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My Angel

Page 14

by Alanea Alder

  "His name is Pavil Desrosiers. He is the Régis squire," she replied demurely.

  Vivi wasn't the only one who simply stared. The idea that she had found her mate and had been kept from him while living in the same household sounded like a form of hell.

  Beth's eyes were filled with fire as she looked up at her mate. "A fine will not be enough this time."

  Gavriel nodded. "Agreed." He turned to Etain. "Would you please go up to Level Three and retrieve Pavil?"

  Etain stood and kissed Vivi on the top of her head. "I will return shortly."

  Gavriel practically collapsed into Jervasius' empty chair. "We have lost two Founding Family heads in less than an hour." He looked over at Kari, who was tapping away on her iPad. "Kari, please tell me you have an idea how we can salvage this."

  Kari looked up frowning. "Of course I do, now hush. I am thinking."

  Gavriel rolled his eyes and slumped down in his chair. "I cannot wait for Magnus to return."

  Kari gave a final tap then looked at the room. "Okay I have an idea." She frowned at Gavriel. "I would tell you to act your age, but that may have you mummified in the corner." Beth giggled as Gavriel straightened glaring at his borrowed personal assistant. Kari continued. "We are giving Gavriel mystical powers."

  Gavriel's mouth dropped. "We are what?"

  Kari waved her hand about. "You are the Dark Prince. We could say that DeLaFontaine and Régis looked at you wrong, therefore incurring your wrath and the people would cheer." She smirked at them. "But that would be a waste of a golden opportunity. Instead, we will make a huge general announcement that over time Gavriel has acquired the ability to detect evil in those around him. Now that he has stepped forward to lead the city and has the backing of the Founding and Noble Families, he is clearing house for Magnus. We will simply say that he is starting at the top and working his way down."

  Leana clapped her hands together. "That pretty much gives us carte blanche to arrest anyone later with impunity."

  Kari nodded. "Plus it will send all the other rats scurrying. We may find a pest or two we did not know about in the scramble."

  Gavriel turned to Adriel. "Why is she not in charge again?"

  Adriel sighed. "She is smart enough to avoid the responsibility."

  Bree looked around eyes wide. "Is it always like this on Level One?"

  Beth shook her head. "No, usually we are just sharing updates and eating pudding."

  Vivi turned to Bree. "Do Jervasius' sons know you aren't their mother?"

  Bree gave a short nod. "They kept quiet of course, to preserve their own way of life."

  There was a knock at the door and Sebastian hurried to open it. Seconds later, Etain and a handsome vampire walked in. The man looked around the room before locking on Bree. He was at her side a moment later. "Lady Régis, how can I assist you?"

  Vivi gave her mate a flat look. "You couldn't tell him?"

  Etain shook his head and sat back down beside her. "There were too many people listening in."

  Pavil's eyes narrowed in anger. "Tell me what? What have you done to my charge?"

  Gavriel gave him a sly smile. "Your charge or your mate?"

  Pavil sucked in his breath and looked down. Bree nodded, wiping her tears. "Prince Gavriel has arrested Jervasius. We are finally free of him." The announcement drove Pavil to his knees in shock. "What?" Bree held his face between her hands. "We can finally be together. The prince will protect us."

  Pavil looked over at Gavriel and struggled to stand on shaky legs. He placed his fist over his heart and bowed low. "If I can serve you in any way, you need only to ask." Vivi found herself tearing up as the man choked the words out, he was that overwhelmed with emotion.

  Gavriel looked at Adriel, who shot him a questioning look back. Gavriel then turned to Pavil. "How would you like to become the squire for House Ambrosios?"

  Beth squealed her excitement. "My love, that is a perfect idea!"

  When Pavil swayed Beth hopped up and had him sit down next to his mate. She walked over and sat in the chair closest to Gavriel. Leaning to one side she rested her head on his shoulder.

  Gavriel continued. "It is a recently revived house, so there is much work to be done. The living quarters have not been attended to in centuries." He pointed to Adriel and Eva. "They will be the primary ones you will be serving after I return to Lycaonia."

  Pavil clutched at his mate's hand tightly. "It would be an honor to serve House Ambrosios."

  Adriel looked relieved. "When can you start?"

  "Now?" Pavil blurted.

  Eva simply shrugged. "Sounds about right." She stood and stretched. "Come on Pavil. Let's go snag a warrior or two along with some of my packmates, and we'll head to your old place to get your stuff."

  Pavil's eyes widened, and he jumped to his feet. "Lady Ambrosios, please do not trouble yourself."

  Eva waved him off. "I'm feeling kinda restless after hearing about the shit those two assholes have been up to. With any luck, some idiots on Level Three will try to stop us." She flexed her fingers together cracking her knuckles.

  Adriel stood and clapped Pavil on the shoulder. "Lady Ambrosios is not like most women."

  Bree looked up at Eva in awe. "She is amazing." Eva blushed at Bree's sincere praise. Pavil turned to his mate. "Is this something that you want? You are essentially going from being a Founding Family member to a squire's mate."

  Bree stood and took his hand into hers. "I have wanted nothing else since the day we met." She looked over at Eva shyly. "If Lady Ambrosios is amiable to it. I can help maintain her schedule and guide her in navigating the politics amongst the other high-born ladies."

  "She's your Yoda," Meryn whispered staring at Bree.

  Eva laughed at Meryn's declaration and turned to Bree. "I would appreciate any and all the help I can get." She turned to her mate. "While I go up and get their stuff, you wanna show Bree our new living quarters?"

  Adriel turned to Gavriel. "Do you need us for anything."

  Gavriel waved them off. "No. You both go get House Ambrosios back in order."

  When they left Gavriel exhaled. "I could kill Jervasius for what he put that woman through."

  Beth patted him on the leg. "You showed great restraint. I am very proud of you."

  Gavriel looked over at Meryn. "It is a scary day when I am leaning towards Meryn's version of politics. I swear it would be easier just to kill him and be done with it."

  Meryn looked over at Javier and Simon. "Speaking of politics. What happens to the Régis and DeLaFontaine Houses now?"

  Gavriel rubbed his chin. "To be honest I am not sure. I do not think we have ever had a situation here two Founding Family heads were arrested within thirty minutes of each other."

  Simon leaned forward. "Jervasius has three sons who can take his place, each one horrendous in his own special way."

  Javier grunted his agreement. "Thank the gods Viktor turned out so well," he turned in his chair to smile proudly at his son.

  Without missing a beat Viktor smiled. "Must be the genes."

  Marie laughed. "Yes, mine." Javier chuckled and brought her hand up to kiss. "Of course darling."

  "What about DeLaFontaine?" Kendrick asked.

  Simon shook his head. "He has no heir."

  Leana frowned. "Does he have any relatives?"

  Gavriel looked to the ceiling as his mouth moved. To Vivi, it looked like he was counting. When he looked around he looked surprised. "He is the last of his line."

  "Might I make a suggestion?" Kari interjected.

  Gavriel indicated the floor was hers. "By all means."

  Kari scrolled on her iPad. "I will have to check our records, but I vaguely remember that something like this has happened before. A son was adopted into the bloodline from the highest ranking Noble Family."

  Beth's face scrunched up. "That would be DuBois, they aren't much better."

  Meryn waved her hand. Gavriel smiled at her. "Adriel has told you that you do not have to rai
se your hand."

  She shrugged. "It's kinda a habit now. Any who. What about Warrick? He's a DuBois we like. But instead of making him take that douchebag's last name, we change the Founding Family to his name. Only since he was just disowned from the DuBois family he can use his mom's name or something." When no one spoke she ducked her head. "It was just a suggestion."

  Leana turned to Beth. "She is brilliant."

  Beth preened. "I know. She shows so much promise."

  Javier looked from Simon to Gavriel. "Can we get away with it?"

  Gavriel smiled. "It will work out perfectly, especially considering who his mother was."

  Beth thought about it for a moment this smiled. "You are right. It is perfect." She turned to Meryn. "Did you know about his parents?"

  Meryn looked lost. "What about his parents?"

  Leana turned to Meryn. "His father of course was Gerald DuBois' older brother. But his mother was a Fortier." When Meryn just blinked at her, she continued. "After the Great War when the collective council elevated Ambrosios and Rioux, they offered to make the Fortier bloodline a Founding Family. The Fortiers are very altruistic. They believed that they should only serve a higher purpose, so they declined the elevation."

  Meryn started nodding. "Let me guess. DeLaFontaine was elevated instead."

  "It's almost as if we are putting things the way they were meant to be," Beth said. Her words hung in the air.

  Kendrick recovered first. "Either Fate has a more intricate weave than I can imagine, or she just likes to roll the dice."

  Vivi couldn't shake Beth's words. Did that mean she was always meant to be here too? Across the room she met Meryn's eyes. The small human just shrugged as if to say 'what can ya do?'.

  Vivi stood needing a break from the headache of politics. "I have hit my quota for royal stuff." She looked at Gavriel. "Whenever you're ready."

  He looked confused for a moment then nodded. "Of course. Give me just a few minutes to set things up with Javier and Simon to get the ball rolling to elevate Warrick."

  Kari clutched at her iPad. "You are serious?" She swallowed hard. "My baby brother. My innocent, sweet, baby brother will be a Founding Family head?"

  Meryn winced. "Sucks to be him."

  Kari grabbed at her chest. "He needs guards. Lots and lots of guards." She reached for her walkie talkie. "Law, I need you."

  A moment later, Law answered. "I'm in the infirmary at the moment."

  Kari's knuckles turned white from grasping the handheld. "I do not give a flying fuck where you are! I need you here now. There better be warriors heading your way now to relieve you or so help me gods!" Viktor ran from the room.

  "Oh dear," Beth said watching her friend unravel.

  Law strode into the room a minute later. The air around him pulsing with magic. "Who has upset you?" he demanded.

  Kari just stared at him from the center of the room her chest heaving. She pointed to Gavriel then Meryn. "They said...she suggested that they... and they are serious. He... he... Founding Family..."

  Law was at her side in a moment rubbing her back. "Sweetheart, you're having a panic attack. Just concentrate on your breathing."

  Law looked around the room. "The only thing that sets her off like this is if something happens to Avery. So will someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with my little brother and sister!" he roared.

  Vivi waited for someone to speak up but everyone was simply looking at each other as if asking how they should respond. Vivi sighed. "Basically, we arrested DeLaFontaine for possibly being the one to distribute the virus." She paused. "I say possibly, but there's a ninety-nine percent chance he's guilty as hell. Anyway, since he doesn't have any heirs Warrick is being elevated to Founding Family head under his mother's name." She pointed to Kari. "She began to meltdown when she realized that Avery would be a new Founding Family head right along with him."

  Law's mouth dropped. "Avery. Our Avery will be a Founding Family head in Noctem Falls?" Kari just pointed and waved as she tried to catch her breath.

  A door slamming against the wall had everyone turning to see Declan and Rex snarling in the doorway. "Kari!" Declan shouted moving furniture to get to her side.

  Law held up a hand. "She's fine. What has upset her is a good thing but overwhelming. She just needs some time to process." Declan and Rex seemed to shrink in size as they began to calm down. They stayed close to Kari whispering encouragements and trying to get her breathing under control.

  Meryn began to giggle. Declan glared at her. "What?"

  "You and Rex puff up like house cats when you're mad."

  Both brothers scowled at her. Behind them Kari began to laugh. She put both hands on her knees and bent over slightly. "She is right. You do." Rex and Declan exchanged hurt expressions.

  There was a knock at the door and Sebastian chuckling to himself moved to answer it. After a moment an enormous warrior and small man rushed into the room.

  "Kari! Are you okay? We heard you on the walkie-talkie, but I couldn't get off the phone with the Council Estate." The small blond threw himself at Kari.

  "Oh, Avery honey, I am so sorry to worry you."

  Vivi stared at Avery's slight build and delicate features. No wonder Kari was having hysterics. The ranking vampires of the city were going to eat him alive. Vivi eyed the tall man at his side. Then again, maybe not.

  "Warrick DuBois?" Vivi asked.

  The large warrior turned and nodded. "Yes," he said his voice kind. "I am sorry I have not introduced myself yet Princess Vivian, but I have been working with Avery in answering questions from the Council Estate."

  The more she looked at the pair, the better she felt. Warrick was a good choice to lead Level Five. Vivi gave Meryn a thumbs up. "Good job."

  Meryn grinned. "I know right?"

  Vivi reached down and took Etain's hand. She was amused at the rapt attention on his face. He was watching the scene unfold as if it were a favorite soap opera. Looking up he schooled his features when they made eye contact. Clearing his throat, he stood as well.

  Vivi turned to Gavriel and pointed to the room. "You have your hands full, but I will need you in the lab within an hour to get the processing started."

  Gavriel nodded then eagerly turned back to Avery, who was now in the process of completely melting down. It seemed her mate wasn't the only one entertained by the scene in front of them.

  She tugged at Etain's hand. "Coming my love?"

  "Of course."

  As they left a loud screech bounced off the walls. Vivi smothered a chuckle. Little Avery had just found out he was going to be a Founding Family head.


  While Gavriel organized the new Founding Family, Vivi stopped at the infirmary to gather Caspian's blood. His bedside vigil continued while Broderick lent support from a seat nearby. Both were hopeful as she explained what she would be attempting in the form of a cure.

  When they got back to the lab she immediately put the sample from DeLaFontaine's cuff under the microscope. Little flashes of light confirmed the presence of the virus. Using the walkie-talkie she let Gavriel know that the DeLaFontaine test had come back positive.

  After that it was simply a waiting game. It ended up taking Gavriel over an hour to get away. He, Beth and Kendrick walked in fighting smiles.

  Kendrick crossed the room to sit down in his preferred stool in front of his long lab tables, where he picked up a book to read as usual. His normal routine consisted of him checking on the plates he set up to test the magic within the virus. He told her earlier that they had lucked out, because the process of starting the magical tests had put the virus in a type of stasis, so the magic that had disappeared from the first slides was preserved for testing on his plates. He'd occasionally grumble to himself, write down some notes then resume reading. Today he simply sat down and pulled out the book Meryn had given him.

  Vivi turned from where she sat in front of the microscope. "Did they both live?"

  Beth sat down on
one of the stools as Gavriel stood at her side. "Yes, though it took us forever to calm Avery down. His one point of contention was that he didn't want to quit his job. He says it allows him to help Magnus and stay near Kari. If I had a little brother as adorable as Avery, I probably would have lost it too. He's just so darn cute!"

  Gavriel clucked his tongue. "Meryn can be pretty adorable."

  Beth shrugged. "Avery is adorable like a puppy. Meryn is adorable like a baby velociraptor. It's cute because it's small, but it's also kinda deadly and dangerous."

  Gavriel looked at his mate impressed. "That has to be one of the most accurate descriptions of Meryn I have ever heard."

  "She is my little sister. I know her best."

  Vivi waved a needle at Gavriel. "Ready to get poked?"

  Gavriel rolled up the sleeve of his elegant dress shirt. "I am your humble servant."

  Vivi made sure only to take a single vial, not a bag like the others. It would probably take a gallon of Caspian's blood to cancel out the strain requirement if she used a full pint of Gavriel's blood.

  As she was finishing the label, the door opened to reveal Rheia and Colton. They walked in, three bags of blood in Colton's hands. He looked at them. "Is Kari okay? She sounded stressed."

  Kendrick turned a page of his book. "Yes, though Avery is the one who is stressed now."

  "Why?" Rheia asked sitting down next to Beth.

  Kendrick got them caught up as Vivi placed the collected blood on the stone in the refrigeration unit. Her hands were itching to get Gavriel's blood under the microscope.

  Etain walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "You're grinning like a mad scientist."

  She rested her head against his chest. "That's because I am a mad scientist."

  "And you know your stuff," Rheia added. "You were right about that second trial. We don't even have to run a blood sample. The kids look awful. The younger blood was about as effective as the antivirals are becoming."

  Etain turned their bodies so they faced the room. "How was the idea of a blood drive received?" he asked.


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