viktor and Dimitri?"

  "Because I trust Viktor's loyalty as the son of a Founding Family head. BelleRose has always been a supporter of Magnus." He gave Aiden an evil grin. "And Dimitri, because he is the most creative when it comes to 'Advanced Questioning Techniques'."

  Aiden's answering smile was no less wicked. "Perfect."

  Gavriel turned to Kari. "As soon as this traitor is moved to the detention cells we will need to have a meeting with just the Founding Family heads." He looked at Meryn. "You've already cleared Simon and Javier, but we need to check out Jervasius Régis."

  Meryn glanced up from cuddling Felix. "Sure."

  There was knock on the door which Sebastian quickly answered. Viktor and Dimitri walked in and looked down. Their eyes widened. "Did we miss something?"

  "Your word that what I say will go no further?" Gavriel asked.

  Both men nodded. Viktor looked to Dimitri then back to Gavriel. "You have our word."

  Gavriel pointed to the floor. "Ivan DeLaFontaine just tried to use his cuff link to inject an unknown substance into Vivi." Vivi held up the small cuff, and he continued. "We think this may be the source of the virus." He looked from one warrior to the other. "I would like for Viktor to stay here on Level One for a Founding Family meeting, Dimitri, I would like for you to escort DeLaFontaine to our detention cells and see if you can get him to share any information about his cuff links."

  Dimitri's face hardened as his fangs lengthened. He knelt down and pulled DeLaFontaine's head up by his hair until his neck was at an odd angle. "I have two small, precious friends among the shifter children on Level Six that are sick. If I find out that you are the reason why, not even the gods will be able to hold back my anger," he growled.

  DeLaFontaine began to struggle at that point. "I demand to be interviewed by the council!"

  Dimitri slammed Ivan's face into the floor. "Too bad, they're stuck at the Council Estate since the city is on lock down due to the virus."

  Meryn edged closer her eyes bright. "He's so cool."

  Aiden pulled her against him. "You just like violent people."

  Meryn turned to Dimitri with puppy-dog eyes. "Hit him again?" she asked pouting.

  Dimitri gave her a wolfish grin and reached for DeLaFontaine. Gavriel shook his head. "Save it for later."

  Dimitri stood and winked at Meryn. "He will get what is coming to him."

  Meryn gave a short nod. "Good, because he upset Felix and that's not acceptable."

  Vivi frowned. "Where did he go?"

  Meryn pointed down her hoodie. "He's still shaking." She pulled the hoodie away from her chest. "That was totally badass though Felix. We need to get a picture of you with your bloody sword, that was awesome."

  Aiden peeked down Meryn's shirt. "Where did he learn how to use a sword?"

  "YouTube," Meryn replied glibly.

  Gavriel pointed to the door. "Dimitri, if you would?"

  Dimitri placed a hand over his heart and bowed. "My Prince, it would be an honor." He bent down and pulled a thrashing DeLaFontaine to his feet. He looked around the room until he spotted Kendrick. "Air shackles?"

  Kendrick spoke low staring at DeLaFontaine. A moment later, he exhaled. "That should do it." DeLaFontaine's hands were now lying on top of each other seemingly pinned to his tailbone.

  "My thanks," Dimitri said and dragged DeLaFontaine from the room.

  Gavriel turned to Kari. "Kari if you..."

  She held up a hand. "Five steps ahead of you. They'll be here in ten minutes."

  Gavriel grinned. "Of course you are."

  Rheia, Anne and Ellie walked over with Colton, Law and Grant. Rheia jerked her head toward the door. "You don't need us for this. We're heading to Level Six to start a blood drive of older blood for the next set of trials and to check on children."

  Gavriel waved Micah over. "Can you go with them as an additional guard?"

  Micah wrapped an arm around each woman's shoulders despite the low growls coming from their mates. "I would love to spend more time with these heavenly creatures." He steered them toward the door, their irate mates in tow.

  "Kendrick, a soundproof spell please?" Gavriel asked.

  "Five steps ahead of you," Kendrick teased as the air flexed.

  Gavriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "I am surrounded by comedians."

  Aiden clapped him on the back. "Welcome to my world."

  The rest of their group sat down and got comfortable. Vivi was ensconced in the love seat with her mate. She kept turning the cuff link over in her hand. Etain reached over and took it from her.

  "Here," Kari said handing Etain something small and red.

  Vivi looked at her. "What's that?"

  Kari held up a pencil. "The eraser. We do not want anyone dosed accidentally." Etain affixed the eraser to the cuff and dropped it in his front pocket.

  It didn't take long for the Founding Family heads to arrive. Javier and Simon were all smiles until they saw the grim expressions around the room. Javier paled. "Magnus?"

  Gavriel shook his head. "He is the same. No, this is regarding something else, please have a seat."

  The three couples sat down looking worried. Gavriel eyed each one in an appearance to be neutral. "I will ask a single question and require an immediate answer." They nodded, and he continued. "Do you have any knowledge regarding Ivan DeLaFontaine distributing the virus around the city?"

  The BelleRose and Géroux couples answered immediate. "No, sire."

  Jervasius Régis turned a deathly shade of gray. His mate shook her head and meekly whispered. "No, sire."

  Gavriel walked over until he stood in front of the Régis Founding Family head. "Well Jervasius?"

  Jervasius shook his head and covered his mouth with a trembling hand. "No, sire."

  Gavriel looked over to Meryn, she was watching the distraught man closely. Finally, she gave a firm shake of her head. "He's a complete asshole, but he's not lying." She turned and looked at his mate. "She needs help though. I think she lied when she told Kari that she was with her mate willingly."

  The woman looked up sharply, fear in her eyes. "No, I am."

  Meryn in an uncharacteristic show of empathy, walked over and took her hand. Using all her weight, she pulled the woman to the other side of the room and sat her down in an empty love seat. "No, you're not. But that's okay. You're safe now."

  Jervasius went to stand and Gavriel simply pushed him back into his seat. "You stay there until I tell you otherwise." Gavriel told him his voice devoid of emotion. The man began to shake when faced with the prince's anger.

  Gavriel walked over and knelt in front of the woman who had buried her face in her hands. "Bree is it not?" he asked gently. She nodded without looking up. "Bree, do you know who I am?" Bree lowered her hands slowly and looked at him before shaking her head. "My name is Prince Gavriel. I am in charge of the city until Magnus is feeling better." Bree covered her mouth with both hands and swayed in her seat. "Now, I need you to answer me truthfully. Are you mated to Jervasius against your will?" When her eyes cut to the mate in question, Gavriel very lightly turned her head until she was facing him. "You need not fear any reprisals. If you wish to leave him you will be protected, no harm will come to you for speaking the truth."

  Tears began to spill down her cheeks. "Will you protect my mate as well?"

  Gavriel frowned. "Jervasius?"

  She shook her head causing her shiny curls to bounce around. "No, my real mate."

  "He is not your mate! I am!" Jerv
asius screamed.

  Gavriel stood and turned so that Bree did not see his anger. His eyes were blood-red and his fangs extended past his chin. "You kept her against her will knowing she had a mate?" he asked in a low growl.

  "Sire, we have been mated for centuries. We have three fine sons together." Jervasius protested.

  "No, we do not," Bree said softly.

  "Quiet woman!" Jervasius hissed. "Sire, she is very weak minded. She does not know what she says."

  Bree stared down at her hands. "I may have been forced to endure your attentions over the centuries, but I was not the only one you lay with. Each time I declared I was pregnant you left me alone for months at a time, and you were never there for the birth of the child. Each one of your sons was born by a different woman. Their silence bought their child a life of ease as a legitimate son of a Founding Family head." When she looked up, there was a spark of defiance in her eyes. "They are your sons, not mine."

  Jervasius flew out of his seat toward his mate only to be brought up short by Gavriel. The prince simply cold clocked him, sending him to the floor. Gavriel looked around. "We seem to be running out of escorts to the detention cells."

  Declan rubbed his knuckles. "Oh, please. Let me," he begged.

  Rex stood and cracked his neck. "This could be great for brotherly bonding. Plus, I can make sure DeLaFontaine is settling in."

  Gavriel mockingly gave a half bow. "He is all yours gentlemen."

  Declan walked over and kicked the man in the stomach before pulling him up by the back of his collar effectively choking the man. "Let's take the long way around, shall we?" Declan slammed the man into every wall as they walked toward the exit. Sebastian opened the door for them as Declan was describing exactly how long it would take them to reach the detention cells. Rex was laughing as he followed. Sebastian closed the door behind them.

  Gavriel had to take a few calming breaths before he turned back to Bree. "Now, about your mate. If you tell us his name, we will call him down here for you."

  Bree looked around shocked. "Just like that, it is over?"

  Beth sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Just like that. My mate does not tolerate bullies."


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