My Angel

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My Angel Page 20

by Alanea Alder


  Vivi woke up and blinked. She felt Etain's arm around her waist, and they were both naked. She went to sit up and winced.

  Etain stirred beside her. When he saw that her eyes were open he popped straight up like a Jack in the Box startling her. "You're awake," he said breathlessly.

  Vivi slapped his arm. "You scared the crap out of me. What the hell is wrong?" She rubbed her stomach. "Did we have sex again? I'm kinda sore and not in a good way."

  Etain's almost maniacal laughter had her edging away from him about to bolt for Hal. "Etain, what is it?"

  He simply fell over her and pinned her to the bed. "You almost died," he choked out the words.

  "What?" Vivi asked. Then images of a handle near her midsection flooded her. "Oh, yeah. There was something sticking out of me."

  "Something? It was a dagger!" Etain pulled back his eyes flashing.

  Vivi looked down at her belly. There wasn't even a pink line showing where her wound have been. "Well it looks like I'm okay now." She sat up and stretched her arms over her head. "I should get back to the lab."

  Etain released an unintelligible string of curses. He reached over to his side of the bed and tapped a small alarm clock looking thing. "Hal, I need you in here."

  She looked over at her mate. "Really? You're calling Hal in?"

  The door swung open and Hal filled the doorway. "Is she okay?" he demanded rushing over.

  Vivi gave an indignant peep and pulled the blankets up to cover her chest. Hal rushed over and sat on the bed. He tried tugging the blankets down and she fought with him. "Hal!"

  "Is she bleeding?" Hal asked looking frantic.

  "Hal! I'm fine, for the love of the gods believe me. I am fine." Vivi continued to tug at the blanket.

  Hal turned to Etain. "Truly?"

  Etain nodded. "Yes, but she feels like she should return to the lab." Etain crossed his arms over his chest.

  Hal's head swung around. "Oh, she does, does she?"

  "I feel fine. No lingering side effects to being stabbed besides being a bit sore. I think you're both overreacting."

  "A bit sore." Hal gave a short laugh. "A bit sore she says!"

  Etain nodded pointing at her. "See what I mean!"

  Hal turned back to her. "You almost died. If it were not for Gavriel and Caspian, you would be dead. Forgive us for thinking you should stay in bed a few hours!" he roared.

  Vivi pinched the bridge of her nose. Her mate and her squire had somehow formed an alliance and were ganging up on her. "Guys, I wish I could share with you how I feel. I don't really remember the attack so it's not impacting me the same as the two of you." She took in their haggard appearance. "My poor mate and Hal. The two men who I love the most in this whole world, I'm sorry that you were put through this."

  Hal simply engulfed her in a hug. "Nothing else can happen to you Baby Girl. My heart won't take it."

  She pulled back and smiled at him before turning to her mate. "I don't plan on going anywhere for quite some time." She rubbed her belly. "Gods, it's a good thing I wasn't pregnant." She looked up to watch all color drain from the two men. "No." She shook her head. "No," she repeated firmly. "It's highly unlikely that I would get pregnant this quickly." Etain began to tremble. "Isn't it?" Hal stood and ran from the room yelling for Sebastian.

  Vivi went to get out of bed and Etain just about lost his mind. "Stay!" he ordered.

  "I'm not greeting Sebastian naked!" she yelled back.

  "Fine! I will get your clothes, but stay right there." Etain jumped from the bed and went to the small bag she had yet to unpack. He pulled out random things and brought them over.

  She quickly got dressed and watched as Etain fumbled with his shirt buttons. "Come here, I'll do them," she offered.

  Etain staggered over. "You're fine," he said, almost as if reassuring himself.

  "Yes, I'm fine."

  "She's here!" they heard Hal shout a second before the room flooded with people. Vivi gave Etain an 'I told you so' look before pointing to her clothes.

  Micah, Kendrick and Rheia hurried over. "What's this about being pregnant?" Rheia asked.

  Vivi shook her head. "We don't know for sure."

  Sebastian stepped forward holding a stone. "One way to be sure."

  Vivi hesitated. What if she was?

  "Vivi, love, please hold out your hand. We need to know if you're pregnant." Etain said in an even voice.

  Vivi held out her hand and Sebastian dropped the stone into the center of her palm. There was a short burst of light, but then it began to flicker. She looked around the room. "What does this mean?"

  Kendrick moved quickly placing a hand on her shoulder. "Not on my watch," he swore.

  Vivi looked around. "What?"

  Rheia sat on her other side and took her hand. "Vivi, honey, you're losing the baby," she explained in a very calm voice.

  "No, I'm not." She turned from Hal to Etain. "I'm not!" she protested.

  Rheia squeezed her hand. "You need to stay calm. If you get upset it will hinder Kendrick's magic."

  Vivi's throat constricted, and tear after tear began to fall. "I can't lose my baby, not when I just found out they were there." She looked up at Etain. "Save our baby!"

  Her words vaulted him to action. He knelt between her knees where she sat at the edge of the bed. He placed his palms over her womb and his hands began to glow a soft golden light.

  Minutes dragged by, but the tiny light in her palm continued to weaken.

  "He's here," Micah said entering the room out of breath. While Kendrick and Etain had been working to save her baby, Micah had run for help.

  Vivi looked up to see five fae unit warriors striding in. They formed a semicircle around Etain. The tallest turned to her. "My name is Sulis Vi'Erlondon. Will you allow us to share our light with Etain?" He pointed to the men behind him. "We all felt it when he began to share the light of Éire Danu, it would be an honor and a privilege to assist in saving the newest child of the fae."

  "Please," she croaked her voice breaking. "Please help him."

  The men placed a hand on Etain's broad back, and their hands began to glow. Vivi had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. Though each warrior's hand glowed with a golden light, no two were the same.

  Etain's light was bright and sure. Sulis' was warm and slightly orange in color. The other men's lights ranged from yellow gold to amber in hue. The longer they shared their light, the stronger the pregnant stone began to glow.

  When it finally began to pulse with a steady light, the men around her stepped away. Kendrick wiped the beaded sweat from his brow. "She's a fighter. You will have your hands full with that one," he said smiling.

  Etain rocked back on his heels grinning. "A baby girl?" he asked.

  Kendrick nodded. "She already has a definite personality. She's quite sassy. I think I am going to adore her."

  Sulis reached down and helped Etain to his feet before offering him his forearm. "Congratulations brother!"

  Vivi leaned against Rheia. "I'm going to be a mother." It was still sinking in. She was almost afraid to say it out loud. She stared down at the glowing pregnancy stone. "It doesn't seem real."

  Rheia gave her hug then stood. "Trust me, it will get more and more real as time passes, especially when you get to the cravings and hourly pee breaks." She winked trying to make Vivi smile.

  Sebastian dabbed at his eyes with a napkin. "Why don't you hold on to the stone for a while," he suggested.

  Vivi's hand clenched around the stone. "Thank you."

  "Okay people, let's give them some space!" Hal boomed.

  Vivi was grateful. She just wanted to spend time alone with her mate. Hal herded everyone out then turned to them. "Make sure you're ready for dinner. You need to eat," he sniffled. "Especially since you're eating for two now." He shook his head. "My baby girl is having a baby girl." His eyes widened, and he turned closing the door behind him. Through the door they heard Hal yell. "Sebastian I need
those baby websites!"

  Once they were alone Etain dropped down on the bed beside her. They both stared straight ahead not saying a word. Vivi opened her hand and stared down at the light. "A daughter," she said softly.

  "I'll need an army to keep her safe," Etain muttered.

  Vivi rested her head on his shoulder. "You can be her guardian angel commanding the other angels to keep her safe."

  "Angels?" he asked.

  "The fae warriors. They looked like a host of angels when they walked in. Somehow I knew everything would be okay." She wrapped her arms around his waist and he tucked her under his arm. "Thank you for saving our baby."

  "I would have given her my life to ensure she would make it."

  "That's what that light was, wasn't it. Your life."

  Etain hesitated then nodded. "That's why Micah ran for the men. They helped shoulder the burden. Instead of me giving everything, a bit was taken from each warrior."

  Vivi felt her stomach plunge, and she looked up at her mate. "Are you... are they going to die now?"

  Etain chuckled and shook his head. "No, my love. A quick trip back to Éire Danu will replenish our light. As soon as the portals are working we'll be just fine."

  "Thank the gods!" she whispered low.

  Etain pulled her backwards onto the bed. "And Micah Sageson. Without him, I would have lost you and the chance to see our daughter born."

  "We need to do something nice for him," she suggested.

  Etain gave a slow nod. "I have something in mind, but I need to speak with Adriel first."

  She snuggled in close. "Today is the first day of the rest of our lives."

  Etain tipped her head back and kissed her gently. "And I intend to enjoy every second, for tomorrow isn't promised and every moment a treasure to be safeguarded."

  Vivi knew that there were dark times ahead, but she wasn't afraid. She had her mate and her new friends to walk along beside her. No matter what the future had in store for them, she knew they had the strength to see it through.


  "I can't help it. You insist on turning the shower to the 'lava' setting," Aiden complained as he and Meryn entered the antechamber in Magnus' quarters later that evening before dinner.

  "It is not that hot," Meryn protested.

  Aiden held up his hands that were still a bit pink. "And I'm a shifter."

  Meryn crossed her arms. "Yeah, a big shifter baby," she huffed.

  Kendrick cleared his throat. "Actually Aiden, as you are taller and closer to the shower head, the temperature is of course warmer since it hasn't been cooled by the air. By the time it reaches Meryn it could be significantly colder."

  Aiden blinked. "Seriously?"

  Meryn stamped her foot. "That's not fair! No wonder I can never get my showers hot enough."

  Aiden grinned down at her. "The advantages of being tall."

  Meryn looked over at Kendrick. "Could that be why Aiden doesn't think his farts or feet smell? His big nose is too far away?"

  Meryn's question silenced the room. Aiden turned red and he just closed his eyes shaking his head. First Declan, then Colton busted out laughing. Rheia gouged Colton in the ribs and turned to Meryn. "It may be a shifter thing. At times, I'm pretty sure a feral crawled up Colton's ass and died."

  Meryn scowled. "This is bullshit. My air smells like feet, funk and farts and his air smells like shampoo!"

  "Meryn! Stop! I beg you!" Colton wheezed holding his midsection.

  Aiden smiled down at his mate. "I do love your shampoo."

  Meryn tapped her chin thoughtfully, and Aiden's smile evaporated. "What are you scheming?"

  Meryn's eyes widened as she put on an innocent face. "Me? Scheme?"

  "What are you thinking?"Aiden asked.


  Aiden scrubbed his hands over his face. "Gods," he muttered.

  Etain leaned down. "I love you," he whispered.

  Vivi fought a smile. She was pretty sure that her mate was thankful he hadn't gotten stuck with Meryn. Vivi honestly believed that Fate knew what she was doing, because no one fit Meryn like Aiden, just as she couldn't imagine being with anyone else besides her mate.

  She winked up at him. "You just love me because I'm smexy."

  Etain tilted his head to one side. "What is smexy?"

  "It means smart and sexy," she explained.

  "Then I'm smute!" Meryn declared.

  "Smute?" Vivi questioned.

  "Yeah, smart and cute."

  Vivi eyed the small human. "Are you sure about the smart bit?"

  Meryn glared at her. "Are you sure about the sexy bit?"

  Vivi stuck out her tongue and Meryn reciprocated.

  Etain wrapped an arm around her. "So dignified," he chuckled.

  Meryn pointed to her belly. "Congratulations on Vi-three two-point-oh."

  "Huh?" Vivi asked.

  "Well your name is Vivian, but you go by Vivi. Then you changed your last name to Vi'Aerlin, so that's like three 'Vi's. So your kid is Vi-three two-point-oh." She gave her a sly smile. "Or maybe Bella, if she turns out to be a sparkly fae vampire."

  Vivi's mouth dropped. "That's low."

  Meryn giggled. "Fine. No sparkly vampires."

  Vivi rubbed her temples. "Great, now that image is stuck in my head."

  "At least she isn't calling your baby a jackalope," Beth said.

  Vivi couldn't help but laughing. "A bunny with fangs," she looked from Beth to Gavriel. "That's too much."

  Beth sighed. "I know."

  Vivi turned to Gavriel. "Any word as to what may have happened at the entry door?"

  Gavriel shook his head. "No one saw anything. Marek said one moment he heard the commotion coming from Level Six when you were attacked then nothing. He woke up on the floor, his head splitting and the Grand Hall door was open. We are doing a level by level head count, but that will take some time."

  "Yeah, because there are a shit ton of people on the census," Meryn added.

  Gavriel gave her a droll look. "It is a pillar city Meryn."

  Meryn rolled her eyes. "I keep envisioning people hibernating in little caves like bees in a beehive. Stacked up in little tubes."

  Beth laughed. "When the virus has been cured, I will take you on a full tour of the city. There are whole towns on each level you haven't seen yet."

  "Nah. I think I'll just stay in my bat cave. People irritate me," Meryn said shaking her head. Beth rolled her eyes.

  Etain leaned down. "I'll be right back."

  She looked around and noticed that Adriel, Micah, Grant and Declan were waiting by the door. "Be safe," she whispered.


  Vivi watched her mate walk out with his fellow unit warrior and smiled. Whatever they were up, to she'd find out about later. For now, she had a midget to torture.


  Micah stood shoulder to shoulder with his unit brothers staring down at the tunnel escort that was kneeling at their feet.

  "Why?" Declan asked.

  The tunnel escort's eyes darted from warrior to warrior. "Why did you bring me down here?" he asked looking around. They had taken him out of his detention cell and was now standing below Level One in the Pits.

  Declan punched him across the jaw. "We are asking the questions. Why did you attack Vivi? What do you know about the Grand Hall door being open?"

  "Nothing!" the escort shouted.

  Etain knelt down. "You see? I do not believe you. One way or another, I will get the answers I need. For how long and how much pain happens between now and then is entirely up to you," Etain informed him pleasantly.

  Micah watched as the tunnel escort began to shake in the face of Etain's polite threats. He couldn't blame him. If his friend's anger was directed at him, he knew he'd be a babbling mess.

  Adriel turned to him. "Micah, if you would please."

  Micah looked down at the escort. "You should have answered the question." He extended his hand and allowed an electric current to flow through h
im to the escort. The man writhed on the floor.

  "Enough," Adriel said.

  Micah pulled back his magic.

  "Now. Once again. Why did you attack Vivi? And what do you know about the door being opened?"

  "Okay! Okay!" the escort sobbed. "DeLaFontaine promised me that he would make me his heir if I killed Vivian DuSang."

  "Did he say why?" Grant asked.

  The escort shook his head. "Only that she had to die. That she was too close."

  "And the door?" Etain prompted.

  "All I know is that I was to come down here, create a platform and go up to the Greeting Hall. After that I was to find Vivian and stab her," he looked around. "That is all I know. I swear!"

  Adriel turned to Etain. "Your call. DeLaFontaine will be killed for his part in this. We do not need this parasite's testimony."

  "You cannot kill me! I have to go before the council!" the escort screamed.

  Etain stared down at the escort and smiled. "The council is not here. The virus locked down the city remember?" He pulled the long sword from the scabbard at his waist. "You almost stole my mate from me. I had to watch as my unborn daughter's light flickered as she fought to cling to life. What made you think you would not die?"

  "For the crimes you have committed against the city, her royals, my brother, his mate and his unborn child. I sentence you to death." Adriel declared before leaning down. "Or did you forget I was a royal now and could do such a thing?"

  The escort's mouth opened before Etain sent his head bouncing across the hall. Micah stared down at the growing pool of blood. "We're just lucky I learned some of the cleaning spells from Kendrick when we set the royal quarters to rights."

  Etain lifted his sword toward him, and Micah whispered a low phrase removing the blood from blade. Etain slid the sword back into the scabbard and turned to Adriel. "What trouble could we face for this?"

  Adriel shrugged. "Probably none. Both Aiden and Gavriel have mates after all."

  "We all do," Grant murmured then looked to Micah. "Sorry."

  Micah forced a smile. "It's quite alright. The way things are going, I'd prefer to meet my mate much, much later. Definitely after this virus is cured and the city back to normal."


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