A Victorian Christmas

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A Victorian Christmas Page 11

by Lorraine Beaumont

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “I lost ah…” She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t lie. “I took off the necklace.”

  “You did?” He stepped closer, the tightening in his chest lessening considerably.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I think…” I may have fallen in love with you “I like you a lot and I would like to get to know you better.”

  Elation filled him. “I think…” I may have fallen in love with you, “I like you a lot and I would like to get to know you better as well.” He smiled and held out his arms.

  Sadie lifted her skirts and ran into his arms, hugging him, feeling like she had finally found her home, a place where she truly belonged.

  “I know this will sound crazy,” he began.

  She pulled back but didn’t release him. “As crazy as traveling to the past?” she asked.

  “Perhaps.” He smiled down at her. “I wished for someone like you.”

  “I wished for someone like you as well,” she admitted.

  “You did?” He pulled back so he could see her face. “I have to be honest with you,” he said.

  “Yes,” she said, feeling sick he looked so serious.

  He took a breath. “I would not feel right if I did not tell you the truth about myself.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard.

  “I have not always been the man you see before you now. I used to be a scoundrel, a wastrel, and only concerned with my own well-being.”

  “You sound like every man I have ever met,” she said.

  “See, you deserve better than me. So I do not think you should stay.”

  “What?” She had not been expecting that.

  “It is not because I do not want you, because I do, more than you know.”

  “Then why do you want me to leave.” Her lip trembled.

  “Because you are so sweet…” He brushed her hair away from her face. “So wonderful…” He looked deeply into her eyes, wishing to get lost in them forever but he couldn’t be selfish. “You deserve to be with someone who is not…broken.”

  She laughed suddenly. “Devlin, I wished for that as well.” She looked up into his haunted eyes.

  “I do not think you understand what you are saying.”

  “Yes, I do.” She smoothed her hand over his jacket, patting his chest. “I told the man I would take someone broken but workable and he said he may know someone who met my requirements. So don’t you see, we are supposed to be with one another?”

  “That is hardly a reason…I simply cannot allow you to throw away your life...”

  “Shhh,” she soothed, and placed her finger to his lips. “I have made up my mind. If you will have me, I want to stay.”

  “Are you sure?” How did he become so fortunate, he wanted to believe, he wanted to hope, he wanted so many things right now… right this moment…he didn’t think he would ever have. Was he Devlin the rogue finally going to find someone to love him in spite of his faults? For the first time he felt like the golden ring that was forever out of reach may be within his grasp after all.

  “Yes, I am sure.” She smiled up at him. “Now I want to kiss you, so you need to stop talking.”

  “Now that,” he said, pulling her closer. “I think I can manage.” He lowered his head and kissed her with all the emotion he was feeling.

  Chapter Twelve: Hawthorne Manor, Gifts Galore

  “On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me…twelve drummers drumming.”

  Katherine had a hard time getting close to her husband. Eliza completely monopolized every minute of his time, hanging on his every word. It was ridiculous.

  “So Isabelle, how does Eliza know Sebastian?” She cornered her near the tree.

  “Probably at a ball or some other frivolous affair,” she said, avoiding direct eye contact. Of course she did not mention her son probably had a frivolous affair with the chit. However if Katherine kept up her incessant badgering she might slip. On the verge of doing just that, she gave Grayson a look, trying to get him to save her.

  “I have a splendid idea,” Grayson said, catching Isabelle’s look.

  “What do you have in mind, Grayson?” Sebastian pried Eliza’s fingers off his jacket.

  “I think we should take the sleigh over to Hawthorne and meet up with Devlin for a spell.”

  “That’s sound positively brilliant,” Isabelle nearly yelled, cutting off another barrage of questions from Katherine. She was getting a headache.

  “I say, that is a splendid idea,” Sebastian piped in.

  “Who is Devlin?” asked Eliza, looking around the at all the eager faces in the room.

  “He is a very handsome young man Eliza; you may want to go and fix your hair dear, before we depart,” said Isabelle, swallowing back some vomit even as she said it. She almost felt bad dumping the chit off on her former husband. He had changed but she had to do what was in her own best interest, and unloading Eliza was definitely in her own best interest. Besides, Devlin owed her; he could very well take one for the team.

  “Handsome, you say?” she asked, suddenly alert. Sebastian was boring her to tears with all his talk of steam engines traversing the countryside. Marriage had apparently changed him and now he sounded like a doddering windbag, much like her father. She patted her hair. “Is something wrong with my hair?” she asked Sebastian. His eyes looked glazed over. She wondered if he could even see properly.

  “It is ah…a bit disheveled,” he agreed.

  She smacked his arm playfully. “Why did you not tell me?”

  “Ah…” He searched for something to say but came up empty.

  “Oh, never mind,” she said turning. “You probably can’t see worth a damn anyway,” she muttered, and walked away to freshen up.

  Dashing through the snow, Christmas Caroling

  After the long sleigh ride, Eliza had enough of the cuddling of her Uncle and Isabelle, not to mention the kissing from Sebastian and Katherine in between the singing of Christmas Carol’s. Katherine’s voice was pitchy at best, but she somehow thought her voice sounded like an angel, which had more to do with Sebastian’s outright lies than anything else did. If she heard one more person say Katherine had a lovely voice, she was going lose her dinner. Katherine sounded like a braying sheep.

  Once the sleigh halted Eliza tried to push out first but her Uncle beat her to it and made sure Isabelle climbed down first and then Katherine. By the time she crawled over all the furs, everyone was already up on the landing in front of the door.

  “Hello, is anyone going to wait for me?” she called, but the wind carried her voice away. Yanking her cloak, she grumbled, “Rude people.” Not to be one left behind she hurried after them up the front stairs and shoved her way up to the door beside Isabelle and Katherine.

  “Isn’t someone going to knock on the door?” Eliza said, shivering from the frigid breeze. A lantern swung above making an eerie squeaking noise. The air smelled fresh and clean, but the dampness hanging in the air made it seem colder than it really was. She pulled her cloak closer. Her spirits had plummeted after she found out Sebastian was married. He didn’t even look as good as she remembered him. Somehow he had gotten old…well not old like her Uncle but old as in he was boring. Then when she heard the man they were going to visit was single and handsome…well that had made her spirits soar once again. Adjusting her hood, she twisted a few pieces of hair back into perfect ringlets and waited.

  “Oh, I forgot the gifts,” said Isabelle, turning and giving Eliza a look.

  “What?” She glared at Isabelle. “Oh, no, I am not going back to the sleigh,” she whined. When Isabelle continued to stare her down she added, “Do I look like a pack mule to you?” Not waiting for a reply, Eliza lifted her chin a notch and turned away from Isabelle’s unrelenting gaze. “You can get them yourself.”

  “I will get them,” Sebastian exhaled, stepping around Katherine. He walked down the stairs to the sleigh,
all the while hoping Devlin would keep the yammering chit for the duration of the holiday until she went back to London. He didn’t care if it was proper or not. Devlin may not like it but he could certainly take one for the betterment of all concerned, especially him. Devlin owed him a favor or ten at this point anyway.

  After he gathered all the gifts, he walked back up the stairs. Once again, they were all huddled in front of the door.

  Grayson lifted the knocker and slammed it down on the wood with a resounding thunk.

  “For goodness sake, Uncle, you need to hit a little harder than that,” Eliza snapped. She was freezing.

  Grayson tensed. Lifting his hand, he grabbed the knocker once more and slammed it down.

  “Did you hear that?” Sadie asked, pulling away from Devlin. Her face flushed from their kisses.

  “No, I do not hear a thing.” Actually, that was a lie, he heard someone knocking, but he was trying his best to ignore it.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “There it is again.” She pulled away and straightened her gown. “Devlin, aren’t you going to get the door?”

  He exhaled. “I suppose I do not have much choice at this point,” he muttered, walking to the foyer.

  Sadie smoothed her hair and again adjusted her gown; she was so nervous, her hands shook. What would they think of her? What would Katherine say about the necklace? More importantly, what if she couldn’t stay?

  The visitors have arrived

  Devlin took a breath and opened the door. “Happy Christmas everyone.” He forced a smile at the group.

  “My goodness Devlin, what took you so long to open the door?” Isabelle glided past him through the door.

  “Sorry I did not hear you.” Devlin stepped aside so that everyone else could enter.

  “Merry Christmas Devlin,” Katherine said, smiling.

  “Well, a very Merry Christmas to you as well,” he said and reached forward to give her a hug.

  “Sorry we are so late,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Oh that is quite all right,” he said, smiling warmly down at her.

  “Have you been too lonely?” she asked, concerned he had become depressed.

  “Ah…” He widened his eyes. “No, not really, ” he said, looking away.

  Sebastian stepped up. “Well, better late than never, right old chap?” He slapped him on the back with a bit more force than necessary.

  “Yes, better late than never.” Never would have worked but he was happy to see Katherine and Grayson.

  “Son, Merry Christmas,” Grayson boomed, holding out his arms for a hug. Devlin stepped forward and embraced the man, each giving one another an affectionate slap on the back. Grayson had taken to calling Devlin son after the incident with his leg. It warmed his heart to be referred to in such a way. He looked up to the man in more ways than one.

  Eliza stood to the side waiting to be introduced. He was handsome. His sandy blonde hair was a little longer than she liked but that could be remedied easily enough. He had a nice voice as well, smooth, and rich. He was tall and lean, not taken to fat as was the current fashion with titled gentlemen from too much drink and food. No, Isabelle was finally right on one count, the man was very attractive and appealing. She may get herself a man for Christmas after all.

  “Ahem,” she cleared her throat demurely, batting her lashes.

  Devlin turned and looked at the pretty girl standing in the doorway and smiled. “And who do we have hidden over here?”

  “Oh, Devlin, this dear girl, is Eliza,” Isabelle said, nearly choking on the words. “She is Grayson’s niece, who has dropped by for an unexpected visit from London.”

  “London you say?” he said. “How nice for you,” he added, giving Isabelle a curious look. He could tell by his ex-wife’s tone that she was not happy with her unexpected visitor. He had to wonder why? The girl seemed nice enough.

  “So Devlin,” Eliza said, stepping forward and extending her hand.

  Devlin dutifully took her hand into his own, bowing down and kissed the top. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He lifted his head and smiled in Eliza’s direction but he was not at seeing her really, but instead Sadie, who was standing behind her in the library.

  Eliza felt, rather than saw another presence. The handsome man named Devlin was smiling but she had a feeling he was not smiling at her exactly but someone over her shoulder. She tensed. “Am I keeping you from something?” she asked, just to see what he would say.

  “Forgive me, but there is someone I would like you all to meet,” he said, loudly so everyone could hear. “May I introduce Sadie McAllister, the woman I am going to marry, if she will have me,” he said.

  “Oh, Bloody Hell, why are all the good ones taken?” Eliza stomped her foot.

  Devlin blinked.

  Katherine gaped.

  Isabelle laughed.

  Grayson stared.

  Sebastian laughed harder.

  Sadie turned around and dashed back into the study.

  “Wait, Sadie,” Devlin called. “Excuse me, I have to…” he trailed off and ran after her before anyone could say a word.

  What truths to tell

  “See wife, I told you Devlin was fine on his own.” Sebastian grinned. “Well…” he amended. “ He may not have been alone but he certainly seems fine.”

  “Do you know who she is?” She frowned after Devlin.

  “No I do not but what does it matter? She seems nice.”

  “You haven’t even met her,” she snapped.

  “I do not need to meet her. Devlin wants to marry her and so that is good enough for me.”

  “Hmm….we’ll see about that.” She chewed on her lip, contemplating.

  Sebastian knew that look. “He is a grown man and perfectly capable of making his own decisions.”

  “What if she is a fortune hunter?”

  “Let me remind you, Devlin does not even have a fortune or a home to call his own so there is no need to worry on that count.”

  “Oh stop.” She swatted his arm playfully. “You know very well what I am getting at.”

  “No, actually I do not,” he said. “Shouldn’t you be ecstatic for him, now he will not be all alone? Isn’t that what you have been worrying yourself over for the past few weeks?” He gave her a pointed look.

  Katherine face turned red. “Well, yes…but…”

  “No buts….leave the man alone.” He gave his wife a stern look.

  Making a stern face of her own she crossed her arms, which didn’t work well with her belly being so swollen. “Fine, but you better talk to him, make sure he knows what he is getting himself into.”

  “I will.”

  “Promise?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he sighed. “I promise.”

  “Now let’s go inside and meet this young lady before you pass judgment on her and get the lynching mob together, shall we?” He stuck out his arm.

  “I am not as bad as all that.” Katherine pursed her lips, but took her husband’s arm anyway.

  Winter Wonderland

  Devlin finally caught up with Sadie outside in the lower garden. “I am sorry. It just came out.”

  “No, don’t be sorry,” she said, turning. The moon was full and lit the area around them. Icicles clung to the branches, sparkling above. It looked like a winter wonderland.

  “Does your heart belong to another?” he asked, voicing his greatest fear.

  “What?” She widened her eyes. “No, not at all,” she said. “It was very flattering that you would even consider such a thing, I mean you hardly know me.”

  “I do not care,” he said, pulling her close. “I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for you.”

  “Oh, Devlin,” she said, starting to cry.

  “Why are you crying?” He dipped his head down so he could see her face in the light of the moon. “Do you find the prospect of marrying me so repulsive that it brings tears to your lovely eyes?”

  “No!” She looked up at
his handsome face. “It is not that. Actually what you said is the nicest, sweetest, most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me.” She averted her gaze. She had to. The thought of leaving him made her want to cry all over again. And she had to leave didn’t she…?

  “Would you consider marrying me?”

  “You cannot be serious.”

  “I am very serious. Would you…wait… I am doing this wrong.” He got down on one knee and looked up at her, taking her hands in his own. “Sadie, will you marry me?”

  Sadie blinked back another rush of tears. Could she? Why not? Mrs. Flint said if she believed in love…she stopped thinking, she didn’t care, at least not now. After all, a heart wants what a heart wants and for the first time in her life, Sadie threw caution to the wind and decided to listen to her heart. “Yes, yes, I will.”

  He stood up, kissed her soundly on the lips, and then pulled away. “I am getting married,” he yelled, laughing. Taking her into his arms, he swung her around in the air.

  The trouble with relations

  Sadie felt like she was about to faint. Now she knew what a bug must feel like when it’s being scrutinized under a microscope. Everyone was staring at her.

  “There you are de Winter. Katherine,” Devlin called out, standing near Sadie, like a Sentinel guarding a priceless treasure.

  “I would like you to meet Sadie, my fiancée’,” he said, taking her cold hand in his own.

  Katherine looked the girl over. She was pretty. Her light brown hair was a little past her shoulders and she had very light blue eyes. So light, in fact it was hard not to stare at her.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said, sizing her up.

  “Hello,” said Sadie. She too was sizing up Katherine. She was beautiful and very pregnant. Thank goodness. “Devlin has told me a lot about you.”


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