Give Me More

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Give Me More Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “You know why you’re here?” Sergei asked in Russian.

  They both knew the answer to Sergei’s question, though.

  “Da,” Pavel said, his voice thick from whatever he was on.

  “Why?” he asked.

  Pavel didn’t answer right away. Sergei gestured for tone of the men to undo the bonds on his hands and feet. There was no need for that. If Sergei were killing Pavel, he wouldn’t do it while the man was strung up like a hog. That’s not how Sergei operated.

  Once the ropes were cut off Pavel rubbed his wrists and looked at Sergei. “You never were one to take someone out while they were tied up.”

  “No,” he responded. “You know that’s not how I work.”

  Pavel just nodded.

  “So, answer my question.”

  Pavel didn’t look away from Sergei after he asked the question.

  “Does it really matter?”

  No, it didn’t, but Sergei still wanted to know. When he didn’t respond or look away Pavel swallowed and started speaking again.

  “Because I wanted to grow within my ranks. I wanted to be top tier. I couldn’t do that with the Bratva. My past was—”

  “Fucked, just like many of our pasts were,” Sergei finished for him. He crouched in front of Pavel, face-to-face now.

  “I’m tired of the way things were,” Pavel said in a raised voice.

  “Calm the fuck down.” Sergei just shook his head. “We were close back in the day, Pavel, but you’re weak, too weak for the Bratva. You fucked up, and you know what happens to traitors.”

  “Yeah, and I see you’re the hand dealing out the justice.”

  “Since it’s you, yeah, I’ll be the one finishing this.” Sergei stood. “I’ll make it quick, unlike others that might have been given the job.”

  Pavel nodded.

  “You knew what the fuck would happen if you went behind the Brava’s back, sold our merchandise, and betrayed us.”

  “Yeah,” Pavel said without apology

  “Was it worth your life?”

  A moment of silence passed before Pavel responded.

  “I had no life, Sergei.”

  Maybe he hadn’t, but that was no excuse to betray the brotherhood.

  “Your weakness isn’t an excuse.” Sergei grabbed his Beretta, checked the chamber, and looked back at Pavel. “I won’t prolong this.” Sergei wasn’t about torturing, unless said motherfuckers hurt women. If that was the case and he got his hands on them … all bets were off and he’d have a lot of fun for hours with them.

  “You had to know the Bratva would find out,” Sergei said.

  “Yeah,” Pavel responded.

  Pavel was too fucked up to care, and Sergei wanted this done and over with. Years of knowing someone didn’t matter if they betrayed the organization.

  “Just do it,” Pavel said.

  Pavel wanted to die that was clear.

  Sergei didn’t waste any more time. He placed the barrel of the gun right in the center of Pavel’s forehead, looked into the man’s eyes, and pulled the trigger.

  The sound of the gun going off had Sergei’s ears ringing in the closed off space. He didn’t flinch, didn’t even move as he watched the force of the bullet going into Pavel’s skull having the guy kick back and fall backward with the chair.

  Sergei watched as a pool of blood started forming behind Pavel’s head.

  “Have someone clean this mess up,” Sergei said and turned to leave the room.

  Once he was out of the processing plant he grabbed his cell, and dialed Yvgeny’s number.

  “It’s done?” Yvgeny said through the receiver.

  “It’s done,” Sergei answered.

  Normally he’d have a lot of adrenaline pumping through him after a killing, but this time he didn’t. He had this darkness filling him. A woman would have helped tame that darkness, but the only female he thought about was Zoey.

  The only one he wanted was Zoey.

  He got in the back of the car and told the driver to go to Yvgeny’s club. If Zoey weren’t working he’d drink. If he couldn’t fuck the woman he wanted, he could get black out drunk.

  Chapter Seven

  Zoey wiped off the bar and tossed the rag into the small sink under the counter. She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling tired, but her mind on one specific person.


  She’d seen him come into the club with a few other men just an hour before. She wasn’t working in the VIP section, but that was probably a good thing seeing as she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since she’d first seen him a few days ago. Keeping her distance was probably the best move on her part.

  “You off for the night?” Axel, one of the bartenders, asked. He was tying a white apron around his waist as he moved toward her.

  “Yeah. Just finished closing out the register.”

  Axel nodded. “Get one of the guys to walk you out to your car. And if you can’t find anyone come get me and I’ll do it.”

  She nodded, having planned on doing that. Zoey looked over at the VIP section, and although it was closed off, with a two-way mirror for the VIP guests to still see out into the dance floor, she could imagine Sergei in there.

  God, get a grip. There are so many other things you need to focus on right now.

  But even with everything going on, her mind a whirlwind of emotions and worries, she couldn’t help but feel that undeniable connection with Sergei. There was no fear, no worry about what she wanted with him. Zoey just wanted to forget about her troubles and think about something else. She wanted to focus on the future she could have, the future she deserved. Even if she only had one night with Sergei, that was better than nothing. That was a start. That was the first step in moving past the shit Rick had thrown her way.

  She wasn’t a fool in thinking Sergei would be the one she started a life with after all of this ended. She just wanted to be able to be like she used to be, to be able to enjoy the little things. She hadn’t been with a man in months. Even those few months she was with Rick they’d only been physical together a few times. But the abuse had never been in the bedroom, for whatever reason, and she was thankful for that.

  Rick hadn’t tarnished her in that way, hadn’t beat her as he fucked her. She knew it could have been so much worse, and although the abuse was bad enough, she didn’t want it shaping who she was, who she’d always been.

  Pushing all those thoughts aside, including the ones with Sergei, she flagged down one of the bouncers to walk her to her car. Even if Yvgeny hadn’t known about her situation, all the girls were protected this way. It was how he ran things, and it showed that although he was in the Bratva, he was also a good man.

  An oxymoron, maybe, but still the truth.

  As she walked out the backdoor with one of the bouncers trailing, she thought about Sergei and how forward she would have been with him if Rick hadn’t fucked everything up. Before Rick had even been in the picture Zoey had been outgoing, loved talking and meeting people, and hadn’t been ashamed of what she wanted. She’d been with a few guys before Rick, and she’d enjoyed her time and youth. And even though she was only in her twenties, so young still, Rick had snatched a part of her life away. She’d never get that back.

  But you don’t have to let him take your future.

  She stopped at the driver’s side of her car and looked at the bouncer. “Thank you.”

  He nodded and gave a grunt, and then headed back inside.

  She opened the door, sat in the driver’s seat, and locked it once she pulled it closed. For a moment she just sat there, thinking about everything she wanted to do. It had been three months since she’d run from Rick and the clusterfuck he’d caused. She didn’t know if he was dead, or if he would even come after her.

  It had been three years she’d had peace without him in her life. Hell, because Sergei was helping her out with a job, a place to stay, and transportation, she hadn’t even been using her full name. There was no paper trail of her
existence in town, and just thinking about that, realizing it, made her feel a semblance of calm.

  “Just talk to him, see where it goes.”

  That seemed so much easier than it actually was, but she was tired of being locked in her own prison. She was tired of allowing a man to control her when she hadn’t given him permission. He’d ruined her three months ago, but she was surviving now, and that’s all that mattered.

  Time to take back my life.

  She started the car and pulled away from the club. In no time she was turning onto the street of the home she rented from Yvgeny. But her heart stopped and her throat tightened when she saw a dark car parked right in front of the house next to the curb. The windows were blacked out, and it was an expensive, but also ominous looking vehicle. She thought about just driving on, because the thought that Rick had found her played through her head for a second. But then she told herself Rick didn’t have money that would afford him a car like that.

  And then the back passenger door opened and she saw Sergei getting out.

  Her heart beat double time, but she also relaxed slightly at the knowledge it was him. Zoey pulled the car into the driveway and cut the engine. Before she could even open the door and get out, Sergei was right there opening it for her. She looked up at him, the shadows concealing part of his face, his big body blocking out the streetlamp behind him.

  Why was he here? How did he know where she lived?

  A million thoughts rushed through her head, but she pushed all of that down. Zoey hated herself a little bit because she wasn’t strong enough to control her desire when it came to Sergei.

  He’s in the Russian mafia, not to mention he worked with Yvgeny. I doubt it’s hard for him to find out information.

  Zoey tried to calm down and forced herself to get out of the car. After she shut the driver’s side door closed, she watched Sergei approach. Zoey didn’t know what to say, or where to even start. She had a lot of questions, but didn’t know if she’d be strong enough to actually ask them. But what overrode all of that was the instant attraction she had toward him.

  “You’re probably wondering why I’m here, and how I knew where you lived?” he asked.

  Zoey didn’t say anything in response, not sure what to say, or how to even act right now. She clutched her purse, her hands shaking, her heart racing as she craned her neck back and looked into Sergei’s eyes.

  “Yeah, I did wonder,” she forced herself to say.

  The corner of his mouth lifted, but his focus was intense.

  “The truth is I wanted to see you.”

  Her heart stopped.

  She inhaled, smelling his dark scent, the tingle she felt in her nose when she smelled his cologne.

  “I’ve been thinking about you since I first saw you.” His voice was deep, his accent thick.

  “You’ve been thinking about me?” she asked, the words tumbling out of her mouth on their own.

  “I have.”

  God. His deep voice. His thick accent.

  Every part of her body ached something fierce. “Why?” she whispered.

  He took a step closer and she moved one back, but the car stopped her from going more than a foot.

  “Do I frighten you?” he asked in a low voice, and every part of her body tightened an inch further.

  All she could do was nod.

  “Why?” His focus was on her lips, and she found herself licking them. The way his expression changed, the fact his pupils seemed to dilate, and the need coursing through her, had Zoey wanting to just throw everything to the wind and give in.

  Why can’t I give myself one thing? Why can’t I forget about everything Rick did and just live my life? Why can’t I be with Sergei?

  It all sounded so easy when she said it in her head.

  Because he’s in the mafia.

  He didn’t answer for a moment, and then he took a step back. “I am.”

  It was then he realized she’d said those words out loud, and he’d answered her honestly.

  Chapter Eight

  Sergei had thought about lying to her, not because he didn’t want to tell Zoey, but because he wanted to protect her. The world he lived in, created for himself, and would be in until the day he died, was dangerous and violent on all levels. There was something about her that drew him in like no other. He didn’t know what it was, but he also didn’t question it. Sergei had always gone with his instincts when it came to all things.

  And they were screaming that he couldn’t let Zoey just walk away.

  She didn’t answer right away, but then she glanced at her shoes and said, “If you’d like to come inside and talk, you’re more than welcome to.” Zoey lifted her head, and their gazes clashed.

  She was trying to be strong, he could see that in her eyes, but he was good at picking up the little details, and he saw were her hands shaking.

  “Okay,” was all he said.

  She didn’t move for a second, but then she exhaled slowly and moved past him. Her arm brushed his, and his entire body tightened even further. What he wanted to do was pull her close and kiss her, and as much as he hated holding back—because he didn’t on any occasion—he wanted to move slowly with her.

  He turned and looked at the car, saw the driver standing by the side door, and he waved him off. The driver would stay in the car until Sergei came out. He followed Zoey to the porch, knowing a lot about her, but not going to reveal that. Not only had Yvgeny told him about the shit going on with her past, but he’d looked up some information on his own, as well. She’d think it was wrong, intrusive even, but it’s what he did. When there was something he wanted, or wanted to know, then he went to any means to find out everything he could.

  She was ten years younger than his thirty-seven years of age, but she was smart, having a degree in business. But just looking in her eyes he could see how smart she was, how resourceful and strong Zoey was. It was all of that that had Sergei wanting her more. But he had to tread lightly, because she knew what he did, where he was from, and that was very sensitive and dangerous information. His life wasn’t really set up to have anything permanent.

  But I can see myself having something more than a few hours between the sheets with Zoey.

  And he would go to any lengths to make that happen, because he wanted her, and he wouldn’t stop until he had her and she was safe from everything. Even him.


  Why am I inviting him in when I know who and what he is?

  She shook her head, knowing she should have just said goodnight and ended it at that.

  She stopped on the porch, turned, and stared at him. Even two steps down from her he was still taller than she was. That had her body tingling, the very feminine part of her rising up. She held her breath, not sure if what she wanted to do—was about to do—was really smart.

  Am I sure about anything in life?

  No, she wasn’t. Her life before Rick had been great. Then there had been that middle that had been hell. She didn’t have to make the second part just as miserable because of the unknown.

  But Sergei isn’t like any other man. He’s in the mafia, deadly, and I know he deals in all things illegal. Is that what I really want to get involved with?

  Even knowing that, and being smart enough to realize this was trouble … he was trouble, she couldn’t let this go. What she felt—albeit fast and intense—was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She didn’t want to let that go, or just push it aside because of all of the what-ifs.

  Just say goodbye, turn around and walk in. Do you want to possibly get involved in the same situation with Sergei as you did with Rick?

  Sergei took a step forward onto the step, and she breathed in his cologne.

  “I’d never hurt you,” he said in that deep accented voice of his. He said those words with such conviction she believed them instantly.

  It was strange to feel like this, to feel anything for a man she barely knew … one she knew was deadly.

  “Anyone t
hat lays a hand on you deserves to die.” He cupped the side of her face, his hand so big, warm. She didn’t flinch, didn’t feel anything but consuming arousal. “Anyone that has laid a hand on you, that’s hurt you, will feel my wrath.”

  Did he know about her past in detail?

  “You know,” she said without thinking.

  He took the last steps to get onto the porch. With Sergei right in front of her all she could think about was remembering how to breathe.

  The world slowed to a standstill as her heart started to race. Not from fear, though, but from anticipation and arousal.

  “Are you afraid of me?” Sergei asked.

  She found herself shaking her head instantly.

  “Good,” he murmured and lowered his gaze to her mouth. “I’d never harm you.”

  How she knew that with certainty was beyond her, but she knew that without a doubt.

  “Do you believe I’d protect you?”

  Again, she nodded.

  “That I’d hurt anyone that dared laid their hands on you?”

  Another nod from her.

  He lifted his gaze to her eyes again. “Do you know how dangerous I am, Zoey?”

  Her heart stilled, and her throat tightened. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “But not to you,” he said in this low, deep voice. “I’m not any threat to you. I never will be.”

  She was breathing harder now, not sure what to say or do.

  “I know your heart is racing.”

  It was. It was racing so hard and fast.

  “I can see the rapid beat of your pulse, know you’re equal parts confused and aroused. We have chemistry, Zoey, that’s undeniable.”

  He was right on both accounts.

  If she felt any kind of alarm around him it was just because of the emotional scar Rick had put on her.

  Zoey forced her eyes to stay open as she felt his thumb move along her bottom lip. Intense tingles started to travel throughout her body.

  “Tell me his name,” Sergei asked, and she knew what he was referring to.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw he was so close to her their lips almost touched. She shook with need, with excitement at the sensations he created in her. He moved them backward until she felt the brick of the house stop her from going any further.


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