3 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 137.
4 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 192.
5 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 143.
6 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 140.
7 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 185.
8 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 186.
1 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 190.
2 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 194.
3 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 202.
1 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 11.
2 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 11. Also mentioned in Moffatt, “Man Against the Barren Grounds,” 72.
3 Moffatt, “Man Against the Barren Grounds,” 72.
4 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 8.
5 Moffatt, “Danger and Sacrifice,” 76.
6 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 114–115.
7 Moffatt, “Part II: Man Against the Barren Grounds,” 82.
8 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 141.
9 Grinnell, A Death on the Barrens, 107.
1 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 205.
2 Back, Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition, 220–221.
1 Kesselheim, “Moffatt Revisited,” 52.
2 Steele, The Man Who Mapped the Arctic, 277.
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